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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 7, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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this is the news live from. its troops out of northern syria paving the way for attack as passed to drive kurdish fighters away from the syrian border cuts accuse washington of abandoning them also the program. environmental activist returned to the streets to draw attention to the climate crisis extinction is taking action in cities around the world paralyzed traffic and buildings. nobel prize for. a trio of scientists for groundbreaking. which
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has led to new strategies for fighting cancer and other diseases. i'm phil graham welcome to the program. turkey is getting ready to launch a long planned offensive against kurdish fighters in northern syria the united states has reportedly started to withdraw troops from the area clearing the way for the incursion us troops were stationed close to the border with turkey where they supported kurdish forces in the fight against the so-called islamic state turkey however regards the kurdish militants as terrorists on sunday kurdish groups in the region held a mass demonstration against the turkish of fences accusing the u.s. of abandoning them washington says it will play no part in the shop aeration. so
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all of this complicates an already complicated picture let's see if we can uncomplicated for you with the doubly correspondence all of us dollars in washington and yulia han in istanbul welcome both let's start in washington with you why is this happening now. well we are nearing fill the 2020 election and that is a very crucial moment in time because as you know there is an impeachment inquiry against the president going so he's under severe pressure domestically and what he's trying to achieve right now is to get some foreign policy successes on his record or he has hardly had any so far and withdrawing troops in general from foreign conflicts and crises has been one of president trump's core election promises that he's made to his voter base that is just like almost the majority of the americans increasingly tired off war so he's definitely trying to get some credit for that president trump also repeatedly said that he believes that isis
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this defeat it he was very much challenged for these statements even from within his own ranks and another very important aspect here is the financial situation when president trump takes to twitter on this matter he always stress is how much money the kurdish fighters kurdish fighters have received how much equipment and that this all goes to the expense of the american taxpayers ok so the president gets to deliver one of his 1st campaign promises that they're the united states. it is double what does turkey in syria. well 1st a full for president bad on this is a diplomatic victory because apparently he managed to convince donald trump to make way for this turkish military operation in syria's northeast despite resistance within the u.s. administration turkey for
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a long time has been pushing for establishing what prison at one calls a safe sewn in syria's northeast the main objective here is clearing the turkish border all syrian kurdish fighters which ankara considers a terrorist prison edwin in recent weeks has also promised to resettle millions of syrian refugees over there now we didn't get a specific timetable or information on the scale of the planned operation yet from ankara but u.s. troops have in the morning started withdrawing from these areas in the north and syria so both. resistance with. president actually goes against. and that's not even you phil that's right and even when he announced the withdrawal of his
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troops from syria the 1st time in december 2018 that led to a lot of criticism from within his own ranks and at the time secretary of defense jim mad as resigned over that decision as an act of protest he has been receiving criticism of course by his international partners and from within his own party lines for instance senator graham lindsey graham one of his most avid supporters when it comes to the impeachment inquiry who is always defending the president on that matter and on that and has now said that it was an impulsive decision of the president to withdraw the troops from syria and he also expressed concern about the about his take that isis would be defeated of a president seemingly did not was not really impressed by any of that and is moving on with his decision so you do your home we have the could who were helping the united states fights isis we have turkey who wants to stop the cook from
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establish themselves in the south of his country so the could still want what the kurds want so who will they turn to to assist them to get that neither of us has let them down. well the syrian the kurdish a fighters that has strongly condemned the u.s. has moved the trump decision here that's hardly surprising offer all they have been for a long time considered not only by the u.s. bought by the international community basically as one of the most effective groups in the international battle against the so-called islamic state now they're basically feeling verner elbel to a turkish assault their impression is that the u.s. has turned its back on them they have also warned that this could risk the fight against isis even more they say many isis fighters all still hiding in the
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area and they're trying to break out other ice's militants now washington says it will be turkey's responsibility from now on to deal with these isis militants and we haven't heard from ancora yet how exactly it's things to deal with this challenge. thanks for joining us both you. and washington thank you. he's playing defense it has put residents of northern syria on edge but despite the impending violence many are determined to stay even if it means risking death. every time one mohamed goes up to his roof he feels uneasy the border to turkey is less than 100 meters away from there people watch him occasionally gunshots fired but the 19 year old kurd says it doesn't intimidate him. we won't leave our land even if.
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we'd rather die. as a border town with a turbulent history 350000 people live here 60 percent of the population are kurds the rest. it is considered the birthplace of the kurdish militia group. in 2011 they rose up against syrian president bashar al assad driving his troops out of the city a year later they defeated the jihadist al nusra front hundreds of kurdish fighters died the people here are proud of the independence they gained. happy and content more than ever before with the kurdish forces keeping order here. but their independence is under threat once more turkish president. has moved troops and weaponry to the border he sees the y. p.g.
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as a terrorist organization that needs to be wiped out. at a party meeting on saturday he left no doubt about his intentions. the operation is imminent maybe today maybe tomorrow. the kurds had tried to appease a safe zone was a stablish along the border spanning 100 kilometers an agreement was reached between turkey the usa and the kurds in september but the y.p. jeep withdrew from that agreement now turkish and u.s. troops patrolling the safe. lies. in the middle of it. mohammed muslim is assembling metal parts for his neighbors the kurds has seen assad's troops withdraw jihad fighters defeated now the 35 year old fears an invasion by turkish troops. more than an enema put them in
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a safe zone should be safe but this one isn't it's a recipe for chaos. also worrying residents the ones plans to resettle 1000000 syrian refugees from turkey to rise a line but there was talk of relocating kurds elsewhere to accommodate them. not an amended plan and mouton money we haven't left our homeland since the war began at a minimum we were shot at by rockets and by grenades but we stayed and we will stay even if we have to die. the people of russell i refused to bow down after all they have been through even if they would barely stand a chance against bad ones army. and i will take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world at least 13 people drowned during a night time rescue attempts the navy italian island of lampedusa officials say 2 patrol boats were approaching an overloaded migrant boat in rough weather when it capsized the coast guard picked up 22 survivors the number of missing is no.
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place in hong kong have arrested and charged the 1st 2 protesters for defying and you know against wearing face masks the demonstrations the ban has fueled days of violent demonstrations in the semi autonomous chinese territory. bomb attack has killed at least 10 people were to $28.00 others in eastern afghanistan the target was said to be a passing minibus carrying army recruits in jalalabad security forces defused several other devices in the area after the blast. the 2nd whistle blower has told us in tel. mogens official said president trump has abused his power by democrats leading an impeachment inquiry and i mean fascinating whether mr trump pressured ukrainian president of the law to me as the minsky to investigate his political rival joe biden and mr biden's son. where's the climbers activist group
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extinction rebellion has begun a series of global protests to pressure governments to do more about the climate crisis demonstrations began in australia and new zealand more than $100.00 protesters were arrested in london here in berlin activists blocked a major city intersection the demonstrators are demanding that world leaders cut the net greenhouse gas emissions to 0 by the year 2025. they call themselves rebels the activists calling the group extinction rebellion says civil disobedience is the only effective way to draw attention to the climate crisis. we decided to do this because for the last 3 decades demonstrations and petitions having to achieved anything even fridays for a future the core of the climate movement doesn't achieve anything with their registered demonstrations so we have to go further it's our duty. and central berlin climate activists have gathered at the iconic picture
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a column. extinction rebellion activists also turns out in belling to new zealand and the dutch says have asked that. and london police arrested several activists as by block the city's main roads. in berlin police have been taken ellis if their tactics so far reactions to the protests are mixed. i usually get around by bicycle yes every. anyone should do something to protect the environment if they can. go into traffic is already stressful and when i have to make a detour because of the protests i don't want to go it's upsetting so. regardless what other belinda's thing these protesters want to stay here as long as possible
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to keep up the pressure on the german government. if i was going along with this process now and database maximiliano is that welcoming many young know what's going on. yes well german climate activists have not only taken to the streets if history taken them in a massive sit down i'm standing in front of the berlin victory column which is one of balance iconic landmarks and some of the people behind me have been here since 4 o'clock in the morning blocking this massive traffic junction and it's really rather peaceful you can hear them saying in the background there was a hot soup kitchen and distributing food among the protesters and this group the extinction rebellion is asking for just sick measures to stop the global climate crisis with this drastic measure here in berlin and didn't do they think anyone is actually listening to them with
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a sort of civil disobedience. well yes they are trying to get the attention through civil disobedience here it's quite peaceful back to the other parts in town at port some across another church big traffic junction here in berlin they have richly tied themselves to the streets and the police trying to clear the sites now and they're doing these drastic measures they say because they think the regular price tests as for example done by the friday for futures activists led by the activists great to tune back weren't enough they want to show civil b.d.'s because they want to ask the global governments to reduce all actions that are in the way of getting rid of the climate crisis and despite the protests what we're hearing reports of the german government's climate plans which had already been criticized for being watered down. yes the german climate packages it was cold it was part of part of it is a big climate protection law that is supposed to go through parliament next week
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has been in the making for a couple of months and was being finally presented last week and was already criticized heavily but within the last week there were further reduction saken from this climate protection goal for example and it's now only giving goals 420-2030 but further goals for its own to 2040 how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are not in this new climate protection measures by the german government and that has given a lot of extra criticism and is also of course fueling the protests that are sausage here in berlin today but are supposed to go on for the rest of the week. thank you . this is dave news live from baghdad still to come. the exotic singing skills turned into a social media sensation after this video of her in the los angeles subway system
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goes viral. plessy championships has been mobbed by control the sea as it wraps up in doha to tell you who took the final. the 1st iraqi official site least 15 people have been killed in anti-government protests in baghdad overnight that brings the death toll to more than 100 since violence broke out last week of the country's prime minister has announced reforms that are intended to quell the long rest but tensions remain high. a country in crisis. the prime minister's efforts to quell the violence had little effect as the death toll rose on sunday. demands for jobs better services and an end to corruption have been met with force demonstrators accuse security units of firing on crowds and deploying snipers. that much of. the youth are protesting peacefully what do they want from us why are they killing us
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doesn't it that our officials have responded with mixed messages the prime minister addle abdul mahdi offered to meet with protesters but he also defended the security forces. while iraq's interior ministry pointed the blames elsewhere. limb connecticut age to evacuate there were no clashes a confrontation between the security forces and the brotherly protesters but there were militias hands that target the victims. sad if it were not the prime minister said the families of those killed in the protests will qualify for state benefits he also announced a string of reforms including an increase in welfare unemployment benefits and to create new jobs officials have asked the protesters for time to implement the changes but gaining their trust will be a challenge. for the nobel prize for medicine has been awarded to jointly to
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3 scientists from the united states and britain. discoveries of the white blood cells. in the body it's the 1st prize in. this year converting food to energy is a process that wouldn't be possible without oxygen but oxygen levels can fluctuate dramatically in the body. during exercise climbing to high elevations or pregnancy amounts of the vital gas that are available for metabolism very. to keep functioning the body cells have to be able to adapt to these changing levels of oxygen but how does this adaptive process work william kalen serpico radcliffe and greg samantha discovered the mechanism behind it but i would say the benefit is understanding these fundamental mechanisms but the practical
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applications are yet to come and that's actually worked through great discovery but it opens up so many possibilities and really creates new new research areas for example in the healing of wounds treating patients with severe anemia or even cancer in their discovery kalen ratcliffe and samantha have laid the groundwork for a new era of drug development one that's now starting to address many dangerous aliments that modern medicine seeks to heal. she won the hearts of millions around the world after a video of her singing opera in an l.a. subway went viral just over a week ago emily's a book opens for the thousands of anonymous homeless people on the streets of southern california but over the weekend she took what could be her 1st step toward stardom when she performed at the annual little italy celebration in los angeles so here is just a taste of emily's a book his rise from the subway to the big stage. her
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. her mom. the. it's quite the transformation alex forrest whiting can tell us more welcome alex let's start with the lady herself what is really the mocha story well she's a trained musician him move from russia to the states in her twenty's and she's now $52.00 but she became homeless around 2 years ago when have very precious violin was taken and then broke and she said that without it she couldn't make ends meet she couldn't pay her rent and she was eventually evicted and i she decided to start singing in the subway and happened to be filmed by a police officer who was there who then posted it on the police department official
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twitter website it went viral is as they say the rest is is history and tens of thousands of dollars have been raised for having behalf of people across the world and as we just saw there she them performed in l.a. in at an open concerts and has even apparently been offered some kind of contract a recording contract so really it is an incredible story to acquire the talent there so she's singing opera now but she was a. violinist on the face of it this looks like a feel good story but it does our window while a significant homelessness problem facing not just los angeles but pretty much around the world that's right and according to the national alliance to end homelessness there are around $130000.00 homeless people across california every night and almost half of those in l.a. county themselves but it is a problem as you say we're seeing across the world and particularly in wealthy
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countries which perhaps we wouldn't have imagined in germany here figures released by the federal homelessness association estimate that around 48000 people live on the streets and all of those on children and there are also growing concerns about the number of people who are dying on the streets the u.k. charity shelter said that last year 726 homes people died in england and wales and that was up by more than a point in just a year so it goes to show just what a problem this has become the figures are increasing why well obviously it comes down to poverty and i think that there does appear to be a growing inequality felt by many people particularly in cities that are becoming unaffordable take for example but live in a rent here over the past decade have more than doubled and just staying in germany the association for homeless people again i said that the country is short of
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around $2000000.00 homes there are also other issues such as mental health problems addiction those can cause homelessness they can also be a consequence of homelessness so although we're focusing on a great story about this singer this you know the subway singer i think we have to remember that there are many homeless people out there whose stories and never told like forrest watching thank you. sport now the. ships in qatar come to a close for the united states dominating the final day is a look back at the action was a day of finals on the final day of a competition marred by low crowds and complaints about the heat was begun with a win in the long jump for germany's man like me humble would be odds world championship gold to last year's european title was in the javelin anderson peters one just a 2nd ever world gold for granada the buy on the track
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kenya's timothy chariots produced a blistering performance in the 50100 meters pitting the front from the opening lot and never letting go of the lead the by was joshua check to guy won a thrilling last lap battle to take gold for uganda and the 10000 meters above. the sprint belongs to the united states a leader led an american one to 100 metres hurdles was dull i'm a hunted i didn't really go to her success on the individual hurdles event as the u.s. women destroyed the field in the 4 by 400 metres time and the men were similarly dominant. right benjamin and could the team to the final gold of the championships to leave the u.s. with a table top medal haul of 29 was a basketball here's and rockets have apologized to china for tweets in support of
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holland coast i'm ocracy protest the tweet from the team's general manager has now been deleted but he did rate fight for freedom stand with hong kong and lead china's state broadcaster to take rockets games off the air millions of chinese fans have followed the n.b.a. team since the former player i joined them in 2002 dolly molé has since tweeted that he didn't mean to cause offense to fans and corporate sponsors but some in the u.s. excluding the presidential candidates that criticize the rockets for yielding to beijing's pressure. this is that d w coming up next on news asia in the philippines more than 6000 people have been killed the president's war on drugs in an exclusive interview with the top of the face president central group of detectives rhetoric is promoting violence it would have been better if he had not. said elsewhere. there's a sense of encouragement that. would be uttering the 1st
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father's will offer about stories on more up next i'll be back live from neutral to talk yeah i'm going to. the be. luck.
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it's time. to take one step further. and face the possible. if you're on this side of love really time to search the gulf. and fight for the troops out of.
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time to overcome boundaries. and connect the world. and sometimes for the to double the job it is coming up ahead. for mines. a world unto itself. with its own gravitational pulls out among. the finest musical compositions. with some mysteries terrific. don't believe if you wasn't to them don't tell me that that's you never from. harvard or yale and the joint you come up in the morning. revealed the symphonies
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of your heart is pumping. how do the romantic master come up with such a pessimist. the brahms coda. the tour 11th on d w far enough. this is a show coming up. his words encouraging violence in the philippines the philippines president has asked for catholic bishops to be killed and for female rebels to be violently punished now his vice president tells deeds of new violent rhetoric like that is the wrong message from the president. it would have been that there if he had not. said elsewhere. there's a sense of encouragement that. this would be funny that i've been home.


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