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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  October 12, 2019 7:30pm-8:00pm CEST

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i. am not proud of my will not succeed in dividing us about not succeeding taking the people off the streets because we're tired of this dictatorship. taking the stand global news that matters d. w. made. me. leave. this is in good shape and here's your host dr constantly could touch. hello and welcome to include say. oh my gosh there's someone lying in the fall. is there a doctor oh it's me i'm a doctor. what you really it's just a medical training medical but what would you do if this we're in a real person this is what i'm going to talk about with nicholas stern
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a man from the german trust. everyone can help you just need carrots. i need hi thanks for missing me today and this is not an actual emergency but i was feeling very lonely i mean this is a place it's crowded it's full of people but i was lonely here doing my resuscitation he says the usual setting while i think many people just don't have the courage to help because they don't know what to do or just don't think they don't know what to do but it's important to help us because an emergency can hit us anywhere on the highway at a rock concert and it's very important to speed it up especially if the heart has stopped beating. it's
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a minor miracle that little talk or does is today able to go cycling with the person who saved his life. just a few weeks ago his heart simply stopped beating. i felt i was at a birthday party and i don't remember much but while we were eating i had just collapsed. that's a huge. yam he suddenly fell over and the knife fell out of his hand we ran over to me and his wife and we tried to talk to him and ask him what was going on. but you could see that whatever it was it wasn't good. you know tile a motionless on the floor. his heart had stopped and no blood was being pumped around his body. circulation had ceased and his organs were no longer receiving vital oxygen. unfortunately the brain is the 1st organ to react to
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a lack of oxygen and in cases of cardiac arrest the 1st brain cells begin to die after just a few minutes hysterically he did mean every minute every 2nd counts it's best to do something straight away for to every minute you wait is bad for the brain. happily your highness did react straightaway. while another guest called the parent . addicks he immediately began to apply c.p.r. . it was like i was in a tunnel i just kept pressing i completely forgot about my surroundings i did what i'd learned to do on my course i just applied it and that's it. your highness placed one palm with cold up fingers on your toes stand and the other hand on top of it then extending his arms he pressed down repeatedly compressing the chest around 6 centimeters that movement forces blood from the heart into the artery.
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rhythm also plays a key role in c.p.r. if you have to press around a 100 times a minute that's enough to keep lifesaving blood circulating. a new long term swedish study showing that mouth to mouth artificial ventilation is not necessary in emergencies. so he saw that if a patient is normally fit and healthy then there's enough oxygen in the blood either to last for several minutes and the various organs but most especially the brain can cope for several more minutes without additional oxygen being supplied. your harness punning pressed rhythmically for the 10 minutes it took the paramedics to arrive and begin defibrillation that's probably the only reason law talk orders to say no lasting damage from the event. then he doesn't if i've been alone when it happened then that would have been it but i was lucky in 2 ways 1st of all that
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people were there and 2nd that the right person was there one who could keep me alive even though. the minor miracle unfortunately doesn't happen very often in germany resuscitation by bystanders is shockingly rare. was completely full of when it often happens that we arrive when someone is lying there lifelessly and no one has done anything to bystanders say they were overwhelmed or frightened. then baikal time passes for that site for station a public awareness event at a shopping center reveals how many people are simply overwhelmed in an emergency. most want to help but don't die of movement that is going to be it's been my knowledge isn't up to date that once again to get down and start addressing when's the last time i did that 40 years ago when i got my driver's license of the problem in mind i'm twit with these when you go into the situation you feel when secure and death is also just around the corner and most people are afraid of that and. as of
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entities if i realised what was going on that i'd help the question is whether i would do it right so. many people who are trying to help don't compress the victim's chest hard enough that worried about breaking grips. and often when some leave when it's a life or death situations breaking ribs is the least of your worries for us a broken rib actually indicates that the bystander did an effective job trying to resuscitate. your him hiller was also saved by a 1st responder his heart suddenly stopped at a conference when he collapsed a colleague performed c.p.r. without it you're him would have died. might have been classified as doctors diagnosed a classic heart attack size means my blood vessels clogged up until they closed completely i also had pneumonia that ignored him not very likely played a role as well so. even after he was brought to intensive care your hymns life hung
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in the balance the doctors cooled his body down dramatically to prevent damage to his brain and other organs can feel a pulse in many patients who've been reanimated venkat a favor of 38 or 39 degrees celsius and that can cause a lot of damage with the right equipment which allows you to keep that temperature at 36 or even 3040. you can prevent that damage. but of course that can only happen if someone begins c.p.r. quickly after cardiac arrest and keeps it until an emergency response team arrives . so if we find someone lying on the ground what you do the 1st thing is to to get an impression of what is actually going on so you have to look you have to talk you have to touch so you try to establish contact with the person so you hello can you hear me hello there is no reaction so you go down and then you have to touch slightly shake the person hello can you hear me hello there
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is no reaction at that point so the person is at least unconscious that's the moment when you have to call for help before you do anything else yes exactly because you get in tangled in all that comes after that so you might forget to call for help so you do it 1st thing. the most important thing is to check for breathing this is paramount because it determines the way of action from that point on ok so how do you do this you just feel 1st of all you have to tilt the head slightly back to open the airways and then you have to go down. and in that position you use 3 census you look down the torso and see if the chest is moving you can hear with your ear if you hear breath sounds and you feel with your cheek if there is movement so those 3 senses and then you go down. and you check for about 10 seconds . if you can it's quite a long time yes or here in the russian you think he's dying yes oh yes if you take
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your time those are the 10 seconds you need to take to save a life so why i said why is it that's important to check if he's breathing or not because they determine what we do next in case this person is not breathing or not breathing normally which means you have 3 breaths in 10 seconds if there's just movement of the mouth without movement but no breath and if there is less than 3 breaths it's no breath and if you determine there is no breath you have to start chest compressions ok and if you determine various breath you just do the recovery position. here's take home message number one for today 1st find out whether the person is breathing on out then you know what to do next. so let's assume this person is not breathing in that we have to start chest compressions because we assume that if there is no grieving there is no such elation so to do that we get very close to the patient then determine the center of the chest which is right
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between the nipples we take our strong hand with our palm and position that in the middle of the test the other hand above it and then we start compressions we want to go about one 3rd of the torso deep which is $6.00 to $8.00 centimeters and then with a beat of about $100.00 to $120.00 beats per minute we start compressions just like this there are quite a lot of songs one of them being staying alive by the band. so he's in the danger is that you can you come out too much that is drop sure that doesn't happen so there is next to no risk of causing any serious damage and apart from that. you can always say that being alive and having a broker. it's better than being dead with all your ribs intact this is right i prefer life so her whole long do you do this to do it's just until emergency
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services arrive so once you start you don't stop and don't you have to be relieved and you have to give the kiss of life mouth to mouth well there are options where you can interchange that 30 compressions and then you do that 2 times that you breathe into the patient but the most important thing is chest compressions so if it is too disgusting if you don't want to do that if you don't feel comfortable with it you just leave it and stay with compressions. take home message number 2 death is in any case worse than a broken rib. in public places you can find sometimes this device medical device it's an automatic a defibrillator yes so it's a very important issue isn't it it is very important because this device can treat heart issues that cause cardiac arrest. ok if you can even use it even if you're not a medical doctor exactly it is designed for people philemon who have no medical training
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so you just switch it on it will start to talk to you as well as it directs you through all the steps you have to take so much to do i just present the green button here exactly green button to activate and then there are those patches here they have this painting that illustrates where to put them and i put it in here there's a little yellow lem exactly and it talks to you actually it does it in a sense what you have to do you know it instructs through to press the blue button the blue button yes. and now the device analyzes the heart the right or the electricity ok at the heart so that we don't do any chest compression right now right now we just don't touch the person as instructed. it determine that this patient needs to be shocked ok and so it directs you in this case to press the red button ok once you have made certain that no one is touching the patient are very important because there's electricity flowing into this patient exactly as they are not allowed to touch exactly ok very good that's it and now it instructs me to
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continue compressions ok no no you're safe you can touch a person exactly exactly. take home message number 3 if there's a defeat were later a tent use it is the best way to save lives. so why was it so important in the 1st place to check for the breathing if you have breathing there is circulation if you have no breathing there is no circulation and with circulation there is the risk that the contents of the stomach will go up the vomit will go down. again and into the lungs which will have serious serious consequences leading to serious illness or death so we have to prevent that from happening and to do that we have the recovery position and this is what we show right now. so. the good news he's breathing yes so what you do now ok now we have
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established that he's breathing we need to position him into the recovery position you do that. towards yourself so the 1st thing to do is to take the arm that is close to you and put it up so it's not in the way. take the other arm and position it next to the cheek and you have to hold it tight because with an unconscious patients it will fall back otherwise the next thing is you go to the distance. and take me put it up and then use it as a lever and then you just push him over like that. you don't need much muscle to do that it just happens like that it's physics and then you have to tilt the head back a little to open the airways and push down the chin to open the mouth to allow the vomit to flow out and you can stabilize this position with a hand that you're position next to the cheek and just like that you have the wrist
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recovery position ok i don't know about you but i myself am always forgetting how to do this recovery position because it sounds very complicated so it's usually a good idea to train this very often like professionals or like lifeguards. this girl is panicking and could drown someone is there to save her but straight away he makes a mistake you're not hold on hold on. one foot is going to cause an accident. in most ways secure the belt. if you go or. if. you. both your nose and the girl who simulated the emergency training to be lifeguards. there's a demand for them during the summer season when the beaches and lakes fill up with swimmers who need to be supervised.
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in mark does makes perfect i always say everyone struggles a bit at 1st we all did it over the years you gain experience. once you've done the training and actually worked on beaches you can cope with any situation. it will actually get worse. but let me. ask you. some 30 would be lifeguards are put through their paces later that day they have to be able to swim 400 metres in 15 minutes. speed is one thing technique another. thank you can thank you can you get to learn the basics all over again oh i don't know as well as the grips you need to rescue someone. some of the training is done on dry land this class is about resuscitation methods . c.p.r.
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involves chest compressions and artificial respiration such as mouth to mouth resuscitation again those are taught a basic 1st aid more advanced lifeguards have to be able to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest with patients suffering from oxygen deficiency every 2nd counts. and that's just what must your compressions massage the heart and help redistribute luggage and throughout the body and the brain. the brain cells start to die if they go without oxygen for just several minutes. so it's crucial to start resuscitation efforts in the soon as possible it's convertible in which. it's the most of your life savers with the german red cross often go out to emergencies at sea so the trainees also need to know some basic boating knots they can be pretty complicated but here to practice makes perfect. the theory part of the training takes 16 hours.
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because they're about to practice with me underwater for 25 meters is do you remember don't take to the progress when you go under and just breathe normally. don't you think i remember to move slowly so you don't waste energy so much from now this year this by also and that your nurse can already swim the entire length underwater without any swimming aids once was is not many people can do you 25 metres straightaway it's a question of practice by the end of the course everyone can do it. they'll be ready for action before the next beach season. you frequently involved in rescue missions so what are the worst kind of emergencies to see get the most type of emergency i would be interested in merchant fees like heart attack stroke or shortness of breath those are the 3 big ones you have normally and what are the
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most 3 complete states being made well the most frequent and most grave mistake would be to do nothing so the most important thing is just to act and not to wait for things to get better so as soon as you think there is an emergency just call emergency services so they can come and help you when i guess it's very problematic if there are children involved so is there anything and we should keep an eye on the children. basically it's the same as with normal patients you try to calm them down and to give the impression that you're there for them so. you just have to think of the parents by doing so because if the child is educated the parents will become agitated and vice versa so you always have to treat them both as a unit we just heard that the most cases you called for emergencies of the cardiovascular system but there mock of emergencies like accidents holy trauma
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leadings amputations fractures and burns. the saucepan slips out of your grip and before you know it you have a nasty burn on your arm where you open the oven to check on your cake and burn the back of your hand. emergency physician stuff on up on explains how you can limit the damage. and trust him it'll last winter for the simplest remedy is tap water as good as a temperature of between 10 and 20 degrees which is just right or diminish who invited freezing cold water or ice is no good because it could worsen the tissue damage. after cooling the injury most people would apply some kind of appointment or soothing gel or perhaps one. hold remedies like aloe vera or yogurt which prevent the skin from blistering but in fact they're best avoided. also and i can't say it clearly enough never put on a serious burn it could grow infected and it also makes it harder to judge it
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severity or type. the same goes for tooth paste butter oil flour and honey. not only do they not help they could cause serious infections. as for aloe vera it's believed to have an antibacterial effect and to speed up the healing process. it's ok to apply it to a closed word but pharmacist deal gets done because advice is to stick to aloe vera from the tube rather than from the actual plant. and don't expect a miracle she says. i thought you snore do you think that was a cooling effect but it doesn't actually influence the band itself. and if a blister forms should it be popped. by these and unpleasant with small burn blisters you can try and pop them sure of it but the problems arise if you can't drain and dry it completely then bacteria can get inside and cause infections and
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kind of finance in your home so it's a bad idea to just pierce a burn blister instead it should be de roof to completely understand all conditions if you'd rather not do it yourself go to your g.p. . dysplastic 1st it was a discharge forms under the blister continuously in the 1st 2 days so just piercing the blister doesn't help and that has a cytotoxic effect and kills the cells in the wound bed a lot of the blister slowing down healing up. i was out in a glister that's only partially the rooftop will always be more likely to get infected and disinfect. an open blister or an open burn needs a bandage ideally one that's antibacterial there are dressings designed specifically for burns they're transparent then don't stick to the wound but stuff on up on and says there's no need for them. on these it's for fun for fluff you
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don't need addressing that specifically for a burn and the advantage is there clear so you can see how the wounds doing over a few days it would have to foot the disadvantages that moisture can form under the dressing and bacteria can flourish and i would always advise using a normal antibacterial bandage and making sure you change it regularly and you can be sick too vague to fix. some burns are so severe that the best course of action is to go straight to a doctor in the slimmer the soprano is the most severe the funds the more painful it will be because the nerve endings and the nerves are damaged such that you know dallas when you really need to see a doctor gets the crown for that so the of year in 5 to 4 that's to go for but there are. so in summary if a burn is red and painful it can be treated quickly with cold tap water. de roof or burned lyster don't pierce it. and don't bother with household remedies
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they can cool the burn wound. healing process. that you have to perform 1st aid in an accident so what about bleeding the most important thing is to stop critical bleeding as soon as possible because once the blood has left the body it won't ever come back at you don't have always bandages with you. well in case you don't have them you can just take anything so any piece of cloth will be ok and even a t. shirt but this may be dirty it doesn't matter. it's better to have a dirty t. shirt than someone who has bled out and is dead. and what about it you need a purse they keep their yes you can have a normal 1st aid kit as home at home just like the one you have in your car for instance to stop critical bleeding that's the most important thing and for anything else you can have some basic band-aids for minor cuts and bruises well in 1st aid situations you have to act very very fast with less urgent issues you can write.
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on an upcoming show we'll be talking about antibiotics. more frequently than ever but resistance is also on the rise what are the consequences and are there alternatives to send your questions to in good shape and d.-w. dot com just right antibiotics in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you. and when you're on your computer you can try to find out where the next 1st aid training courses in your area you would like this wouldn't you certainly because you need to do such a course every 2 years to keep up your skills thank you so much and see you again next week. let's all try to stay. in one shape.
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to. kick off like what's got into me sky st craye or just so much just about all football players have seen in golf just a month. while this morning. maybe they're just afraid of looking too nice to there are still a few on march 21st that could be cool a jerk. 30 minutes on w. . for social change the movement is like
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a mosaic every murder contributes a little stone for women artists from around the world against violence and aggression and for women's rights. for stories of courage and success. little stones when asked for comes up with. 75 minutes on t.w. . or. i'm scared that the they were not hard and in the end is a me your not a lot of the year and more who was into that. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers were alliance of the what's your story ready.
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i mean when i was in women especially in victims of violence in terms of take part and send us your story we are trying in all ways to understand this new culture. for you are not even a turn other guests you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. on what's the connection between bread but home and the european union he knows guild matters d.w. correspondent and an avid baker can stretch this weekend by unwritten rules set by the. she. taught school. recipe for success the strategy that made a difference. baking bread on the d.w.
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. such. as this is the new live from buying a new tacky ramps up its offensive in northern syria claiming it's captured a key border town as turkish troops intensified bodman. the death toll is rising in town thousands of civilians asleep in a desperate attempt to find a safety oh say coming up.


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