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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  October 16, 2019 5:30am-6:00am CEST

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these values developed which. are easy to live by and defend the principles of beauty justice and freedom in our everyday lives. our journey. series starts october 21st t.w. . hello and welcome to this week's edition of africa your environment magazine co-produced by d.w. in germany china stephen nigeria and n.t.v. uganda i am fond of coming to you from kampala here in uganda i'm now it's a me here in lagos we are really and i adamant today we had to do any and we visited a school garden in uganda but that's not all. find out how sure but germany are
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contributing to biodiversity and here how i manage you nigeria instead he's getting his life to wildlife conservation. in ingle fishing is common in west africa's coastal waters there i'm number of reasons for that either there are no regulations all fishel is turn a blind eye in some places gigantic to all this when you've opened china i've depleting the fish stocks one country in the region is taking steps to control illegal fishing and its waters namely like baby we are company the activists on the nile in conservation and geo sea shepherd on patrol. this is robots part comes to town in the area nearly everyone here leaves from fishing but in the past few decades larger traumas have decimated fish stocks.
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local fishermen were getting desperate and 2 the national coast guard started patrolling together with ocean conservation and geo sea shepherd before the start of the corporation few vessels had been arrested since january 27th and 14 fishing vessels have been reported for you now fish populations are slowly returning to the area i used tons for illegal unreported or under glittered fishing. we were like just by choice 40 to 45 percent off our coast by the coming our sea shepherd have given us that opportunity to extend our posture as far as almost 90 percent of our water one shared a bunch have been arrested for are you you have been chinese or asian person to shepherd provides the labor and coast guard with ships small boats and crew they're going to ascension also carries our crews on how to board suspicious vessels at the
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partners in form and train the coast guard on how to carry out security inspections . during this exercise captain until bird food from sea shepherd plays the role of the captain of a ship that's in violation of the low. threshold. it's demented that 20 percent of the fish from west africa is caught illegally most of the vessels that are fishing illegally are from china all the european union. china has the largest water fishing fleet in the world and they you was a country that of the 2nd largest what. a lot of these vessels may be flagged somewhere on the fly convenient somewhere in the caribbean or nigeria somewhere like that and the beneficial line is actually in europe. even though some coastal areas that this is netted for subsistence fishing big international told us catch there illegally maybe areas government does not target. initial means can force the
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regulations that results in overfishing which is a huge problem for the coastal communities and the 10s of thousands of fishermen who live in them the main causes are controversial quoted to standards and you subsidies that distort the market so he's brought food the consequences of subsidize fishing is that fishing vessels will fish until the last fish is taken out of the water the care of your pain subsidized late this fish in 2 and a half percent times dried up this is stable and now. the likelihood of sharks turtles and other large or a mammal surviving in the nets is extremely slim as the net closes up as no more over and fish or turtles sharks will suffocate $100000000.00 sharks every year mostly caught is by courage or for their fins last year on a vessel flying the spanish flag the neighbor and coast guard and the city shepard crew discovered more than $100.00 into into blue sharks have had already had their
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fins cut off destined for engine market the un's world food program fears that talks could collapse by 2048 if the situation doesn't change. a major problem with the person fishing vessels is their deadly efficiency they can suckle it a school of children anything else in it up to a mile is not a huge. the legal vessels off offload that catch on to refrigerated cargo vessels illegal vessels are also all flooding that catches up to these rate the ships so where they catch is a combined into the market as label fish and you cannot keep track of the super trolls and protecting the bears traditional fishing communities their livelihood and that of many marine species is what is at stake. i need the situation doesn't change for fishing communities soon it will. even more problems earning
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a living in our next report we see that the same holds true in guinea where fishing is a major source of income but unfortunately the cost or mongrel forest service breeding grounds for many fish are being cut down to burn wood so dry and smoke but catch leaving the area is abominable to flood yes it is a vicious cycle also sold is traditionally found by hitting seawater over fire but in the move to save the mongols one organization is coming up with more eco friendly have vesting methods. here. capital cannot create the smell of smoke fills the air many families have left their villages to set up makeshift camps along the coast it's the dry season the sun is hot these are the only months that it's possible to make salt. let me i want you say we shouldn't cook the
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salt water using wood anymore. but how else should we do it. if you want us to stop burning wood you have to come and help us. we're just here to evaluate the situation but we'll be back with activists from the canadian ngo adam a trying to develop alternatives to the traditional salt producing methods fatso martis ill and needs to burn 3 kilos of wood to get one kilo of salt and among great forests on the coast a disappearing. look at the brine in this basin has to cook for 24 hours to do that the wood has to be constantly replenished you can see how much would they lose but these are only dry branches the thick tree trunks they used to have no longer exist. but salt making it's not the only threat to the forest they're going to but it's all been eaten away it's terrible. cows are responsible
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nomadic cattle herders have set up camp here. in the dry season there is not enough for their animals to eat inland so they've come to the coast. and the herds came from over 50 kilometers away to reach the coast. that's how it works with pastoral farming. and then they graze on the mangroves. the animals love the leaves because of all the salt in them. a few 100 metres further along lies the port of candiotti 10 years ago the ngo planted mangroves together with the community here since then a thick forest has grown around the village protecting the coast from erosion the village has set up a special forest protection committee now the activists have come to tell the committee about the damage being caused by the nomads cowls. thank you very much for letting us know 1st thing in the morning we'll go to the nomads and talk to
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them we'll make it clear that the mangroves must be protected we'll tell them that from now on they have to make up for any damage their animals cause. the village takes care to ensure that not even a single tree is felled here adam representative mohammed says anyone who does chop down a tree must pay a fine of the equivalent of about 10 year rose that's a lot of money here or there the mangrove forest has been restored here it had been completely stripped this is how we want it we want to protect our environment in its efforts to preserve the forest the n.g.o.s has been able to convince the scylla family one of the largest farmers in the region and its innovative method as before all the salty soil is scraped together and then mixed with seawater and filtered. but now the brine is not cooked over
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a fire but instead placed into shallow pool and dried by the sun. with. the concentrated sale and solution is distributed among the basins using a hose system then the farmers wait until the water evaporates leaving the salt behind because they tried it on their own for a bit then we formed squads and train them properly in the method today you can hardly find anyone cooking salt with a wood fire most of the producers here want to use this technique. on the sill of family is continuing to expand the salt production areas after all the business is very lucrative. they can harvest the salt after 24 hours of evaporation in the sun $15.00 to $25.00 kilos per day per basin that's a lot more than they could cook in a trough. profitable and environmentally friendly that's was
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convince the salt farmers to switch to the evaporation method and leave the mangroves alone. also just seen a few adjustments concept a lot of trees bunning would isn't the only way to generate heat some children here in uganda learning how to make none want to shuffle as part of their core curriculum that project and others are intended to raise the children's hour when it's about and by romantic issues. chuckle break it settle to dry inside attend the syrians here at since his was too high school in uganda make them from paper and consider plans find better. brace for. the chuckle that is being read on the decks and say the jacket will pick 5 be the extension about 3 days here the students use the briquettes for kuki and bake in the projects was initiated by his
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head master before they had to chuckle the school had to buy firewood is that sixpence is nearly $1000.00 euros a month we can retire bowed to one or both certainly thought $150000.00 that was the cost. and so it was it is. it's cuts the cost of cooking here in home and also benefits for schools boarding with producers grew. we use we use our actions from the because to do devastate we use them as our fatah lasers and in ours called god and that saves the hour getting is so clean and so might as smart as sin considers climate smart a culture project dangerous to encourage environmental friendly cultivation and production we don't just cut that ice as you know our guidance which our chemical chemical manufacture from the industry is but when reagan came and us we should get
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from our own plants like green plants we put them in our gardens to make them better and you see they are very mean to anyone is very small but we make more productive by drinks metabolically to a good indication system is key the students set up water channels to provide the field with drip irrigation they also grow plants in small containers and on shelves to use space more effectively and even. all of these jews in knowledge learned in school they are young people we need to train them to find the solution to their environment because we are having a problem of enviroment under some of these environmental problems are caused by human since because it is reputation has spread throughout the surrounding neighborhoods the school set up a shop where locals can buy produce interest is growing we had they are now treated
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for the youth were trained to them in these projects that we have been in school and order some more not to honor a day youth even other communities they call in many groups are benefited a lot since his attorney doesn't restrict itself teaching fiore it also gives citizens the chance to develop volatile practical skills skills that will help them take good care of him fareham and in the future. certainly learning a lot of useful skills but this is the only god and we'll be looking at today in this week we got to niger look at a country that is vulnerable to climate change but there is a green all losses that is sticking ship there to take a look. childhood polio has left so hard or with some physical limitations. this garden in the also
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has changed her life completely in this arid region of new share she's been growing produce organically for 2 years now. and i suffered a lot before the garden i didn't have anything i lived in misery but now it's better i make money with a garden i have food and can buy clothes i can even help others. what i know i will. find. this gardening project for people with disabilities is run by the new gerry an ngo and funded by international n.g.o.s. each participant is providing a plot of land and help to build a well. every plant also comes with a manual water pump seeds some livestock and a cotton donkey. a fence protects the plants
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from animals. 5 years ago this land was dry and bad but mohamedou is so who is doing so well he could buy a motorized water pump some of his produce is now sold in the capital niamey 120 kilometers away. the project lets people with disabilities and an income and it seeks to integrate them into their village communities and the plants they grow help protect the land from the hot sun haro winds. and how about you. if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet hash tag doing your bit. we share your stories. the role of putting here puzzle a long standing tradition in germany it may sound from want to but it can be
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a tough place to actually planning on time for busting because they're hard to break thieves on poland but in germany the roots robust by the ship. is under threat why is that empty well because of increasing industry lies ation in agriculture the areas it can walk across are disappearing and that's why scientists are working on a computer program to help shepherd in the future let's see how it works. shepherdson germany have had enough of the revenues for me to wool and milk production are declining while production costs continue to rise they're struggling to survive so they've organized a nationwide protest outside all the state parliaments like here imports down. prices for grazing land are far too high and supplies are far too expensive 22 other countries in europe want to help their shepherds only germany says no more
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guards are involved. more and more shepherds are giving up we've come to the area of violent off on the border with luxembourg. is one of only 900 to dish will shepherds left in germany who roam free with their sheep he says his sheep provide an important ecological service which most people are unaware of the animals play a key role in preserving grasslands as a unique grazing habits stimulate better plant growth and. it's. just take this area here if we didn't let our sheep graze here it would quickly degrade. we would have holes everywhere. and the meadow would no longer be able to fulfill its ecological role of. intensive agriculture in the construction of roads or residential areas has meant many
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grasslands and forests have been cut through. flocks of sheep however help to connect the isolated bio tapes. like a sponge she furch takes in insects in seeds but it brushes over the ground. just a single flock of sheep spreads tens of thousands of insects and seeds when it moves from one pasture to another. then viewed as. if we no longer keep these areas open if we no longer allow seeds and zone sects to be transported from one area to another the populations in these isolated habitats will completely collapse due to genetic impoverishment. computer experts in the nearby town of noice start under vines have recognised the ecological importance of sheep. with data from aerial photographs satellites radar and legal
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language histories they have developed a software that identifies optimal routes for flocks and the computer system works a lot like a navigation system but in google you just have a car or pedestrian option we on the other hand have 20 to 25 different parameters that tell the software what's important for sheep with this geo information system you can then autonomy create routes for shepherds you could call it intelligent routing and this would be. the shepherds have welcomed the new computer program it's good news for the sheep too as they now have more to eat the software has already helped to identify many new pastures and grasslands back over on the other side of the country the protesters hope that this scientific development will also trigger a political rethink to the shop it's a confident their work is far from being obsolete.
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there will be a future for traditional shepherding in germany and in the world that's certain we're the world's oldest profession and we've survived many crises before but we should rather ask ourselves what future would nature have without us but we're not or. what is true for germany is also true for other parts of the world where traditional shepherds often held in low regard and in conflict with sedentary farm is their flocks helped keep grassland areas and healthy. our next report comes on right here in lagos nigeria concerned about the suffering people inflicts on many wild animals one man has made it his mission to rescue as many of them i think that he set up a sanctuary to help them where he also works to raise awareness about wildlife protection i mean more welfare there's no happiness in these. illegal hunters
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quote this creature in the with the nigeria it's been a captivity in this latest market for weeks now waiting for by. she has been visiting this market for over 15 years his father has brought him here when he was just 9 years old sure sure she. showed. him a soft brakes is hot. so you've rescued as many as you can afford this pool a pint costs 60000 not. a human mission accomplished i said no i'm coming here to actually many of these animals are going to get out of the stairs into a more formal challenge particularly when the last year in a little bit you don't try to be on the news if you want to come right in this location. this is where chinedu brings the animals he rescues the grain syngas conservation god and the young nigerian starts of the century back
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in 2012 using his own money and any donations he can attract he already has an impressive rights of animals in a sanctuary in some cases some of the animals are badly one did their recovery sometimes complex and one of the fish on the ice is really lucky in that you know it's good to marry them in the bathtub with merriment not it's because of the need has been now to another 4 foster dogs where there's no such thing as invasive surgery for even some animals to think about having a dog the vets always want to get i mean it's the drugs but surgery or what if what's the right kind of the animal needs that and that's what one of the birds we have that's what we're going to get that's what what he needs and we need. to come for the opportunity to work and help his brother regain its wings has lost its confidence he doesn't really he wants it's it's only idle so i'm looking for the opportunity to. get it back to his from time to it's shaped.
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some of the animals in china to sanctuary our friends and species from rubles to extinction. like the black crowned crane. really wanted to. play shana in nigeria what was once fun just red and now it's national where has she just said just feel in your seat jewels people feel that. part of your house is in this is just like the landing on your feet if you see them before the world moves across and to see them and she made a once to create an environment where anyone especially children could learn to appreciate the value of all wildlife another reason why i decided to come back to talk that was because yes i'm initially asked i wanted to have
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a 3 day project where i could actually breed designing and have them you know multiply because yes i unindigent animal means that very soon i do eat at which it's going to be used that way and do you have to have losses on them a few other things these animals would soon be extinct so. having them here and breeding them gives room for a lot of people to come and see them ok i had never seen the crane before i had never seen a prettier to go before and seen them like ok i don't know many 2nd seed is in the wind muslims i don't even see them but having them here gives that opportunity and it is ultimately goal is to establish conservation areas placing releases animals into a protected environment. so be sure to join us next week when now they fighting edition of. your environment program i am sunda to nokia signing up from kampala here in uganda and thanks on me june outside way in lagos nigeria join us again next week
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for another edition of eco africa environment magazine about.
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an exclusive report from a destroyed city. in the sun. starts oct 24th on d w. this is news and these are our top stories u.s. president donald trump says he's sending vice president mike pence and feck cherry of state might pump aoe to encourage him to try and negotiate a cease fire between turkey and the kurds the u.s. has already slapped sanctions on turkey for the assaults on kurdish control.


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