tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle October 17, 2019 6:30am-7:01am CEST
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these values develop to constantly. is it to live by and defend the principles of justice and freedom in our work every day. our john. zarrella starts october 23rd w. . hello and a warm welcome to focus on europe i'm a liar about below it's nice to have you with us the debate around breaks it is dividing britain as the rhetoric between supporters and opponents escalates mts on both sides or tuesday of sowing division with inflammatory speech the debates in the house of commons are becoming increasingly heated and the quality of discourse
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has eroded. emotions are running high in the palace of westminster. well the hostility and intolerance has become palpable on the streets since the referendum accusations of treason and death threats have become a daily reality for british politicians and close in london are bombarded with abuse online and they're calling for more protection from authorities. if i go back i don't read the paper. there's a crowd outside the palace of westminster every day made up of both angry leavers and remain as the police often have to intervene m.p.'s arriving for work place verbal abuse and sometimes even physical attack. nigel for raj a leader of the bracks it party had a milkshake thrown at him earlier this year. a relatively harmless incident compared to what other politicians have experienced. i have threats of violence
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including a death threat i've certainly had threats on social media and in other ways but a civil death threats were prosecutions by the police so i sat in a meeting recently with some other breaks or to senior colleagues and somebody said look around so does anyone know how to death right and the answer was we've all had death threats. including tom brake. the liberal democrat is a staunch opponent of bracks that one facebook page contained comment suggesting he should be strangled. varies from low level abuse to death threats i suspect probably every other member of parliament and house of commons has had death threats and there's no doubt that these things have got worse since the referendum mediately all for the referendum there was a very clear increase. and these m.p.'s have little personal security they hold
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surgeries in their constituencies anyone can meet the politicians face to face. tom brakes offices are only locked at night. one of the important roles that a british member of parliament has is being accessible to the public and providing a service people come to the member of parliament about any issue from a difficulty securing a school place for their child through to poor quality housing and if we're not accessible then when are actually able to provide a very good service for people. that leaves them barry exposed 3 years ago labor m.p. jo cox was murdered on the way to a constituency surgery her attacker has links to a neo nazi group. members of the opposition also blame the prime minister they say his talk of capitulation and surrender is fueling hatred is
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hearing from the b.b.c. had a hand in these nice sometimes to death threats and abuse and they think that i i think how the primaries did that i didn't quite see this month i'm going to try you know try to have a god i'm so sick of it with moderates how long we have to come from the time just don't know yes. but pm boris johnson merely dismisses threats of violence against him peace is humbug it's interesting. i. have to say just be crime neighborhoods are home but you know my life. these are the sorts of threats that m.p.'s receive every day usually via facebook or twitter there are references to hanging's and firing squads civil war and gunning for blood there's no way of knowing if some of these users might perpetuate violence in the real world. scottish m.p. lisa cameron has been sent images of rapes and decapitations she's lobbying for new
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legislation that would put an end to online anonymity. the police would say to me were you know we went to see that person and that he you know quite a usual life their. spirit sacha but it's almost like sin is the one line they feel anonymous they feel that there are no barriers to anything that they have to thames of all that you saw in line we need to have thought regulation tom break believes that the political culture also needs to change. the way back is for i mean i think in the u.k. to resolve the issue of bret's it i think until this is dealt with one way or another than we will continue to see this level of aggression the is the sort of language used. for now the brics a crisis remains ongoing and that makes all potential targets wherever they stand on the political spectrum.
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tourists behaving badly it's a daily reality for the residents of amsterdam in the netherlands the infamous red light district attracts visitors from across the world and for some the country's liberal attitudes are license for disrespectful behavior all residents are fed up and are demanding change the city is threatening to impose deep fines for rude conduct and is even considering banning sex work from the city center for women like maria the proposals could be the end to her livelihood. 8 pm in amsterdam doors open for maria she works as a stripper at one of the oldest peep shows in the city but she doesn't know how much longer that will last. i'm sadam doesn't want anything more to do with the erotic scene in the city sends out too much sex and too many tourists maria just conned understand it. she thinks it's one of the things that makes amsterdam unique
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i see more and more people. and before i remember it was a little chinese people. from every part of the war. thousands of tourists wander the red light district streets every night paying at the women framed in the red light windows. 700 men and women sound effects and nonstop. the courts were set up centuries ago it was a profile of assailants. now which attracts people from 11 for the world and that has now become the problem. every morning after looks like this garbage everywhere. the locals a sick of clearing up behind the tourists. one of them is. he's an artist and has lived here for 22 minutes but now he's had enough you have people
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that have doors here they have to clean every day because people are up against it you have people like over there there's a lady she has a sort of you know what i mean. people are pulling in there ok on the on the colonel's you also have sort of shooter dances a little bit you know that people don't see you between the humans are there. more and more residents are taking a stand for us to bury a shows us the i live here campaign and initiative he and his neighbors created it directly appeals to tourists to clean up that when they are there. the district council pays for the posters but the residents still feel the city has abandoned them. when i look out of the window here for a call for a walk in the morning all of a sudden you see the junkies walking around the people who were stoned the people
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who were drunk and in the meantime there's no one here from the government no one here from the council there's not a policeman. asked his wife shows us the view from her apartment in the middle of the district. she doesn't think a lot of the city's plans to relocate prostitution to the outskirts. she blames the neighborhoods disastrous decline on the city's false marketing and an influx of cheap shops that if you were know you want to call down or get this there were more choirs then also it's very important to do from thing about the norms quantity of bob's and give way in the room to you know small a local shops who can make a difference because then people can start and see their real neighborhoods which is here sallie mae has a shop in the heart of the red light district selling homemade fair trade chocolate . she likes having the prostitutes as neighbors. behind her shop she also
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runs an art project for the big east she says the tourists should show some respect to the prostitutes and thinks the city's attempts to throw them out is the wrong policy. i often just hope that it's more the behavior of visitors that would change because it would be a shame if asked to show you know would really have to leave just because people cards don't know how to behave. so what's really to blame for all the mess too many tourists or too many prostitutes the city doesn't want to comment on its plans to move the red light district and rejects our request for an interview. corven dyke isn't surprised. he manages all of the erotic clubs in the district he says the city has tried to cut back on their number before but always in vain. but
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golf along with this is that what's changed is that there's less room now. the city has shut off a lot of brothel windows. and that is new so everything is concentrated on this cannot go where we are sitting and in a few side streets and universe that the district used to be bigger so visitors could spread out across the area and all directions are. marrying is well aware of the dangers of being pushed out onto the streets in the cities periphery. form is the most important to be protected because you know sometimes in the kind of plays that people feel that they can do with it what they want so if you go out in the periphery isn't this protection for us especially for the gears. amsterdam of the city caught between proud tradition and moral decline but it still expects to host a record $25000000.00 tourists next year. many
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villages here in europe are under threat from population young people work elsewhere and the elderly are left behind in spain the rural exit is has left the country dotted with ghost philip except the village of. a small community is doing everything they can to keep it alive this slip proof walkway is just one of the many ways life is made easier their 1st year citizens and the community is thriving . it's a busy day for preschool as a shuttle service it's her day at the village day center in 15 elderly people need to be brought to their appointments. this is until martin. he says is true was long overdue he's turning 94 next week so he wants to look as best. uncurl lives alone he says he has no trouble
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managing since he's still fit. he would hate to live in a retirement home because that would mean leaving his village and moving to the next city. you're going to. a center is all i need i'm happy here you know i get my meals every day and i get to sleep back there in my room it works. just in case elderly citizens have cell phones equipped with a red button that colds emergency services. i'm just showing how the phone works good that's a relief. yes thank god you were probably thinking i'd fallen or something. spain has thousands of villages. around 170 residents live here and 70 percent are over 65 most younger people left the village for the city in search of jobs then
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some 10 years ago the local council rang the alarm bells that was dying out the population was killing. one. another so now you're you know if a grandfather has to move out of his home his children and grandchildren will stop visiting so it's about more than a single individual it affects the whole village. once the elderly go there's no turning around. and sort of waiting for the point of no return the people have per square as a set to work in the village now anyone who has trouble walking can use the blue empty slip paths which help both those with walkers or wheelchairs. there are also 100 longhouse fronts. the center has room for almost 30 people during the day. it offers an exercise program therapy
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a laundry service and lunch for just $250.00 euros per month for squares it is helping its elderly and the elderly are helping their village. montana lowness works as a cook in the center originally from tesco as a she spent many years in the city working in a restaurant when she heard a bit of vacancy in the center 3 years ago she returned to reveal a church and happily left behind the anonymity and stress of the restaurant. and i'm not over here it's like we're a family people treat each other differently if they all know one another and a relative of yours is here right so you get the money away guess my gramma eat it like a gas she's a little confused these days. and they go away happy because here she gets treated well at. least one turn alumnus feels better when she's near her grandmother and that she isn't the only one who is able to return to the village because a job opened up at the center and others found
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a job there immediately so they never had to leave a search for squares or has got younger again. into the village does a lot to ensure that elderly people stay mobile and that the can continue to do things they've always enjoyed doing. armenia sun sun goes fishing with their electric scooter the 8 year old loves the tranquility here and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. i was born here and i want to die here. my daughter is in barcelona as are my grandchildren and i'm still here all my needs are met by the day center i'm good my photos and co martine still has 2 cows he grew up farming for him being able to go outside and take care of animals every day is very important if they ever move they even kissed my head. all
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right because she doesn't want to right now she thinks i have another tree. they're all gone. you know who i have a lot of fun with them. but until still often feels lonely this a new era as he calls or died last year and he misses her terribly to be god over commit i mean if you but he still has almost everything else from his younger days and he's always grateful for that. would you this robin you wouldn't offer locals on the island the we are about to visit it's a delicacy they enjoy either grilled or marinated it's her decision that dates back centuries in cyprus that's where millions of migratory birds stop over in autumn as they make their way south and despite a trapping ban the black market for songbirds there is. some see the traditional
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dish as part of their culture one they are not willing to part with even though many species are under threat birds get tangled in the nets of ruthless poachers. besides. it's 2 in the morning sergeant michael zaccaria and his colleague curiosity was curious who have received an anonymous tip off. but there have been renewed sightings of illegal bird trappers in the british military bases. the police officers set off to a remote field that's known to attract migratory birds the trappers make off at the last minute but leave evidence of their illegal activities behind the net to capture the wild birds you hear that were there any books no no no no no. because it was sitting here on the ground is a signaling device. and dozens of dead black caps. the sovereign base areas police are shocked. i think
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it's about time that everyone under 20 stung you cannot be happen we've had enough yes and this is it and by our presence or never location on the poachers the criminal it's nice to know that we're going to be there. the police secure the evidence later they also find the cultures vehicle the next day they hand themselves in they face fines of up to 5000 euros but not all cypriot police forces are determined to clamp down on illegal bird trapping as they are here. an estimated half a 1000000 songbirds are tracked and killed illegally on cyprus every year most of them are migratory birds on their way south. a delicacy. cypriot conservationists want to put a stop to this illegal killing anti-poaching laws have been tightened under
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pressure from the e.u. but they're not always inforced and especially you would have the support from their politicians their politicians would come and say we need to toggle these and then filters down to. these and either from the judges when the judges they hire and they hand out very low sentences he didn't make those then forces on the ground feel powerless because they are there for serious poaching. and then their jobs consing gives 500 unifying but far from stepping up the pressure many politicians appear to be sympathetic to the poachers this m.p. was photographed about to tuck into the local dish. which is made with songbirds. many cypriots say bird trapping is a local tradition and that the international community should be less concerned with amberleigh pulling out and focus instead on expelling turkish armed forces
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from the north of the island. it would it would be one of the 3. i ate some among the. conservationists use hidden cameras to capture footage of illegal bird trappers the poachers are willing to risk being caught because they can earn so much money with the songbirds up to 10 year old per bird on the black market but the activists are determined every morning members of the organization birdlife cypress go out on patrol they need to be vigilant attacks on conservationists by poachers are not uncommon that's why they want to remain anonymous through. they're looking for evidence of trap or activity it's rare that they manage to rescue birds they're caught not only with missed nets but also with lime sticks so their deaths are often agonizing. these days the poachers are part of organized
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criminal networks. with other crimes like prostitution and racketeering and. you know all these drugs and stuff so yeah it can be quite intimidating for local law enforcement but still i don't think enough is being done in the thickly so whenever i see this i get quite upset at what proper bird trappers distance themselves from the bird mafia the newly formed cypress hunters party argues that the only way to tackle illegal poaching is to decriminalize bird hunting on cyprus as a whole the party is hoping to enter parliament in the next election. people there were trying to find other ways to do the d.v.d. most of the time she really got a voice so when don made that the speech that is to be done it's much worse from illegal. and this is what people have to understand in the part of yemen and maybe people who do you. but conservationists disagree they believe that legalizing
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hunting would result in the complete disappearance of songbirds on cyprus they're planning to carry on their campaign against illegal poaching until the e.u. law on the protection of wild birds is properly enforced now we'll introduce you to a man who once had an extremely dangerous job he used to be a russian fighter pilot and accident left him paralyzed but he still remains a fighter realm in iran and refused to let his disability restrict history to him so he designed a special wheelchair that enables him to visit his favorite places he is proof that in order to move freely you don't necessarily have to stand on 2 feet. oh man iran ian has fulfilled his dream of getting close to the sing. off but yes sure so true freedom is when you want to go somewhere and you just drive off over sund or to
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a pretty woman. i want to go to the sea and i drove to the sea that's freedom really grates you feel fully human players who should have some joy back to life with an electric wheelchair 15 years ago everything suddenly changed for him from one day to the next the former fighter pilot suffered severe spinal injuries in apparently the accident and was paralyzed from the neck down for 6 months to get only of his eyes and facial muscles after he noticed how difficult it was to move around in a wheelchair in everyday life he came up with the idea of an off road. 3 spot when a move of this wheelchair is a 4 wheel drive vehicle portrait of what it's like a tank more or the other more you might ruin the lot of bits but you can turn around on the spots there which would be if it were a man built his 1st offer a wheelchair in 2009 just for himself but he quickly realized there was a demand for them
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a company and callinan grad now manufactures them its 30 employees including 8 wheelchair users the company offers people with disabilities the prospect of getting a decent amp useful job but missed all of this for the wheelchairs that the state provides usually don't do the job but. there are too many obstacles in cities stares everywhere like curbs because. you can't even get into many shops and the. roman iranian is living his dream of freedom and wants to make it possible for other wheelchair users in russia to. now he's also pushing for better disabled access in kaliningrad he thinks fuel obstacles will mean increased mobility for disabled people. thanks for watching focus on europe do get in touch with us and let us know your thoughts and questions on twitter you can also watch our show online at u.w. dot com bye for now. thank you.
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your front and your antonia here's a see here this is opposite us i'm sitting on the terrace in twilight peaceful my 3 grandchildren sleep on trouble that's when i was. trances in germany was split in 2 and remain divided for decades. when your mother was born in 1969 the woman is already 8 years old. my grandchildren the morning after the wall fell born in a marina find a wonderful time a time of great joy. 3 generations one family on a journey through a recent german history. live in. our
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family and us starts november 6th on d. w. . city in ruins are a. symbol of among conflicts in the philippines. between the muslims and the christian population last night as fighters occupied the city center in 2017 president to churches response was. the color of. the ring conquest turned into tragedy this is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did morality become a gateway to islamist her. exclusive reports from a destroyed city. the film of the sights of i.r.s. starts october 24th on d w. this
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is the w. music live from the good man on a mission to stop the fighting a u.s. delegation heads to turkey to try to protest a cease fire and cool to syria u.s. vice president and secretary of state tried to dissuade her to end its assault from the cup but turkey's president is vowing to push ahead regardless also coming up how close to a deal. and european union negotiators appear to be on the brink of an 11th hour sit agreement on.
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