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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  October 22, 2019 6:45pm-7:01pm CEST

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it's finally that. comes out demonstrated demonstrates it in syria. this is business. as welcome japan and south korea have been at loggerheads for a while over the treatment of korean prisoners of war by the japanese in world war 2 now japanese apple make a unique low fanned the flames of the conflict that extent a damaging trade between the 2 important economies and unique lows latest t.v. spot south korean consumers feel the former colonial powers knocking victims of wartime oppression. why the commercial shows teenaged fashion designer care astrologers asking 97 year old style icon iris outfall how she dressed when she was young how did your answers you were my i can't remember that far back. in south korea that was translated to how can i remember something from 80 years ago and thus began the backlash 80 years ago marks a sensitive time for the country it was towards the end of the japanese occupation
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of the korean peninsula and the legacy of forced labor and sexual slavery still strains relations between seoul and tokyo today a fight over wartime labor compensation turned into a trade dispute earlier this year with japan imposing tighter export controls on tech to south korea triggering a boycott of japanese products and its western neighbor. a boycott that's already hit unique low sales and the ad could make it worse. they're looking down on korea they're making jokes and being sarcastic when they really should be going on what they did wrong we can't let this keep happening we have to stop buying japanese goods and continue to do so with pride until japan reflects on its wrongs you would you cannot get somebody in there why are my dad also inspired a parody that went viral and the 2 days it's been up in it a student asks a 90 year old former forced labor about her youth. or she says it's impossible to
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ever forget that awfully painful memory the japanese company since pulled its ad but the long and deeply held grievances over its home country's wartime activities mean some south korean consumers are not only unlikely to forget they're not about to easily forgive either. exxon mobil is in court today in new york for financial fraud the state's attorney general has accused the oil and gas giant of misleading investors about the costs of climate regulation to its business the lawsuit argues that xom systematically minimized financial risks associated with climate change when evaluating new projects on a list say that if the company has been transparent about the financial impact of government action to limit global warming investors would have forced exon to invest less in fossil fuels. now let's get more on that from our financial
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correspondent jill any who joins us from frankfurt several u.s. states have tried to bring climate change lawsuits against oil companies recent years most of failed in court what's different now well the previous these previous cases were brought under this idea that exxon and other oil companies have helped have helped contribute to climate change and they should pay some of the costs the court said that this is not their area to decide on that that should be left to the executive parents and congress this case is a lot different because they're bringing this under a shareholder fraud case this is a very well established legal precedent that this they're using the same law that was used to investigate banks during the financial crisis so there's a lot there's a lot of precedent here if this case is successful what would it cost x. on. the new york attorney general and its and its lawsuit has said that
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there's this fraud because investors already between $42427000000.00 and $1600000000.00 so they could definitely be forced to pay that back to investors but this also comes at a time when there's a lot of questions about the future of the oil industry and this could also sort of dampen enthusiasm for owning oil stocks. chelsea delaney in frankfurt thank you. and now to some of the other global business stories making headlines today the russia africa forum is about to start in such a primitive expects 47 african leaders for this event for moscow africa's potentially lucrative market for russian products including weapons and as the world's leading producer russia is also written to sell grains to africa's ever growing population. china's foreign minister says he is confident of an investment deal being clinched with the e.u. calling the un china each other's biggest economic and commercial partners he also
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warned that the e.u. would lose out to other countries already in china if it delayed talks on free trade which he wants to commence as soon as possible during the years. as pro-democracy demonstrations continue to roil hong kong its government is stepping up financial measures to a transport and tourism but with protests going on for several months now officials are hard pressed to figure out how much money to put aside. this footage shot at the beginning of this month shows a train station damaged and closed off after heavy protests inside prompted a suspension of the entire subway network the stations have gradually reopened in the last weeks but delays in the repair work mean service for the $4000000.00 passengers a day isn't quite back to normal yes hong kong's government has released measures worth $255000000.00 are on the way the package includes items like fuel aid for
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taxis and many buses for half a year. public transport sector has been hardest hit because of this and i mean straight in on the streets. you are. put on all these kind of a something this would help relieve the. operating pressure of the transport sector i think it would but more importantly if so side people come to. harmony. demonstration and then perhaps stop a job and even more then. it's unclear when and whether that will happen in the meantime the hong kong government is also looking to prop up its sinking tourism numbers it's reportedly in talks with the travel industry over additional support in the form of airfare and hotel subsidies.
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you would have thought that people start fighting over something as mundane as it but sand is an essential component of glass concrete is the stuff of which asia's growing megacities are made in cambodia and is being dragged from the mekong river alarming rates with disastrous results for local residents. removing too much sand from the bed and banks of a river can disturbance equilibrium here the may come washed everything away trees the riverside road. the houses are on but you don't put up but it was night time and you were asleep and suddenly we heard a noise we thought it was the children but then the house started to move i was terrified we crawled out and ran away. but now my. cameos the remains of the house to build a shack with one bedroom and a kitchen but no inside walls are a toilet the family collects rainwater to drink and when they look over to where their small plantation once was with their wooden house stood they can see the
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barges on the river high in the water when they arrive empty and low when they take away the sand from the river bed. this is happening in many places in asia in vietnam in malaysia in indonesia sand has been pumped out of the river for years causing banks to collapse and rivers to change course. you know not much water and i don't know where all those people come from or who they are there are so many digging machines i only know that they've come to get the sand. some neighbors have stopped by they say the river has carried away more than 100 homes some are still sleeping outdoors along with their children. but yet i'm off the scent belongs to everyone to el of us goes people are taking it away and driving us to the brink of ruin at one point the villagers were so outraged they gathered on the riverbank to protest. no no no we were standing from here to over there. we
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cursed them and yelled go away go away. but they came back later but we were too poor so we lost. the rich people have won. here outside the capital numb pen there are piles of sand for the cities building sites like this man works for an environmental n.g.o.s. 2016 which checked official shipping documents and discovered that cambodia had claimed to be sending a little sand to singapore singapore registered many times more so something doesn't add up but the government has never commented on this. and that sound used to be something that never ran out but now it's become a sought after resource and the foundation of the wealth of cities. now is the. taxi the future of public transport the germans. think so tested one of its
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flying taxis in singapore. to test flight in singapore involved a pilot but the final version will be able to fly without one of all a coptic can travel up to 110 kilometers an hour carrying 2 passengers and their luggage bill to cover short distances it can stay in the air for 30 minutes the company believes its biggest market will be cities like jakarta and bangkok which suffer from intense traffic congestion. many of the world's largest biggest cities are in asia so obviously this is an aftermarket price and we see great progress on the side of the authorities off you know making new modes of transportation available so asia is a natural fit for proper. fall a cop who says the service will likely appeal to business travelers eager to save time but is hoping that the general public will one day. be able to afford it to. the follow up there is an electric power drone which runs on 18 brochures as
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a result it's much quieter than helicopters which require fuel. to german startup is backed by car maker di miller in september he denounced it was joining up with the holding group which will bring its air taxis to china which they hope will be the future of our ben travel. to try it out that's it for me and the business team for more business news interviews exclusive features that are circled dot com slash lives stay tuned for that right after this quick look at global markets at this off.
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kilmeny the tumbling dice are and i as game changers or dealing with any and at that i killed many civilians i mean gosh coming to clearing my father says i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself lactase totally but suddenly life became alledge kind of sob. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines. luxury behind the mirror humans are exploited and animals cruelly slaughtered big brands have committed to fair working conditions and sustainable production but who is monitoring the subcontractors and investigative documentary goes to glee and china and looks behind the glamorous facades of fashion houses look jury behind the mirror starts november 5th on d w. 2 your france dear antonia dear cecilia
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this is opposite us i'm sitting on a terrace in twilight it's peaceful my 3 grandchildren sleep on trouble that's asked out when i was 8 france's age germany was split in 2 and remain divided for decades and it was my given when your mother was born in 1969 the world was already 8 years old you know my grandchildren were born after the wall fell born in a dream unified june and a wonderful time a time of great joy. 3 generations of one family on a journey through recent german history. the berlin wall. family. starts nov 6th on d
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w. place . this is c w news live from berlin and the fate of syria's kurds hangs in the balance as a fragile cease fire expires in just a few hours time the turkish and russian leaders hold crucial talks on the future of northern syria they are giving a press conference right now we will have the very latest and the emperor a sense to his throne japan's now quito formally proclaimed himself the new head of the world's oldest hereditary monarchy. plus a dark side of a beautiful game the rest of the.


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