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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  October 24, 2019 4:45pm-5:01pm CEST

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served to become a citizen. migrants your platform for reliable information. the end of an era mario draghi hands the helm of the european central bank to christine lagarde he is held as the savior of the euro by some but many are saying he's leaving behind a weak currency that won't survive the next crisis. our way or not our way germany is governmental regulators under fire for green lighting the chinese company's products for the country's 5 g. infrastructure. stuck in the middle serbia vows to boost economic ties with russia while it also strives to become part of the e.u. . this is business. as in the berlin wall come
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and we start in europe after 8 years at the helm of the e.c.b. mario druggy is final policy meeting is famous 2012 statement whatever it takes to preserve the euro at the height of the financial crisis will go down in history successes leaves behind a divided governing council last month a 3rd of its members oppose his move to restart quantity of easy printing money to buy bonds from governments and companies as a way of stabilizing the euro zone. his final press conference that ended just minutes ago he was asked by a reporter what kind of advice he has for his successor christine lagarde here's what he had to say. this is the she knows perfectly well what would she has to do and by the way she has a long period of time ahead you know we should have to floor him her own view too
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good that we can go in council about what to do but the stop here really. so that britain sells it doing a financial correspondent in the front 1st who is listening to this full statement he leaves an empty also know that for his successor christine legarde a chemist speck the change of direction from. christine lagarde and all of her public statements so far has sort of mirrored druggies policy she said this sort of highly accommodative policy is warranted if you look at the european economy at the same time there are sort of these of these bigger questions of what does christine legarde have at her disposal now you know mario draghi has really taken monetary policy to the edge of what's possible and there's a very definite questions about that there are a lot of discussions about things like raising the limit of bonds that. the e.c.b. could by cutting rates even lower but even in the press conference today mario
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draghi was sort of just stressing how there is a diminishing return as you get lower and lower and policy here she is also going to focus much like job he has on the capacity for fiscal easing or for fiscal policy and countries like germany we've heard her speak about that many times. over there in front a mole in the fight in front of the circles what's the overall verdict about the drug use tenure was he a good c.b. books. it's certainly a mixed mixed assessment here as as you sort of mentioned he's widely credited with saving the euro 1st sort of bringing the european project back from the thing brink of collapse he's mentioned making creating 11000000 jobs over the course of these 8 years at the same time has has he met his mandate i think most people would agree no. the e.c.v. still has not been able to reach 2 percent inflation there's a lot of concern about. negative side effects of these policies as well shows
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a delay me there thank you very much the eurasian economic union economic bloc led by russia is set to sign a free trade agreement with serbia tomorrow and it aims to streamline and boost trade the. e.u. is an economic union that come cohn's 5 members russia belarus kazakhstan kurdistan and armenia founded in 2015 of the last for the free movement of goods capital labor and some services serbia high hopes for the new deal that guarantees tariff free access for over 99 percent of its exports to the bloc opening up a market of around $182000000.00 customers but the balkan nation is also waiting to join the e.u. if that happens brussels is serbia will have to drop any prior commitments with the
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you. i love serbia the hash tag that the balkan country has chosen as an advertising slogan and it hopes foreign investors will say the same president alexander showed up here for a contract signing ceremony as german companies agreed to plough 300000000 euros into new factories in the country serbia is rolling out the red carpet for firms that create jobs. it went very fast was very well coordinated and left a thorough professional impression that the kind of environment investors are looking for. serbian pharmaceuticals company haymow farm which belongs to the german shadow group produces around $200.00 different medications that are mostly ships to the e.u. because there are practically no customs or tariff barriers on goods made in serbia delivery doesn't pose any problems still german companies would like to see serbia's accession to e.u. membership done and dusted for once is reached it's just that it's important to us
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but it goes through the accession process especially when it comes to reforming the judiciary and bureaucracy in general that's important for companies in terms of both implementation and legal security to be to you know the most graphic design overview of the name but the negotiations on the e.u. membership for serbia have stalled one big hurdle is a difference of opinion between the e.u. and serbia on the status of kosovo. i don't care whether we're in europe or north. like i said there are some benefits for example for travel and such maybe even just there. it's also about corruption the rule of law and everything else like that that doesn't work here the justice system press freedom it all needs to change if we want to be a member of the e.u. . while negotiations drag serbia is turning to other potential partners and looking to close
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a free trade agreement with the russian dominated eurasian economic union business consultant draggle bragg thinks his country's agriculture and construction sectors would benefit from closer ties with the e.u. to people from government a being that now in these preparations days or. maybe this can be useful for part of the serbian ikhwan. currently however serbia still exports nearly 10 times more goods to the european union than it does to your asian economic union markets save deals that might alienate the e.u. are a tricky balancing act. there's a debate in germany right now over which companies will be allowed to develop the country's 5 g. networks the latest high speeds mobile technology the german government has not excluded huawei from the outset unlike australia and of the united states if the
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chinese telecoms corporation could open the daughters and cyber sabotage concerns are growing in germany to 5 g. is set to change our infrastructure our economy and daily lives as we know. self driving cars robots delivering packages large machine parks linked without cables 5 g. will make all this possible the high speed network is still being developed but once up and running it will shape everything our daily lives our future all that we do it security is there for a hot topic and can that be guaranteed with chinese telecoms corporation while way . that citizens saw effectively nothing has changed we are still not going to exclude any company from the outset but we are drawing up a catalog of detailed tight security restrictions for the on an oath that means that the german ministry for id security will conduct checks on key components of
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the 5 g. network providers themselves however could merely be required to submit proof of trustworthiness that's enough for the german government but not for security officials and there's concern among politicians now to fiesta the worst case scenario would be the network being switched off from outside the country by a foreign state actor like china for example i don't top of that we make ourselves liable to blackmail in trading situations simply because a state actor has the possibility of halting our systems get a guy in the it's not about the company it's about the influence the state in this case the chinese state has on the company the legal pressure on it whether that company likes it or not it's. just. china's reputation as a north or a tarion nation without a democratic judicial system makes trust generally a complex issue should a chinese company be part of building the network of the future australia new
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zealand and the us say no but while waiting ology has long been a feature of german communications networks both because it's technologically advanced and because it's relatively cheap there are 2 european alternatives nokia and ericsson via the french but if we say that we need technological autonomy in europe then this is the time to start especially as we already have 2 options i had with so many questions still unanswered well away is likely to overshadow the german chinese trade relationship for some time to come. lawyers for foreman is on chairman collins go on want of financial misconduct charges against him to be dismissed in a court filing in tokyo they argue that the case against him is the product of unlawful collusion between prosecutors and this on executives with an axe to grind they say the brazilian businessman who is currently on bail awaiting trial is not
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receiving a fair hearing. it's the latest salvo of a man who has gone from legendary auto boss to accused criminal carlists go on now said to be too weak to appear before the media set his lawyer to deliver the bombshell claim that he's the victim of a set up. this case have briquet it is a nissan was concerned that if go on continue to stay with the company renault would take over a nissan the company wanted to somehow alst him from this they wanted to fabricate a case. the allegation now laid out in full is that go in was targeted to protect a key japanese firm from foreign hands. if dismissed by the court go in could get face years in prison for financial and that's all meant. it's a far cry from golan stays mixing with president as the head of an international car lyons between renault nissan and mitsubishi. nissan has so far
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declined to comment. and that's it for me on the business team yeah berlin for more business news story is check all d.w. dot com slash business our web site also. we go here's a quick look at global markets at this. euro
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. what unites. what divides.
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the coming. trudging force. what binds the continent together. the cancers and stories of plunging the. spotlight on people. 30 minutes on d w. i'm not laughing at the germans because sometimes i am but those that nothing with the time and the budget i don't think deep into the german culture. knew did seem to take those gram a day out to you because it's all that they know i'm right oh joy make me the devil bundled up post. climate change sustainability. environmental danger. we give globalization affairs biodiversity species
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conservation exploitation ebola the. human rights displacement publisher of the global impact of local action. 3000. mile milk and i'm just the brand new delusion ivana's poking it's personal it's divisive there's about topics that affect a whole lot of solution for climate change and the turn. for marine 1st shutout.
5:01 pm
this is g w news live from berlin and nato grapples with turkey's incursion into northern syria the alliance is meeting to hammer out a unified response as nato member turkey conducts operations in its self declared safe zone in syria with the assistance of russian troops also coming up russian president vladimir putin welcoming african leaders for their 1st ever summit focused on trade moscow is looking to expand its influence on the continent we'll tell you what's at stake.


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