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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  October 26, 2019 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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it was also is maybe the best thing skateboarding qualification starts in may and there are 80 spots available for the 2020 summer olympics. you're watching news from berlin coming up sex robots every place real humans in relationships for the answer in shift magazine on the digital age you're watching t w so you can see. people make fun about their own economic and political problems. because saying that you have to laugh so you don't write it's how people call me. as i often call cultist talking in that less eloquently. a leftist tackling day by checking all those jobs finding out what people are talking about what is moving that. my father taught me how to ask uncomfortable questions about
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my country and to book that is what i keep doing to this day my name is fadi self and i work at. building robots we can relate to emotionally that's just one goal the industry has set. but what about genuine relationships between humans and robots is that possible can robots interpret emotions can artificial intelligence have real feelings. and emotions that's our topic on today's jim. researchers the world over are working on humanoid robots machines that resemble people as closely as possible they are computer brains capable of artificial
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intelligence and meant to serve as genuine partners the sex industry in particular hopes intelligent sex robots will be real moneymakers so far more sex robots have been made to appear female look immaculate and be eager to please but they don't come cheap depending on the features they can cost up to 10000 euros what makes them so special. this is one of the sex industries machine humans it doesn't really seem all that human it's facial expressions are rather limited female robots are called gyno it's their male counterparts androids unlike conventional sex dolls very few sex robots equipped with a i have been sold to private persons these robots have heads with what's called a responsive interface this is where the artificial intelligence is housed that enables the robots to retract with their environment at
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a very basic level. engineer said he sent us a barcelona researches with sex robots his machines have sensors that register with the dollies being spoken to or touched. the wrong. data from the sensors are processed in an artificial brain the robot then responds with various emotional states friendly. romantic or sexy. most sex robots like these have been shipped to special brothels places selling robot sex are cropping up all around the world one hour with this robot in barcelona cost around $100.00 euros the united states is planning adult entertainment centers that advertise a loving respectful relationship with sex robot partners you just have to approach the machine of their interest with care before taking things further. reducing or
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even loving a robot. what does the robot get from it they can surely feel anything or can they this is a question for japan's best known robotics researcher professor hugh russia ishiguro he became famous after building a robot clone of himself spooky or spectacular either way the japanese government is subsidizing his works with millions of euros the aim is to bring man and machine closer together whether we are doing now is that we try to implement the intention to the robot and then other over the can become more on him are like you know you can have a more human and. into our communications interaction with his brother people and over the counter stand if people is in danger we wanted to see for ourselves in hiroshima she grows lap one test subject confronted erica the robot with rejection do you think her response is authentic are you sure you would like me as
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a teacher yeah i'm pretty sure. i do. yeah i'm doing everyone. i need to remember this. time to. come speak. with enough training robots can appear to have an emotional response using machine learning artificial intelligence can adopt an appropriate motion reaction to a given situation and demonstrate it with facial expressions. or spontaneous conversation it's not very convincing german chancellor merkel explains to robot sophia that many germans are disappointed at being knocked out of the world cup but sophia takes a while to react. to be honest the savings are all quite sad.
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she looks set to. some say to experience genuine feeling robots need the ability to experience pain reflex responses to pain or fear triggered by hormones help their ancestors to survive or we'll never be able to feel like humans because feelings and emotions are a product of evolution so we don't mortality with sickness without pain there is no way a machine really feel can really understand what feelings artificial intelligence committee commotions show proper responses that does affect the humans present. the robots human like movements create a stronger bond between human and machine. they see a real problem there i think we should always be aware computers are our slaves
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and brought. to work we tell them to them but they shouldn't think emotions because that can be misleading for the use of more of an application which when there are the people that promotes a companion for them for their private life robots are just machines and they should be treated the machines. that's a tough statement sure i can agree that 1st and foremost robots are machines but to consider them slaves they do do the work that we ourselves cannot or would rather not do there's plenty of examples for that. social and service robots are already on the job and they can be more or less humanoid often they wheel around in the service and entertainment sectors a bank in japan has them greeting customers and airports they can provide information in many different languages at a library in germany they help people find the books they are looking for so the
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better artificial intelligence can understand people the better into action is this custom annoyed is that child scared is this patient stressed the robots have to be able to spot feelings like this quickly and reliably it's called affective computing and this is how it works. he's looked me in the eyes so i can recognize your face. the slightest movement in your face can reveal a lot about your feelings. social robots like stan the so-called my current special . it's just one of the ways they assess human emotional states. because of emotional. expressions where your mouth your eyes look different your new. pictures of people with different kinds of emotional labor. to find the future of.
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the motion but this is how machine learning works algorithms are trained to recognize certain patterns the software does this with learning data and it's only ever as good as the learning data provided if the data is flawed or biased the software learns to draw the wrong conclusions. after interpret enough data artificial intelligence has learned to gauge a person's emotional state and react to it. but i robot's can also register other parameters such as your heart rate using a smart watch even a built in camera an elevated heart rate slightly flashes your face. analyzing a person's voice can also provide information about their emotional states. if. you if you robots can utilize all these methods and no artificial intelligence has yet been able to interpret human emotions with perfect accuracy.
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really and here i thought robots will soon be taking over the world. that was sarcasm something robots really understand even so expose i expecting the market for humanoid robots to grow over 50 percent by 2024 with the eastern asian countries especially china and japan leading the way robots are already members of some japanese families young as she does from tokyo chat and play music with their robots. i don't know if he knows what i'm feeling but he says comforting things at the right time and mama i love you. not going to tell me the only my friend and partner the robot senior citizens homes in many countries including germany and japan are already experimenting with the idea in japan they've made great strides that also has to do with japanese beliefs.
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many japanese people believe that inanimate objects have souls so robots can too. besides they're practical they can help replace caregivers in japan's rapidly aging society. and i think that we're trying to train more stuff but there aren't enough what we need robots and we need more foreign personnel i think those are necessary. that explains why the 1st test runs with robots are so interesting for elderly and other patient care. tepper entertains and coaches the residents of a nursing home. is 30 centimeters tall coworker apollo does 2 humanoid robots help the human staff and sometimes even fill in for them the scene you see here have been responding well sometimes the people cannot process the people in or
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with you know the. very end of their feeding the pressure. from normal people by the. you don't hear the new pressure from the robot so nobody can be a good part composition or part of horse preserve or there is. this robot baby seal reacts to touch with childlike noises. seniors who suffer from dementia pad them and enjoy how they respond. social robots are being tested in other medical areas as well some researchers are hoping to use them to improve the social skills of autistic children robots are the perfect combination there are social enough to get people to respond to them but they're not too social that they provoke any kind of anxiety but their p.c. aims to be working for robert in connecticut in the us his interaction became more consistent and i can track him where it is this consistent it really just showed me
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how great he is and how quick he is robots can help people and interact with them but i don't think they can replace humans when it comes to personal relationships and on top about what does it even say about our society if we use robots to care for the elderly or a sex partners personally i'm not thrilled about pretending that robots where human we need to see things for what they are into acting with them changes us to and might reveal more about who we really are do we need regulations for dealing with robots let us know what you think on you tube facebook or a d.w.i. that was it for shift. thank you.
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he has long been a monster at making station wagons when you are a sick son toasts tremendous performance that really wasn't any tougher. such as. the most eighties $1020.00 s m b the bus and sedan has been an object of love and that no ration for 60 is. driving. on d. w. . luxury behind the mirror humans are exploited and animals cruelly slaughtered. big brands have committed to fair working conditions in sustainable production. but who is monitoring the some contractors.
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and investigative documentary goes to italy and china and looks behind the glamorous facade of fashion house a. luxury behind her starts november 5th column t w. hello and welcome to drive with the car magazine today the v.w. i d r record attempt in china. pure driving fun in the 595 . and the new. x. seat.


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