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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  October 30, 2019 11:30am-11:46am CET

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big brands have committed to fear working conditions and sustainable production. but who is monitoring the subcontractors. and investigative documentary goes to italy and china and looks behind the glamorous facades of fashion houses. in luxury beyond the world stores november 5th on t.w. . time to take the foot off the debt breaks as the world economy slows incoming e.c.v. chief christine legarde says germany must start spending again we talked to the architect of germany's fiscal austerity mechanism and even he says debt is not just money all it's an investment in the future. and boeing's chief executive it needs
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to lawmakers we've made mistakes one year after the 1st of 2 fatal crashes of the boeing 737 knocks things c.e.o. says his company quote deserves scrutiny. this is either your business i'm down to earth as in bergen welcome germany must increase its spending to help the slowing global economy according to incoming european central bank chief christine lagarde the countries which have budgetary space have not really made the necessary efforts she told french radio station r.t.l. on wednesday after the 2008 global financial crisis berlin put a cap on borrowing 10 years of fiscal restraint later infrastructure is crumbling economy is stalling interest rates are near 0 the guard is joining a growing chorus of experts who say germany should stop its obsession with saving and stop borrowing. driven by the high costs of german unification germany's
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debt to g.d.p. ratio was approaching 80 percent as the financial crisis hit so berlin pulled the brake money the debt break that's the name given to the balanced budget amendment added to the constitution 10 years ago under it the german government can only take on new debt up to 0.35 percent of economic output and it restricts state and local authorities ability to borrow beyond their means so far so good germany weather the crisis and for the past 5 years it's managed to raise public spending without incurring new debt thanks to a rebounding economy. balanced budgets have brought its debt under control but at the cost of stinginess when it came to things like infrastructure and schools with borrowing costs at record lows some are questioning the wisdom of these tight purse strings including other european countries who help more german spending without
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boost their economies. so is it time now germany starts to rethink debts and borrowing one ben says so and ironically he's one of the architects of the so-called debt brake is the economist christian cust hope he joins the joins us now from does local morning you helped invent the debt break why the u.-turn now. yes good morning yes i helped to invent the debt break because i think the overarching goal of fiscal sustainability for the long run is something we really have to safeguard but as with everything in there is a say never over do a good argument and this is what has been done in the last years especially if we look to the state overachievement the german government put on that debt break which is a the name of the black 0 and i think this is really overdoing it not using the
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possibilities within the depth break and on top of course there are issues now so relevant especially for the future which also is for growth and long term sustainability which we really need to use all possibilities within the system and spend more yes why is now the right time you said there are some issues that are pressing why is now the right time. i think 1st of all if you look at the local level in germany which is responsible for the most part of public investment i think we have in a lot of areas regions rotten infrastructure this starts from road suing system schools and this is super important that this gets into better shape and this is leading to another issue we have to spend much much more even the dynamics of the global economy innovation the scions education technology and i think we have this 0 interest rate at right now and i think this is what we also should use
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in addition to the possibilities that they're giving us this is not only an economic or political argument it's also psychological isn't it why is germany so afraid why ob german so afraid of debt. i think this is a bit yeah you can say the heritage of the german past the so i think germans have always been very very sensitive to inflation and to debt but sometimes they forget that you need some depth to finance the future and this is probably what politicians have to tell people and then i think also the german mood will change i hope at least a bit that this is not giving away goodies for the past and this is what unfortunately the last 2 great coalitions have done there was money there was money in the last 10 years due to the very good situation of the german economy but they didn't spend it for the future so for productivity and those investments i just
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mentioned i think if you tell this to the people it's for the children for the next generation i think we could overcome this typical german problem quite earth a bit. thank you very much for that analysis that's. german exports will shrink next year for the 1st time since the global financial crisis begs it and trade disputes are going to hit europe's economy economic powerhouse hard that's according to the german channels of industry and commerce the business network based its gloomy outlook on its annual survey of 28000 german business leaders the organization said it hasn't seen such as samisen among german companies in more than a decade. german chemicals make a buyer says there has been a significant surge in the number of fly for said court cases especially in the u.s. the number of plaintive small then doubles to almost 43000 with within just 3 months
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law firms increase their t.v. and online ads by our acquired the us i wrote chemical company monsanto along with its life as a base wheat killer round up last year now it faces have an integration costs plaintiffs claim that round up because their accounts are something that disputes bio's trying to reach a settlement after a court rulings against them. out as fair enough financial correspondent tried to delay any and frank for chelsea how close is buyer to a settlement. this is these discussions are certainly gaining steam and i think the surge we're seeing in new lawsuits is definitely going to add pressure on buyer to to reach a settlement soon so they've already lost about 30000000000 dollars in market value as a result of these court cases in the u.s. they've also aready lost 3 of the of the cases they've filed in the u.s.
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each of those cases they ended up paying in the 10s of millions to each plaintive so if you extrapolate that this could be very very expensive if buyer tries to fight 43000 lawsuits there and settlement and they say they continue to on those i think the important question is going to be how much how much do they have to pay a buyer so that they're open to a settlement but they want to be global and to resolve them of all litigation the number that analysts are really keeping an eye on here is the $8.00 to $12000000000.00 range so i think it's going to sort of be in that area some new figures their boss by also reported solid quarter 3 earnings today to tell us more about those this is really been a trend for a buyer over the past couple quarters there their underlying business seems to be holding up quite well their crop science is business there pharmaceuticals business they both saw sales growth in the 5 to 6 percent range and the stock is definitely
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rising as well as of about 2 percent today so i think this is this is these legal challenges are definitely an overhang for them but for now the underlying business does seem to be doing quite well so the gloomy in front but thank you. could be its biggest order from a single ally $300.00 of the company's a $320.00 neo dates will be soon fill out indian budget carrier indigos roster the deal is thought to be worth at least 33 $1000000000.00 the latest order makes indigo the biggest customer for the series of planes with a full $730.00 units in its fleet model is the main competitor to boeing's troubled 737 months. and meanwhile boeing c.e.o. dan is a $1000000.00 admitted to a u.s. senate committee that his company got things wrong in the development of the 737
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months tuesday's hearing became exactly one year after the crash of a 737 months caused by a faulty flight assistance program only weeks later a 2nd accident with the same type of act likely caused by similar problems relatives of the 746 people killed watched mr moon as he admitted that the company's made mistakes on behalf of myself and the boeing company we are sorry deeply and truly sorry as a husband and father myself. i'm heartbroken by your loss it was an emotional address delivered exactly a year after the crash of a 737 mosques in indonesia that killed everyone on board in march of this year tragedy struck again when the same model came down in ethiopia. since then 737 mock
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have been grounded the clashes are thought to have been caused by a software fault u.s. lawmakers accuse boeing of knowing its systems were subpar and of failing to train pilots adequately those pilots never have a chance. these loved ones never had a chance they were in flying coffins as a result of boeing deciding that it was going to conceal and carry us from the pilot boeing's barthez the company recognizes its failings and is committed to doing better in the future. we've made mistakes and we got some things wrong we're improving and we're learning and we're continuing to learn this 737 markets will stay grounded until further notice a major financial blow for boeing and cold comfort for the friends and loved ones of those for whom that precaution has come too late. u.s.
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italian carmaker fia chrysler and france's persia are in merger talks according to the wall street journal a deal between the comic has would have a combined market value of $50000000000.00 it would be fear across a 2nd attempt at a much of this year after the comic pulled out of an agreement with brando in june the merger would bring brands like alfa romeo citron mother ozzy opal and those old on the one growth. and that's it from me and the business team here for more of course there's always our website that's on. slash business also do follow us on social media and have a quick look at this global markets on. hold
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for over a match at home the 4th and clear. the bottom of the valley. through your. books on.
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cocoa to the. euro max new to channel. a good line of story. with exclusive insight. and a must see concerning culture in europe. we said before curious minds. do it yourself networkers. so subscribe don't miss out. welcomes the news from the world of art and culture prints left us too soon but he did leave a memoir that's just been published also coming out today. spent time in an east german jail so she welcomed the full of the boat and walt story in
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our series leading up to the 30th anniversary. and germans still favor cash over credit cards for most transactions it's a cultural phenomenon and we'll find out why. bops we begin with prince because this memoir called the beautiful ones has just been published and is flying off the shelves at the moment. prince died of an accidental drug overdose in 2016 but had already chosen a coke for his autobiography the young journalist and found on pipe and bring the book contains prints is in complete text a never before seen photos notes and and written written lyrics. and levitz is here with me you've had
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a peek at the book this is as close to an autobiography as we're ever going to get i mean prince had turned on the idea of a mess.


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