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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  November 1, 2019 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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on the field we're not on the pacific because that's just been shellfish it i think as a player. on the stage is set for an intriguing final in one of the toughest bolts on the planets but only one team can reach their goal of becoming. a must watch all right thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us so deja vu news africa is up next. take a trip on us to go christmas market hopping with d.w. in cologne and a lot more go up to. their fair and hotel are included for you and a guest. just tell us which german street is your favorite. what's the most beautiful place in germany. what would you like to explore most to enter check in at g.w. dot com slash travel good luck and enjoy some low lying. good
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job it. sure linked to news from africa and the world story link to exceptional stories and discussions from our use of easy to our web site deputed comes to much traffic have joined us on facebook at g.w. for god. the food. opposition continues to grow. max. deals with cracks discovered in a different series of it's a. drilling. step you take every move you make. the track style in return.
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is convinced boeing 737 will be ready to take to the skies soon the boss of the plane maker told u.s. lawmakers this week that it still needs to win back the trust of the public but those hearings have had the opposite effect. before supporting the return of the grounded jet. comes after congressional members grilled. fatal crashes in indonesia and ethiopia. the hearings were a step backward with more questions than answers. series from the jewels in the 1st part of next year. chris has been following this story quite closely. what's actually changed here because. the unions are suddenly getting even more wary about the mass i mean everyone's already quite wary about it
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anyway right i think this testimony of donna's mom and berg is the crucial point here and from what i feel the users unions are saying it just didn't cut it out let's be fair you know after having lost 2 planes and the lives of 350 people it's obviously very hard to look good in a congressman hearing but it seems like other than saying sorry mr oliver didn't have much to offer and he said that before plus there's the revelation that boeing knew all along about the dangers of the m. cast system that's according to an employee e-mail from 2015 so 4 years ago the staff a warn that the system the m caste system the sort of half automated flight assistance program would be susceptible to error because it was relying only on one sensor a crucial error because that one sensor failed and it had devastating consequences and as we know just let me briefly why it's so important to boeing has the backing of flight attendants because they not only put their own lives in danger when they
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enter a plane they also play a key role when it comes to defending the jet once the 737 max gets flying again because we all can assume that some reservations among people might persist and you have to imagine you know somebody that has his or her doubts at the gate possibly causing a scene you know and then you want somebody from the airline to be in your corner to calm people down to reassure them that it's safe to get on the plane and then suddenly boeing discovers cracks in these other plates right and obviously that doesn't sound good either. quantas which is the airline where the where the planes with the cracks were discovered executives say that they have examined now about half of the planes of their $737.00 max fleet they didn't find any other cracks either so that the test. they're still going on but you know cracks on an airplane body know that that's never that's never good news really briefly houseboat these.
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dress pretty hard it's a hard lesson that they're that they're learning now and from my point of view from the time of the crash until now their position has not really improved because there's been so many bad and damning revelations about the process about the plane about the faulty errors of the faulty system and this is a really deep hole that they're trying to have to dig themselves out of because of what was thank you very much from here. now to some of the other business stories making news the world trade organization says china can slap the u.s. with over 3 and a half $1000000000.00 in sanctions in an anti dumping case dating from the obama era the decision comes as white house adviser larry negotiate is a very optimistic about reaching an initial deal in the us china trade fight china has launched the world's largest 5 g. network its 3 state owned while is carriers of switched on the next generation
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wireless technology marking a milestone in the country's bid to become a global take leader. and the owners of google of buying the leading wearables electronics make a fit the $2000000000.00 deal will likely see alphabet bring a google branded smart watch your fitness track its market share as if it had risen 40 percent since rivers of the deal emerged this week. south african company discovery is pioneering health insurance that uses customer data and awards program to encourage a healthy lifestyle it all depends upon how often you work out what you eat but are also means someone's always watching you. every sunday morning runners meet in johannesburg to earn points for their health insurance discovery vitality the concept is simple do sports and be rewarded with better rates or accessories like smart watches. discovery calls its insurance
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a behavioral change program. chris realer is convinced that his behavior has indeed changed. it certainly has. looking at trying to improve your health trying to improve your fitness. obviously moving and being fitter you are going to be healthier and the incentives are there in order for you to do that with $10000000.00 customers at home and abroad discovery is the largest private insurer in south africa those taking part in the vitality program have to share valuable information about their private life from heart writes during gym sessions to g.p.s. data while driving even weekly grocery lists are analyzed by the company's algorithms discoveries at craig nossel says the data is used to verify if customers are living up to their weekly health goals only then do they get rewarded.
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and we've created an amazing technology platform where we're getting about 5000000 downloads of exercise on a daily basis through integration with apple watch with carmen with center with pono when people go to the gym they swap a card we get their data so we know exactly who are listening to what people are doing from an exercise point of view and rewarding. customers voluntarily share this data via a smartphone app but consumer watchdog sworn giving away personal information can leave people vulnerable it's not only that the data could be stolen by cyber criminals critics say such health surveillance schemes could ultimately could tile personal freedom. but not everybody is concerned about the technology. to get the same thing to me i believe it's in your interest to know rather than not
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know that you've got a potentially a problem with your heart or something like that i personally would rather know and then have preventative measures taken rather than suddenly oh i need a bypass because i've only just found out that i now have a problem. but some experts believe that a scheme that attracts healthy customers while having a negative impact on those in need could lead to more inequality in health care. africa remains a continent reliant on fossil fuels oil gas and coal still supply the vast proportion of its energy but africa's renewables resources have enormous potential the continent's green energy capacity is estimated at $50000.00 megawatts that is more than double africa's annual generation of energy from liquid fuels like oil which is just $22000.00 despite their potential renewable sources make up a relatively low proportion of africa's consumption 8 percent comes from the likes
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of wind solar and hydro electric energy that compares with the $41.00 and a half percent from oil let's talk about this with an energy expert j you're also a lawyer and author. we don't have time to. go through all your books that you've written but let's talk about energy in africa 1st of all the potential for renewables just just what potential is there 1st of all because i know there's a lot of southern africa because there is a lot of sun on certainly does going to be a big potential for renewables that is africa is seen an energy translation right now so you're going to see a lot of talk to use for his renewables from east africa don't forget you have to to qana in kenya is one of the largest the largest renewable energy project india continent is going to about 450 megawatts when that is done in nigeria you see new
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projects in south africa you've seen things coming up and you've been looking at in senegal they have some really great potential but and a lot still needs to be done we technology and d.c. is actually it because for africa to play is basically young africans that really want i. provide energy to so many that you don't have don't forget 650000000 africans. do not have any kind of power that is almost 2 thirds of the continent's population so this is big big growth in that area why are so many funds though being and still being poured into oil we are addicted to oil the oil industry is africa's creative employee biggest employer the already industry still has a strong history would be a continent on a lot of people are so connected to the industry the problem you you have right now just come teach in between oil is done with knots and we've not really encouraged
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it and financing a lot more different kind of segments within the energy mix don't forget you come from europe and you look at these big transitions africans are not war read about the end of the world deal worried about the end of the month and every day africans want to see things moving so you have a climate change agreement that was done in paris that you provide order funding and support to african leaders who don't have any connection with every day africans so you have to find a way to fund these projects and really create an insured bank people so you already industries the only industry that still has the money to cash and a willingness to go where nobody goes to so you get a lot of young nice guys but do want to go into the villages they want to party in cape town and you want to focus on being on the beach you see move garber and. i mean. you need to go where the africans are just tell me briefly what needs to
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change to change people's mindsets and to change the financing of programs that we do see more renewable energy projects taken oh we need to create an enabling environment to make got to walk so this you see the responsibility within african governments and african business people in african and african to printer so we need to create an environment that allows us funding we need to have the right kind of contracts we need to have the right kind of p.p.i. agree. mens' we need to who you stop to degrade and make sure that every investors can really see that money going to get a return on investment is not charity is business and you thank you very much for coming in and nice doing business with you thanks so much. excellent for perfect. but. i don't want to ruin your show thank you.
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people for g.w. on facebook and twitter us up to date and in touch follow us. luxury behind the mirror humans are exploited and animals cruelly slaughtered. big brands have committed to fair working conditions and sustainable production. but who is monitoring the some contractors.
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and investigative documentary goes to italy and china and looks behind the glamorous facades of fashion houses. luxury her starts no membership on t.w. . this is. coming up on the program what would you rather weigh. all for and make government work is in kenya has been directed to work outfits to boost the country's one apartment industry. also coming out. sort of going to rock these fast black caps and seems relaxed ahead of something these world cup final how much how things changed since nelson mandela wore the compton 1995 springbok steve.


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