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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  November 13, 2019 4:15am-4:30am CET

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the scan after it was discovered that one of his kidneys was smaller than the other earlier this year he became fathers of the 1st 2 panda cubs ever born in germany and those cuddly cubs are being cared for by their mother and doing quite well. in washington live from berlin reminder all the latest news information around the clock on d w dot com. in a timeless way discover the closest post world starts nov 14th on the job and. their home isn't calculable. their egos in synch with. their rivalry deadly. 3 princes. dream of the world.
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they're under full power and boundless ambition comes to the middle east into a rape crisis center. to rival concerns of the cold starts november 27th on t w. donald trump keeps wall street guessing after his speech at the economic club of new york investors hope for hints at an end to the u.s. china trade war but instead heard more attacks on the chinese government. also coming off a top e.u. court ruling on labeling products made in the israeli occupied territories sparks controversy. and animal rights activists say the chickens produce and poland's factory farms for. all over europe are overweight and sick.
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it's time for business on the w.b. and how you know i guess it's good to have you with us investors expected answers to some pressing questions about the future of u.s. trying to trade relations this tuesday as donald trump spoke at the economic club of new york but there were no answers during his speech trump once again attacked china instead saying the country cheated on the u.s. ever since entering the world trade organization he blamed former governments for letting this happen the u.s. president also accused the european union of setting up trade barriers he considers unfair markets went up briefly after the speech even though investors were actually hoping for trump to announce some progress in u.s. china trade talks. and our financial correspondent on wall street who said was that all has been following those for marks for us why has the results good to see you so what do we make of this speech investors seem to be quite disappointed not
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really hearing anything about the future of u.s. china trade relations. basically we will probably need a couple days or even weeks until we figure out event phase one of the trade deal with china will end up happening any time soon so far as long as trump does not implement a 2 percent duty center 15 investors will keep them on the risk almost go away and so far we know there is to be in progress on intellectual property practices and currency issues a compromise had from china to generously agrees it in point of view as i recall products will depend on trans disposition to cancel charges according to. the good byes are asked for now there will be no charge of adjustments and a deal is made so investors will need to keep getting heavier as you said before there was a breeze there were also rumors that trump was eventually considering delaying tariffs on european car imports that is something of course that is all very
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closely here in europe do we know anything about that. not yet but. we get to possibility of trump imposing charges on european cars has been downplayed by usa commerce secretary wilbur ross so us it is and now it seems that the u.s. and president hu do well give another 6 months breather for the u.s. then the european union to engage in negotiations if he does that probably some kind of agreement should happen by the middle of next year right when the presidential election campaign will be in full force. a mini deal dad will avoid targets on the european cars could also support trump's economic message and he said presidency it's defending the country's economy and of course the american workers. from new york thank you very much. a ruling by the european court of justice will force exports from israel's occupied
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territories to the e.u. to be clearly labeled as such until now such products were identified with the made in israel tack the court says that could mislead consumers about israel's presence as an occupying power in those territories not far from the town of ramallah a small vineyard on the slopes of the israeli occupied west bank it's not israeli territory but the bottles all say made in israel and the wine is also exported to europe the european court of justice is now ruled that the labels mislead e.u. consumers from now on the one cannot be sold in the e.u. unless the bottle states that it originates in israeli occupied territory the israeli vintners the government and the israeli settlers council are all furious. this is a despicable decision we condemn it the jewish people will not market self again through european demands no other place in the world is demanded to market self
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only israel there is a characteristic of anti semitism here but those who will be hurt by the fact that people will stop purchasing and buying products most of the palestinian workers of judea and the west bank will be covered for you the funniest the palestinians see that differently. the rolling of the european court of justice. labeling settlement products. very significant ruling we call upon all of the european union countries to implement what's legal and to stop what's amoral we hope that it will come when all of this growing of settlement broader which is this wit and good of palestinians will be banned from international markets. but the e.u. still quote wasn't considering a burn it's only interested in ensuring that e.u. consumers know where their one comes from. some of the other business
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stories we're following for you at this hour lebanon's bank staff have gone on strike complaining of customer aggression and it's the country's unrest the lebanese banking association says it will work with authorities to provide safe conditions for them to resume work but their union has called on staff to strike until the situation returns to normal. tesla c.e.o. elon musk has said the electric car maker will build a new vehicle factory and engineering and design center close to the german capital berlin mosque said the side would be closed to the city's new airport b e r. as one of the country's struggling the most with plastic pollution indians decision to ban single use plastic was widely anticipated but the engine government held off the bat saying it would have too big an impact on the economy instead india appeals to its citizens expecting them to voluntarily reduce their plastic use and become more environmentally aware. plastic
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as far as the eye can see the banks of the jehmu no river in delhi look like a gigantic rubbish dump. almost all of the plastic waste that ends up in the world's oceans comes from just 10 rivers 3 of those flights through india the government has decided that things need to improve but they've shelved the ban on certain single use plastics. volunteers of the environmental organization parvati meaning the cameras march through town and invite people to pledge to give up plastic everyone gets a photo of the event as a reminder. 17 year old rag vendor along hootie has been a sworn anti plastic campaigner for 4 years. when i was in my peers in the parson
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or. so. the back of the. it was. so from then on. do not use the do not use to not through the. boxes. the power activists say environmental education in india can feel like a losing battle they've tried to teach this coconut vend about plastic waste several times they even sent him a t. shirt but he keeps using plastic straws even though he's promised to stop. they have had success stories their customers at this vegetable stall now have to bring fabric bags with them many weren't pleased about giving up plastic banks. plastic bags are cheaper customers have to buy this bag for 10 euro cents but it lasts 2 years. the suspension of the ban has given traders and customers
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in india extra time to adjust and to think about how goods will be bought and sold here in the future. and staying on the subject of environmental protection we all have a vegan friend who has warned us many times about how meat is produced well poland is europe's biggest producer of exporter of chickens last year it raised more than a 1000000000 birds for delivery in what seems to be a thriving industry but activists their short lives of those animals could and should be much better. the chicks tumble along the production line like many other goods produced on an industrial scale this is how they spend day one of their lives they have 41 days left. most of it will be spent here a room big enough to house a jet plane it's home 254000 chickens the owners insist they're taking care
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of. because just soldier the vet comes every day sometimes there are 2 of them so they walk around the poultry houses and observe the behavior and physical wellbeing of the chicks when there are problems in the vast majority of cases their digestive disorders there's no risk to the consumer. product of the year the wellbeing of the consumer is borne strictly in mind but animal rights campaigners like anna is in a concern for the birds they've labelled them franken chickens after frankenstein's monster. but they will see this missive out as it's like a 5 year old child weighing 150 kilos it's not natural that these chickens don't grow up healthy they're sick of even in that i understand. the final destination for the living chickens have to 6 weeks is the slaughterhouse
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after a process that sees them a nice the ties then electrocuted they become prone to use. the main export markets for polish chickens are within the e.u. led by germany the netherlands and the u.k. ukraine and hong kong are also big customers attracted by poland's low prices and without putting creasing 10 fold in a decade polish production of the chickens shows no sign of slowing down. food for thought thanks very much for watching the telly business remember you can always stay up to date on a website that's still a dot com so you next time take care of.
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the for. environmentally conscious living. with maximum comfort. syria from tanzania is helping make it possible he started with sustainable ideas. he's inspiring others to innovate and his invention school eco africa. g.w. . opportunities for everyone regardless of ethnicity
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or parents unfortunately for many migrants in germany that may be a distant dream. many companies are trying to make the application process is more inclusive but does that really help against discrimination. made in germany 60 minutes w's. d.t. you know that 77 percent blockage are younger than 6 ah. that's me and me and you. and you know what time of boyce's. the 77 percent talk about the issues up. front for you to 2 flashes
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from housing boom boom time this is where they are. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend g.w. . hello and welcome to another edition of africa where we highlight environmental topics on ideas from europe and africa saundra to nobody oh and this week we'll be looking at.


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