tv DW News Deutsche Welle November 15, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm CET
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this is d.w. news live from berlin venice braces itself for more flooding as the tide rises again the water is not expected to reach wednesday's levels but it still puts the city's unique cultural heritage at risk the government has declared a state of emergency also coming out hong kong's turmoil waves to a 2nd to douse a 70 year old street cleaner cars and clashes between pro-democracy activists and
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a group opposing that look at the latest. unwelcome arrivals in berlin turkey says there are german fighters for the so-called islamic state the german government says there's no proof spited still has to work out how to handle them. and boy you still need me will you still feed me when i'm 64 we look at a study of aging from 0 to 100 bias for talk or for who finds the passing of the years inspired. to be so much condo it's good to have you with us flooding continues to threaten venice the italian government has declared a state of emergency and approved 20000000 euros for immediate aid prime minister just half the country has described the catastrophic flooding as quote a blow to the heart of the nation the mayor of venice says the very future of the
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city is at stake. and let's speak to our correspondent james jackson is standing by for us in venice and he joins us for more on this story hi james good to see you we understand it has been another dramatic day there in venice tell us what you've been seeing there. it's been an extremely high level of tide today people have not felt prepared i've spoken to shopkeepers and they say it never reaches this level normally it's not as high as 2 days ago but still 70 percent of venice is expected to be under water today it's just started raining the whole of some mark's square is flooded there are seagulls floating around rubbish you can probably see behind me we've had various politicians famously famous politicians walking poss minister on the marathon to some self so it's been a dramatic day with helicopter heads thus the tide is beginning to go down arrows very quickly it's taking a little bit longer to go down but it's going to have to wait until that happens
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before we can see how much damage is being done well amid that flooding of people there in venice have been trying to cope with the situation and concerned of course about more rain possibly being on the way let's take a look at some of that coping efforts now. land and sea become one again another exceptionally high tide is wreaking havoc on venice. workers dismantle elevated walkways to protect the public. it is yet more destruction after days of dismay. not jurado has given everything to this place. none of the fridges are working we're trying to dry things off. for 200 years this grand hotel has stood the test of time untied the but this week the devastation is considerable your fears are saying mission that i think we have 70000 euro's of damage more or less obviously we're still counting the level of damage and we're
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still trying to fix parts of electricity i mean there were a matter. as all of venice take stock of the damage some are wondering if nature is finally closing in on this lagoon city's fortifications not rado. long we're from the venice venetians born in venice most of us are venetian so to say stop with venice never. italy's prime minister took in the damage for himself visiting since marks basilica and meeting those walking to rebuild he pledged millions of euros in help but. i saw great distress. today i spoke to a newsstand owner mr gallagher who saw his kiosk collapse in the canal. he lost everything. you can imagine what it means for someone who owns
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a business to see his world drowning in the water. he also promised to turn this into a reality the moves are a title defense system that has been plagued by corruption and delays it was designed in 1984. before then locals must contend with an almighty clean up operation that is expected to cost hundreds of millions. hi james so we saw that people are trying to assess the situation from what you've seen what is the extent of the damage so far so we've seen a lot of flooded shops we've seen coffee shops and hotels the whole streets of fold with water making it really hard to get around there's a lot of people coming out onto the streets to see what's happening but others are pushing water out of the shops piling thing son a chair on top of things just trying to get rid of as much water as possible and
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see what they can do about the damage i spoke to someone a minute ago who said they've had to throw away for mattresses afraid and a story all because of the damage in the last few days and today so it keeps on happening to the local venetians and they're very they're not happy about it they're not. feeling particularly hopeful about the city's capacity to reimburse them for the federal government has approved 20000000 euro is in aid how will that help so 20000000 euros really isn't a lot of money when you think the the local man louis. has 6 has estimated that it's 1000000000 euros worth of damage that's been done of course venice is a site of you know sco cultural heritage so that means that there's some things here which are completely priceless and irreplaceable it's salt water that's flooded which is especially damaging because it can crystallize it could be
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destroying precious works of art but also the people who live here the houses are destroyed and they're not feeling particularly hopeful about getting that money back some someone i spoke to this morning told me that the government always sends money but we never see any of that. our correspondent james jackson reporting there in venice thank you. now a man has died in hong kong after being caught in clashes between pro-democracy demonstrators and a group opposing them the 70 year old street cleaner was hit in the head with a brick on wednesday it's not clear who threw it earlier this month a student fell from a multi-story parking garage and later died the unrest in hong kong has worsened in recent days after more than 5 months of anti-government demonstrations and we can get an update on the situation now correspondent finding a is standing by in hong kong highly ts what can you tell us about this lace that latest incident of this man having died on wednesday
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yeah so the man was hit on wednesday with a brick as you said it was in a northern suburb off of hong kong and protest is facing counter protesters in this in this place we do not really know who the counter protesters were with their local residents or the people who had gathered there to face the protesters both sides was throwing bricks at each other and this man cleena who was on his lunch break was got in between the 2 sides whether he was part of one of the sides or whether he just was happened to be there we do not know so he was hit by a brick in his hat and then he was brought to a hospital where he died today it really shows how these protests have escalated mathias they've grown more violent this week we also understand they've taken on a new look at tell us more about how they the protests have changed and what that
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means. well what's new for the 1st is that they have been going on for the whole week office workers have come out of their offices at lunch break to stage a 2 hour protest or on noon and we have seen these battles for the university campuses here where i stand this is one of the universities it's occupied now by the protesters but some of these clashes especially at one university in the north of of hong kong have been very violent it looked almost like a medieval battle scene from a movie with. fire bombs being thrown to the police they answered with tear gas it was smoke everywhere and then some people even brought arrows and flashes which fortunately did not hit any of their intended targets but it all looked pretty pretty awful mathias as all of this is been going on are there any holes on how
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much supports these protesters still have among the general hong kong public. there are regular polls about a lot of questions our own these protests from which we can. deduct that basically about 2 thirds or 3 quarters of the population are on the side of the pro-democracy movement now that doesn't mean that all of them support what all the protests or what some of the protesters do. about 40 percent think that the violence has been excessive violence by the protesters 70 percent though think that the bias by the police has been excessive but we see this divide around about 2 thirds one 3rd 75 percent 25 percent throughout all. the questions these polls show the late is there from october october saw another escalation to these polls were conducted after
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a significant escalation and at that time there was almost no shift in the in the divide there almost no indices of people in these polls and there has been no shift compared to august and september but we have not seen the results for november yet i am not sure they are the the. questions might have been asked before this week we will probably soon see the results i'm not sure whether they will reflect on this new escalation where university campuses now have been blocked permanently and also major roads have been blocked permanently it could be that this would change the picture a bit but so far we haven't seen that correspondent yes spending of reporting from hong kong good to talk to you. let's get a round of now some other stories making news around the world hong kong's deeply unpopular justice secretary to reset chang has allegedly been assaulted by demonstrators in london chang whose department is in charge of prosecuting
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protesters felt left of being surrounded by a heckling crowd hong kong's leader kerry lamb the chinese government has strongly condemned the actions. 3 major lebanese parties have agreed to nominate her former finance minister mohammad saffi to serve as prime minister sufi's predecessor resigned at the end of october after nationwide anti-corruption protests the demonstrations have thrown lebanon into political and economic turmoil. chile has announced it will hold a referendum to amend the country's dictatorship era constitution after weeks of anti-government protests demonstrations started nearly a month ago over a plan to increase the price of subway tickets but protesters are now demanding wide ranging social reforms and the resignation of president sebastian pinera. turkey has started the porting people it believes to be foreign terrorist militants a group of suspected supporters of the so-called islamic state have arrived here in
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berlin turkey has said it will deport 23 more european nationals in the next few days. 7 members of the same family arrive back in but when after a visit to turkey they traveled there in january and were arrested shortly afterwards back in germany they met by the police the turkish government claims they were intending to travel on to syria but there's no proof of that it's known that some from many members were involved with the islamist movement in the hometown in germany and may have sympathized with the so-called islamic state that's in itself is not a crime. one son is said to have been a member of the german islamic circle which is led by the radical cleric abu were law and was banned 2 years ago it's not clear what will now happen to the family who are not facing the rest of the fallen but inside us when we have to assess the potential threat posed by these returnees in each individual case. you can't simply
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say that every person coming back represents a danger. sufficient proof of years but we make extensive checks to determine what steps the police or local authorities need to take. to come to questions in. opposition politicians say the government has failed to put measures in place to deal with the return of islamic state supporters here you have to say like government has had its head in the sand not wanting to deal with this now they are paying the price they should have agreed on procedures which turkey much earlier. turkey now wants to the pool the wives of 2 islamic state fighters to germany both women were being held in kurdish run prison camps when ankara launched its offensive in northern syria last month they managed to escape but were taken into custody for deportation by the turkish authorities. in bolivia the
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self appointed interim president janina and yes is building a cabinet and announced upcoming elections but she says former president if i'm what alice will not be allowed to run what alice resigned on sunday after allegations of vote rigging and is now in exile in mexico thousands of his supporters marched through the capital left past saying what alice was forced out in a coup and should be allowed to run again while. many have been stopped protesting since they left power. evil morale this is by the poor indigenous people some of the red ponchos because red is the color of the left and the poncho the traditional garb of indigenous people in the andes right now morale is red bice's white hot with fury. if the morale is a good man who has been working for the people because he didn't want to rob us
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like those evil goddesses evil morale as was believes 1st indigenous president on sunday he quit and then fled to mexico from there he's given statement after statement saying he was forced out for being against the country's rich white minority. rule and reducing my crime was being indigenous. when a president governs in the interests of the social movements of the peasant farmers and workers in the police mutinies and carries out a coup because he wanted to sell the believe his government says there's another side to evo morales on display inside the penthouse he had built. they say he's been living lavishly despite his socialist rhetoric. a lifestyle far removed from that of his struggling supporters many of whom and just a couple of 100 euros per month. can be accumulated like a rich man while claiming to speak with a number that is poverty it's too i mean to put on what's on show is why evo
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morales never less anyone up to the top floors of the hives of the people they. believe because of the house of the people the national assembly from here the woman who's declared she's replacement ballots is consolidating the power union and yes he's promising new elections soon but she's ruling out a comeback by morality saying it would violate the constitution. it was more of a morale is not salvageable to run for a 4th term trying to do so it's caused all these protests. since last month's disputed presidential elections the 2 believe us have been struggling for power right now merola says opposition has the security forces backing but what still disputed is who truly has the support of the people. the impeachment inquiry into u.s. president donald trump will resume later today with more public hearings on the witness stand a former u.s. ambassador to ukraine who was recalled after what one state department official
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called a campaign of lies against her by trump's personal lawyer speaking at a campaign rally in louisiana trump said the inquiry would fail to impeach him many called it another witch hunt but house speaker nancy pelosi has stepped up her argument for impeachment saying allegations that he asked ukraine to investigate his political opponent in return for aid amount to bribery. and that devastating testimony corroborated evidence of bribery uncovered in the inquiry and that the president abused and violated his oath by threatening to withhold military aid and white house meeting in exchange for an investigation into his political rival. alright well democrats are hoping that the hearings will help turn public opinion against trump but will that work peter dahl has been looking into this story for us thanks for joining us peter what impact has the impeachment inquiry actually had on public opinion or nationally we are beginning to see
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a slight shift in favor of impeachment among democrats if you go back to may that was around a little over 60 percent now that's jumped about 20 percentage points up to over 80 percent or more crucially among independents so people who identify neither asked him krauts nor republicans we've seen that uptick from about 30. percent to $45.00 so quite a substantial hike where we're not seeing the same time of movement is among republicans support for impeachment has ticked up slightly but it's kind of stuck around 10 percent and that will be the big challenge for democrats i think to kind of make a strong enough case that they can win over not just the people on the fence but also republicans who ultimately will be leading the trial if this thing moves to the senate the republican led senate where they don't need to a 2 thirds majority to hold timidly the president yeah i mean you said it that that
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seems to be the big challenge or because a lot of republicans are standing behind the president so that appears to be the big hurdle for democrats going forward isn't it is how to get republicans also over to their side yet it's going to be so much harder. republican support for trump has been really vox solid ever around 90 percent since he was elected remember this is a key as a candidate the guy who said you know famously he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and he would lose any vote and part of the reason for that really also is about the type of media they consume republican supporters by and large just aren't you know witnessing or seeing the same presidency that a lot of democrats are. especially the conservative fox news network which is has been very supportive in his coverage of trump and that definitely clues in the the impeachment hearings. and this is how they covered the 1st hearing
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you know trying to cast doubt on the credibility of the witnesses and the testimony of describing acting ambassador to ukraine william taylor as a never trump or that's a republican word for people who don't support trump they call his testimony hearsay and saying that he has no firsthand knowledge about the whistleblowers accusations. this same scenario on the pro trump right wing new site breitbart where they're trying to discredit house intelligence chairman adam schiff who heads the public hearings they accuse him of being in transparent and unfair. and that counter narrative campaign on conservative networks really does appear to be working trump campaign manager about how saying that the campaign raised over $3000000.00 in just the 24 hours after the 1st public hearings. so for democrats to you know change the tide if you will support for peach mage they'll need to
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present such a strong case. right such irrefutable testimony that there's no chance for networks like trump or like like fox and breitbart to drown that out be interesting to see those hearings get back under way today peter keller reporter bring the story to us thank you very much. now to some more stories making news around the world mourners in southern california held a vigil for the victims of thursday's school shooting in santa clarita near los angeles 2 teenagers were killed and 3 others injured when a 16 year old opened fire before turning the gun on himself authorities of the shooter apparently acted alone. with the german parliament has approved a new law making the government responsible for implementing climate protection measures the law set specific targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the future from the energy transport and housing sector at least one person has been killed during heavy snowfall in southeastern france the 1st major storm of the
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season has caused widespread destruction across the region tens of thousands of homes have been hit by power cuts and dozens of roads are blocked. aging it's something we cannot avoid at the photographer thomas who is in his fifty's has been working on a project for the last couple of years taking snapshots of people from the ages of one to 100 a curate found that the older we get the more interesting we become how true that is. why died in vulnerable children are open to what life will offer them 30 or 40 years later they become individual characters with a distinctive face it's. another 30 or 40 years then life has left its mark. 53 year old photographer thomas usually works for adding agencies companies and magazines but his photo book 100 meaning $100.00 is
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a project of his own. if we do. this and what i'd like to show with this book is the beauty of every human and humans of every age. if we look closely we can already see wisdom in young people and the curiosity that lives on and the elderly that for me ultimately what i see in their eyes is magical all they defected of that site by me and in my view. the photos show men and women from different cultures age between one and 100 among them the photographer son. at age 8. at the book release in berlin he was 3 years older and he could see the difference he kept many of us at least i've changed a lot on the outside i'm older i'm taller i got my hair cut shorter. and less and i think i've changed a lot on the and side to a more grown up and that is have been editor of arden ever x.
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not the project also made 24 year old polina think about what each means to her. that's meant to be here when you realize how many different says iraq and how much you changed through the years you've been your early to mid twenty's are still really young and just starting out even if sometimes you feel much older and more grown out i can hear the. shot the portraits against a black background and his berlin studio. this subject is veterinarian i finished new gunny born in 86 years ago in india. to my name and. i have lived my life by the eye or vedic approach i've practiced yoga and meditation. and i've grown old with it. i think being natural is the best way to live. the best in the. as a god as it is nothing and not fun to do and i found the years between 80 and 100 especially exciting because i didn't know very many people of that age and he's
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unfit and i've seen how much is still possible for them in terms of changes experiences and even new beginnings on the phone 84 year old who's taken up tennis lessons were a very lively 99 year old i was surprised and happy to see how much joy and lust for life is still possible at that age and on the move to his. from child to teenager from adult to senior sweeping optical changes occur over a lifetime but kill hawk's work shows that on the inside everyone's development is unique. it's good or minor now our top story on. the tide has risen again in venice threatening the scenes unique cultural heritage the water level wasn't as high as on wednesday but the government has declared a state of emergency and says the floods are blow to italy's heart. coming up
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next on did a few news asia lankans head to the polls on saturday amid an onslaught of misinformation and untruths on social media and with protests in hong kong in their 6th month when the mainland chinese with conflicting views on what's happening in their city. to respond she has that coming right up on the debut news asia don't go away.
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digital world let's talk to devise a sure fire ship. on t.w. . with him how to be done to go song as well by a spy you know if i had known that the mode be about small i never would have gone on a trip to cuba i would not support myself and my parents and i'm trying to move out of the game of the going to get a flavor would. love a. i'm clear cut that money available to them i have serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives i'm going to. you want to know their story to migrants fair fighting and reliable information for more grants. their health isn't cultural. their egos insatiable. their rivalry deadly.
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3 princes. dream of the arab world. their hunger for power and boundless ambition have crushed the middle east into a great crisis. the rival concerns of the gulf states nov 27th on t.w. . this is the doctor and here's a shot coming up and islands future up shaped by its media true duncombe's are headed to the polls on saturday but the head of the elections they're facing the talk of defense commission on media platforms a lot of it untrue but in colombo where the os if this is good to talk in the windows plus pulled out i used to in hong kong need up to meets mainland chinese
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