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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  November 18, 2019 3:30am-4:01am CET

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world. power down december shouldn't come to the middle east into a crisis. so my sense of the cold starts nov 27th on t.w. . welcome to in good shape coming up. good for you or bad the metabolic affects of fact. drugs and focus the debate on the legalization of cannabis and train jumping the dangers of performance enhancing substances. and here's your host dr carsten lake which out.
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i love to start my day with a cup of coffee i'm not really getting a wake without it so coffee is like a drug because it's not just like a drug it is a drug is under the category of drugs or subsume all substances that are psycho i could be influencing the human mental set up coffee is definitely intra ok i would today's show is not about coffee it's about rocks and you know everything about it so i've come to. talk to anybody else so it is an emergency doctor at the clinic in berlin and she's saying research group in the book drop. by the way at the high it's marked here and then there is a kind of to need to finish next to the screen of the. pops cafes a place to relax and count among. to the profit oriented.
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many people drink coffee to be rewritten focused or for some it's simply not enough like some scientists and artists need stronger things to get a flash of genius. paul austin is a big advocate of micro dosing l.s.d. he says it has many benefits about 45 minutes after a micro centers just a general mood enhanced it's a little bit easier to smile a little bit more extroverted i'm less in my head in more than caged in my outer world i notice that when i'm working on projects like for example if i'm writing something it's much easier to write. kind of having the ideas come forward so generally it just kind of smooth things out and makes it much more like you're going through life with a bit more. makes a bit easier to go through this morning i woke up i meditated i would persona this
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is something i do quite consistently and then of course i took my critters i was like the businessman says taking tiny doses of the psychedelic drug just 10 to 20 micrograms kicks your brain into higher gear. neuro enhancement is a new word for an old activity using drugs to enhance cognitive affective and motor performance. one type of neuro enhancer became widespread during the 2nd world war nazi germany pumped its soldiers full of methamphetamine to make them better fighters it was marketed as perfect in. civilians also took a fancy to the drug that banished tiredness and hunger and made to you forage for a while you could even buy chocolates laced with it but speed soon became illegal in germany and many other countries because of the serious side effects. still
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speed and many other drugs continue to be widely used for the purported neuro enhancing effect in addition to l.s.d. there are bitter blockers and modafinil and methylphenidate often called by the brand name ritalin. boys couldn't or as a psychopharmacologist he says that less than one percent of the people who take the drugs are regular consumers which is probably due to the ambivalent effects they have. many take such as substance the desired results are often offset by one side don't want motivation and alertness might be enhanced but other cognitive capacities will be diminished. one way psychotropic drugs work is by intervening in the flow of neurotransmitters increasing their concentration or activating their receptors. neurotransmitters carry messages from one nerve cell to the next in the brain and throughout the body. drugs can increase some neural activity but
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that also has side effects. in cons and. stimulants quite often cause headaches and loss of appetite they are quite common side effects if you. the more serious side effects such as delusions psychotic episodes and depression or current less than one percent of cases. as to my criticism of l.s.d. which are now so popular among dynamic young professionals profess a creed no has words of warning. extreme put 10 to l.s.d. is a very powerful agent we know it can have serious side effects. from
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cause side effects of chronic consumption of small doses have so far not been researched at all. and. my personal opinion is that one should not take l.s.d. regularly not even micro doses call. the message is messing with the brain is a risky business if you want to distill stimulation without too many side effects a nice cup of coffee might be the way to go it has a positive impact on coke at a function. it's very tempting to focus your perception with different drugs or to stay awake so why do people take drugs with this one of the reasons why there's a whole range of reasons why people do use drugs and ranges from avoiding unpleasant states of being too yeah achieving more pleasant states of being being more sociable being more emotionally open and there is a very individual factor in this too there are a lot of famous people too who took drugs like thomas edison the inventor or he was
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using cocaine or apple founder steve jobs he said that taking l.s.d. was one of the most important things he's done in his life so do you have to consume drugs to be creative and successful well that's a definite no because there are very many people who would never do that but there are people who definitely benefit in their creativity in their output in their approach to problems and creativity by using those substances and for those people that possibly be yeah they lable so they are on one hand those creative people those inventors who are taking drugs and on the other hand i think one of the perceptions that drug use is you know dahlan in the social ladder that they're more like criminals so what's your perception of that. well that's to do with the moral stance every society. takes in these questions and it also depends on the substance to be honest for example the drug of successful people cocaine is follow
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stigmatized in the drug people the junkies but use heroin for example so can you justify taking drugs when you take it responsibly i think there are ways of using drugs in a responsible and. socially compatible way. if that is a justification is always a question of legal social system you're moving with him and so we have to change the frames also in which we move to see what should be possible and what should definite drugs that should not be taken because the risk individual and for society are too big ok like what for example nothing settlement really. destroys people's lives happiness their health and this for example my opinion can't be taken in a responsible way many drugs or region in the use in medicine so. why
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do you speak from views is it just because you take a lot of them. use and abuse are terms that. a value to using a substance so in every culture what is used and what is the use is defined by the social framework as i've said and firstly there are just fine with logical agents as any other drug. like a bit of luck or something there's no big difference in a way with. the class action they take it's just. psychoactive substances are attractive to people because they don't only work for example in their heart rate like a bit of luck of what they are working on your mental set up at this point being and people like to yet change their mental set up in the way they wish to at this very time being what are the major health risks involved with drugs
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. while there are direct health risks that come from the substance itself for example in m.d.m.a. which is an infantryman like component people can over leave develop a certain insists the norm there are other harms difficulties that come from the fact that they are legalized that for example people hardly ever know. what they are getting if they buy a substance are they getting that substance how pure is it that they are not taught how to use it there's a lack of knowledge or so you can can't look up how much ecstasy to use for example in a novel from a soup from to tickle textbook let's talk about cannabis what's your opinion on the . cannabis has been around since. it's part of our cultural heritage. the british ships would not have say without ham for example so in the hemp production also the blossoms and. calibers around and people have always used what was available and. with the stigmatization that happened in
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the early 20th century especially in america but also here in europe we have lost a lot of knowledge and access to a substance that is in my opinion of medical value and that should be yeah open for use for those people who want to use it or need to use it where there is actually a will for discussion about legalizing cannabis it's also here in germany. because we know it is you can we are essentially criminalizing 300000 people every year 240000 of them consumers put it's ridiculous. of us sold us. we mustn't ignore the psychological impact regular consumption of cannabis can lead to a loss of motivation for. their arguments for and against the legalisation of cannabis for recreational purposes.
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among those in favor is who purchase member former chief of police in the german city of mansour. one of his arguments is that the risk of addiction has been proven to be far lower than with alcohol. the government commission on narcotics always says that alcohol is part of western culture but ignores the fact that cannabis was a traditional medicinal plant and was grown here until the 1960 s. even though by then it was no longer legal. now that the medicinal use of cannabis is becoming more mainstream but the taboo surrounding it may be waning that. all the studies say the risks attached to alcohol are far greater than those for cannabis. is one of them is legal the other is
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illegal and for me that is not logical. stephan bender is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at cologne university hospital and opposes legalization he says it would send the wrong message especially to children and teenagers and he insists that cannabis is a gateway drug. unfortunately it's readily available on the schoolyards but many of our patients have come into contact with cannabis because it's so easy to access and much more so than other drugs it's the 1st drug that kids come into contact with they come to learn that the answer to problems in life to emotional problems is taking drugs. and as of stones losing. arguments for decriminalization focus on consumers and consumption. proponents claim prohibit it simply doesn't work. it's like. us head of
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a law enforcement agency i had to deal with the consequences of prosecuting drug offenses each and every day so. i came to the conclusion that pressing charges doesn't have the desired effect what we do is constantly push up the costs for society of illicit drug use. law enforcement agencies in germany spend about 5000000000 euros a year on what is called the war on drugs. basically it's throwing money out of the window was good. but to fund bender for one says legalization advocates don't seem to appreciate the health risks of cannabis consumption. in schools and addiction research has shown that greater availability and easier access are accompanied by more consumption and more cases of addiction the greatest damage cannabis does is with respect to motivation and your mental state.
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long term heavy use can even trigger psychosis legalization advocates counter that this may only be the case in people who are genetically predisposed they also argue that decriminalization means regulation and greater safety instead of dealers on street corners. the model i favor is one of regulation with the aim of pushing out organized crime so the profits have been outrageous. but what about the risks associated with turning cannabis into an above board business. what's entirely unacceptable is for people to make money from the addiction of others including minors. don't fit into it. and so the arguments for and against continue it's too soon to say what the long term impact of legalizing cannabis is whether negative or positive.
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decriminalizing not only cannabis but all drugs why i wouldn't say that i'm in favor of all drugs but i would like to see those drugs within all different classes of drugs that have been proven scientifically and medically to be less harm to the individual. to be decriminalized and that's for very simple reason if you look around in europe you can see that those countries that have a very previous know stands on drugs that are very restrictive and very criminalizing and. difficult the approach to the users have the highest amount of people dying in. correlation to the drug use so making drugs illegal could be harmful as well the fact of the criminal law is that people never know what they're getting how pure it is what they're getting if they're getting what they want to do all makes it more harmful. take russia for instance in the 17th century there is less open noses in smokers to mania. or even the death
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penalty was introduced for smokers and nowadays i mean nicotine smoking is one of the most used trucks at all so prohibition doesn't work at all what ever you declare for britain becomes more and more interesting and curiosity i wanted to try out is a very human response especially in young people but what about addiction is every consumer dependent not on it but in most substance there's a certain amount of people who develop psychological or sometimes physical dependence but they're usually also people who consume drugs on a occasional or even regular level without ever getting addicted ok but but when do directs get dangerous. well they do get dangerous if you have to increase the amount of substance you take in if you can't function socially or in your daily life without the substance anymore if you get up in the morning and need
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a pint of beer before you can face your kids or go to work you really have a problem. let's talk about kids i'm a father was so over the line your 13 year old girl. they don't take drugs i think so but there will be a time when they get in contact with trucks at school for instance so as a parent what should i do to protect my child well i think in the same way that sex education should start early drug education should start early and if you encourage your kids to learn about the substances and if you show that you're interested in take a position where you don't judge prohibit only but also show that you're interested enough to know what's going on in their lives how they are developing and what substances they are getting in contact with that's the best spaces in my opinion to protecting your kids because eventually most young people will try out something at least in our culture and in my opinion if you as
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a parent have shown. considerate care without judgment early on enough then to make a big difference so even if the children are taking drugs because we go to view a christian and she suspects that her son gets from time to time should she do something about it. well it would be good to find out what's really going on because if he is an occasional cannabis use of with his friends in the evening yes she should mention the topic especially in context where a drug dealer is never just dealing with cannabis but also has a whole array of party drugs down to the op yards available for people you should be knowing what's going on but also they're showing. authentic concern and being in contact with that child is far better than. shaming and blaming it or even reporting it to the police as some parents do because they're helpless
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so if you think that you've got a problem with drugs or afraid your child has got a problem with trucks who should you turn to. well firstly it needs to be said that drug use for children. youngsters teenagers young adults and pregnant women is never a good idea it's always harmful to the to the developing human mentally and physically that's really should be something everybody is aware of and i think in most cultures as far as i know most countries there is a certain system of help available where you can go to drug counseling if this is not available to you for some reason because you live in a rural area or it's socially too difficult to approach such service your doctor or your father your pharmacist should be the person to talk to and hopefully you will find somebody who will be competent and help willing to help thanks so much for this very very enlightening and interesting talk and i know that you're addicted to in good shape and you know what i'm craving your e-mails. in good
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shape if you're a weekly health show on d w that covers many aspects of health care we look at what's new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and beauty we discuss these topics and depth with specialists and offer you opportunities to pose your own questions so get in touch . you know the mantra fat is not good for you 1st it makes you fat and it kills you better ice cream cheese and cream it's all not good for your health but what about all of oil and what about nuts good bad about fat. we've been told so often that fat is unhealthy and bad for the heart that week . tend to believe it. there's nothing good about fat that makes fat fat fat makes you fat. fat whenever i hear fats i go in the. many kinds are not
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beneficial as part of the diet. but fats aren't all bad and we can't live without fat in our diet yet eating too much fat is a factor in the growing global problem of overweight and that despite the fact that in rich countries at least lots of fat reduced products are available but in medical terms it's all much more complex. if you reduce fats and oils too much you run the risk of replacing them with carbohydrates. then you put on weight and your blood liquid levels rise. so is fat actually better than its reputation. it depends on what kind of felt it is good or. is just fine and in the good sign i make everything with olive oil why because it tastes great and it's healthy. linseed oil is good for you. maybe not oils to. you but all the rest aren't. medical science distinguishes various categories of fat
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there are other bad saturated fatty acids that mainly come from meat and dairy then there are other good unsaturated fatty acids found in many plants and some fish they can even lower cholesterol levels. that we know that the composition of all of oil is particularly good because of the unsaturated fatty acids. a recent study showed that this composition even reduces cardiovascular diseases so you can in good conscience use a little more all of oil from what you can see me as i but does fat consumption affect everybody the same way professor and supply for the german institute of human nutrition has been doing research with twins including paper shot heard and hike a boa he had 46 pairs of twins eat a lot of saturated fat for several weeks nearly half of their calorie intake it turned out that each set of twins responded the same way however there were
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significant differences between the various pairs of twins some react more and others less strongly to the high fat diet. the conclusion of the study is that blood cholesterol levels are mainly a question of genes. whether the cholesterol level is high or low is genetically determined through diet can be raised or lowered by about 15 percent someone with a very high level won't end up with a low one by having a healthy diet yet the influence of nutrition on cholesterol levels is just not that great that's one reason why cardiologist melanie milligan has stopped telling her patients to stay away from butter entirely another reason is that current cholesterol lowering drugs are very effective. she says it would nonetheless be very wrong to issue an all clear. yet. we cardiologists have to be careful not to say oh eat what you like it doesn't matter have liver
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pâté for breakfast sausages for lunch a burger for supper that would be totally wrong and they're all packed with animal fats their cholesterol and fat bombs and they do make a big difference. to your exam of had a heart attack therapy includes lowering his blood cholesterol level heart patients should be especially sparing in their consumption of animal fat in fact saturated fatty acids are bad for healthy people as well. do you vocal of the influence inflammation processes in the body that play a role in the development of diabetes tiriel sclerosis and dementia this can be demonstrated coming and we saw that very clearly in our study and that is another reason why saturated fats are not good for us it when it says and how twins are now more careful about the fact they eat not too much and not too little good ones not bad as we know some fats are much better than their reputation by.
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what's in front of them see you next week and until then let's all try to stay in good shape whew.
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there's a future of zimbabwe students at the prestigious fountain college. boys and girls of different races learn together. when they finish school they take on the responsibility of finding to ensure zimbabwe is a tolerant and democratic country. more than school. to 60 minutes on d w. o. how to cover more than just one reality. where i come from we have a transatlantic way of looking at things that's because my father is from germany and my mother is from the united states of america and so i realized fairly early that it makes sense to explain different realities. and now here at the heart of
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the european union in brussels we have 28 different realities and so i think people are really looking for any journalist they can trust for them to make sense of those. items myself i work at the government. frank food. international gateway to the best connection self road and rail. located in the heart of europe you have connected to the who will. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. biala gassed at frankfurt airport city managed by for.
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a bit of that. this is the of the news live from berlin hong kong police storm a university barricade by anti-government protesters firing clashes brought hong kong polytechnic after authorities threaten to use live ammunition against protesters some of them have been using lethal weapons of their own including bone arrows will get an update from our correspondent our correspondent on the ground. also coming up tehran it takes a tough stance unpopular fuel price hike iran's supreme leader says he backs the start of this.


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