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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 23, 2019 12:15am-12:31am CET

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the bridge started in 5th place driving car number 2 with overtaking on the dusty circuit difficult bird made full use of his 2 power booms to move through the field he took the lead with 10 minutes to go and held on beating german manufacturers portion mercedes on their series debuts. this is live from berlin for more news on global stories visit our website www dot com thanks for watching. what keeps us in shape what makes a c. my name is dr. i talk to medical experts. and i discuss what you can do to improve your health. stay tuned and let's all try to stay.
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over. to the you broke. this news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes carol with news is shooting up in south africa a new study has found it's wreaking havoc in communities across the country all of the police making the problem worse. at a beauty contest in ivory coast. hit natural but is how black women where the dividing.
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hello welcome to news africa it's good to have you along. heroin is having a devastating effect on communities across south africa that's the conclusion of a study by an eagle funded projects known as in that they base their findings on interviews with gang members drug dealers uses and what they also found the government and goal in force meant all saving to settle the problem a drug court made off low grade heroin is presenting a particular challenge and just a warning that some of us may find some images in our report distressing. a backyard and so wet oh south africa's largest township twin brothers marvin in eagle come here every day to get this much. it's a form of low grade heroin with other substances and it's far cheaper than pure
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reforms of the truck over. it's sold widely across south africa there's little fear of prosecution. from. small so to take the stuff from. the stuff you see right. now. according to a recent study poor policing is behind the growing heroin crisis in south africa of their 4 euro's daily income as car guards marvin in eagle spend half on. the one who takes the 1st hit draws blood into the syringe he then injects this into his brother's vein this dangerous practice is called bluetooth thing it saves
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money but transmits deadly diseases the twins hope to be able to get clean one day . we don't need just. about the insight. all of us want to live in you know in a few days from ted you know because nobody's been jobless north of pretoria the organization i guess a child encourages drug users to never give up hope the founder moses the slow slow was an addict and dealer himself it all changed when he was caught with 60 kilograms of marijuana at a london airport in 2006 after spending 4 years in jail he returned to south africa and decided to help other addicts turn their lives around. if you like it or not over the ocean like you or you know it is there to be in your life let so slow strategy for reaching out to fellow addicts a simple. listening to them making them feel the someone who wants
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to listen to me you know because off. them goes they are victims of circumstances. back with the 2 brothers eagle takes the 1st hit. then he injects his intoxicated blood into marvin marvin stayed clean for 6 weeks at the beginning of the year but after watching eagle get high every day he started taking drugs again but soon the brothers want to stay off drugs together before it's too late. my 1st guest today is shawn shady he is the founder of the south africa drug policy week it's an awareness program welcomes each to d.w. africa shown so how widespread is the problem off heroin and yelp use in south africa. well you don't actually know but it says sydney increasing we haven't got accurate figures this is no daughter that one can rely on but we know that it is
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sitting creasing and that is an abundance of supply and we are picking up more and more issues around the use of heroin in south africa right shaun said he as we've seen it from the protect innocent our report law enforcement isn't helping. absolutely not we've got a little problems with the the whole way that drugs are managed and you know we deal with the use of drugs in communities and law enforcement eventually become part of the problem becoming just another defector gang in the situation we're here with bribery and corruption is is the sort of standard in fact in parts of south african law enforcement called to call drug users 80 ns automatic teller machines while and what effect is this having on south african communities the communities affected by by this heroin and healthy use well you know the issues that the communities as such disintegrating you know we finding more problems in communities and that's driving the heroin use of it which makes people
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more marginalized and feel more excluded and that's creating even more of a problem to get the real issue is what is making heroin so tract of 2 people and what is it what is it that they finding in it that they're not getting in the community so i think the case is that they were really problems in the community and these are just exacerbated by the by the availability of a drug which makes things seem right and intolerable circumstances tolerable is sort of alluded to it's of its actual and but i might expect since he was really going to be why now while we're being told that right now heroin use is shooting up in south africa why is it so rampant now when. you've got a confluence of factors 1st of all we've obviously got whole poorest borders there's more trade taking place we've got more illicit products coming out of africa in general olds with products that kind of thing and often that is paid for with with drugs because it's easier to move than a casual thing and we've got these poorest borders plus we've got
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a community that are feeling disenfranchised and involved and connected and that together creates a kind of perfect storm for the and you importance of drugs in people's lives so i think that that's really come together with increasing organization we're seeing the rise of drug use because it provides meaning and purpose in people's lives might not look like it from the outside but when they're lacking meaning and purpose in day to day activities they're going to look for it elsewhere shown quickly what can the south african government do. well i think the 1st thing they're going to do is look at alternative approach to drugs and we know that putting people in jail for drug use is not helping that drives the situation it becomes the perfect recruiting ground for gangsters and means economic exclusion going forward in the formal economy so we've really got to find a different way of approaching it we've got to have more prevention programs which start at school level and that does not mean say no to drugs prevention programs don't even involve talking about drugs they involve building stronger and better
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communities all right sean chaney thank you. thank you. now a beauty contest recently held an upbeat john was all about natural hair miss nappy 29000 was crowned in the ivory coast it's the 2nd edition of the competition and this is when it was cecilia. overnight as say the contest is aimed at scent of breaking natural hair. in a moment i'll be talking to a woman who has written and commented on the subject of african hair but 1st let's listen to the 1st run up off miss nappy 2019. full of natural girls of beautiful to no need to do all these things to o'hare straightening using chemicals we have beautiful naturally some gold rush my guest today is cassie and lawrence she's a musician in polish and has written a book for children in the black i asked for
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a welcome to the efficacy and so so so we've seen that they you know sent a break the idea of natural hair but yes not without controversy where do you stand on that well for me natural hair is the symbol of brazilians and the symbol of power and as the black panther party for example in the seventy's and eighty's they all wore their afros out and as a symbol of power because when during the times of slavery that was taken away from us we were stripped a more basic humanity which is just our natural here going out of our head and so for me like natural hair is just a sign of resilience and power but what about the black women who say i get that but i want to win my history and i won the way weeds and weights of why should these woke women from this next will hand movement and dictate to me what the new standards while i don't think that if the natural woman from the local movement that's dictating anything i think it's the media and for me personally the women
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can wear their hair or however they feel makes them feel or whatever they want to that makes the right will the most beautiful i will. igs all the time i wear wigs weaves and braids orange red purple whatever i want to and it's just how i'm feeling in the moment and i think that has to do a lot of women feel ok ok i mean you've talked about the policy it with this is this thing about some of the most powerful black women that you and i can identify with in this day and age of talking about you know oprah winfrey's and you know michelle obama's if you have a does it does it does it matter that we've not seen these women where they have actually like you have you here no i don't think so because it doesn't matter and this is why because these women represent people of color regardless black women specifically regardless of how our hair looks they are women who are strong who are resilient who are intelligent and them have been straight hair out for hair doesn't really matter it is just showing us in
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a light that is so beautiful and i think that's great but i want to ask you this i mean you have you. right now have you ever at some point in your life i caught with my hair like this this is going to work yes so when i started officially working and when i was a teenager because of the way society conditioned me as an individual as a black woman i was thought to be not beautiful have natural hair i was in school teased about my hair be a nappy i was in school about my skin being too dark and for a long time i fought with these insecurities and i felt like i needed to have straight here in order to be beautiful especially to men and i think that's where the narrative about our black bodies has been pushed soul long in society especially by white men the narrative in the white european standard of beauty and i was so conditioned to that until i started my journey of natural in this when i started to not wear too much makeup or i started to grow my natural hair i shaved
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my head and they was just you so would you say that that's a political statement how you bring me here in the stand yes for me it is a political statement however. as i said before i do like to wear weeds and i do like to wear wigs and so on because it protects my hair and that's just the truth and so when it protects my hair i'm allowed to have it flourish like the way it's flourishing now where in wigs and weaves is not an issue for me. it's just like for me having it natural and walking through side if you like powerful right now you know it is really well. ok so casting darren's thanks to that i thank you. and that is it for now from deserving is africa you can catch all our stories on our website and facebook page will leave you now with another look at some of the different ways we can whale has that them and the next time i.
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speak this is like. this music you're. you feeling. and does this if you're racing. to come to the right place. 16. different
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languages we fight with different things that's fine let me all stick up. for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom for its global news that matters d. w. made for mines. a new head of the european central bank but is it just business as usual christine legarde has given her 1st official speech of his e.c.b. president breathing space for south african airways the carrier and trade unions have agreed a deal to end an 8 day strike. and v is 1st victory of us has what it hopes is a winning idea to save fuel inspired by migrating birds.


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