tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle November 24, 2019 4:15pm-5:00pm CET
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well that was a new kenya so she was even younger at the age of 15 and a brazilian celebrated a popular victory in front of her fans on boards 250th birthday were remarking on a voyage of discovery. expedition voyage on g.w. . globalization few topics have so sharply divided contemporary society or made emotions run so high globalised nation has split the world into 2 camps the winners every economist will tell you that trade is a net benefit for society and the losers the rise issue it's like that suze ph thing the shop was side to use the site that is used to like slaughter because.
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globalization has become a battle cry but it's hard to define exactly what it is. globalization is the widening of boundaries. of the national economy to a global economy. and integrating police flow of information trade and sometimes people. some say that globalization offers hope but it also stokes fears of a script much risk of fuel to a lot of people are anxious about the future i believe in this mission their lives are not as predictable as they were 20 or 30 years ago. globalization is changing the world faster than ever and making it smaller. yes with some globalization means you can be in any part of the world in just 24 hours of its i phone. others say that it promotes economic exploitation. and if you. people profit massively at the
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expense of the majority so now. what are the fallacies of globalization and what are the facts behind those misconceptions. is globalization unfair. globalization promises prosperity for all and there is no doubt that many have benefited from it but that prosperity can be found only in a small number of countries. include mostly lies ations seem very much to believe the hype before any of the vaults western economies. germany is one of them its auto industry continues to fuel the economy exports are booming
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and earn billions in profits for german companies. but many people in germany are nevertheless critical of globalization. economist at kele's institute for the world economy studies the effects of globalization on society and the economy is so to speak global globalization has an image problem on the public discussion doesn't take into account the positive side of the discourse that exports have created new jobs sort of that's. what's. benedict's come out of micro finance startup says that globalization has lots of positives. yeah it's germany is absolutely one of the winners sometimes we forget how well we're doing take vacations will all. come to. the bottom us people can now travel to faraway places that my grandparents couldn't. never dreamt of going to israel
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with that it's with us an. infinity free misdoubted but many people ignore the fact that globalization provides us with a much wider variety of products and at much lower prices than in the past isn't us . we couldn't afford a lot of those products if we had to make them ourselves and we profit from the fact that many of them come from low wage countries take china for example china transformed itself from a developing country into the world's largest export nation within just a few decades by opening its economy and investing in new technology. china has lifted 800000000 people out of poverty that's that's the greatest development achievement in history. around the world the number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen sharply thanks to globalization. in
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1990 they numbered about 2000000000 by 2015 the figure had fallen to about 700000000. 10 jackson an economist and declared critic of growth is a professor at the university of surrey jackson believes that the reduction in poverty is only part of the story. the case for globalization is still idea that is expanding the global economy rising tide would lift all boats and that idea if you just expand the economy then sooner or later the poorest will be rich. globalization and free trade may bring some prosperity to many people but it also widens the gap between rich and poor around the world if the richest 10 percent now only 90 percent of the wealth the poorest 50 percent own just 0. point
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2 percent. doesn't really matter whether the rich got richer as well or how much they got richer as well as long as you list as people from the bottom then you're doing the job that globalization should do. globalization encourages capital to flow to places that offer maximum profits that's good for those who've invested in shares of international corporations and free markets can benefit countries that have a highly developed economy. but wide open markets can have a devastating effect on countries where the economy is less developed. even topcon from cameroon isn't antiglobalization activist francisco mari works for the bread for the world organization both call for fair trade between africa and the western industrial nations so don't give on this it's possible from spain.
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that's wrong and we should be reminded that because of the their reproduction even in selling out the probably could produce cheese c.f. this is really the flow of this from from europe. food products from europe are stocked in many shops here some of that food is heavily subsidized by the european union so it's often less expensive than food grown by local farmers. i usually use the term dog because they're there for 2 or 3 times cheaper than local products so the competition is definitely very unfair. what does this competition mean for the farmers here like many african nations senegal is a predominantly rural country for out of fire. people here earn their living from
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agriculture. the goods are there. when she was one of those farmers is let me. tell you girl. i want. to. say look here are some of the products that we sell this is not a good move this is a low bond ok. this is militant you said you know it. but you're not getting a good price or not at all because of exploitation by the europeans explosion to get it up and. let means father and grandfather work this land is very good now cheap imports from europe are threatening his livelihood and he can't afford to send his children to school. before the due process is so good i had to spend a lot of money on fertilizer and extra workers.
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i like these imports to stop a loser that we can get better prices. so we have to work really hard here. to depreciate. so economic competition creates both winners and losers francisco marini sums up the situation the speed flash media the of the competition may produce more winners but it also produces more who have no chance at all. you think it does i don't think globalization has made good on its promise to benefit everyone else by stuff from home and sometimes. does globalization take away jobs. globalization creates international competition for the best and. his production
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conditions. experts estimate that some 12000000 jobs in germany japan directly on exports. that's more than a quarter of the workforce. in germany exports help us to preserve the jobs that we have and to create new jobs of shuffleboard. but the globalized economy has brought radical changes to the workplace. keith rockwell has been the world trade organizations chief spokesman since 1996 he says technological change is the greatest challenge of our time. when was the last time you went to a travel agent. when was the last time you talked to a bank teller these jobs are disappearing because people do things in a very different way. germany continues to thrive mostly because of
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its strong technology base it's often touted as a winner of globalization a misconception. korg at leats was managing director of germany's largest manufacturer of solar modules the past few years were tough on the company. it was an implosion you know that's really sad to go to the factory and to see that production is pretty much shut down for dollars for. solar world industries filed for insolvency for the 2nd time in 2018. just a few years earlier the company had over 3000 employees the future looked promising not least because solar world receive generous subsidies from the german government . china discovered the lucrative solar module production market and provided. subsidies for new companies in this sector low
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priced chinese modules were soon turning up everywhere. for the global market is a good thing but you can't compete against price dumping. in 2013 the u.s. and the e.u. imposed anti dumping tariffs on china. but chinese companies got around the penalties by sending their solar modules to taiwan vietnam and malaysia and exporting them from their. solar world and other german companies in the sector suffered as a result of globalization. it was just brutal was people lost their jobs and i knew most of our workers on the phone it was like a family here a great place to work he wanted for and false toilet. the last solar module rolled
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off the production line and fry back in september 28th. and 1300 people were left unemployed. and he mentioned some of the workers took it pretty hard for particularly since the politicians were always telling us that something had to be done to fight climate change inside the. king while one of them somewhat that's why. the collapse of the solar industry in germany has eliminated about 25000 jobs most of them in the eastern part of the country. overall globalization has been good for germany but as we've seen here there are some glaring exceptions. anita engels is a sociologist at the university of hamburg she studies the effects of globalization on the environment and society. i think your entire regions of germany are losing
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something that defined them for decades and also it gave them confidence and a feeling of strength. at a cost summit. when globalization destroys jobs the political climate also changes. among conciseness declivity that we've seen that globalization can contribute to the growth of populism. to speak you and many regions that have been hit hard by globalization tend to vote for more extreme political parties the types of it. in the 2016 u.s. presidential election donald trump it especially well in those parts of the country that had been affected by global competition. and the job market will continue to change radically in years to come and. we estimated that by 203080 percent of the new jobs that are going to be created don't exist today
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what will leitch jobs of the future be how do we bring these to people's attention and how do we prepare them to fulfill these jobs. generally speaking germany's economy is well prepared to deal with this situation but it's an ongoing process no country can afford to relax in a globalized economy that is constantly changing. is global migration destroying our world. in 2015 large numbers of migrants started to arrive in europe from africa syria and kossovo. while many risked their lives thousands drowned many of them were desperate to escape war and persecution. others simply one of the chance to earn
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a decent living this too is part of globalization to build up the images were so strong that many people felt the huge numbers of migrants were like a flood of our by fear in this island or. many germans immediately offered to help the new arrivals and make them feel welcome. the arms of feeling. and are not ones actually but we had no idea how many people were coming or who they were. in germany some people feel threatened by the migrants. was. europe was. divided on the issue of migration and how to deal with it some countries saw the democratic order under threat. the continent was overwhelmed by the arrival of some 3300000 in the space of 3 years. the simple other regions are experiencing more
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serious situations like all the people migrating north from central america in the north and. the u.n. says that 2300000 people left venezuela in 2018 alone. often off the causes and in africa some countries like uganda had taken in millions of people from somalia and eritrea who are fleeing conflicts it could face. in 2015 the total number of migrants worldwide was estimated at 2c4x3w7xw of them had fled from conflict zones. most moved to nearby countries only a few embarked on longer and more dangerous journeys to other continents. these migrants feel enormously threatened otherwise they wouldn't do it it's not an easy decision to go on kind of like for the gun charges. it's a fallacy that global migration only creates problems for the host nations to the
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migrants home countries lose workers and intellectual potential and when. one of the little girl. found deal is studying philosophy at the university of the car in senegal. on sundays a lot of the students play soccer. or they meet up with their friends there are about 100000 students in senegal. but jobs for university graduates are scarce here. is a good one. possible move will also offer kids not that we want to leave our homeland but at some point. we'll probably have to. fit in a big fan of you know if we can't find a job when we finish our studies things will start to get complicated. so all a lot of us will have to leave your song is it. normal to
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you. if more educated young people like fallen state in senegal they could help build the economy but at the same time there's a shortage of skilled workers in many western countries. caught in his there's half the some societies are aging rapidly and that will push their social welfare systems to the limits. that these countries will need immigrants to help them deal with the challenge on the long term basis on scans in long. hours esteem issues by leaving. migration has been changing the face of our world for thousands of years there are many positive sides to migration but in the 21st century it has become a major problem. as the global population grows and environmental conditions deteriorate migration will continue to rise.
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who. does globalization create peace. september 11th 2001 at a record attack on the heart of international trade it seemed that globalization produced its own fanatical enemies. but wasn't globalisation supposed to produce conflict. jackson explains that argument for a 3rd the free market was we as human beings have a natural propensity. see to truck in trade visits here but inherent human qualities to trade with each other in this trade is a kind of civilizing influence on the world if you're trading with someone you're not fighting with and. the history of globalization has always been closely linked
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to war and peace. at the start of the 20th century global trade was that a new all time high. but in 1029 the u.s. stock market crash kicked off the great depression. germany was hit hard by the crisis . in 1030 the us sought to protect its economy by imposing tariffs on many imported goods other countries followed suit. germany tried to make its economy self-sufficient. it was a dangerous mixture of protectionism and nationalism. but after world war 2 it seemed that only free trade and prosperity would ensure lasting peace. in 194723 nations signed the general
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agreement on tariffs and trade or got this created a framework for international trade that is still in place today. the motivations for it were a broadly humanitarian and social they were certainly to some extent about cementing the particular configuration of political power that came out of the 2nd world war. the western industrial states pursued a policy of free trade this also led to an economic boom in west germany on the votes of good contacts not up on the good dr bob woodward on the 1950 s. postwar prosperity it was referred to as the economic miracle and ultimately led to the triumph of capitalism. over communism. the fall of the berlin wall signaled the end of this ideological conflict. it seemed that overcoming borders would lead to a lasting end to war i think the best example of trade bringing peace that i can i
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can think of is the creation of the european union. having france and germany inextricably tied to each other as partners it's very hard to imagine a conflict arising between these 2 great friends. the era of world wars had come to an end but with the fall of the iron curtain a series of regional conflicts took center stage. there are seldom been as many of these conflicts as there are today many of them are fueled by the struggle to acquire natural resources. for example in the democratic republic of congo a country rich in mineral deposits. in metallic or called contains elements that are used in the manufacture of many high tech products where you can have an easy access to cheap was all says then the tension between
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civilizing power of trade and the press of. the movie while the easily with military force from go all. armed groups fight to control valuable resources that command large sums on global markets these conflicts often impoverished local residents and force them to flee. you see dictators lee staying in power for so many years just because behind there is a lobby just because behind their multinationals. the international competition for food resources exacerbates the problem millions of people in africa are starving while their governments sell farmland to foreign in the. sisters. come in sick tauzin sometimes of hectares of land leave the poor communities die and then you want to create a big multinational food industry that would not even feed the company to use its
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use for exports ation to feed the reach of countries. so perhaps it's a fallacy that free trade always leads to peace. you have these imbalances and that's the point at which in a civilized trade stops being fair and becomes a form of aggressive conflict. is globalization a disaster for the planet. what is your level is ation has enabled us to export a specific model of economic growth and wealth around the world. just as yet but it's based on an incredible wastage of resources fashion and.
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so we're producing pollution as a systematic accompaniment to prosperity this is forced on. goods are often produced in countries that have relatively few regulations cheap labor and weak environmental standards ready ready. just as i'm going to list environmental pollution has become a serious problem effect but it's not included in the cost of doing business the make as cost me to the price of pollution is paid by society as a whole but not directly by the corporations who act for us and to make. in prosperous western countries we can buy whatever we want whenever we write thanks in part to globalization. but in other parts of the world that's not the case. being able to translate that kind of lifestyle to nearly 8000000000 people and 10000000000 people by the middle of a century would almost be impossible without
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a serious collapse in our ecosystem. for everyone to be able to live as well as your opinions we need 3 times the earth's resources. a small percentage of the world's population is consuming a large part of these finite raw materials. the general increase in prosperity has put massive pressure on the environment people who are well off create more pollution than poor people do take air travel for example. dizziness and order number of flights in germany has been increasing continuously for years for going on up to. more than 80000000 passengers take off from german airports every year on international flights and that number is expected to rise. a flight from frankfurt to new york generates
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about 4 tons of c o 2 per passenger. the targets that aim to reduce global warming say that we should produce only one tonne of greenhouse gases per capita per year that would see the end of most air traffic. globalisation is contributing to serious environmental damage but it can also help to reduce that damage. in 1987 the international community joined forces to reduce the ozone hole in the stratosphere over and arctica scientists pointed out the environmental dangers. countries approved an international treaty the montreal protocol that called for phasing out materials such as c f c's that were damaging the ozone layer. since the treaty was implemented in 198900 new caution over the antarctic has been reduced.
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me to cool bodies in this age of globalization we can create international institutions that can effectively coordinate efforts to use our resources in a more environmentally friendly more efficient way of the quad in. the world continues to look for solutions to problems that affect us all in $215196.00 countries approved the paris agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as part of the effort to curb global warming thanks. but some countries no longer support the agreement. the united states world with draw. from the paris. climate accord. our agriculture is being crushed by environmental regulations that do nothing to protect the environment. or that of polish economy is based on coal that will never
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change. people keep voting for governments because they roll back environmental standards. then the world will be in a very bad shape indeed. but more and more young people are taking to the streets to demand environmental and climate protection. there is an appetite for a different kind of lifestyle a different kind of sinking and you can see that as a generational shift. i am i. 10 and human of you. if this youth movement really takes off and the young people can use new technology and the globalized conditions to network with each other then it can really gather momentum and fire. international agreements can
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help to reduce the negative effects of globalization but it is no fallacy that globalization also exacerbates damage to the environment. is globalization destroying our identity. there are many 'd reasons why people in britain voted to leave the european union for many the main one appears to be a feeling that the you had taken control of their lives. one of the factors that led into the decision to take back control narrative was that even their identity had been taken away by a kind of global law it's homogenized a.n.c. that meant that the localism was no longer valid if. many people in germany feel the same way. that there are these people are demonstrating against
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multiculturalism. questions of identity she set up that political arena when people feel that their status in society is threatens all that they're not valued. for tolerant today will be foreigners in our own country tomorrow. a lot of people around the world feel like that now due in part to compromise ation some of them have turned to nationalism and populism to help restore their sense of identity. and was awesome see that in the strong change happening right now in the united states not for more than 200 years our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations it has shaped our character as
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a people with limitless possibilities. to win once again until the 990 s. the idea was that the united states was a nation of immigrants and that immigration was a good thing kong in a class positive stuff. that was. president trump has given many americans a new sense of identity in a rapidly changing world. the concept of national identity developed in the early 19th century later to tell a tarion states like nazi germany used it to promote racist policies. and. today nationalism has
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become increasingly popular but what does that have to do with identity. identity is constantly in flux see that's not custom style. i nor to get whether we're talking about a nation or individual each of us. does and it evolves and changes throughout our life consists. in true cultural exchange is part of everyday life it brings new energy to society by changing customs and values globalization did not create this process but it has definitely quicken the pace. does globalization need a set of rules. today the world has become more closely interconnected than ever. the boundaries that used to isolate states and cultures
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are slowly disappearing. globalization seems to have entered every aspect of our lives often the open fear in the u.s. and growing concern elsewhere. in 2008 lehman brothers a new york based global financial services firm filed for bankruptcy after speculating in bad real estate loans. this development had a devastating impact on the world economy. unregulated economic activity can be dangerous we've seen this in the financial crisis. this doesn't mean the government should overburdened entrepreneurs with paperwork and all kinds of other bureaucratic and pangle but it does mean you need to keep an eye on how things are going. so there's globalization need regulation by whom and what should the priorities be mention of the states and the tissue laws that protect human rights
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can also be applied to international trade and the movement of capital and given that they are. the principles and objectives of the united nations are almost universally recognized. the organization often takes action on the big issues peace international justice human rights all of these are the themes that repeatedly lead to conflicts. as national interests take precedence the u.n. has less and less room to maneuver that is one reason the united states will not participate. in the world trade organization also has less authority than in the past it was created in 1000. in 94 to regulate global commerce and at least in principle to create prosperity for everyone its rules were approved by 164 member states. bringing everybody here to chat about what it
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is we can do in a way which is amicable. in so far as trade can be discussed amicably these days these kinds of process seeds are what the deputy who was created to do. the w t o has been widely criticised because its policies have failed to benefit all of its member states. and the us under trump has mostly ignored it. from this day. it's going to be only. as a c.s.v. on the internets and optimal international trade agreements are difficult to work out because each country is pursuing its own interest to its trade policy its marched on that can include restricting imports and increasing exports of spawn much to. the w t
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o was created to establish fair trade policies that applied around the world but those policies can't be vetoed by any member state. many countries have lost patience with the situation and have simply worked out their own separate trade deals. with. the european union alone has concluded more than 60 free trade agreements with different regulations. and even within what is called globalization on the rules of this fishes try to govern it as a lot of the us did interest and locked up. and nothing really ever approximated free trade has ever really happened. so there are still no internationally binding rules that govern the transfer of goods labor and capital.
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trade makes the pie bigger. but how that pie. sheered is not a decision that's made in geneva. those decisions are often made elsewhere globalization has created loopholes that enable multinational corporations to move their profits to obscure tax havens. just simple blame for the problem it is multinational companies that conclude contracts worldwide in order to pay as little tax as possible and remain effectively above the law your buddy because that's real . but is it realistic to hope that international regulations will one day create fair trade policies that benefit everyone or is that you topic. some rather pessimistic about the idea that all interests can be represented equally when it comes to trade policy. competition here pursued because states and economies still tend to pursue their own nationalistic interests so let's not just. it's often
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difficult for the international community to agree on solutions for serious problems. and activists like even talk can say that the old structures have to change i'll keep reminding the world that the policies that have been put in place . policies made by plan b. and the natural phenomena from these policies to normal work colleagues in the country bendish either has been completely completely erased. perhaps it's time to consider trade options that fall outside the scope of globalization to jackson says that this would provide a number of benefits. clearly that result says so there are advantages in supply chains to less globalization you don't have to have your materials traveling around the world so much that reduces your carbon costs there are employment benefits to
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less global isolation and there are also advantages. to. you know a more localized sense of what culture is. but the w t o's keith rockwell says this would be a big mistake we've seen what autarky he's. autarky is this is the soviet union and as an economic model i don't hear too many people saying that's the route we should take. what you need to make globalization more equitable our rules. and i type give it sort of look but globalization offers a number of advantages including technological development so we don't need alternatives to globalization but we have to take a more active approach to globalization and work together to develop responsible solutions to the minds of lose them fewer. benefits cama says the globalization process has to be restructured. some of it isn't so in germany we've progressed to
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a social market economy over the last 100 years and i think we should take the same approach to globalization for example corporations should be forced to pay their fair share of taxes but it's our pleasure. i know their fight and it's 11 eyes ation has helped to connect people around the world and they now realize that the resources of the one planet that we have unlimited need we have no alternative and that this is a very important and positive aspect of aspect. globalization has created serious problems that is no fallacy but in an interconnected world these problems can only be resolved if people take a global approach 'd to finding solutions.
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ico africa i knew my 1st graph electronic gear cameron has just one collection site the materials are recycled for free so i'm a fair price but it was just too good to sicamous is one of all objectives is to promote state decision of more than technology that is to keep people on the buy a new device so fortunately to get that cheap essentials and the math wonderful eco africa in spite of the. coach a video. link to news from africa and the world story link to exceptional stories and discussions from own use and visit and while when say deputed comes much traffic up join us on facebook g w africa. their wealth isn't countable.
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their egos insatiable. their rivalry deadly. 3 princes. all of whom dream of the leading the arab world. the rival princes of gold starts november 27th on the d w. this is d w news law either from binding to record a time out in hong kong local and. as a test of support for the territory's chief executive. for democracy.
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