tv Reporter Deutsche Welle November 25, 2019 7:45am-8:00am CET
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i. know that if i can have some food oh sure serve the baroness 1st. the school's 85 pupils and their teachers stay in the game they remain in character even while eating lunch their current role play is called the testament and english teacher plays the pastor has his punishment is a pardon a man. why all this. woman was hatched 3 children and she is invited to this whole family party but the family does not know why they are invited they don't know and by. the elderly baroness westfield also played by a teacher has invited her relatives to visit her one last time. emma norris has
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only been going to the mr sculp school for a few weeks. beginning in the 8th grade the danish school system allows people to attend independent boarding schools for up to 3 years. many of these schools have a special focus. now again i want to tell you why we're all here today the only. one and now. and now. this school employees live action role play as a way to teach the curriculum it calls this mix of acting theatre and interaction learning games. this role play covers the legal aspects of a will come plex family constellations and the highs and lows of human life. then emma goes to a relatively ordinary class still the role play continues. i need someone from the
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other family ok on time and again pupils are taken out of class to participate. discourse emma has her english lesson not an easy subject for someone with dyslexia far. from his and her previous school emma struggled and felt she was left to cope on her own. her self-esteem suffered a major blow. for a very very shy and i didn't want to speak up for myself i. didn't have any friends and i was on shore if i was good enough if i was if i was pretty and if i was clever enough to be in a school. at the end of the lesson someone slips a mysterious document. this is the document which might tell us why we're here so we're trying to figure out what it means. has the parents being questioned
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on suspicion of murder. mike emma many of the issues school of pupils felt like outsiders at their former schools were. frankly asked oh yes yes yes some students have a learning disability a.d.h. d. or autism spectrum disorder others are gifted and many have experienced bullying. but employing role play in regular lessons helps all pupils says teacher andreas miller. everything we do is to move the students to want to learn something and they're not learning something because they have to go to an exam or because mother or father or the society says so they're learning it because they want to learn and we may record in games or in funny hats or whatever but they're usually very motivated and there are certain types of students who just don't fit in to modern
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school life that really benefits from having something that is much more direct and much more like tangible tangible somehow and doesn't mean you can't teach really complex matters it just means that you have to you have to wrap it in a way where the nearness makes sense in its own right learning that makes sense emma wants to sing it's praises for the 1st time she's made friends your own age they've just taught her to play the piano. when. oh.
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right this pressure you also says something about would play and how you just for a moment escape from reality and take some time for yourself and i think that's maybe why i could make so much of this so ima has regularly taken part in live roleplay events for the last 8 years. the 17 year old spends her allowance on costumes for her slipping into another persona is a release. i felt like i wasn't allowed to cry. therefore i kissed. had all these feelings inside but then i got through role play and i put on a final dress and i do some wore makeup or something and then i paid
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at this girl who has lost her mother and then i was allowed to cry because it was role play. one week later the entire school has traveled to germany for a field trip to vin destroy the castle interior and. you know nobody in my hopes her fellow pupils put on makeup for an elaborately staged role play though there's no audience. for. it. or. what it might tell you this is if you go overseas and you go. there have to by doing. it this helps new pupils like emma better integrate into the school community says teacher in game master morton care gore. has to study to get to see inside a hollow you know it will feel production work standing right about the timing corp
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the end of the special effects both help them of the need. of condoms this is also very much a community community outreach getting society will still be will be reading this. emma puts on her costume then the role play of the midnight conclave begins. its the year 1532 inquisitors are executing supernatural beings. sorcerers baroness funmi chosen is gravely concerned that people might we won't abandon our people and the magical world. together with vampires fairies sort. shearers and we're wolves the baroness tries to find a solution. to her castle they aim to bring peace to the world but it's not easy as old feuds and animosities resurface emma plays the vampire elvira. this very
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overwhelming because she's only been around i around say one of the 3 kind of ramp hires and now there are 10 different kinds of magic species around her. this is just one of 70 different role plays that comprise the danish school's curriculum including math biology chemistry physics history geography and languages taught in an unconventional way and the school success speaks for itself 72 percent of pupils subsequently go on to upper secondary schools where they can take their school leaving exams that matches the danish average. the head of the vampires tries to hold emma's clan together a few of them have gone rogue. he. made it through the also i think it's teach them. a way of. dealing
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with problems. in the last what happened. and this will this is the kind of the ultimate sest because they have to walk around to have to mingle they have to travel with a lot of different opinions because there's them both play all the the france and the opinions of every separators better. than their own players roam all around the castle they solve riddles find mysterious objects uncover intrigues have discussions and fight. 100 people are taking part pupils teachers even the building manager it's the 1st time for me that i feel comfortable in a school system and with the teachers. also people that i don't really talk to. just come up to me and say oh it's a really nice costume i think you're just so sweet and helpful. and that's
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a very good feelings very well for myself. in the evening the role play reaches its climax. the same thing you. sacrifice yourself in a ritual. she let yourself be transformed into a human thereby saving the magical creatures and making the world a more peaceful place you know taken away your memories that was very intense. but it is she finds the end of the ritual quite moving but if they could say something personal to us. and it was very very heartbreaking but in a good way in a good way or wow you are great thanks are you ok
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yeah i'm good. after just a few weeks at the school and already feels better equipped to deal with life. rather you don't have an argos. is giving me what could i say and armor that i could put on so i. i will be able to stand up for myself until tell people the ad if they don't like me it's not my problem. because i am me and they have to accept me and respect me as i am. when she graduates emma plans to become a nursery school teacher she already knows she'll use role play as a pedagogical tool in her future profession. or the soccer mom of.
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of flames this is super bowl speaking when i come to the show with a ding dong ha concerts with phil mistress guests. mocking the sounds. and then incredible location. tonight groups every misstep on t.w. . link tough news from africa the world join us on facebook d w africa. birth place home tunes of species kohala the word significant. cuts those
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are big changes and most start with small steps but the ideas tell stories of could induce people into innovative projects around the world. to use the cut loose to manage solutions and be forced to show. current interactive content teaching the next generation of the fundamental touch her peers and channels available to inspire people to get shut and more determined to build something here for the next generation the idea is for the environment series of global $3000.00 on t.w. and online. play.
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this is news live from berlin hong kong's leader carried last promising to listen humbly after voters send a clear message to beijing pro-democracy candidates making massive games as the pro beijing vote collapses in municipal elections the vote was seen as a referendum on the hong kong's political.
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