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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 25, 2019 5:30pm-5:46pm CET

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this is a show coming up. over due banditry has been awarded the economics nobel for an experimental approach to economics. parents of children to succeed here's a snippet of what you told me. very near the office today and i think that's very important that parents let kids discover what the word.
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welcome to the show it's good to have you with us more than $700000000.00 people around the world survive on less than one us dollar 90 cents a day that's about the price of a cup of cappuccino the figure of one dollar 90 forms the international poverty line reducing the number of people living below it has been the aim of poverty reduction programs worldwide while poverty rates have reduced by half since 2000 our lot still needs to be done. 3 economists have recently been lauded for their efforts to find out what works best economists ben a-g. michael kramer and s. to. have been jointly awarded the $21000.00 nobel prize in economics for a series of studies which sought to prove whether some widely held beliefs were
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borne out by experience like do extra school days lead to better educated students does subsidised medicine improve health among the poor of i'll be asking what would you bet you what that means in a moment but 1st here's s. have to flow on hoping but that's pretty specific to something and i think i'd like to live on it until they get i'll be thinking shy about speaking like a bush cabinet and. then said he said that explicitly we can make it. joining me now on the line over here and banditry one of the other cool renault's of this year's nobel prize for economics professor about a day firstly from one bandaging to another congratulations to you and your colleagues are here jointly and thank you. now you said at mit after you feel when i quote i don't expect my life to change dramatically is that proven true
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. i still holding onto hope. i don't want it to change dramatically and. i am trying to see if i can get there right now it has changed rather drastically it would say in terms of just the number of hours i have to kind of sit and meditate or or do research rather than. speak on t.v. or travel somewhere. that so far is a little bit of a shock to the system do i sense a bit of regret that you won the nobel prize for economics. no not in the least it's just i. i would much delighted to have this prize i wish i could somehow put the genie back in exactly the right size box and
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then keep my delight but not necessarily the time commitment that it's currently implying but let's just talk about there's a war now that it's out of the box now you're no colleagues i've been devoted for a quarter experimental approach to alleviating global poverty what approach is that when you explain it to lesser mortals such as myself so i think the way policy is often done is somebody thinks this must be it was idea that's often a reflection of some piece of the theoretical economic thinking here or to call political thinking. something that hasn't particularly had any and. grounding in you know the very specifics of reality and so you do policy this makes sense that the intuitive and then suddenly half of those don't who are in the north and how those don't work and then
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we say that policy doesn't work. you know there's a general reaction against well it's impossible to do anything in fact we just are doing things badly we should be. trying to kind of figure out not whether it was in our head but whether it was in people's lives and often we just miss facts of others about people's lives and therefore we get it wrong so i think the great great advantage of the. experiment of the pros is that if you if you want a policy to be tested unit tested using an experiment you give it just like a medical trial but on a vast scale so you give it to 50000 people and not give 825-0000 people and you see if the 50000 people of the 600 villages that got the new
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policy if they end up in any way different from the ones that didn't that's right and then basically that has their god to give you the pretty to live a lobster provided to you well born in india and spent a considerable part of your life there including in delhi and kolkata 2 cities i myself have ties to i wonder if your experiences in india shaped your view of how the problem of poverty should be tackled. well in one very specific way yes i mean i grew up. at the edge of a very large slum and and when you do that you learn learn a healthy respect for the the accu man the energy. the general willingness to do new things all the people who are very very poor and that there is not that they lack the sort
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of some kind of core human capital to do that it's just that they don't have education and money they don't have the time to sit and think pressures from all sides so you learn i think there i think one of the things i've been very influential in my life is i'll never believe that poor people are uninteresting they're kind of like you know little robots will if you press a button that will them growing up among them playing with them you know every day everything that we give you that confidence. lastly provide a man to do you know you're going to be held up as an example of success and someone to emulate in india particularly for many years to come in fact for ever i know from my own experiences growing up in india that there was always a constant warning and a refrain from people around that if you don't study or go to the best universities
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or don't have a future you're not going to be successful now you're certainly going to the best universities in india and the us what would you advise young people listening to our interview is success only got into it if you attend top educational institutes and a fantastic student. noah and i are there or the friend thinks we're in. middle school this is certainly a very media office to her and i think that it's very important that parents and kids discover what they're good at i mean there's this beautiful king of everybody into. the and the medical school and if you don't get into reality who has a little less medical school i think we need to find you know a more diverse package for the talent to sort of style and this i think we're often
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end up with people who would have been amazing boy but. i really think that one move things that. i think we didn't really we were really not encouraged to do is deviate from that beaten path and i think it's useful to deviate. overage advantage of trying to find the nobel prize where in economics joint economics thank you very much for speaking to us. how can religion be harnessed in the fight against climate change is it even possible that's an issue that did up who wanted to explore as part of an equal islam series it organized a dialogue with south asian religious and political leaders together with environmental activists in pakistan's largest city karachi as religion often plays a huge role in people's lives using religious narratives that support an eco
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friendly agenda could help raise awareness about climate change. sharma chums was of the gathering let's listen to his introduction and to the voices he heard there. don't you will host a 2nd eco slum conference here in karachi pakistan the 1st meeting was held in jakarta indonesia last month and a 3rd meeting is planned in dhaka bangladesh sometime soon the aim of this conferenced is to highlight the global climate change problem buying gaging with local communities and in this case the muslim community and religious scholars and the aim is to highlight islam's eco friendly messages government offers shows religious scholars and civil society activists gather here to discuss a very serious problem yeah i think it's a very useful initiated because. we actually have bringing we're bringing together people using religion and many are asking them to late participate in such
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a huge movement i think this way to use what i think is quite important to bring religions together with the issue of climate change and environmental protection because religious leaders reach people on a certain way which maybe media and governments call on truly reach them so i think it's important to have this discussion and also to remind religions all sorts of religions but in their programs and in their believes the protection of the environment is has always been there and i think i don't agree with the idea there should come together because we can bring religions together what we can do is. we can bring together the followers of different religions. giving johnson to leaders of different religions to talk about environmental changes security and safety all for human being and the environment is good but you're good
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picker down to the common people and so i think the governments in pakistan and other 3rd world countries like us. i have such issues that they have to deal with mostly to stay in paul that they don't have time for for these things i feel that environment climate change as an issue can only effectively be dealt or addressed when the government and the society votes to get this or that is the idea of the government and hopefully will work with the people to bring about real change. that . listening to of the conference in. the day where leader now with images from hong kong off the local election results came out in which the pro-democracy a result of their seats that you're watching next time for.
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for information. to express g.w. on facebook and twitter up to date and in touch. with
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whom. book travel now a mainstream type. beijing take notes democracy is the winning ticket and it gets a clear indorsement from the markets. surge across asia pro-democracy candidates are heading for a decisive win in local elections in hong kong. to see buys tiffany for $16000000000.00 u.s. dollars is a bit bling bling match made in heaven. reinstates internet access in the country the true damage to the economy caused by the protests and its violent suppression
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becomes clear. this is business. as welcome markets across the region region got off to a good start into the week hong kong exchange surged 1.5 percent following a big win for pro-democracy candidates in local elections shares got another boost on news that beijing offered an olive branch in the long running china u.s. try talks over the weekend beijing announced it would hike penalties on violations of intellectual property rights the ip issue has been a major sticking point for the u.s. in the talks an agreement on it is seen as a key to their success. south korea is hosting a meeting of leaders president moon j. in welcomed heads of governments of the southeast asian group to the summit it's being held to celebrate 30 years of cooperation between. mon.


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