tv DW News Deutsche Welle November 27, 2019 9:00am-9:31am CET
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the but. the at the at. the arrow at. the base is the w.'s lines are from back to crunch time for us to left on their non incoming president of the european commission to european lawmakers vote in a few hours time on our executive team she's expected to get more she wants the 1st show to exclude european parliament we're taking a look at light take 2 is that she's a 1000 mapped out
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a vision of presidents who go cross the line to eat washington to st. i am. i am obliged i have a home free glad you could join me well we can cross straight over to strasbourg now as we await the address from the incoming e.u. commission president on the line and at the parliament that is all brussels bureau chief max hoffmann good to see you max now does fund the line have the numbers for how commission. she has the backing of course of her own party the conservatives european peoples party although there were some hiccups in the past this time it looks like there is unanimity at least that's what their leader told us here to europe in stroudsburg so it's all about the support of other she needs the support of 2 other groups big groups here in the parliament mainly the social democrats and
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they made up their mind tuesday evening they said ok they had gotten enough from was enough on the line to back her as well and then there are also the liberals that group is called a new europe and they also gave the green light on tuesday so that means yes she has the numbers and by all likelihood she will get her e.u. commission approved today here in strasbourg so they max wants to get down to business once she starts walking what can we expect her priorities to be. the priorities are reflected in the posts of the so-called executive vice presidents of that commission and so that we just run down those those different priorities while i look up at the big screen to make sure we don't miss her speech the 1st one is of course the digital age making europe fit for the digital age as you know the european union lags behind in the digital economy all the big companies the digital giants are in the united states or in china so that you have
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some catching up to do there that's one priority the other priority is an economy that works for the people that's their wording not mine so getting the social and the economy together that's another executive vice presidency but most important of all probably is the green deal for europe so everything that is environmental protection combat in climate change that is the top priority for this commission at least that's what. i said and that's apparently also what the european citizens want there's a new study out just today that says that 40 percent of citizens that answered in this poll said climate change combat in climate change is the top priority and they want the commission to work on that we're just taking a look at the moment live picture of s.f. on the line being introduced meeting and greeting people there in parliament before she takes to the station we just ask you how hard will it be for her to make those
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things that you just mentioned actually happened. you know sometimes the role of the e.u. commission is a little overrated of course this is the top job president of the e.u. commission is the top job in the european institutions but she can't just decide what the european union is supposed to do the final say is always with the member states and that's a different institution it's called the e.u. council so for her as she will have to find some compromise that she will have to follow the lead of the member states and if they don't want to do what she says she's going to have a hard time and you know the european union at the moment is very divided between hungary and germany or italy and france they're not all on the same page so even if she has those put top priorities it does not mean that they will be an active on top of that right here in this institution the european parliament it's gotten
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harder and harder to find majorities after the last elections it's very fragmented and you can see how hard it was for her even to get approved here because she was approved in july as the president of the e.u. commission and she was only approved by 9 votes that is not a lot and remind us how we got to this stage i mean as you say 9 votes not a lot and she had stumbling blocks along the way didn't she when mitchell king about romania affronts for example hungary. she did have a lot of stumbling blocks it's all very complicated but the bottom line is that some of her commissioners were rejected by the european parliament for example you mentioned the remaining 100 garion one even the french one that was sort of a blow to to her her relationship with him i knew him i call the french president and then it took some time to replace them especially in the case of roumania that's why the whole process dragged on and until recently maybe you know one or 2 weeks ago we weren't sure that this would happen today that even there this would
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be up for a vote her new e.u. commission in this session of the european parliament in strasburg but in the end it worked out as it usually does in the european union but you could tell you know it's getting harder and just on that point of course we also have the other issue of the u.k. not putting forward a representative i mean how problematic is that bearing in mind that it is set to leave the block ice. right now in the legal texas says that your commission needs to have 28 commissioners including the president and right now they don't because as you said boris johnson said i'm not going to nominate a commissioner that's going to look weird in in the campaign for the general election that's coming up on december 12th in the u.k. so the legal service of of the commission pored over that and try to figure out a way how they could actually make sure that not everything this commission does is legally challenge because they only have 27 commissioners so they formally protest
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they formalise started and infringement procedure even front of the european court of justice so later on they can say listen yes it's true we only have 27 commissioners but it's not our fault it's the fault of the u.k. to make sure that everything they do starting december 1st is actually legal so it's kind of interesting tonight that the german politician s.c.f. on the line she's already got a few challenges to deal with but of course we know that she is the former german defense minister but what do you reckon had chances of success that in strasbourg max bearing in mind she was only voted in with 9 votes could that prove problematic for her during her tenure you know once she's voted in the once or commission is approved her commission is approved but it just reflects as i said earlier how hard it is to get majorities in this european parliament right away at the moment you have you need 3 parties in the past you needed only 2 the big ones the social
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democrats and her own conservative european peoples party now you need at least one more the liberals are usually on board we expect the greens for certain votes to be on board as well but for each decision she will have to make sure she has a majority it's not automatic like it was during the years. her predecessor at the top of the you commission. now you mentioned you know the fact that it can be a long process for example in the european union and getting new measures in place one thing that she's promised is a fresh start on migration she says with strong borders a fresh start that i mean will she be able to convince member states with such a tough issue like that on the table. the strong border issue really isn't a problem because that is how to put it the smallest common denominator you member states already agreed on that the problem with the migration issue is the redistribution of the migrants among the different member states or let's say you
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have migrants arriving in greece or italy or spain and then you need the willingness of other countries to say yes we will take these in and then start the asylum procedure in our country for example in germany or the netherlands or denmark but so far there is let's put it this way not a widespread willingness to do this germany and france have done so but then you have countries like hungry in poland who categorically refuse any kind of quota system and this would be a quota system that's really not change she's going to face those difficulties and really what they're probably going to do is have its or a coalition of the willing so some countries that are willing to take in migrants and others that are at least willing to support that effort with money but it's that this is one of the most divisive issues together with the rule of rule of law in the european union at the moment and there is really no reason why funded i should just you know make this happen with
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a snap of her predecessor really you failed and in doing that for 5 years well you know max well as we take a look at those live pictures of as you know fonda line that even taking some pictures some photographs that in part of meant of course as the incoming president we can just take a look at that report that you filed with regards sail as some of the challenges actually got to this point let's take a watch and then we will come back to. a salary of relief over a very close win back in july it was a law from the law and got approved by a margin of only 9 votes i feel so on noj and i'm overwhelmed and i. thank you for the trust you placed me. the slim victory was a strong 1st indication that the road to the new commission would be bumpy. very bumpy indeed because after she got approved this happened. first the hunt
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garion and the romanian commission candidates were rejected by the european parliament before they could even be heard on top of that c.v. gouda the french commission hopeful got the thumbs down after 2 long and painful hearings. but the real problem was that it took romania a long time to nominate a replacement but eventually they did and their candidate passed just like the replacements for a mission station hungary without neighbors boxes and france to be king by all that's the end of the story what. no no. of course there's always the u.k. prime minister boris johnson kept bringing the low blows and refused to nominate a commissioner despite being in the illegal for
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a while longer that punch could make the whole commission illegal but the commission's legal services think they found the way around that so does this mean fund a lion's commission will finally be approved by the european parliament. here's someone who should know the head of the biggest political group in part of. the proposal from was a lot on the line is a good ones and an ambitious commission who wants to deliver on what people told us during the election campaign climb up on economic strengths and on digital so that is good and the people will fully support oh so we have unity in the support for was a love of the lines clear workers down to. factories and mines and shops empty as the streets fill up with dance and hope the historic to our general strike in the middle of the velvet revolution self people from prague to bratislava
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take part in a beautiful piece full wave of freedom courage and unity. thank you. for me these 2 hours go to the heart of what the european union has always meant it is not only about parties and politics rules or regulations markets or currencies it is ultimately and above all else about people and their aspirations it is about people standing together for the liberty for that value was simply for a better future. there is one quote from the great watch i have been one of the heroes of 989 that stands out for me when i look ahead of to the future
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he said i work for something because it is good not just because it stands a chance to succeed. i chose this cord because over the next 5 years our union will embark together in a transformation which will touch every part of our society and of our economy and we will do it because it is the right thing to do not because it will be easy. thank you sometimes forget but our greatest achievements have always come when we are bold we were bold when we saw peace where there was pain will a bold when we created a single market in the single currency we were bold when we welcomed part of our european family that had been out in the cold for too long but in the last
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years we had to focus on the here and now managing crisis after emergency fighting to keep our unity and solidarity intact if we have emerged stronger in that time and i believe we have it is in great part thanks to the leadership and conviction of my predecessor. a great european he has devoted his heart his soul and his life to our union and his legacy speaks for itself don't feel. the. need emptiness surely mobile be part of all that be on your poem and while months ago you placed your trust in me. since i've been meeting all of the political groups and all of the heads of state and
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government to desert together we put together an exceptional european team you the members of the parliament. each of those 3 hearings. i had promised you that i would listen to you and that is exactly what i've done it and i will continue to do so. together with mottoes and all of the other members of the college. news of us we've often been in agreement yes of course sometimes we have disagreed but that is democracy at work. today here in the heart of this european democracy so i am asking for your support for a new start for europe honorable members there's. a team you are voting on today. come from different cultures countries and have different
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backgrounds and political colors we have teachers and farmers mayors and ministers doctors and different meds and really years and entrepreneurs. we have those born before the ball in wall was built and those born after it was torn down those who lived in dictatorship and those who helped young democracies join our union it is a team with almost all lost as many women as men only one woman away from gender balance. this shows. this shows we have made real progress but also that we still have to do more. as the 1st woman to be president of the commission every member of my college will
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have a gender balance cabinet for the very 1st time thank you thank you. and by the end of our mandate we will have gender equality at all levels of management for the very 1st time and this will change the face of the commission every member of my team will bring their own personal stories and perspectives on europe they will have their own policies and priorities to manage but all together we will be one team that works in the common european interest we will be one team that works with this house and with member states to tackle our generation's defining challenges we are ready but most importantly europe is ready my message is simple
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let's get to work. honorable members this is an unsettled world where too many powers only speak the language of confrontation and unilateralism but it is also a world where millions of people are taking to the streets to protest against corruption or to demanding not democratic change the world needs our leadership more than ever to keep and gaging with the world as responsible power to force for peace and for as a to change. show our power is at the united nations that they can rely on the church in. all ism queen as straight at the little things that we share in common we say if we wish. and we
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take. women ain't. ours. and we also share the same destiny without transatlantic partners yes we have issues with out annie doubt but our ties have lost at the test of time while we are speaking thousands of students researchers entrepreneurs artists continue to build zillions of friendships business contacts and science projects these myriad of fine threads vo run together make a bond that is stronger than any individual point of discord countries from the east to west from south to north need europe to be a true part. we can be the shapers of
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a better global order this is europe's vocation and it's what european citizens want and i am happy to have such an experienced diplomat as joseph but rather on our team working alongside with you to a lot of people and all of you had better hayley and janice lennart szeged they will do an invaluable job to gather we will invest in alliances and coalitions to advance our values we will promote and protect europe's interest through open and fair trade will strengthen our partners through cooperation because strom partners make europe strong to my commission will not be afraid to speak the language of confidence but it will be our way the european will the way this is the geo political commission that i have in mind and
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that europe urgently needs. honorable members if there's one area the word needs our leadership. it is on protecting our climate this is an it and existential issue for europe and for the world how can it not be existential when i 85 percent of people in extreme poverty live in the 20 countries most vulnerable to climate change. how can it not be extension when we see venice underwater portugal's forest on fire least one year's harvest cut by half because of droughts this has happened before without any question but never with that frequency and with that intensity and we do not have
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a moment to waste anymore on fighting climate change thanks. to. the faster europe moves. the greater the advantage will be for our citizens our competitiveness and our prosperity the european green deal is a must for the health of our planet and our people and for our economy runs to months is the right person to make this happen thank you. and i and i'm delighted that he will be supported by cadbury simson. and many others the european green deal is our new growth strategy it will help us cut
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emissions while creating jobs at the core of it will be in the industrial strategy that enables our business big and small to innovate and to develop new technologies while creating new markets we will be global standard settles this is our competitive advantage and it's the best way to ensure a level playing field. but all of this has to serve the european people they want and expect europe to act on climate and environment but they also need affordable clean and secure energy they need to be skilled to work on the jobs of tomorrow they need to commute to these new jobs or to be connected from home and we have to make sure that those needs are fulfilled in a sustainable way it is a generational transition towards climate neutrality by mid century but this
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transition must be just and inclusive or it will not happen at all. it will need massive investment and then ovation research infrastructure housing and the training of people it will require public and private investments at their european and at national levels and once again europe is already leading the way the european union will mainstream climate financing throughout its budget but also throughout capital markets and the entire investment chain in regions that will have to make a bigger step than most we will support people and businesses with a targeted just transition mechanism it would have to cross
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a different funds and instruments and attract private investment we need to help us achieve this the european investment bank will be a trusted partner i'm happy particularly happy that the progress it has made to strengthen its role as european climate bank is obvious. this will boost investment in european technologies and solutions the world is looking for but there is more to do we only account for approximately 9 percent of the global emissions we have to bring the world with us and this is already happening from china to crawl to canada through to california other so working with us on their own emission trading system. and full holguin will ensure that
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our future trade agreements include a chapter on sustainable development because we know climate change is about all of us we have the duty to act and the power to elite thank. minded i'm one tell me. they detected why they should make things possible just a generation ago unthinkable. communicating with each other worldwide access to information for its progress in medicine protecting the environment mobility and inclusion there is no future without digitalisation. this margaret avesta is the one who will be bringing years further along this route .
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give it in 10 days we will ultimately time is the tasks that are difficult for as human beings for example carrying have heavy weight or repetitive tasks whether we're in factories or sitting at a desk but it is and that has a good side. will give of time aside time for doing the things that. specific to human beings and computers cannot do that empathy and creativity. care robots for example can help make beds digitalisation can help with administrative tasks but always with the same objective the idea is that care staff should get to do what's really important which is talking to patients and being there for them. digitalization will make it possible for us to be more effective and more efficient in our use of resources because we'll be able to control various
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aspects with precision water consumption energy the valuable resources of our planet yes digitalisation. will transform our society our economy and our administration and is doing so already. if we are to seize the huge opportunities and also address the risks we have to get the right balance and do so where the market does not manage to do so. we have to protect our european prosperity but also our values we have to take our own european path even in the digital age but what we want to do in practice. yes we have to manage the technologies and keep them in europe to do that we've got to think about quantum computing artificial intelligence block jane and critical
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chip technology if we're going to be able to do that to close the gaps that are out there at the moment. we have. to work on our strengths let's bundle our resources let's bring together our money our research capacity our knowledge that implement them in practice that's what we did back in the age of the supercomputer. but then. europe is one of the well or rather right now europe is acquiring one of the most powerful computers in the world the next generation of supercomputers has to be built by us. but europe has got all those scientists and industrial capacity to be competitive in these fields. let's not talk ourselves down. we should not be talked down by others or talk ourselves down innovation
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