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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2019 10:15am-11:00am CET

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says many don't realize the power of the popular movement this may be unleashed. i think people on just making the fuss of angry kids. i've. turned book says should be meeting with activists in lisbon before making a way to the climate summit on friday. the state of the news live from berlin i'm brian tops for the entire team thanks very. much which of course is. video. any time any. w. .
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the hallucinogenic drug known as l.s.d. is making a comeback but only in very small doses the effects are barely perceptible. still many users report a positive experience. just feel a little bit happier feel a little bit lighter you feel a little bit more old been. a little bit more energy more calmly of like on top of things. l.s.d. has helped some people to deal effectively with psychological problems. good chums are nuts and this day monday i'm going to talk. i felt i believe that l.s.d. saved my life it gave me hope again. many users say that l.s.d. has allowed them to rediscover themselves but this process can. sometimes produce
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strong emotions. i feel as hip grab me. but that's that's my younger self that's the that's the very person i saw when i looked at the mirror as a child it is that o'keefe that look good for you is hold on the right word. but the use of psychedelic substances can also end in tragedy. for a number of different reasons. ski-doo includes you don't know where these drugs came from what they're made of money or how much you're taking the bus and the threw up for the. diabolical drug. or is it simply a matter of dosage. in a kitchen somewhere in berlin this young man is preparing ice cubes that are laced with l.s.d. . lists wilson is
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a listed as i put in 2 drops of liquid l.s.d. . 12 micrograms per tube so let me call them poor that's a pleasant microtones look at all since. we've agreed not to use the man's real name we'll call him benno. in higher doses l.s.d. can cause hallucinations. but then no is using just 12 micrograms per cube a fraction of the amount that some people use to get high for several hours. that's not the sort of trip he's looking for menno says that a micro dose of l.s.d. will produce an enjoyable experience. i feel more awake my mind is clearer i'm more focused and my overall performance improves sounds simple to put in the.
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bento ignores the fact that the possession of l.s.d. is illegal in germany. he buys his drugs from a dealer he consumes about 10 euro is worth per month. like many other people who micro dose he uses l.s.d. for just a few weeks and then takes a break for several months he's confident that he won't become addicted. to mice nor the doing to our pains and most people who end up holding are looking for an escape and they want to feel numb but to get a euphoric high for a while. that's not what i want to listen but i wouldn't get in any way with such a small dose and solace for them than 0. after 3 quarters of an hour sometimes up to 2 hours then you experience is a change in his consciousness. met some of whom you start feeling really good more like yourselves but you feel rested and motivational like you're having a great day this would not harm. we'll talk to ben no later to find
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out how he's doing. for this film we interviewed several other people who micro dos they all know that using l.s.d. is illegal. that's why we've agreed not to show their faces. by this disaster mass also appear to have the hardest time i tried it i noticed a very subtle effect after half an hour things were a little more intense and i was more focused yeah if i can simply add to. the former uses an absolutist was when it was a groundbreaking experience and a turning point in my life is mark good to more me micro dosing is like taking medicine if you can follow me to see. the smoky as also the start of guts but only on days when i'm expected to do
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a lot of work as you know it really helps me to focus on that and that's one of michael's on a micro dose i feel like i'm switched on the whole day i don't get confused. it was created in 1938 by albert hoffman a swiss scientist who was trying to develop a respiratory and circulatory stimulant. both men worked with substances that included a green fungus called arrogant. he was the 1st to synthesize lysergic acid diethylamide or l.s.d. for short. in april 19th $43.00 holes one tested a high dose of $250.00 micrograms and experienced the 1st l.s.d. trip in her. later the pharmaceutical companies send those whose employer marketed the drug under the trade name della sued and claimed it could successfully treat
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a number of psychiatric problems. in the 1960 s. steve found its way from the laboratory to the streets. a german news program reported on the drug's rise in 1966. bidding madonna for anyone who takes a lot of sleep becomes intoxicated and you never see life the same way again. benno certainly doesn't feel intoxicated right now he's in a good mood a micro dose of l.s.d. has become part of his everyday life. he uses the drug at work and during his free time. those with as you well i don't feel high at all i hardly notice the effects.
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yes but it's just kind of there but it's a good feeling wasn't through a drive in the. mountains with some flooded sort of like the way you feel when you come back from vacation. and stuff you're a laxness and you can still ignore the stress of everyday life. then i was started micro dosing 5 years ago his goal self-realization and personal optimization. he says l.s.d. makes it easier for him to set priorities and carry out tasks he believes the drug can help him stay focused when he's stressed out. pushed a little too much off the need for example when i'm in a new situation was good i'm afraid i can't handle it l.s.d. helps me to concentrate on i feel better and. more confidence is good of him most of us to move this football. but it's a fine line between personal optimization and loss of control large doses of l.s.d.
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can cause paranoia anxiety and impaired judgment then no is unfazed. micro dosing as a phenomenon originated in san francisco in silicon valley where it's viewed as an insiders chip to enhance performance and creativity. paul austin has become something of a micro dosing guru. he's the founder and c.e.o. of an organization that advocates the use of psychedelics as a means of personal development and collective well being why. i think i'm on a mission yet to educate people about what the benefits and the potential risks of not only my cosyn but joining the exciting it's. more than anything i'm a teacher i teach people about my critters and i teach people generally about psychedelics and i like to like approach them in terms of where they're at and just
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help guide them further along in terms of you know what they need to learn about these substances. constance organization is called the 3rd wave a reference to the use of psychedelics over centuries. of. the organizes seminars and online courses to educate people about the responsible use of these drugs they are. these events attract people who care and want to look more and want to be part of something that's very rare that you will have someone who comes to these events who is anti psychedelics or anti micro to say so that energy here is like it's myself because it's usually very positive and supportive and like opening curious. and that's just refreshing compared to most. people most places. so one question i want to start with as little everyone here done psychedelics.
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austin doesn't need to win anyone over most are here to find out more about these drugs and about micro dosing for us to show but he warns that buying l.s.d. in the us and many other western countries is illegal 1st. it's usually best practice not to try to get drugs that are about like us so although we have a psychedelic website we are putting out of ads this is not a great place to actively pursue that this is a great place to build connections and build relationships with this but attitudes are changing for example the position of silis i've been mushrooms has been decriminalized in several u.s. cities. more and more people seem to be trying these drugs. you have people from every walk of life who are marketers seen from college students in the midwest to stay at home moms in california to tech executives in new york to people who are
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retired who you know live on farms in new zealand you literally have people from all walks of life were becoming interested in this it's not just limited to tech executives in silicon valley who are my currency medallist. lost in is convinced that legal restrictions on the sale and possession of l.s.d. in the u.s. will eventually be lifted he won't have to worry about being arrested when he uses the. austin has soaked a small shred of cardboard with the liquid micro dose of the drug. he's not too concerned about administering an exact amount. when i had my critters you know i don't worry about that as much because i've been doing acid now for 9 years and so i tend to have a pretty good it's a little bit sort of
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a bit too marge i can handle it and kind of go with it and just go with the flow. after austin has taken a dose of l.s.d. he enjoys walking around outside in the forest or at the seashore. the effects of the drug with this amount are mild but pleasant. feel good and feel happy like euphoric i feel. just my sense of touch my sense of smell everything's a little bit high and more sensitive to like everything that's going on around me so. i feel great the really good. in the us the use of l.s.d. has become popular among a well educated and professionally successful demographic. this is the group to call austin is targeting with his business model and his public information
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campaign. the drugs that i've chosen to use happen to be highly illegal. and yet that's a key word they're not yet accepted culturally but they will be very soon and i just happen to be one of the pioneers who is talking about this in a more public way. austin is always on the lookout for new investors here is money from online courses which started $49.00 each and personalized coaching sessions at just under $400.00 per half hour. i want to welcome you to the 1st video that we're doing for ready it we might it is your course of community your ready instructor. his goal is to legitimize the responsible use of psychedelic substances starting with micro. the best way to calibrate your dose level 'd is to start low and
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go slow so it's difficult because what he's in a legal gray area. thing with the 3rd wave is you know we don't sell drugs we only sell information and so we're just creating a space about people if they make that decision to do it they can do it safely and effectively but in terms of actually crossing any sort of legal issue we're very careful about you know what we do because psychedelics still you know are very illegal in this country. in 2011 psychologist and researcher james fadam and published a book which claimed that ultra low doses of psychedelic drugs can improve cognitive functioning emotional balance and physical stamina. i have to call the god copper of my credo thing which is more of the using that embarrassing i would say that i rediscover my credo sing through more mistakes
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that wisdom but in discovering it i found something that people found generally safe and for many people useful. to them and began his research on these substances in the 1960 s. . he says that the purpose of micro dosing is not mind bending intoxication but the enhancement of normal functionality. micro dosing is far and away the most boring form of consuming psychedelics no vision has no angels no being eaten by snakes no seeing all of your relatives for 15 generations no becoming one with all humanity and with all matter and finding you are part of divinity none of that . in the mid 1960 s. san francisco became the epicenter of the counter cultural movement that. the use
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of illegal drugs was widespread in 1967 tens of thousands of young people flocked to the city to experience a summer of love. many had their 1st acid trip here. the movement in the sixty's wanted to create a counterculture they wanted to create something that was opposite of mainstream culture we're asked today we want to intervene psychedelics into mainstream culture to actually transform culture itself for. many young people taking l.s.d. felt liberated from social constraints. but for some the use of hallucinogens and in bad trips and overdoses. in the us banned l.s.d. in 1970 and a u.n. treaty that outlawed psychotropic substances was approved a year later. high doses are different world and are scary and take
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preparation and try to go full day out of your busy life micro thing is something that you do as part of your life it doesn't interfere it actually in your improves your normal behavior. but there is no conclusive clinical evidence to support fatima's claims he recommends that a micro dose should be taken only once every 3 days so that the body doesn't develop a tolerance for the drug. fed him and has conducted a survey on his website in which he asks micro dozers to comment on their use of psychedelics. most of the 1600 responses were positive but how credible are these testimonials. it sounds like a wonder drug as long as you're thinking of it as a pharmaceutical because. how could something both be interesting for migraines for depression and change people's eating habits so they eat healthier that makes no
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sense at all from a pharmaceutical point of view so what we're seeing is micro saying seems to increase the body's natural healing capacity. to german micro dozers we interviewed what agree with that assessment. joe i wasn't talking just a few on some days i feel like i've been given a superpower which is the space and time it's like a small tool that gives you huge energy a light as a source of food i didn't. know it's me creative insights and abilities that i wouldn't normally have in my mind's exposed and which had just. given so much to all but men when i'm at work it definitely helps me to concentrate i'm wide awake and more focused and concentrate on. me go to c.n.n. this is michael jackson allows me to focus more quickly and ignore all the stuff
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that's not impose and. it really helps me to concentrate as have. these neighborhoods. this is a gums clyne a fine and it gives me a very subtle sense of relaxation come on doors my cold my good dosing allows me to get in touch with myself my body and my feelings i'm come up on mine fearing. what is there scientific evidence to support such claims or are these people simply imagining that a micro dose of l.s.d. improves their performance. we travel to the netherlands to find out more. at the university of maastricht we need yohannes trauma care is a professor of psychopharmacology. he's conducting one of the 1st leg. studies on micro sing. nobody has actually been able to assess whether this claim is
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true or false right now we're projects being presented with case reports of individuals that support the claim but object of evidence of whether such a tiny dose because it really is a tie and it goes really has a positive effect as not being a step. gave the test participants 510 or 20 micrograms of l.s.d. . he wanted to determine the short term effects that the various doses would have. so far he believes that small amounts pose no serious risks. in general psychedelics are relatively harmless in the sense that do not produce any toxic effects on physiological parameters or als health so in that respect they are really safe. but at the same time. plays
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around with your mind and that's where the potential risks can be found but this is particularly true for when people use high doses years. signal being married and you supporting. the participants were given either l.s.d. or a placebo and were then tested over a 24 hour period. because in his team showed how the micro doses affected the subjects mood creativity concentration and general sensitivity. this most those produced no effects. but the researchers noticed a change 10 micrograms. but this a burns are reported as small increase and there are more support a particularly positive mood. even though this increase was not a very big. as you would not expect also for a micro dose it was very consistent i know to curt's directly off the intake of the
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micros and not lost it for as long as the drug is actually active so for a number of. hours or so. the study found that the micro dose helped different disciplines to concentrate better but it did not make them more creative. these results are only preliminary in further research will be required. also run occurs once to find out how micro dosing would affect test subjects over a period of several weeks. but he advises that the results will probably show than my current osing is not a miracle cure as some have claimed. to expect out of my could always help convert your into the next a nobel prize winner michael dos is not one of those and the changes that it produces by definition will be mild so a person that was not created still not become creative. but
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some micro do cers are not interested in improving their performance productivity or creativity. they used to treat depression. you leon is studying for his doctorate degree in chemistry. this. union has battled severe depression for 7 years. one at least the british much on l.s.d. i probably wouldn't be here right now fortunes are nuts and astrology saved my life . and i fell for it so it helps to our store my sense of hopelessness. after 4 or 5 years of despair your friend from i suppose you could. try to everything to combat his depression including psychotherapy alternative
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medicine hypnosis and antidepressants. but nothing. and he was desperate to find a solution. by dozens it's unlike us and it's about 2017 was the worst for him because me off oh i thought seriously several times about suicide. and just giving up this eternal struggle and from there so i gave in and says i asked myself what i was getting out of life and death and and the answer was nothing in finished also for it. and then discovered psychedelics some friends in the netherlands introduced him to truffles laced with l.s.d. . and for the 1st time in years he felt better. later he found that micro dosing helped to relieve his depression symptoms and their fossils because
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for simply hard to log i've gone through some really tough times this but i think this was a loss of when there were days when i didn't even get out of bed i had no motivation at all those microphones but micro dosing gave me a new home game it showed me that life really was worth living and helped me to start enjoying things again. mature game as and when i was much more aware of my surroundings and i was able to get in touch with that mindless and cons are. yulian spoke to his psychologist about micro dosing but she couldn't prescribe l.s.d. therapy because the drug is illegal in germany. in switzerland where else do you was discovered 80 years ago scientists are studying whether the drug can be used effectively to treat depression. at the psychiatric university hospital in zurich researchers are studying the effects that this drug has on the
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human body. test participants are given a full dose of l.s.d. not a micro dose and the medical staff monitors their reactions. they found that the drug changes more than sensory perceptions. whereas the internet enabled us to live and we've observed changes in mood emotional perception and self perception. the participants have more empathy. and they also experience less social anxiety that is they don't feel like they're being ostracised fun and loss and some bias. after the test subjects in just a dose of l.s.d. they undergo an m.r.i. brain scan analysis of these scans indicates that the drug changes communication patterns among various regions of the brain including activity and networking in areas where such exchanges really take place. seems to affect the way we think and
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our emotions and self perceptions. and the results indicate for example that these drugs can be used to treat depression. many people to suffer from mental disorders simply withdraw from society since i'm biased it's essential to bring them back into a social environment to work and we hope that psychedelic drugs can help in that process at us and i still feel. the concept of using l.s.d. to help treat mental illness. it's not new but these days the idea is getting a lot of attention from researchers. countrymen peller and psychiatrist friends full inviter are now studying how hallucinogens particularly cilla side than could be used to treat depression in. the high devices that was fairly cannot we have learned something new called that side luminary studies indicate one or 2 doses of sauce i've been through
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a period of 3 to 6 months should help to reduce depression symptoms but i'd be 6 more not depressed if it's from doormat it's. been a recent study 60 patients who suffer from intermediate level depression took part in a study on the effects of suicide and. 30 test subjects were actually given the drug the other's a placebo their reactions were constantly monitored by a therapist in case the suicide been brought back traumatic memories. the participants were asleep mask and listened to relaxing music to help them concentrate on the experience. the awful it was dusty's of stands and we hope that this will help the patients to escape at least for a while this downward spiral of emotions and negative self assessment common all standards we can help to reduce their depression so that's what is over the long term even today i'm told my life with the arts with. this would be
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a major step forward in depression therapy it's only 7 sessions are involved 3 for preliminary discussions one for the actual ingestion of the drug and 3 for d. briefing. and the results seem promising. i need a cavity have a comb and up to one of the main effects of psychedelics is that they lower one's perception of the external environment so it's tough and there is a loss of sense of self that's the end of inhibitions and this allows people to interact more effectively with other and of course it all depends on the dosage and all the stores it's a picnic. but the researchers warn that it could be dangerous for people to take a full dose of silis i've been or l.s.d. without proper preparation and medical supervision. is. this treatment is complicated and it involves therapy before and after the drug is
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taken up to see snitched patients have to go through the entire process mother wise i'll just have a single pleasant experience that will mean little and to the participants yes. but you young did not have access to this kind of therapy so he decided to treat his depression symptoms with l.s.d. without medical supervision it's. his girlfriend has been with him through good times and bad she has doubts about whether micro dosing will help long term the fatah with him stick by dozen of us was set up to i have to trust him when he says that he knows what he's doing. but he's been suffering from serious depression and it's often got out of hand. so still worried about himself in 5 minutes my friends and i also see that the drugs seem to help him he feels better now and i've really missed seeing him happy. for has an infamous tie. has now stopped micro dosing. he feels better today than at any time since his symptoms
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1st appeared. he's glad that he used psychedelics but he also realizes that he was taking a risk. just as these drugs have a huge potential about this but they can also be dangerous so they're not for everyone on his own this route of by vitamin human i wouldn't recommend self medicating with l.s.d. for everybody this is. i really prepared myself before i started using it hard. and medical experts point out that taking l.s.d. without proper supervision can make existing psychological problems even worse. is in my future dissing can be a real problem if people do it on their staff but at this point we don't know enough about the effects to be able to properly assess the risks and then the gift is opposite so we strongly advise against people using psychedelic drugs to treat themselves assman him feel that. as we said l.s.d.
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and cilla sidemen are still illegal in most countries but a number of alternative therapists have been experimenting with these another hallucinogens anyway. in 2015 in the town of 100 low near hamburg nearly 30 people were hospitalized after they ingested a drug called to see which is similar to l.s.d. . they had been attending a seminar on how to expand their consciousness and were given the drug by the therapist who organized the event. you know. these substances have a dark side of there's always the potential for abuse in such bad what's more you don't know where these drugs came from because they're made oh my advice or how much you're taking the bus and that's about for them and the therapists often have no idea either and this is off the i missed on many. but some medical experts believe that l.s.d.
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could be used in certain kinds of therapy. the topic was discussed at a recent conference in berlin and one of the participants dr gearhart grander plans to launch a clinical study on the possible therapeutic use of hallucinogens. sides a definitive cook it's definitely time to re-evaluate the status of psychedelics with if people use substances that are for. logically pure administered in specific doses by experienced therapists and are given appropriate preparation and follow up we can substantially reduce the risk. of the dissolution on. one of those who believes that l.s.d. can play a role in medical treatment is the berlin based researcher henry q. he heads an organization that promotes the study of psychedelic drugs. and this deal took to go to the dogs for now the medical benefits are limited to the treatment of depression and anxiety from their posts but preliminary data suggest these drugs could also be
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used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism and when this most. this light machine can mimic the effects of psychedelic drugs some who've used it reported that the experience enhanced is their sense of wellbeing. for decades of research into well as t. was ridiculed but now that's changing. says that it's time for government regulators and ethics committees to take a 2nd look at the drug. effects again at last because they are trucks that are supposed to be wonder trucks hope based on their trucks and actually how can we how can we respond to these beliefs of these hopes by showing people if they work. one person convinced that l.s.d.
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works is in the audience. yulian has traveled to berlin to attend the conference and share his experiences with the experts. this is all from mr you it's not an income this is the 1st time that i've had the chance to meet people who are actually doing research in this field of my india disc is that i'm really looking forward to learning from them. again. the goal is to regulate l.s.d. for therapeutic purposes but some here believe it should be legalized so anyone can take a trip. the most has taught me some on the helps a lot of people are looking for a new spiritual experience for whatever reason i was and they shouldn't have to go to a sham and for self-proclaimed clara says to get their drugs or they think of you i believe that we should take l.s.d. off the illegal underground market and provide a safe and professional environment for those who want to use it for self exploration of your steps exploits on what they could. demand for chemically
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induced self exploration is nothing new and the netherlands is one of the few countries where it can be indulged in publicly truffles laced with cilla sidemen are legal and sold openly. the effects of cilla sidemen are similar to those of l.s.d. . this is the synthesis retreat near and strydom a privately run facility that gives its customers the opportunity to experiment with psychedelic drugs in a medically supervised environment. keith is a 49 year old doctor from the us this is his 2nd stay here. i want to reconnect with my younger self that that person who was not jaded by a wife who was not guarded by disappointment who had not adapted to the circumstances in a way that it changed the underlying person which i felt my wife had done so the
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difference between you know many of these people are going to try psychedelic drugs for the 1st time. the staff provides an extensive preparation program. we want to create this safe space and container. that will allow you to surrender fully into the experience so that you can go as deeply as possible to the experience trust in the truffles but they know exactly what you need and they're going to help you have the experience that you're supposed to have. most of the clients come from europe and the u.s. . a 3 day stay costs about 2000 euros. the company's director of business development miles katz explains the renewed interest in the use of psychedelic drugs we live in a world that's like highly. digitalize and so we're always looking at screens and you know our our societal norms for a work life balance are really healthy and so people really feel themselves going
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through the motions of things but not really living a fulfilling life or to their full potential or really feeling connected to anything at all and that's often one of the most powerful outcomes from these experiences for people just feel this immense sense of connection to themselves again and the natural world to the other people in the group that they share these experiences with. we weren't allowed to film the clients actually experiencing a psychedelic trip but we did watch the staff prepare the drugs. after the clients have consumed is still a site in truffle they lie down and wait for the homeless an agent to take effect an average experience last up to 8 hours a nurse is present at all times but not a qualified drug therapist. the next day keith tells us how it went he saw no bright colors or mythical creatures but he did encounter his younger self. started walking down this hallway and i feel this commit
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a crime because i always do with a stick a big. i feel as hip grab. that's that's my younger self that's the that's the very person i saw when i looked in the mirror as a child and he said o'keefe i've been looking for you the whole time right where you been. that the shift between. me being a responsible adults trying to make this connection for my own health and then seeing what to my mind was absolutely me looking up to be it say i've been looking for you this whole time it was just so profound. staff members later interview the clients about their experience. miles katz says that synthesis has developed a profitable business model and the company hopes to expand it. looking out 2030 years in the future as legislation change maybe every major city will have one
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or 2 synthesis type centers where people are going on a regular basis maybe every 6 months or every 12 months to go have these experiences where they can kind of reconnect research. check in with themselves. catch has helped to develop one of the world's 1st facilities where psychedelic drugs can be consumed legally and safely. the german micro dozers we spoke to earlier say that l.s.d. has become part of their daily lives. iatse should illegal yes it definitely has my consciousness has been liberated and i won't let anyone take that away from me and others should have that freedom as well such as used to fight is because i'm . going to some say i don't really care what people say these drugs help me ones who's the big question is which is what will happen if
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i don't take them says and just missionary. if we engineer our clear i don't have like needs to be informed of the benefits of these drugs and they need to be legalized so everyone can choose whether they want to take them as mater and. then no has experimented with l.s.d. in both large and small doses. so far he's pleased with the results. i'm doing 5 of the said it's a good feeling a sort of positively but there's also been times in my life when i wasn't doing so well it was enormous i hadn't discovered microtones and yet and now i'm grateful that i have gotten close more stump out of. bennett says he's not addicted to the drugs and could stop at any time. so why
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doesn't he have because who showed us i simply noticed that when i use them i feel better you know as a script i'm sure it's possible to experience the same journey that you take on micro dosing without using drugs one of those function but it's quite possibly are harder road to travel. light can carry information. site can help feed people. still people can be happy without light. on how much light do we really need to. we've seen the light
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on made in germany in one. w. . cooper. welcome to the girl max you tube channel. good might have stood. with exclusive inside. the must see consuming parts culture to ensure a. place to be for curious minds. do it yourself networkers the fun. subscribing and don't miss out. was the speech of his life perhaps his best certainly his most difficult chancellor and not cool and addresses the people of east germany shortly after the fall of the wall good to clamor for terminology journalist peter lim was was at the scene. 30 years later looks
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back on the type of interest. starts december 19th w. plane. touched . the template. this is the day of the news coming to you live from but in nato such as the unity in london as alliance leaders since common ground at this 70th anniversary meeting there is agreement in one area that sign up consensus new challenges for me till we have more on that from london and also coming up playing.


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