tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle December 9, 2019 2:15am-3:01am CET
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you know watching it date on the news from berlin up next a day of a documentary about the current state of genital a text i'm record is in the end thanks for your company seems. to the insurers of the famous naturalist and explorer. to sing the racial politics on the phone while its 250th birthday we were embarking on a voyage of discovery. expedition him voyage on t.w. .
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the epitome of insecurity germany's minister for energy facing a crowd of protesting students drowned out by their shouting he turns back and snaps at his staff this was a terrible idea. nearly 2 years in is the grand coalition just getting started or is it already on its way out how can the government think it's getting everything right and yet have a reputation of getting it all wrong. does the grand coalition have the capacity to deal with the pressing issues of our time. you could say that the s.p.d. n.c.d. use current course is going to destroy our lives and our future. why is distrust towards the government growing. its c.d.u. has suffered losses in s.p.d. has dropped sharply.
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yeah and it's just about time that it's in our best interest that part of this play stay standby. lossless the let's leave the grand coalition. 2018 the beginning was anything but magical negotiations for the jamaica coalition between the conservatives liberals and greens had failed and so the center left s.p.d. and the conservative c.d.u. c.s.u. union decided to share power again they were worn out from endless disputes. this face just this is of course you could answer that neither they s.p.d. nor the cd you really wanted this grand coalition to do with this grand coalition
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was never grand from the beginning it was a union of election loses on those least issue but so i can't really say i was ever completely convinced by this government or that this was the right way to go he has been reason i know how much they're suffering from this and that it's not good for the s.p.d. party to see but i find the fact that they stepped up because the other parties including my own haven't managed to form a coalition quite honorable and have given to nobody wanted to do it is what they did it anyway just not on i suppose that's what you call public service. in the summer of 2018 horse to say whole foot became the prime mover in a crisis that nearly toppled the 3 month old government he'd been imposing chancellor merkel's refugee policies for years then he became interior minister and so board joint responsibility for those very same policies. you know i went to berlin at the chancellor's request at the oh i could have gone directly
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from being the state premier of the very a into retirement. that instead of all things right from the start i became deeply embroiled with the chancellor over her migration policy since because for me personally it was a very troubling experience for me except those who would come out on top the chancellor or the interior minister they were squabbling over one seemingly small detail can refugees who've already registered in other e.u. member states be turned away at germany's borders germans are surprised how divided the government is especially cup and it didn't happen as well in the parliamentary faction and the party leaders in bavaria as well as the members of parliament in berlin were all pushing me with resolutions excuse. i did nothing to enforce this idea of turning people away at the border even as a minister without approval of the chancellor or its minister only its that's what i was called upon to do a call to the us what the 040. it wasn't the coalition that was granted so much as
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the drama that ensued in berlin the c.d.u. leadership a rally behind chancellor merkel and ready themselves for a falling out with their sister party sayo 1st c.s.u. if need be. to have in the minds of the all stead into the abyss one possible consequence might have been a divide within the faction that would concede to you compete country line for him but there he would this fall and the c.s.u. with a compete country why would this 5 pm been i sat with my closest colleagues and we started preparing new elections how quickly could we nominate a candidate for chancellor gordon because how could we set up an election platform a program of a state then one of the parties made an astonishing about face not the c.d.u. but the smaller c.s.u. behinds a hope to get by until we had set out to defend the good idea of turning people away at the border if they had already claimed asylum in a different country mutal. those many in the party said it was the end of our
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credibility up. into it for some time past i was left standing alone with just a few others. everyone else had ducked out to go some shop could mop zeal for as a whole it was the one who was most intent on escalating the situation not everyone in his party and especially not the leading members were willing to let that escalation come to a head they all applied the brakes while he was still charging full steam ahead and the end of credibility forced to say over announced his withdrawal from public office as both head of the c.s.u. party and federal minister of the interior with the government be doomed without him. i have announced that i will be stepping down from both of my offices effective within the next 3 days. on the 1st we must agree with the c.d.u. an interim measures in leading to an official and they're going to give you. the
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next evening they hope for and chancellor merkel found some common ground after all . an xray hope for withdrew his resignation. this clear understanding enables me to remain in the office of federal minister of the interior building and community by to feel the compromise itself wasn't very interesting but although the government had fallen apart its reputation had been damaged would it ever recover. the s.p.d. had watched this internal unraveling with bewilderment its going full commentary was worthy of an opposition party. is a threat to europe and we will stand up to face that threat my dear comrades in the good us. government at risk of fizzling out before it had ever really taken off stuck between public animosities and officials trying to raise their profiles at
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the expense of their colleagues nerves were wearing thin. in the capital the tone grew harsher. that some of the government risks splitting yet again when a resident in 10 minutes was murdered allegedly by a syrian national. an angry mob gathered eyewitnesses spoke of attacks against anyone who looked foreign. videos backing up their reports circulated throughout social media. we will not stand for this kind of ganging up and hunting down of people who look different or have different origins or the attempt to spread hatred in the streets and even he then out of the blue the head of germany's security services piped up and caused an uproar by contradicting the government in an interview with the build tabloid. the federal office for constitutional protection has no reliable evidence that such manhunts took place
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not a 9. there has been plenty of evidence many recruits have been made. to the police and had even been passed on. that made it all the more surprising that he claims there hadn't been any kind of manhunt. instead of punishing germany's head of domestic intelligence the government decided to promote him out of office. it was a convenient bureaucratic compromise. mr mahsud will transfer here to this ministry as state secretary in charge of security . that's decision to make mr moss and state secretary was the only time we called to quit the coalition and also to go to court for the top and so symbolic of what seemed like all of the insanity this coalition at times came up with but the mood was clear this was
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a red line. about. the whole thing looked on the chancellor had misread her country sentiments and. looking back i realize that when coming to last tuesday's decision i was too focused on the functionality and procedures of the interior ministry. i didn't take into account enough what truly moves people and rightly so that when they hear about a promotion i regret that i let that happen. but mohsin on the other hand was not sorry he doubled down over the internet of the intelligence agency he ranted about a supposed conspiracy against him and was sacked but the 2 consecutive affairs had joined the public's faith in the governing parties and severely tarnished its leaders reputations and to make matters worse 2 crucial state elections were coming up. after weeks of chaos in berlin voters would have a chance to penalize their government for its behavior.
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mr d.s.p. s.p.d. has 12 percent of the votes what's at stake here as well it's very clear that we need to redouble our efforts. to see the us a this is your 1st state election as head of the s.p.d. what's at stake for you got nothing it'll time publicly earthquake has shaken the varia c.s.u. has lost in a landslide 35.5 percent and with the party's worst result in nearly 60 years and the s.p.d. is down by half. right. it was on wednesday evening ladies and gentlemen this is a very bad outcome for the s.p.d. but it's also a very bad outcome for all the main party has expired. 2 weeks later both parties suffer the next devastating blow in the state has some.
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deep seated and has in the c.d.o. gathered only 28 percent down by 10 points in the s.p.d. achieved its worst results nationwide 20 percent down 10 points. pressured by her party the c.d.u. leader decided to tackle the consequences head on of the meeting when it's pointed out the next cd you pass the convention in hamburg this december i will not run for the position as head of germany's see the year. also this 4th term of office would be my last as chancellor of the federal republic of germany. it was the end of an era but who would take her place remained unclear. decision laid bare the deep crisis the popular parties found themselves in. citizens were losing patience with her cautious leadership style and all its compromises.
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the keys are there folks but the crisis the popular parties are experiencing is dramatic but i don't think it will be easy to reverse anytime soon because people are yearning for a new leadership style and a more and not zenon. the c.d.u. did what it could to stem the tide and hold its nose dive and hamburg the party celebrated its convention with all the usual part of the regal imagery was a facade behind the scenes even a split in the party was no longer out of the question. in the end on a that comp card and bauer beat her rivals math and against spawn but only just. from then on the c.d.o. revolved around 2 centers of power. the transition of power within the c.s.u. party might not have been a spectacular but it wounded the incumbent rivals pride years of power struggles
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had taken their toll and yet forced as a whole for and his successor marcus souter struggled to put on a show of harmony nonetheless. thanks. but many problems that the government had shied away from tackling for now forcing their way to the 4. plans were made to phase out coal fired power stations by 2038 . but the young demonstrators who took to the streets each friday weren't satisfied with their government's steps to address climate change. too little too late. the government was stunned. so i let us talk with us today you'd notice. then by laughed at us how does it take now that they are actually taking it seriously politicians have noticed they really do have to talk to us did in india
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look and by spring it was clear the government was out of its depth the youth movement would not be appeased with cosmetic gestures this isn't a time for it's not like we can just flip a switch energy needs to be readily available around the clock even when the sun isn't shining or the wind blowing is coming and nobody could in all honesty deny that there are and worse certain deficits sent there are ya yes of course this isn't just about the climate it's also about land use and the extinction of species but these are things people care deeply about the 50 feet in the ceiling that i mention and we had overlooked that it was a. the
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thirty's struggle to realign themselves but 1st they had to deal with the trauma of their past as the s.p.d. turned its back on get hard sure does agenda 2010 reforms the c.d.u. under com current power try taking a careful step away from merkel's open refugee policies. but would that be enough. results for the maintop you know pacis c.d.u. c.s.u. and s.p.d. i think lining from one election to the next and i think that with the f.t. and the green party assessing the new agenda. if you want to goons and always said grand coalitions were an exception to the room because the parties were so powerful there would be no opposition well that's not completely wrong it's no longer encapsulates the entire problem of the grand coalition has become emblematic of political stakes of.
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how easy is it to throw in secure ruling parties off balance. it took a 26 year old you tube or from aachen just one video. this is video of that kind this video won't be some boring political video this is going to be a destruction video not because i'm trying to destroy anyone but because the facts indicate that the c.d.u. is singlehandedly destroying itself its reputation and its election outcomes. decisions on how and when to react when they demand is incredibly hectic schedules of fires or to the people involved basically had just fallen. minutes between campaign appearances to cool it other than that for now it was fundamentally wrong and we should have responded to the video immediately. and that the i think it wouldn't even have measured how he reacted as long as he had done so i said. to him
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this had a new mission and he needs an initiative by more than 26000 german scientists on t.v. i didn't even know we had that many scientists and they all say the s.p.d. n.c.t. use current course is far too slow and if we don't make drastic changes not small changes drastic changes and then the future of young generations and all the following generations is at risk i for. a european parliamentary campaign meeting for the e.p. p. party which both the c.d.u. and c.s.u. are part of the. reason is video has already gotten 8000000 hits but not all the candidates were impressed did you watch results you tube video i honestly know i didn't know what you think about all the fuss over. you but it's exacerbated. on the european campaign trail in germany merkel made only one appearance it was as if her own party were no longer of any relevance to her. and
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he must become the strongest polity on the europe so that money could feed can become president of the european commission. but even while merkel spoke a joint video by several well known you tubers was unleashing the next stories and this is an open letter a statement from the last times of the you tube the community the e.u. elections are this weekend and it's important to go vote that is it not going to any risk hierarchy the possible destruction of our planet obviously has top priority experts clearly state that the course taken by the c.d.u. c.s.u. and s.p.d. is totally wrong so we call upon you all don't vote for the c.d.u. c.s.u. or the s.p.d. this. column bauer and merkel were caught off guard. as miracle was. handing over the reins they had expected attacks from all sides from coalition members or even party insiders. but from a bunch of you tube. assumption many just couldn't comprehend it because
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they had grown up in an entirely different media landscape one where politicians are delighted if they land a great quote on the front page of the front with a good mine a daily paper but can't fathom the idea that an entirely new type of media capable of causing a tectonic shift is developing always this affected your passion for chalons well i'd certainly say it's cost us some percentage points i put said into that i don't know if that's one or 3 percent i just know it hit us to. that and you could see the c.d.u. has dropped sharply to 22 percent c. is c.s.c. is lands a little higher than last election at 6 percent but overall the losses are devastating the s.p.d. nosediving to 15.5 percent see the big if we see the result of experience lately have been very disappointing for the s.p.d. . the impact of the fridays for future marches and reserves video was clear in the 2900. and unusually high amount of german voters chose the green party.
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the outcome of the european elections pushed the s.p.d. into despair had they become a party for just senior citizens the new cd you leader also had her back against the wall with pressure mounting from all sides when she made an announcement that sounded like a threat. to 5 states is she living at the issue of incitement the question arises what rules apply in the analog realm and which rules apply to the digital ground and. this is a fundamental question that we need to talk about it's and that's why we will pursue this debate very aggressively on catastrophic. it did not but the entire response. took that was so hopeless that's all and i don't want to hear about it anymore it was completely hopeless. horse who was hopeless. put the everybody on our spawn did.
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not know me just want me to mention names to light some nice fires. but even so i'm thinking of congress. and then the 2 parties tried to respond with videos of their own. that immediately on. one from the c.d.u. and then a little later one from the c.s.u. this none of it did any good for me. reports about her poor crisis management skills severely tarnished the new party leaders reputation following reasons didio she didn't seem up to her job even allies within her party showed displeasure dislike to this at 1st and i think it's something that hasn't passed by me without leaving a mark on me personally what does that mean this comment well you can see it in the opinion polls and you can also tell by the discussions within the policy. naturally each policy and the cd even particular once a leader they know they can rely on who won't make any mistakes. the font of the
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kind this refined and that was a mistake in the posse sense that we decide to put. this to the s.p.d. was also channeling its frustrations in work after the disastrous election results party leader on the panel this was in a critical situation her own party comrades began to openly question her the tensions were threatening to culminate in a putsch. the pressure was enormous in the weeks leading up to the european elections there was a new headline every day sometimes the rivals fought out in the open sometimes they were made out of sight. it was everywhere in plain sight harsh tones tempers flaring and the like i'm going to got chaps music and this is not what i wanted but today i've decided to grab the bull by the horns past it suits her style instead of assuring herself of the tight majority behind closed doors she said she'd fight things on the open and wouldn't shy away from confrontation with this new she was
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challenging her critics to speak up but they didn't it looked like an attempt to let her drive herself off a cliff you're too. exhausted it was the end of her political career. wouldn't talk a good day i had just stepped down from the s.p. day toci chair and from office. so it gets. notified when. all that was left behind were bruised emotions and a power vacuum that could overwhelm even a seasoned politician. who trail man when a cheesy call maybe even both together will handle business in the interim don't they trust you to do it it's just a different legal to vice chancellor and finance minister it would be completely inappropriate for me to take over like that i wouldn't have the time and it wouldn't work with ordinary party leadership either people and you don't want to
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leave the s.p.d. long no i don't think it's manageable in combination with the office of minister of finance wished touches to soften. and so bewildered the s.p.d. floundered its way through the summer who would take over as its new leader. if you were interested but most were not. and then suddenly olaf showed scame up with enough time to campaign after all so it's going to have to help so we've got to i took the mockery of the s.p.d. in the storm of criticism over the process of finding a new candidate very much to heart. she akin to the border i've been a social democrat since i was 17 years old. and i found the situation so unbearable that i decided to revise my previous decision. to suppose be mine and try to if you do. think i could find enough time from being the minister of finance to
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lead the s.p.d. and to even manage an election campaign she was the 1st credibility trav has shots will get into. these personnel debates kept the coalition busy for weeks if not months as chancellor merkel continued to stay out of the limelight observers started asking if she was still in charge at all. her public silence on the pressing issues of the time was resoundingly. merkel is very skilled when it comes to power plays. but although she managed to get was a lot on the line appointed as president of the european commission she failed to install yens sean and to fund alliance former post as defense minister. in fact merkel's and compound powers reshuffling of power was fraught with risks. isn't it done enough after we'd agreed on it was it a fund and i and we still had to continue to work together without too much disruption of it the other $24.00 to fill in this kind of course when you know
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that's when i was asked if i would enter the cabinet because they were differing positions and various tensions between the policy and the state associations was its own and when we were in the apartheid i thought it over carefully because i knew that it would be a question of credibility. but after considering all the circumstances i decided that it was all actually down to the boss so i would do it. but months earlier while she was still campaigning for the party leadership compound bauer had actually said something rather different. these types kaante deserves to be led by someone for him it is all a matter of the heart under no circumstances should we give the impression that this office is merely being used as a castle called into the next government post that would be absolutely face a ladies and gentlemen down the town. many were surprised that they hope for stayed on as interior minister and miracles cabinet. but he seemed to have had
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a change of heart as to how to deal with refugees and was now seeking a european solution that would save refugees from drowning in the mediterranean. that. they have. a small mention what it meant they could but it's everyone's duty to save people from drowning if you don't think you're missing from this with these. body here if you know what i think we need to see to it that we continue to provide this humanitarian aid without creating a pull effect in. if it allows us let's explain design you know he had started talking the way medical always had she too had always sought an international solution or a bilateral german turkish one and now it was if he had arrived on the same page as medical as a member of her cabinet. but the coalition parties were still in trouble.
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in western germany they were losing voters to the green party in the east they were losing to the far right a.f. dean. in the state elections in saxony and brandenburg exit polls were causing a wave of consternation even before the voting booths had closed. in the end the c.d.u. and s.p.d. both slid back even more but still managed to hold on to power in their respective states. which of course i'm pleased for 6 were between 26 and 28 percent of brendan versions and the f.t. is between 21 and 23 percent. and at one point we were at 17 percent in brandenburg in saxony the f.t. is a 2627 percent of the gap is clear we're at 78 percent and. yet the secretary general of the c.d.u. c.s.u. and s.p.d. parties kept clinging on to the grand coalition at the federal level because they
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knew that fresh elections might see them slip even further one thing was certain the large parties were shrinking while some of the smaller parties kept growing. didn't have the popular parties nowadays we need to invent they are crucial to germany success in this shrinking his does he mean it let's move on to mr king and testify that having a stable government serves germany well when we look at our european neighbors when we see how unstable other countries are than germany really profits from a stable government we have and i say that despite all the criticism one might have for the current government and i can think of a thing or 2 as well. come fall the government gave itself a stellar rating after tough negotiations they had reached a compromise on the basic old age pension and loudly celebrated their success. we've achieved a number of social improvements for families for children we've raised housing in student benefits and immigration bill for skilled because we're investing millions
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in digitalize in schools. we've tied up the migration policy the basic pension that's we've got in the blue rolling for digitalisation in the economic sector. we've set up a huge housing program. and we've also gotten the right to return from. part time to full time jobs off the ground often think about down to her because we saw to it the child benefits were great along with child supplements for working parents with low income gaps to get on to the good news is we did without the climate package and yet when it came to the one topic that had brought people out onto the streets around the globe the government's response seemed at best feeble. although it had announced sweeping reforms the scant measures they managed to agree upon convinced neither the pundits nor the protestors millions demonstrated americal have hardly defended the climate package. that's the difference between politics and science and impatient young people but it's politics is about what's possible. yes.
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well deciding whether to remain in government or join the opposition the s.p.d. spent half a year looking for a new leaders at $23.00 regional conferences. each time lots were drawn for the order in which the candidates would appear. as one of the grand coalition is the sequel in my view the grand coalition has no future and is not able to create a future from con men turn it in party members are tired of defending compromises that turn out to be nothing move on crutches things especially now with the new climate compromise. the s.p.d. continued its downward spiral in opinion polls and was now fighting for its survival whether or not its new leadership plan to stay in the grand coalition could seal its fate. last let us leave the grand coalition us the remaining 2 years wouldn't be worth us risking the last bit of credibility our party has left at.
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lunch was the question didn't. mean i'm not ashamed of the fact that the s.p.d. is a party that is ready to take responsibility for our country. yet while the election campaign might have seemed to electrify top party officials the voter base remained on him. crest and the s.p.d. continue to spiral downwards. in the runoff the campaign was reduced to being for or against the grand coalition. even then the debate threatened to split the party into. it but at the following state election the grand coalition parties only played a supporting role. and touring in the c.d.u. suffered severe losses and ended at just 22 percent the left party went up slightly to 30 percent the s.p.d. lost out and is now down to 8 percent but the f.t. captured 23 percent which is an immense gain. the luck party had won the vote
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followed by the a.f.p. which was gathered around a right wing extremist. the musty and stale air will be cleared out my friends and we will keep on taking back our country. simi our general secretary of the c.d.u. still believed his party was firmly rooted in the center of society. but after the touring in the buckle it became clear that the center of society actually was. pretty pretty to shim it is the us this is a turning point for the moderate political center of them this is the 1st time it was been able to form a government without either the left party or the a.f.p. to be honest i simply couldn't imagine that in the past and in fucking but today it happened for the 1st time if the my disney thought it might not be representative of what has happened in a state like tooling and defied. that evening c.d.u.
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asked itself the question the s.p.d. had struggled with in the spring of 2018 should it go against its convictions and form a coalition with the abyss how is the c.d.u. find common ground with a party that remains unwilling to acknowledge that east germany was an unjust nation on its own not on a coalition with the left party nor with the a.f.p. . we're seeing a difficult situation entering and we have to decide what a government might look like in my eyes seem iraq is trying to take cover and shirk responsibility i consider that a difficult situation. the battered center parties were now sandwiched between the left and far right. and all at once the c.d.u. didn't know where to go with it a band in its principles or a band in power. that night hardly anyone was paying attention to the s.p.d. . that same week
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the grand coalition was rocked by yet another mayor's dispute perhaps the most dangerous to date. turkey launched attacks into northern syria once again thousands of refugees were forced to flee. in berlin the government and party brass gathered for talks. when they touched upon the issue of syria the new defense minister was noticeably quiet. the following day she surprised both the nation and her coalition partners with the new initiative. is this. is that we creates an international team on his head safeties and involving taki and involving russia and. when and how did you learn about on a great trump card in bowers proposal does it need to an issue to 1st became known on public television amuck. then this one then comes when it comes to come betting
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i says this would of course be a zone where the military would play a role on the. visor redus. i'm defining this approach does not match the expectations one should have of proper governance i'm often dishes be given. into the song and might i add that this is a big country this is here. and also has got the responsibility for the ball in despair at armed forces is not a matter that should be taken lightly lofted like to put the names on it is a construct on one can combine this kind of vows latest move was clearly an act of sabotage against the grand coalition it wasn't a publicist and it was an intentional disruption one directed in essence against a coalition partners i really do believe the pressure had mounted to the point that she thought something had to give that the grand coalition couldn't continue the way it was because i believe she wanted to drive the s.p.d.
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3rd out of the coalition is a core and i think she was relentless about it. for. the s.p.d. felt snubbed. in honor of all places the foreign minister retaliated. because everywhere we go we're told the proposal isn't realistic. that's why we've taken the time to deal with the topics that are important for the people in syria now and yet. the coalition was now wrangling publicly on the international stage. where the parties working with or against each other. when this also we saw the foreign minister travel to turkey and comment on the domestic debate in germany along with us turkish colleague nic you talked to my limits i'm true i personally have never experienced anything like that and i honestly hadn't thought it was possible. it was a receipt that was minutes they way the foreign minister acted during his trip to
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turkey was simply outrageous that to stand that it wasn't quote to what happened there all i can say about the grand coalition and i've always been very cautious in my judgment is that it's over and. just imagine what's come condoms and throw this on and and they've known each other for a long time. like i can all day and night and respect each other's shots and if not even they can manage to stick together and try to stabilize the government then the whole foundation is gone you walk don is just that's one number and pick. then in the fall of 2019 the pressure mounted even further after its electoral flop and touring in the c.d.u. went through the same crisis the s.p.d. had previously. the party leader was facing open opposition as you could see in the life of the the federal chair as well as the head of the young union have posed the question of leadership and whoever thinks this question needs to be answered now at
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this full we'll have an opportunity to do it at the party conventions. for nearly 6 months comp con by. or had tried unsuccessfully to clamp down on her rivals on the party's fringe now fade to peak mantz was moving into attack not just the chance for but also the party leader. trying to speak to the federal government looks just terrible and i can't imagine this style of governing germany will last another 2 years until the end of the legislation period in 2021 would be some indeed these are valka you would have his hand is just not possible dusky and for finished. at the convention the party leader trying to defuse the tense situation but instead revealed just how desperate she really was after just one year in office. when you know my insight just if you believe that this conflict i want to take with you is not the part you think is right then let's speak as me about its mission no
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less and let us end this here and now it. may be the tide would turn after all maybe even sooner than expected. a week later the s.p.d. was busy counting votes in its leadership runoff 6 months of searching for a new leader had come to a close. an hour before the results were announced it started to seem as if this could be a critical perhaps even historic moment. tepid if you but i've watched this party struggle with itself time and again we fought out a number of conflicts in the public eye at 6 pm the struggle will be over to a certain degree this is this is something that needs to be settled once and for all not only for the sake of the s.p.d. but for the entire country that's why it's good that this is finally being decided to set some china and. and the winner was the candidates in favor of leaving the
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grand coalition. those in favor of staying including finance minister last would that's. well the end of his career. the newly elected party leaders were saskia asking a nor bad boy. it was a decision that could break the coalition maybe it was even intended to but why is the public feeling against the grand coalition. because we've all seen how the s.p.d. has exhausted itself in the grand coalition. party has presented a number of proposals and has made a lot happen but people obviously don't believe that this could lead to a social democratic country in the long run. i don't believe after just 20 months the governing coalition of the 2 main parties has been deeply shaken new elections would pose a huge threat to them perhaps the government will break apart soon or perhaps it won't but at the grand coalition keeps going at all that it won't be out of
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conviction but for lack of any better alternative. to go india. point 3000000000 people. and make all need electricity. where does it come from and how you co-conscious is the energy supply in the country. india and its bright prospects for with new book and. the. next g.w. . what keeps us who say what makes us
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this is d.w. news and these are all top stories pro-democracy activists in hong kong say 800000 people attended this weekend's rallies the largest crowds in months up to 6 months of protests demonstrators said they want to show the world they're not giving up it's the 1st large scale march to be approved by the city since august. a fire in the indian capital delhi has killed at least $43.00 papal the blaze broke out in a workshop in the.
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