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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2019 4:30am-5:01am CET

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international. 37 w. . what secrets lie behind. discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore the world heritage sites of the. w world heritage 360 get up now. welcome to global 3000 growing up is all about taking charge of your life but sometimes that means overcoming some serious challenges as we find out from a young cuban dumbs his passion for ballet has meant leaving her homeland. we need to sing a desperate to swap the limitations of life in gaza for greater freedom and
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opportunities. and to report on people living near a wind park in kenya whose hopes of a better life have so far been dashed. unrest is brewing in many middle east and north african countries and it's mainly coming from young people who want security and a better future unicef says around hoff of the region's population around the $24.00 that's at least 200000000 people yet so depending on the country up to a 3rd of those aged between 15 and 24 a jobless the figure is much higher when it comes to women. so day to around on the streets voicing their anger and demanding their rights to freedom and self-determination. in the mirror doesn't always.
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this reflects such a smiling face there are days when wafa and the g.b. is tearful and despairing but however she feels she never gives up she keeps fighting for her dream of being a singer and living a free self-determined life in gaza. the videos she posts on facebook show a talented young woman with a voice crying out to be heard but it's a voice that gaza's macho islamised society wants to silence. one of my cousins called my dad your doors she's a singer and she putting her photos on facebook and here her songs. were you saying there we're living in america we are in gaza you have to stop her. it's bad enough that sings the fact that she sings in english is considered an
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outrage. to. her detractors say she looks western her headscarf doesn't hide her hairline. she's 27 and unmarried but she doesn't live with her parents and she's not afraid to speak her mind. i don't feel that. it's my white country and i want to stay here in this frickin work every year and i have to defend you know what country and. i just want to be myself live freely and sing and have my own life my own job. no fear just peace. happiness you. rents a small room in gaza city she's a nurse but hasn't been able to find a job gaza's economy is in
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a state of collapse she gets by with odd jobs but worries constantly that she won't be able to afford her independence for much longer. actually i'm so happy because on the low. yeah i kind of independent i have my own work and i have my own space. alone but not lonely one of us friend mohammed is also a musician. this is the 1st time he's ever visited her at home here in gaza are being together unchaperoned is out of the question i just fear the how will my face in his phrase just be it's like one person where he's my soulmate this is a as i mean. mohammed plays in a band. he gave wafa this guitar as a gift. his parents don't think much of his musical talent but he lives for his
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music in their opinion it's a waste of time. that i thought once when i was away they destroyed all my instruments and all of that good for. his family refused me. completely. is that. a few years he said you know. just saying she's open one person she's not good for you so getting. they can find another girl. but not. want me doesn't qualify. and that by the time you. unlike mohammed's parents one of us family doesn't have a problem with their music. they're on their way to visit her family they live in russia a town in the southern gaza strip. rafa is
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a highly dangerous place it's a bastion of islamised militants and the majority of the population live in abject poverty. in gaza city we were allowed to film from our car but when we drive into rafa we're immediately stopped by the police. to live in gaza is to live in fear. for. my boy. if you want to get your point but that is our search for our marriage you one of us father quickly ushers us inside he doesn't want the neighbors to see us. the whole family is viewed with suspicion. they're all musicians and that makes them outsiders. one of us father is well known decades ago he won a talent contest in israel and performed in haifa and tel aviv but that was in
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another lifetime before travel restrictions were imposed on residents of gaza before hamas took control in 2007 and israel and egypt imposed a blockade of gaza strip. before life became a waking nightmare the. us father remembers a time when music brought people together nowadays gaza feels like a prison. not the one for i'm not happy that we're in a different place but i know she needs to flee the reality we find ourselves in here who. her father is sad to let her go but he understands why she chooses to live in gaza city where there's a little more freedom than in rafa. and there are also more people who are similar to wafa and mohammed.
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like minded people who often meet up in this café the mood here is relaxed and happy which is rare in gaza it's a welcome refuge from the harsh reality of daily life so. that. the close my eyes and wake up fired sounds like oh my god i'm a mother please come out of. no hole there is no future here for the us i want to stay here for another year. i will lose a job in the end. but what isn't the type to give up she won't lose sight of her dream. that. according to the u.n. refugee agency by late 2018 there were more than 17000000 displaced persons
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worldwide often people flee their homes to escape war or violence but others go in search of work to help support themselves and their families all because they crave more self-determination and autonomy than they had at home. 6 years ago ari army had her 1st role as a soloist she and her ensemble were touring mexico. and she seized the opportunity to defect. just remember that it was hard it was really hard. and at the same time just like. i didn't know what was going to happen. and i didn't know there. i was going to have a job right away and. it was just heart. she
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was lucky just a few months later she signed a contract with ballet arizona she defected along with 6 other ballet dancers including. today they're married in cuba they earned $25.00 a month not enough to survive this. now are you honey is one of her company's highest earners. for her dance opens the doors to another world. it is important to have a beautiful costume to feel beautiful in the states right. and that's a completely different world. the world of ballet and we've put on stage this story this beautiful story of course is completely different to our normal life and our normal world.
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christmas is coming and our jani is rehearsing the nutcracker she's dancing the role of the snow queen. to the ballet has a long tradition and it's classical dancers are trained by excellent teachers and i remember she always used to say that that we are different because. because our sense wallaby time of time when we dance we we just keep everything on the space and we just show that you know. it is not like that is not like we we don't sell so when we're doing ballet but we give something different i think you. understand is the artistic director of ballet arizona. shooting this way originally from denmark he was an acclaimed ballet dancer himself he hired the cuban dancers because he has a deep appreciation of their technique and of the character they bring to their craft. you have a different way of. seeing life then are afraid and they're still it's almost like
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old school. you know like their day to. day love life. and they are not afraid of showing emotion. for these young students are jani is a role model regardless of her origins. the cuban ballerina was granted a residence permit a year after arriving in the u.s. after 5 years she became an american citizen like i did back in 2013 when our yachting arrived cubans were still treated like 1st class immigrants. are jani is doing well in her new home but it still feels foreign. she misses the street life at home. america's huge supermarkets often make her feel sad about the situation in cuba which has become harder again now
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that president trump has imposed tough new sanctions. sometimes when i see it and i have them or i think about them you know because they are probably not even the same most of it in oh i'm not as good single see i mean you. are jani and other 100 are living the american dream but they didn't leave cuba for political reasons both grew up being taught that the u.s. was the enemy and they didn't question this thinking doing it young men did that every i'm thinking you don't actually i always thought you know from the time we were children we learned in history class that the u.s. is a monster and a mustang and most ramazan evil milo and also. and i don't know if that has changed nowadays b.r.l. whatever they're going to do trumps paul. c. is damaging cuba they say but they're reluctant to criticize their new home.
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comforts me we have more possibilities here we earn more and can have a comfortable and happy life here and can support our families back in cuba is about at the u. of only one with a family and for. their new life would be perfect if only they didn't miss their family so much. so the couple meet up with cuban friends as often as possible. tonight they're trying out a new cuban restaurant. we have quality time and it is very special and as she said it we're family we have the only. thing we have like here you know and they're all the same with humans. here in their new home in arizona they like to seek out places that remind them of where they
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come from. our yani and on a 100 are grateful to the u.s. they have no intention of returning to cuba but they hope that one day relations between the u.s. and cuba will improve. this weekend global ideas we're off to the himalayan peaks where renewable energy usually comes in the form of hydro power the other planets likes and now home to many micro hydro power plants they've changed the life of villages that local ex-pats showed our reporting. team how it works. the bark of the definition rub also known as locked up has to be washed and then boiled in order to make paper from it. one of the tricity came to this area room
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was finally able to purchase a boiler interest or today he has 10 employees that collect and wash the lock to bark the heavy workers done by machines. used to have to boil the locked up bock using firewood. and stamp on it without feet to soften it. the electricity comes from a small hydroelectric power plant the government has been promoting them in this mountain region for years and giving loans to entrepreneurs and farmers so they can buy machines. after the power plant was installed and we got electricity and i was in a better position economically and. i had lower labor costs so i was able to make a profit waited and i could even save some money. when he was on. the on a point to mountain range in the himalayas overlooks the village of gun truck which
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lies at an elevation of 2000 meters this is where poor new groom lives and. the area has a lot of water so it makes sense to install hydroelectric power plants which are relatively easy to build and are environmentally friendly. government support for the hydro power projects is granted only to villages that agreed to pitch in. 10 years ago b d a big karma helped to build this power plant today she's the deputy manager. of village meanwhile has 9 of these power plants. each with a management board and a manager. they handle the finances themselves. yeah i did need a man with a head it's like i am at the moment the plant is self-sustaining. and if you feel
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we get from our customers helps us to pay our stuff. was and it's enough to maintain the plant as well they've got us all going to his eye but has it also got to saigon. the electricity from the hydro power plant was also a blessing for shanta maya group who runs a bakery there the mother of 2 can now provide the entire village with bread. so they say no i was the 1st person to open a bakery here. for the past 5 years she's been baking bread here her brother works by her side. and she's already managed to pay off the mixer in the oven but if something breaks it can get expensive. so. it can be difficult if one of the machine stops working then we have to go all the way to pick up to have it fixed. fortunately she also earns money from her small
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kiosk which is right next to the bakery local people are her main customers but tourists who come here to go climbing in the on a point of mountains sometimes shop here to. the village of guns roque is home to about 5200 people. the power plants have changed their lives they no cook with electricity and there are 2 telecommunications masts in the village health care has also improved. recently i had dental treatment which was only possible because the medical station has electricity now. without electricity and none of this would exist everyone is making the most of it. nonetheless about 40 percent of the people in the villages here still don't have electricity. has been working to renu and expand the electricity grid
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after a devastating earthquake destroyed much of it 4 years ago hydroelectric power is the linchpin of the government's plan. a lot has changed for paper maker porn are growing he's even been able to open a shop and poke around the 2nd largest city in a power. this is where he sells his untreated paper as well as products such as diaries and notebooks cards and lampshades. this income made it possible for the widower to raise his 2 children and send them to school his daughter now lives in pokhara and also works in the shop. corner girl room stops by at least once a week he's planning to expand his business. others. locked up and himalayan could be processed in the same facility so i'm thinking of expanding the processing nettles to make fabric. that.
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corner go room has big plans for the future but he doesn't want to move to the city full time the mountains are his home. hydro power is the most common source of green energy that makes up 50 percent of the world's production followed by wind and solar power geothermal and tidal power plants make up a smaller chunk. of the maine produces if when you have all energy asia europe and north america meanwhile africa knox with just 2 percent and yet africa has huge potential when it comes to solar and wind power the energy revolution has indeed got underway that as can be seen at lake to qana in kenya. terribly pullet is out fishing on his wooden raft lake turkana is full of fish but
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today he only manages to catch one he'll be able to sell it for $0.90 at most not enough to pay for a meal for his wife and 6 children. he can only dream of owning a real boat like one of these the village where he lives is tranquil far away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities. but the comforts of modern life are also missing such as electricity. fresh fish would sell well in the town close by but the fish would need to be collected and kept cool that's difficult to do without electricity. and dried fish doesn't fetch as good a price. at all for you know we don't go we only get a delivery of ice once a week with which we can cool the fish if we had electricity we could sell more fish and then we'd have more money for the education of our children or for when
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they get sick. one might think that this would be the solution the nearby lake turkana wind power project built at a cost of $600000000.00 euros by a public private sector consortium the hundreds of turbines have a joint capacity of 310 megawatts that's a lot of electricity and local people hoped to benefit. but in fact they still rely on fossil fuel power generators often old and unreliable the villages and towns here are not yet connected to the national power grid. for collins my kunda it's very annoying. to the sound of. the say i'll be welding something for a few minutes and then the generator shuts down. i'm fed up with always having to run over to turn it on again if i had electricity from the grid i could work faster
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and more effectively used. the conditions here are excellent for a wind farm daily temperature fluctuations generate strong predictable when streams between the lake where the temperature is relatively constant and the desert hinterland where it fluctuates a lot the wind farm was built on land held by local authorities in trust for the areas inhabitants so it's all the more dismaying that they don't have access to the power generated towering liberal notice says that has to change. have a right to finally be connected to the electrical grid. villages and towns all the tribes. and also the white people who want to. be divided on this issue. electricity for every one. of them. the wind farm provides around 15 percent of kenya's electricity. so what's the
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problem. kenya and the regulations in kenya for the provision of electricity electric on a can not provide power to the communities lake to counter must only sell to kenya power and lighting company which is the off taker and the only licensed and regulated off to to be able to take. the wind farm is only responsible for generating electricity its distribution is in the hands of kenya power in which the government has a controlling stake we contacted the kenyan ministry of energy it told us that there are plans to connect the communities around the lake to the grid but it's not clear when. only a few people in this village have solar collectors. and there's just one t.v. for the whole community. many here are angry and feel the wind farm is to blame
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it's the citizens and if i were a sorcerer i would cuss it so the when park would stop working. but that wouldn't help tyrion les paul otoh or his fellow villagers either they'll just have to wait for the day when electricity reaches their community. but. that's all from us this time but we love hearing from you so drop us a line global 3000 at d w dot com and check us out on facebook any women fight for now.
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helping people help themselves to fight for a just society. to lift themselves out of poverty these are the goals of coping internationally for more than 50 years the catholic social. ization has supported self-help for more. coping international.
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coming up on dollar. he's quite as simple as it seems. to understand the world better we need to take a closer more. experience knowledge into. the. mob scene.
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christmas time on double. significance and look at me affectionately which was affectionately as you can. bloody near putin in the middle of his election campaign in the year 2000 a documentary was filmed for russian television but director vitali munster culture much more with determination about guns and the element of course you're going to see the film secretly chronicled a power grab actually everything was precisely planned and structured. featuring top supporting roles. kudos. to the freedom of
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russia. and featuring a lead role like you've never seen before you're going to let me be clear with you i have to act in ways that i feel necessary and people who simply understand that. the enemy your federal judge divvy ends justify the means. to terms with mrs stuart's december 13th on t w. this is d w news and these around top stories pro-democracy activists in hong kong say 800000 people attended this weekend's rallies the largest crowds in months after 6 months of protests demonstrators said they want to show the world they are not giving up it's the 1st large scale march to be approved by the city since august.
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a fire in the indian capital delhi has killed at least $43.00 papal the blaze broke out in a workshop in the.


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