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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2019 1:30pm-2:01pm CET

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clear with you i have to act in ways that i feel necessary and people who simply understand that. you can let me or send a message to the ends justify the means. to terms with mrs starts december 13th on t.w. . people it's serious. it's the 11th hour our planet is threatening to burn up. in the 100 years or grows gone for decades scientists have been warning of the dangers of climate change with very little response to the west case scenario has come to pass through we're burning fossil fuels at an alarming pace of it was a cultural city official on the scale of 0 to 1004 and we don't want to miss out on
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our holidays away either the fight i want to be honest i'm not ashamed i'm looking forward to my vacation. what's wrong with us why aren't we willing to protect our climate. so we can't keep on like this just on the phone. it's a friday afternoon and i come to hamburg where climate activists are ramping up their protests. i want to know how far people will go in their fight to stop climate change. i've been invited by tino the guy writing a telephone number on his belly. it's the number of a legal advice center in case he gets arrested. he'll accept you know what's the plan for today you know everyone. we want to draw attention to what's going on
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inside show people a bit of what's happening on our planet right now to highlight the climate crisis look at this with some. i'm not sure what's going to happen but i'm looking forward to it. this i'm sure will blockade a few things and cause some disruption here in hamburg today so because including one thing i took a humble 2. teano and the other activists decided to block this street. they move fast before the police can stop them the activist sceptic and over the road. they're part of the extinction rebellion movement or x. are for short their goal is to stop what they see as the potential extinction of the human race. some call x.o.r. the radical sister of the fridays for a future school protest movement civil disobedience without violence is their guiding principle. not just. that but the
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authorities are not impressed. the police tell the protestors that the demonstration is unauthorized they're to clear the road and move to the sidewalk i the relaxed sit in is soon broken up. i think. i said tino and a few others remain seated they know fully well they could get arrested and in a way that's exactly what they want. would you go to jail for this accident just again yes. because i think we'll get more publicity and people will think about why someone who's protesting against climate change would suffer violence or even be jailed. why do you think it's necessary to block the roads. because the climate crisis is already here it's not just climate change the crisis is already making. itself felt as if i had to get out if this was
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touted as a relatively big demo but there were maybe 200 people sitting in the road there still and if they held up the traffic for an hour i don't know whether that's going to make people jump up from their couches and say i need to do something about climate change it certainly wasn't anything revolutionary here today. but is a climate revolution what we need anyway germany seems pretty divided on this question i'm going to meet a man who has long said things can't continue as they are professor andreas gives climate lectures like this one on you tube. a climate scientist he's calculated what we need to do to avert the impending disaster. what would you say about climate change is it 5 to 12 or more like 5 past 12 or is the entire clock broken already. in terms of the out system in nature i think it's one minute to 12 curtness so we could still make it unnecessary climate goals could still be
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achieved but when i look at society i'm not so sure. about this there it's more like half past 12 we had a bigger home was way heating will have high living standards taking more flights and that totally cancels out all the feel good things we've moved through to and for me. if we continue like this a further rise in sea levels would be one consequence people here along germany's baltic sea coast wouldn't be the only ones to lose their homes but we've known all this for ages and still we can't get our act together in germany as elsewhere to stop it must be serious problem i see is that we have free feel quite good about ourselves we think we're doing a lot already we have our solar panels on the roof and our green energy as a nation we're planning to transition to renewables there's more which is costing a lot of money yes the highest electricity prices in europe and we have done a lot of times the politicians like to point out that m.p. . into
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a false sense of security. awfully says germany needs to reduce its carbon emissions by 5 percent each year for the past decade the country has managed only around one percent a year. but why are we not panicking at least a bit. self-conscious and quickly no i think we have a built in optimism we each think it want a fact made on a problem with c o 2 of course is you can't see it you can't taste it all smell it. but when the other problems like with household waste for example we introduced restrictions on that and on effluent and sewage to say something we want understand they're not good policy oh too that's not the case. spec. but that's something we can change with this camera it costs 90000 euros what can it do it can film c o 2. it does look
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a bit gross the way it's coming out of the exhaust pipe. but can images like these change our perception i show them to passengers had take an airport in berlin this is the film's out of the league it really looks like it's burning right. next to this isabella zaga and henrik have come from copenhagen for a short visit to berlin. with they do without things to help stop climate change. would you be ok with not going to holidays far away because of the climate change which you're not buying as much and also as i do alan i one day and i want to experience the world so. you somewhere when you enter a plane that you're ashamed by being it like using it because of all the pollution i'm not ashamed i'm not i want to be honest i'm not ashamed i'm looking forward to my. and i'm thinking oh i'm going to my vacation i'm away from stress and bad
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things and i want to go there and have a man staycation so that's not all people think oh right i don't wanna live that far live so the camera didn't exactly have the desired effect. please but what can i say i'm no different even though i ought to know better. if you missed it's and without it i'm off on holiday myself now i'm flying to corsica it was funny about that yes i'm flying my family and i could have taken the car which would have been quite so bad for the environment. but i'm flying because of the spill guys and i just don't have the time for a long journey since i have to get this report finished in other words i also have my own excuses as to why i'm abusing the environment and that's a problem but it just isn't to be. if we can't be trusted to do the right thing
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do we need legislation instead. to be honest i'd quite like the state to give me a little less freedom when it comes to protecting the climate. than maybe i'd take the train more often. like on a compazine. she's a member of the european parliament the green party her constituency is an eastern germany finish. you off to how often do you take a flight to brussels or stross lowest possible to come. as far as we put my always trying to take the train if i can like today and usually it works but it's a long way from berlin dresden all candidates to brussels and stressful and. even a 7 to 9 hours on the train sometimes i have to fly because i have an important meeting in the morning and there's no other way. unless i even know it and on it one of the green party leaders in form of a topic was photographed at the airport where he was taking
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a flight and people wrote oh the greens don't practice what they preach how do you deal with accusations like that and as a michigan politico it often. does i think is something of a distraction tactic adopted by opponents of the greens so they can say you arguments on the climate valid because you don't abide by the rules yourself and it's important to expose that but obviously politicians also need to limit their carbon footprint as much as possible exist even sticky shots. even should everyone just be free to do what they want to do or do we need restrictions out of the green sea it wouldn't be a good idea to ban all short haul flights that have to i think people tend to have to question egypt reaction when you ban things but they also react strongly to anything that affects their pocketbook so we just need to make flying more expensive to reflect the true price because flying is massively subsidized and trains need to be made
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a lot more attractive to feel that with my job but surely the only reason the greens don't just call for a ban on all short haul flights is because they're afraid of being punished at the ballot box. what's the reason. you haven't been because we think there are more effective methods because i meant bans are very effective you know but he was right that we'd 1st have to get it through parliament and we need to find a majority i think you do need to be accepting to a certain extent towards your coalition partner in government but also towards the general public otherwise people just get angry with you and i'll stop. i get it the greens don't want to be seen as the party that's anti everything again this tactic probably gets them support for their initiatives but is it really the way to stop climate change. you know says tino and the other activists from extinction rebellion. they're calling for net 0 carbon emissions by 2025. to
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help hammer home their message they're already planning their next move in hamburg they're going to stage a symbolic funeral everyone's dressed in black for the occasion except for one. of us so now everyone meets in your teams sorry a quick question i don't have any black pants with me in. mind of what you need to be i'm sorry mine are back in berlin. just. 35 year old tino is travelling quite a lot of the mon. and. campaigning for the environment has been a full time job for him over the past 6 months paid of course. that's in addition to being a student and the father of 2 children so things are pretty tight financially. for the moment i'm getting a student loan and i am studying on zones i hope i can continue to do that. otherwise yes it's not easy i had to give up my job as i couldn't really do it properly. to keep just to as always i suppose right now there are various
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individuals who buy train tickets for me sometimes help me out at the end of the month if they see things are typed up and if that's. the funeral march gets under way the mourners for the climate are heading towards the elbow river. extinction rebellion is looking to provoke an emotional response to convey a sense of urgency. for me it feels more like a school play not the emotional impact they're looking for. the group want to target the hamburg cruise days it's a maritime festival celebrating the big cruise liners that dock in hamburg. the ships are big time polluters that's why extinction rebellion is here. tino in a few of the others have a special task here today the contents of their pockets will provide an extra
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portion of popcorn. they want it to be graphic. so that the message comes across. it's dignified i stand here before the blood of children children like me and to be honest seeing it makes me feel afraid i'm afraid of a future without immediate action will be destroyed by the climate crisis. you know what amazes me is that many of those attending the cruise days aren't at all opposed to the demonstration. for a new job. i think it's very good at my notes because i think that we need a lot more of this in our lives. people need to get the message to me just can't keep on like this skeet. there's been a lot of questions about whether x. are supports the democratic system the leading voices in the movement don't believe
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politicians are capable of addressing climate change tino agrees. with the police what about the government lots of people say it's up to the politicians to do something but you don't think they're up to it. i knew he was doing it so no they're not we can see that they're not getting the job done and i don't know if they're capable auditors. we know for whatever reason the politicians are taking the necessary actions or able to take them we need a new form of legitimisation human social sounds like calling for revolution began not. lucian would mean we're looking to topple someone in power. in just a minute but that's what it sounds like when you say democracies aren't up to the task maybe they just need a bit of a push that push according to extinction rebellion as a national citizen's assembly a group of randomly selected citizens who are representative of the population with expert advice the citizens would prescribe legally binding measures for the
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government to implement. i'm not sure if that's a democratically legitimate process. i've come to a rally sponsored by germany's automobile club the 80 ac one part of the country dreams of car free cities here drivers hit the gas as much as possible. i'm going to accompany him he's been competing in rallies for 2 years now. and has converted b.m.w. eat 36 tim drives over roads and fields. here in this rural part of central germany it's difficult to get by without your own transport but i do because what if your car is close to your heart is it your baby or just a car. some of it meant as much to me as a baby and even ronnie driving would definitely be the wrong signal from the. defiance asylum where you say you don't give a name to a pig you plan to slaughter. this
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while i'm sitting on the road. 7 tim just can't understand the whole debate over cars. ok if you live in a city you have a good network of public transport so you don't need a car but we don't live in the city. and there i think the whole debate is just silly to be honest. when i see people at the on a motor show jumping on cars and holding up hate posters i think they lost it. i would say do you feel from 0 to 100. personally i don't own a car but then i live in berlin so i don't need one. but that doesn't mean that i don't think this is awesome.
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for 140 horsepower. i've got goosebumps. here at the rally the concerns of the climate activists feel like a world away. and tim is doubtful that the extinction rebellion protests will change that. the president doesn't know i don't know what these people are thinking when they sit down in the middle of the road they're lucky to drive a stop for them. and i think that's the way to change car drivers minds. they tell you the drivers don't get out of the car of punish them. that's why doesn't it actively now with activists that oppose automobiles and they always chant that they're doing this for your children so they're protesting against cars for the benefit of your children. i'm about to become a dad myself. without a car i'd have to go everywhere with my child on foot or by bike what good would
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god do. if anything goes wrong i need a car to get my child to the hospital fast the thought of more speed limits or a ban on gas guzzlers isn't popular here either. timber. leaves the debate over climate change could divide german society in the same way it was divided a few years ago when the country was split over the arrival of large numbers of migrants and refugees. as. soon as we feel that our freedom was being curtailed you could have masses of people coming out against it. i really think that there's a whole climate debate with gratitude for future etc could split the nation. could germany see something similar to the yellow best movement in france. raising gas prices they are led to months of violent protests. so far it doesn't look like
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it's going that way in germany as far as i can see. and hear at the rally i'm the only one wearing a yellow vest. let's see if it stays that way. but the fear of public anger is preventing german politicians from taking action says climate scientists and. he points to climate engineering as one example it's very controversial in germany climate engineering involves measures such as actively capturing c o 2 from the atmosphere and storing it in underground rock formations for example believes will have to resort to such measures. are scientists we feel uneasy about the whole idea of climate engineering as it involves major interventions in nigeria . that it would be arak and to think that technology alone could solve this problem for we see no other way of achieving our climate objectives we can't reduce
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emissions and we still want to eat certain foods have industrial agriculture fine so we need to come up with something else. this. site near the eastern town of cat scene saw germany's only major experiment in climate engineering to date c o 2 was injected into the ground here the experiment was successful and completed without incident. since then no major experiments have been authorized in germany because of repeated public protests. including the government needs to make it clear that we can't just do nothing as no solution when everyone's a winner whatever we do there will be losers whenever we change something someone will be on happy days for us for your friend so we need to make clear that doing nothing is not an option to the slight mist soon as. i come to a small town on the border between the states of hess and thuringia this is what
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ashley's means when he talks about winners and losers a new power line called the suit link is due to pass right by this town it's supposed to take wind generated energy from northern germany to the industry rich south. cattle breeder tossed in mullah and many of his neighbors opposed the plan they don't want ground in the area to be dug up and trees cut down to make way for the underground power line. it's experts you can build you know the politicians in berlin and many other cities say we all have our part to do and make sacrifices to ensure we can transition to renewables in the home market nor have i to do that when we installed 100 kilowatt solar system working with a bio gas plant in august a lot of experts say we don't need this power line there will be clean energy and that we should have it be centralized power supply instead so there are ways around it you just need the political will and i think that's what's missing so we oppose
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guns or to distribute both how angry are you about what's being planned in ireland right now that sounds at us like a plan for the 1000000000 of those are a one chance in 9000000 girl and really. a number of citizens initiatives have organized a bike tour along the plan to route of the suit link to protest against it. but if germany is really going to move to renewables such power lines will be needed. at least that's according to the government and many experts and environmental groups . the politicians aren't convincing the public of the need for these things in fact sometimes they're part of the protest themselves christina leiva taal is a member of the state parliament and an uncle americal c.d.u. party the same party that's been the driving force behind sitting next to you bill i support the citizens initiative hollow hospital a i'm i had something similar where i live that also had to do with the switch to renewables i wanted to build a harder one that storage plant in
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a place of stunning natural beauty it's just not on we need to preserve our landscape we're only tenants here on earth and we want to pass it on to our children and grandchildren include conditional ones and condemn them and then vida if they gave him but isn't that the whole reason why we need to transfer to. nobles and have new power lines for wind energy. it so that our children and grandchildren will be able to continue living on this earth right. the question remains what direction will we take radical measures to combat climate change or business as usual. these 2 worlds clash at the i a motor show in frankfurt the car lovers interested in the latest models on the one hand on the other hundreds of activists who come to blockade the show for a day. tino is once again part of the group.
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the protesters are soon in position and in good voice. i. but this time tino is not getting involved in the city and he finds this too confrontational i'm not into this we hate s.u.v.s thing if you're going to say that then you need to say we hate cars i think we all need to get together and look at our lifestyle and not just the s.u.v. drivers use this system and this responding force you know about all this is going on but isn't this more radical approach actually what's needed because i'm not an s u v's and cars are all bad get rid of them all does the softer let's talk about it approach really get results. that psyched up this here at least provokes a response but the odds are it was not this that's what it was yes yes it provokes a response and sometimes i wonder whether the softer let's talk about it approach as you say will allow us to make the change in the time we have left like in the
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next 2 or 3 years. this is huge. but i think it's difficult to say that it needs to be more radical and stronger because then people stop listening because if someone's just hurling abuse at me i feel angry too and don't listen to them i believe in public debate and. certainly the public here is not being won over. i want to know you said you saw nothing yet you're a disgrace to anything to draw your attention. at the end a man is left lying on the ground he tried to get through the blockade is it i'm probably not completely against violence and everyone here supports that consensus and all that we do not see one support it. but not everyone interprets it that way . some of them are really violent i'm sympathetic to their arguments but there's no excuse for violence. aside and he landed hard on the ground there's no excuse for the not just at this facility where they complaining there's electric cars in there
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too we're already doing everything against climate change. you just if you have to differentiate because we certainly don't need this it's true finally. one thing is clear we can only combat climate change if we work together. i. think that's what is at 60 honest how hopeful are you that we can turn all this around and that your daughter will inherit a world that's worth living in. something. i'm not going to say anything but i suppose that's an answer in itself. i think i'm with teano we need politicians who don't just take the path of least resistance but communicate and explain and if necessary make unpopular decisions
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it's this kind of leadership that we're lacking. i think public opinion on climate change isn't actually that divided in germany many of the car lovers that i spoke to in frankfurt also said we need to take action. we managed to agree to phase out nuclear power in germany but that came after the meltdown in the fukushima power plant. do we want to wait for a climate meltdown before we take more radical action. movie. mean. you need.
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to know that 77 percent. are younger than 6 spot. that's me and me and. you know what time the voices. on the 77 percent spoke about the issue. from the part of the flashes from housing boom boom top this is where. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend g.w. . the for. the food. cut.
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the food. place. this is deja vu news live from berlin questions mount after new zealand's volcanic eruption with the death toll rising to 68 missing and dozens severely injured people are asking why tourists were allowed to visit the site in the 1st place. also coming up welcome to sydney australia as biggest city is shrouded in smoke as forest fires burn out of control residents say they've never seen anything like it . the ethiopian prime minister collects his nobel peace prize in australia he's been rewarded for.


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