tv DW News Deutsche Welle December 12, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CET
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this is d.w. news live from berlin the final hours of voting in the u.k. in what most of the world sees as britain's breck's its election conservative prime minister boris johnson is staking all in a bid to push through his plans to take the u.k. out of the european union but can the opposition labor leader jeremy corbett defy the posters and pull off a surprise last minute victory also coming up tonight europe tells the us to mind its own business over a controversial pipeline which will carry washing natural gas to germany the u.s.
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is threatening sanctions against companies building the pipeline and moscow expels to german diplomats in a tit for tat move over the murder of a chechen rebel commander here in berlin earlier this year. i bring to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome in just under 2 hours the polls will close in the u.k. general election it is an election a campaign that has been overshadowed by breck's at the most divisive issue in british politics in living memory conservative prime minister boris johnson cast his vote earlier today he is hoping to secure a majority to get his plans parliament it's the opposition labor leader germy
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corben also voted today his party gaining ground in the final week of the campaign and despite early predictions that johnson would secure a majority recent polls suggest that the result is simply too close to call. one. of the women. hammering his point home prime minister boris johnson canvassing for last minute votes in this breaks it dominated election. and the conservative leader stayed on message throughout his final rally. i think it's time for this country to come together and move on at the will of the people that we had. at his more low key affair labor leader jeremy carbon was keen to remind voters of the other issues. also go down the road of investing in our country investing to end austerity redistributing wealth and power in our society in
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a way that's never been seen before why the government and. it's a choice between carbon and johnson for prime minister so who do voters think it will be. unfortunately boris to simply never know their options. so you can be prime minister it's not jeremy cole it's the blessing can happen i think is for the conserve to skate in. and mining is jason and i'm a leader of the democrats one party hoping that won't happen the anti breaks that lib dems were hoping to make gains but we still got the chance to stop breaks that we can stop boris johnson getting a majority and what happens in the next few hours is going to be absolutely crucial to see whether the house. and then there's the scottish national party also proved to the s.n.p. is the 3rd largest party in the u.k. parliament and could hold the balance of power if there's a new white right majority. we have the prospect of another new deal cliffe age as
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we go through the next year and i do think that get breaks it done slogan is the biggest corn in this election whatever happens at the polling station only one candidate will walk through the doors of number 10 dating street as prime minister after clearing up as many votes as they can on election day. tartness take the story. points she is in london standing outside the house of parliament covering events for us tonight. so it's a big day for the u.k. an election that few people actually want is what has the turnout been so far do we know. well i witnessed very long lines this morning in london and this is what observers have been reporting from all over london at least that. so far has been unprecedented and i asked people why they came to vote and they said well because it matters because this election the outcome of this election
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will really shape this country for decades to come and of course they mean the topic of this is what drives voters to the polls you have 2 men who are very 2 very different versions very different visions for the country and promising again and again to deliver a very simple message let's get that done that was his campaign that what was what it was all about and on the other hand a little more complicated message. on the issue so there is not a lot of excitement about this election this is what i gathered at the polling stations today people want to make their voices heard on the issue i can confirm that with the. polling stations this election we know what's happening against the backdrop. is that what is called all of these divisions. well i mean there are lots of
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issues that the country is facing. a huge. range. and that was huge discussion in this election but i think. the country even and this is what makes the outcome of this election so hard to predict because questions. traditional. policy against their own interest just because they want to see. done so this is very interesting a lot of frustration. and a lot of frustration especially that. all the big issues in the country and that nothing has gotten done in the past 2 years.
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thank you. and here's a round up now of the other stories making headlines around the world that so-called islamic state says it carried out the attack which killed at least 71 government troops in western new share this week the nighttime assault in the village in knots near the border with mali was the deadliest jihad as it melted in the region this year in india protests against a controversial citizenship law have turned violent a hospital in the northeastern state of assam says 2 people died of gunshot wounds the wall passed by parliament on wednesday has been criticized as favoring non muslim migrants for fast track citizenship in bangladesh at least 12 people have died after a fire in a plastics factory near the capital dhaka more than 20 people were injured it's not clear what caused the blaze bangladesh's minister for health and family will fair
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visited hospitalized victims he called for improvements in fire safety regulations . were germany has hit back at us plans to punish the construction companies working on a controversial natural gas pipeline the nord stream to pipeline will carry russian natural gas through the baltic sea to germany washington says it is a security risk because it makes europe more dependent on russia berlin says that the 10000000000 euro pipeline is vital to its energy needs german foreign minister who says that european energy policy is decided here in europe and not the united states. the u.s. plans to impose sanctions on companies and individuals involved in the pipeline project that includes german as well as other european companies the penalties include travel bans and asset freezes companies continuing with north stream 2 could find themselves cut off from doing business in the u.s. u.s.
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lawmakers fear the pipeline could give moscow greater leverage over the german and e.u. energy markets german politicians disagree we in europe think we can decide. for ourselves about our own and of the security and diversity and i personally do not buy the argument that the united states saying we are making ourselves more dependent or maybe even completely dependent by russian oil and gas deliveries russia's gas pramono majority stake in the 1200 kilometer long pipeline which will transport natural gas under the baltic sea from russia directly to germany circumventing ukraine and other eastern european countries the project is more than 90 percent complete and is scheduled to start operating in mid 2020 north stream 2 has the potential to double the amount of natural gas germany imports from russia the country needs more gas to ensure energy supplies remain stable as it phases out the use of coal and nuclear power. and as germany goes green policy makers here
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suspect washington is also worried about the business angle of north stream too. he was obdurate the us produces liquid for charlie and gas using the fracking methods the carbon footprint is worse than color and they have trouble selling it to here on the european market because they aren't competitive that develops peace and whatever the u.s. motives president trump says he will sign the bill into law and implemented as soon as possible. all right let's go to washington now i'm joined by a correspondent all over salad he's on the story for business evening good evening to you all over it will take a while until this bill is passed and the construction in the baltic sea is completely finished i mean the decision for sanctions seems to come into and the very last minute moment what is the u.s. hoping to achieve with this then. well the core argument brant that we've heard
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also in the report is a germany makes itself more dependent on russian gas imports and that's fair to say to a certain extent because according to some estimates the amount of gas imported from russia to germany would double once this pipeline starts operating well the problem that congress is seeing here is that they believe that this will strengthen the hand of a totalitarian regime and now senator ted cruz of texas who has been at the forefront fighting for this new law and this these sanctions that are going to be put into place to produce a video clip where he showed russian tanks and he showed the german chancellor angela merkel shaking hands with the russian president vladimir putin and the basically argued in the video the pipeline would fuel the russian aggression with billions of dollars and that all at the expense of the free world that's a quote of the video and of course it's right to ask so why is that coming so late
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since the pipeline is almost finished and there are some analysts who are arguing that the government the u.s. government has been very has attend of putting sanctions in place earlier because they might have been interested in context with russian election meddling of 2016 and of course we're also nearing the 2020 election so they rather decided to stay clear for now but this now it can also be seen as a symbolic decision last minute to sort of like to take a stance of knowing that they might not be able to stop this pipeline from being finished so what are the u.s. interests then in opposing nord stream to. oh officially. the usa is trying to protect its european partners that's the official stance but as you know many policies under president trump have a certain economic aspect to them and the u.s. is the number one producer of fossil fuels and they do certainly want to sell their
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liquefied natural gas to europe so there's a certain business angle to all of this and if you will you can understand this also as a fight between russia and the united states over the european gas market or correspond overselling on the story for us in washington tonight oliver as always thank you all right let's take this story now to our parliamentary studios here in berlin our correspondent max 1000000 a coach that joins is maximiliano what kind of reactions have we been seeing so far here in the german capital. yes here in berlin reactions to the u.s. . a bill has been rather sharply said we've had by the german foreign minister heiko must that european energy policy is decided in europe not united states and not of the reactions here in berlin have been senator that are not only coming from his side of the german government but also from his coalition partner the conservatives the business minister peter admire has been just as critical of the
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decision coming from d.c. and not only here in berlin the turns are quite in a position to this decision but also in brussels where the aspects person for the european union has been opposing the bill by the united states the united states the u.s. u.s. congress and the u.s. president say that this pipeline gives russia too much leverage over germany and over europe do they have a point. well the decision to go with this pipeline according to its supporters has been that they say they need this delivery of natural gas coming from russia for the germany for the german very energy effect extensive industries here and that if they wouldn't get this gas they german just couldn't come pace and that is of course also an interest from the united states is they want to be part of that market we've just heard from our colleague in d.c. that the u.s.
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do have an economic interest with this bill in the sense that they want to enter the european market and sell their own natural gases. and today we have the german foreign minister basically telling the united states to butt out of european energy policy decisions i mean it's easy to say that but is have you been hearing is there any way that germany is going to back that up i mean what did germany do if the u.s. indeed on slabs sink sions on companies that are building this pipeline well these companies are not only come from germany but also for example from italy and we've heard it so far for example one of those pipeline contributes to us coming from italy say that they don't think there will actually be his by their sanctions by the time the sanctions imposed so proposed by the united states the time they would come into place the work by a lot of those contributors to the north korean pipe and would already have been done so far 90 percent of or even finished and 110 kilometers of the north stream
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to tom piper have to be finished and that will be done in the next month before the proposed sanctions would even come into place all right thanks leon a concert from our problem introduce here in berlin thank you. well russia and germany are working together on the nord stream 2 projects but both countries are also mired in an escalating diplomatic row over the murder of a georgian citizen here in berlin. but the german ambassador was summoned to the foreign ministry in moscow on thursday morning to be told that russia was expelling 2 german diplomats they have 7 days to leave the country the kremlin says out the reasons why. much of the diplomats are being expelled as a forced retaliatory measure this measure is unavoidable as 2 of our diplomats were expelled we consider that decision by berlin absolutely baseless we disagree with
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it so this is the inevitable response to. the spat is over the killing in august of that kind of congo shrilly a georgian who fought for the separatists in the chechen war he was shot in the head twice at close range in a balin park the suspect a russian citizen was soon arrested german prosecutors suspect russia could be implicated in the killing but say moscow has refused to cooperate in the investigation that's why germany last week expelled 2 russian diplomats the russian government denies any involvement lawmakers in berlin have condemned russia's expulsion of 2 german diplomats you had to get. russia's decision comes as no surprise to anybody. about the no it conveys however the wrong message. and in terms of the matter at hand it's entirely unjustified the suits will be arguing russia's response shows it has a guilty conscience and we expect russia to help clear up the matter with modest
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that investigation is still underway in the meantime tensions between germany and russia show no signs of easing. in new zealand a recovery mission has been launched to retrieve the bodies of 8 victims of a volcanic eruption on factory white island off the eastern coast of the country it is a risky operation science and said more than that gases on the island after monday's eruption are so toxic and corrosive that a single inhalation for a human could be fatal the operation is going ahead despite the risk of a further eruption. of a more now. reporter in all joins me it's good to see is going to have you on the show this is a risky operation how is it going so far how far along are they. brett
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it's still ongoing and there's clearly a massive risk for the defense force tina fey who is tasked with going to the or white island to retrieve the bodies and that risk is getting higher s. as each day passes the chance of another option is as high as 60 percent and government scientists say the volcano is becoming more and more dangerous regardless the police has a deep commitment to the families who have to and waiting for days the team went to the island at about 7 30 am new zealand time with the aim of for treating the victims as quickly as possible also a number also local fishermen have been wanting to take matters into their own hands and another local who is a pilot helicopter who was one of the 1st responders whose brother is still on the island. he was also wanting to take matters into his own hands this pilot informed media that 6 bodies are a 15 minute walk from the shoreline and they are clustered within 200 meters of the child but of course finding the other 2 may be difficult with the wrist with the
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ongoing wrist but once retreats the remains will be helicoptered onto the navy ship wellington which is waiting close by brett grissom to earlier this week when you and i spoke there was already a heightened alert about a possible 2nd eruption and rescue teams were not on trying at that time to go to the argument now we have an increased risk that we're talking about and yet this rescue mission or recovery mission is taking place is it taking place because this could be the last opportunity to recover the bodies is that how dire the situation is. well the pilot helicopter that i mentioned earlier he was mentioning at least since the original direction on monday there has been 2 really good windows that they missed so at this one is just like now or never i would say and also pressure from locals and from family members this morning that's why they involved the
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family members here this morning a blessing was held at sea before the operation with families of the victims and dozens of people have been got together in a tiny coastal town 50 kilometers from sakai or white island it's a beautiful day here in auckland new zealand it's also the case down into tiny and everyone in new zealand is just hoping and praying that the operation was successful and they were able are treif all 8 bodies to be returned to their laps once brett. chris is army joining us from all when with the latest on the situation around that volcano thank you. algeria has been holding an election which was supposed to restore stability after a turbulent year for the country but around or only around one in 5 voters or thought they would have turned out much of the population took part in a mass boycott tens of thousands rallied in central algiers and others stormed the
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polling stations opponents complained that the ruling elite is trying to cling on to power. police charging and he election protest is an attempt to clear the streets of algeria as many would call it in the wrong place at the wrong time but despite the mass showing from security forces and the many arrests demonstrators refused to disperse they came out in the thousands calling on algerians to reject an election and a government they see is corrupt all 5 presidential candidates have close links with the establishment dating many to see the paul as a strategy to avoid genuine change. and no we are not against elections we're against this gang that's it they know the elections will not happen they will not take place and we will not found down never it's impossible to go back. there were large protests in various parts of the country at this polling station in the
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country's mountainous built up a region was ransacked with protesters destroying ballot boxes and some a lecture lists the mass pro-democracy demonstrations led to the resignation of president of the levees beautifully last april after 2 decades in power but that wasn't enough voters decided they want to complete replacement of the country's political elite and therefore they want we did i had to vote for the politicians have nominated 5 of their own. do you think we should vote for and who is the current one none of them are good because they were old and now. there are some who did that are not going to hurt. the demonstrators say they won't accept the results of this election and they won't stop pushing for democratic reform there's a while here in europe the e.u. and seen clashes over how it plans to tackle climate change the new european commission president or so if an alliance has unveiled
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a so-called european green deal but member states are divided over how to fund that deal and how to move away from fossil fuels. of the world is on fire and the e.u. is letting it burn with this message close to 30 greenpeace activists managed to steal the council building in brussels ahead of the summit where e.u. leaders had placed climate action on top of the agenda it's important that for the 1st time they recognize that action is needed across the broad on transport on food on energy but the european green deal is only a starting block it is not enough the deal that e.u. commission president was in a funding line has put at the center of her presidency. is in the festival silent as in on them i can and has is easy i am convinced that it is in our own interests to halt this destructive climate change and show that with modern technologies we can become pioneers in europe in living and producing in
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a sustainable manner and at the same time for having a successful industrial sector and economy with it c n n even can imply such a 5 hike in the stock industry until china. moving away from a plant based on fossil fuels and pollution to creating green jobs and boosting innovation fund alliance master plan includes a 50 percent reduction in e.u. carbon emissions in 2030 compared to $990.00 e.u. claim in a trilogy by 2050 a carbon boarder tax on polluting foreign firms as well as a $100000000000.00 euro transition fund for countries dependent on coal and nuclear energy. becoming the 1st climate neutral continent will be a challenging task a majority of you countries like germany and france support the deal but it's the leaders of countries more dependent on fossil fuels who still need convincing as well as funding to reach this government would show that they have also different
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costs concerning czech republic it will be. provably more 3040000000000 euro like so much in the e.u. the green deal boiled down to money and with this man with the project there is a lot of it at stake well as we heard it is election day in the u.k. and some voters are discovering that their ballots may come with a bite some with a bark. you could say it has become a poor little issue hash tag dogs at polling stations are once again a popular feature on social media and the politicians seem to be catching on to matter of london sidique khan literally took the lead early on polling day with his golden retriever. mary. make sure. that he was not alone green party co-leader jonathan partly took his dog wallace walkies to the voting booth. where the boris will be hounded from office or his own
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seat remains to be seen but he nevertheless looked relaxed with his jack russell dillon as he went to the polling station and his best friend went inside with him to cast his vote before boris emerged to pose with his pitch for pictures. or that. there are a 3rd person. we will find out soon who ends up top dog to lead the u.k. . paul dickson hudl saw it after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day stick around for that.
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how's your view of the world. where i come from that all of that's good to cisco just like this chinese food doesn't matter where i am always reminds me of home after decades of living in germany china's food is one of the things i miss the most pathetic ness that bag i see things i need to differentiate knowledge.
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benefits of person to go nation that exists to other parts of the board haven't been implemented in china that's new for a lot of china people wondering if they're going to say that but if i have a ride to another poster that is this is their job a job that of them how i see it and deficit why i love my job because i try. i didn't accept a thing by name. and i was at that it. 2 was the speech of his life perhaps his best certainly. difficult the speech but clearly interesting on december 19th 1989. shortly after the final the chancellor addresses the people of east germany. the
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mideast tense. clamors for german unity journalist peter lim borg was at the scene. 30 years later he looks back on the. interest and starts december 19th t w. the nord stream to natural gas pipeline between russia and germany is now a foreign policy and national security dilemma tonight the difficult decision in the pipeline for berlin should it fall in line with the trump white house and kill the deal or face u.s. sanctions and let the russian gas flow i'm burned off in berlin this is the day. that they fight with john.
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