tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle December 16, 2019 6:15am-7:00am CET
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donations from local businesses and giving gifts to children in core neighborhoods oh pope pope pope. he may not have a sleigh but maybe this santa claus is the real thing. well coming off in just a moment children of jihad a documentary looking at how so-called islamic state used children as soldiers and helen humphrey and balin facts have a feel company and by and. good . it's all happening to children coming to your linked in news from africa the world your link to exceptionally stories and discussions can you and will come to see their views after telling program tonight from one generally from the news it's easy to go out with safety deputed copes much africa join us on
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facebook j w africa. so. many feature child soldiers undergoing training. jumble use coerced into killing and dying for the count of 1st. in 2015 schoolchildren in the french city of toulouse spotted a classmate in an artist propaganda video. should it was a master action on march 12th i received a call from the school psychologist. she said we have kids here crying. i quickly realized the children were in shock because of a video they'd watched. interview.
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they said that's right john in the video. for what years of the most awful mess they'd recognize their classmate and his stepfather unmistakeably. heard. it don't golf watch and then you see the child taking aim and killing a prisoner yeah and he murders a hostage you know that. at the time ron was 12 years old the chair for french school boy turned into a cold blooded killer. and you don't get confused you don't get drunk for having me could barely believe it but it was true. we were now facing a totally new situation as the children had an endless number of questions.
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to us about so we couldn't deal with something like this on our own so we called in a team of doctors and psychologists to get. this awful to look at the subject of his former friends and classmates all had the same basic question as us adults how could he possibly do such a thing. in their minds he was a nice boy friendly and kind of. they often had fun together laughing and playing football. some of them asked if he can murder a human being is he intrinsically evil. is he a monster the as he did or the name for some longish or errands to step father was a friend of the islamist militant mohammed merah he was shot dead by french police after he murdered 7 people including children at a jewish school. french authorities lost all trace of the propaganda video is the
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last time he was seen alive. videos of this kind are designed by islamic state to search in the west by raising the specter of a new generation of muslims fighters. recruited and trained by the jihadist group these children say western intelligence agencies pose a serious danger. even after the caliph its defeat in the field tens of thousands of us fighters remain in iraq internment camps. they include some 5000 children and teenagers among them several 100 who came from europe. most were recruited to the islamic state by their own parents. parts of northern iraq semi autonomous kurdish region were among the longest held i.a.s. territories this is all that remains of cinderella. this is he was once
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a center of the is edis an ethnic minority targeted by ass in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. kurdish troops recaptured send in the autumn of 2015 today it lies in ruins its outskirts littered with dozens of mass graves. in center alone i asked murdered some 10000 years edis thousands of women and girls were abducted raped and slaved. ion's also kidnapped young boys to enlist them as child soldiers.
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is from center she managed to flee when i its fighters captured the city in the summer of 2014 but 71 members of her extended family were trapped by troops of the so-called calif it i'm not able to escape most were never heard from again. a diva travels tirelessly from one refugee camp to another to help where she can and in the hope of finding lost relatives. plus if it is if into. the phone all the family were together. but now it's so difficult because this road here a bit further on. people lost each other. and now our phone line far from my family my parents my sibling each one of us in a different country. while it.
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well. how are you i missed you so much are you all well. let's go inside. well what about. how the one does not. after years of separation idea has managed to track down some of her relatives they were able to escape by his troops after the intervention of kurdish and iraqi forces. how are you are you in good health thank goodness thank god. that theater but that 2. funny.
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how you go. one of the divas causeless was recruited by ass and trained as a child soldier. when you sit down with me. i was 13 when he and others he children were abducted and transported to rocca the erstwhile capital of the i asked counterfeit. father received the type of minute tree drilling displayed in propaganda videos. that have you seen these videos that i have sense to youngsters out of him actually yes they filmed the one of them in our camp it shows boys marching in uniform.
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they're all wearing hats about 70 or 80 kids in total you. can't do it even. one of the people you know. but you know. that is me there. not until that point that's right in front of me. this boy here is a u.c.d. so is this one for him his sister and mother are also with i.i.s. this one's easy to he's dead. most of this. throughout the duration of his captivity father lived in fear of beatings brutal drills and violence after 5 months in the training camp the children were sent by my ass to the frontlines to rocka
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a leper. traumatized the teenager is plagued by nightmares and finds it hard to talk about what he went through. them it was as what though i feel like my life was ruined by all the violence and hardship so how can you get that we were torn from one world and placed in another the 1st world was good but the 2nd is very hard so that. our life is not good time passes and it's like we're paralyzed are there you have to go to jail or to war and leave your mother you have no choice it's no life. what the room is all about i've seen a lot of brutality a lot of bad things it doesn't even scare me if i as fighters behead someone right in front of me. were used to it because we have seen such dreadful things it's not
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hard to kill a human being you shoot and he's dedicated a little. fella escaped his eye as captives in december 2016 but his freedom was short lived he was taken into custody by iraqi authorities he feared he could conduct terrorist attacks but i asked. to talk formosa's all fall we turn children. they're killing machines by subjecting them to traumatic experiences that destroyed their moral boundaries. in sierra leone children were forced to rape their mothers or cut off other children's arms. in other words to do the unthinkable you must get it when the unthinkable is made possible so it triggers an enormous inner rage that is easy to bring to the fore associated of
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course you all could sort of star yes you were. in flux you saw it and once children are psychologically confused it's easy for malevolent adults to groom them into soldiers of. the day to suggest we call them monsters to protect ourselves unfortunately it has to be said that they're children like our own. except that they're forced to abandon their morals boundaries of us in the schools. child soldiers stripped about enormous sums of monetary are most in need phenomenon many extremist groups and that's children for armed combat but i asses reliance on children to fill its ranks and function as human shields appears to have reached exceptional levels children are cheaper they cost less food you have to pay them
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a lesser wage i don't is that easier mentally to. engage with and to convince. what was shocking for us was the amount of investment. in the past of course we see in terrorist organization children never in that such an organized matter because what they want is this army soldier soldier. i have used mass rape to breed and leave culture of fighters terrorizing an entire ethnic group. was only 14 when like countless u.c.d. women and girls she was abducted and forced into sexual slavery she was raped over and over again ultimately she was forced to marry an artist fighter
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which. we had to sit on the floor in front of them the commander said that every soldier should choose a woman so each one of them pointed to one of us and took us away with them. we had to stay with them for 3 days they killed some of us raped us did unspeakable things to us. after about 20 days i realized i was pregnant i tried everything to get rid of the child but nothing worked when the boy was born i wanted nothing to do with him but they threatened me if i didn't raise the child they take it away and hand me over to another man. i only agreed to take care of the baby so i wouldn't be given to
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another man. and i was forced to marry her rapist. she tried to commit suicide. after months of slavery she managed to escape leaving her child behind. today ny is back in school but she is haunted by the past as much as she tries to move on she can't forget her baby. do you think you'll ever see your child again. yes but only when i asked is totally defeated they view the child as their own and they wouldn't give him to me. i know he is a son of the i.r.s. they've done dreadful things to us but still he is my son and of course i think of him but i have no idea where he is and have you tried to find out.
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as best i could yes what's his name. and i wanted to give him a z.t. name but i wasn't allowed his name is. do you remember what he looks like yes. sure i can't talk about it anymore it's too hard. even after the collapse of i as a self-proclaimed caliphate tens of thousands of women are still raising the
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children of i asked fighters children conceived to serve the jihad. that's about. it historically a lot of aggressive regimes have banked on high birth rates napoleon pursued this strategy so did the nazis if women had to produce a lot of children the same is true of bias. but unlike the nazis who were seeking racial purity. yes is pursuing an agenda of ideological and religious purity feel good excerpt they do each image of god the legs out of sunday off going to the fish and chips and dresses it doesn't matter to them whether it's a chechen arab or german who is joining the jihad or a smiling blue eyed frenchman from normandy. as long as he it hears to their religious ideology. and still in the medina to do an article for the judge in young
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plots. it was written. from the moment that bone these children are raised and indoctrinated with this ideology. it's only known. and they have no choice but to adapt to this social environment. suitable fish here. it's inevitable every child grows up immersed in the world view of their parents and protectors you know it's on the experience life as a. good man that believe that all hockey yeah. it's christmas look to the senate to see an awful it's very easy to
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turn a child into a fanatic because it's forming its 1st memories when synapses are connecting to the brain 3 sealed up if a child learns to hate it in the name of morality of course. it's surprising how fast these connections are hardwired into the brain of course you don't just learn from books or in school you learn everything from the people you love not. the self is a child's brain is shaped by those people's words attitudes and series of. what's. the important point here is that violence is systematic everywhere in these children's lives so it's a very very structured program of education. islamic states extremist ideology as i'm trying to in all aspects of daily life. even in
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baby announcements. props like a kalashnikov or hand grenades hail the new bones jihadist destiny. anti coloring books filled with various types of military equipment turning weapons of war into normal everyday objects for children growing up among i as far as this . summer and has now left their home in paris in 2014 and were taken by their mother and stepfather and i as fighter to rocka they lived for 2 years on their return to france their mother was arrested. the girls aged 5 and 7 now live with their biological father who fought hard for custody. in his care the children are slowly finding their way back to a normal childhood away from more violence and religious fanaticism but 2 years are
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a long time for young children. their exposure to eye is indoctrination has impacted the way they think and talk. why did the bad men want to kill you. because they were unbelievers. are very bad evil people they don't pray or read the koran. that you. did you enjoy learning all these things know. the. truth of the language of totalitarianism always resorts to the same pattern it starts with the words infidels unbeliever triggering an automatic process that always ends with death.
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the next level introduces the word blasphemy you ridicule and insult my god there is no greater crime i am indignant and outrage. rage is an emotional process that makes it impossible to think rationally it escalates until killing becomes the morally right thing to do. from an early age i asked children are exposed to rigid religious doctrine. in kindergarten they would practice beheadings. so it's actually very sophisticated to give a child a teddy bear or a toy and teach him how to behead it because then eventually what that setting the president forced beheading is ok and it's fun i mean something to do with your friends at school to enjoy it adventure when you reach a certain age the beheading becomes of
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a person you are asked to behead people. they want they want to. is a friend as well i mean all this is all that a very little while in kuala. but school for the cubs of the caliph it ends at the age of 9 and the curriculum is based soley on the principles of the hunt for seeing him as beyond being home. with. simon and we're just 4 years old when i asked occupy their village in 2014. like many of the
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children they were abducted to syria and placed in a village near rocca. oh here is this man and she said and i asked thailand this is their flag. this is guy. is this your school in syria you know and rocca. what did they teach you there. the qur'an and other stuff. just as if the english 19th he said he once i was in a schoolyard when they chopped a man's head off and they took another man tied his hands up and strung him up and they shot him from the back and then chopped his head off to you. yeah his body fell down as she could have
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a national. gadget i'm times they told us if we didn't repeat after them they'd round up everyone close to us so they'd be no one left to take care of a few then we'd have to stay home all alone and they'd come and kill us because i'm a little bit at. the top of. it it is awful 1st the children have to learn who the enemy is. and that the aim is to establish an islamic state that's the core message they firmly believe that they are the good guys their ideology stems directly from god their struggle is divine so all these boys want is to please god and their brothers in arms and make sure that we're going to school. it's easier to condition small children if you tell a 5 or 6 year old that santa claus is armed with a kalashnikov you'll believe you. rather take me with you the others on here yet we
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have to wait. now as a child becomes older what they're taught in the family that what they're doing is good and justified only becomes awful fide when they go to schools and people they trust such as teachers and nurses and other schoolchildren are all saying the same idea. the 2 boys were freed by kurdish forces in an attack on iran's positions and reunited with their family in iraqi kurdistan. by that time simon and i had forgotten their mother tongue they were highly aggressive calling insults and unveiled women all men who smoked. showered with their families love and attention the boys needed months before they could begin coping with the horrific experiences and return to school and the life and freedom.
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just put a so-called islamic state school is soley a production facility for fanatics many regular teachers went into exile. lina is a teacher threatened by us in syria she fled across the border to the turkish city of gaza on top. leno would have preferred to remain in syria where she secretly instructed her pupils and subjects banned by ass. and i just i was never afraid something would happen to me until the end we did what we could to oppose these people that found out that i knew they could do dreadful things to me much worse than anything i'd ever heard of any but i made a very conscious decision to keep on doing what i was doing that have a lot. today
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her syrian people as a refugee just like herself. under islamic state the children were never allowed to learn the subjects lina teaches. there's you by night after one of them that you don't want me i think that you know . if they're going to get out of katherine. there's a lot you know. the i asked curriculum abolished subjects like philosophy and social studies it revised history in geography and reduced math to the simple addition of tanks and hand grenades. teachers who refused to comply were arrested and executed to serve as a warning. many of his colleagues are dead or have gone into exile like
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a self and her brother gus one is also a teacher. i was for. it's terrible education was always a ray of hope for us. i taught middle and high school we had about 200 pupils. i fear a portion of those will have joined i guess voluntarily by now either out of ignorance or because they're poor and need money. we had hoped the young generation would build a better country but after i asked his conquests i fear for their future. the city that kids who were weaned on their ideology will find it hard to shake off the children who were little back then are now 15 or 20 and the long term i guess wants to use them to build sleeper cells. in.
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the middle of the children learn that there is just one truth. they aren't allowed to decide for themselves what is right because that could give rise to doubt anyone who feels doubt and can make a decision enjoys a degree of freedom these children don't experience that they learn there's just one truth thirdly. and according to i asked this one single truth can only be found in the qur'an. to prevent doubt from arising in these children i ask cuts off all ties to their previous lives. they're not allowed to have a family or home outside of the training camps. for large camps have been known to exist in rock and death or in syria and in mosul and telefonica in iraq.
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from a young age children are put through rigorous physical training. at the age of 7 they begin their basic training and weapons and military tactics at last several months. don't you know they're being forced to be vigilant at all times which is highly stressful. they're never allowed to relax us off that pre-supposes. at the end of the training there is a graduation party of sorts but amid growing aisles losses all the children have really become is cheap cannon fodder. to
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eat. i asked commanders then increasingly began to send children to the front a truly perfidious tactic. with force a lawful if you see a kid with a machine gun just like before you realize what you're saying your dad was this it's a type of terror seeing children in such unimaginable situations of assault. on the ground i asked was declared defeated in march 2019. but underground it's still plots terror attacks some with the help of children this propaganda video shows a boy steering a vehicle to overtake
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a military convoy before he blows himself up. even small children are used for suicide missions as documented here by iraqi soldiers in mosul. play. it all out it is appalling that it was so if i eat. my ass has nothing to lose by using and abusing children if their mission as successful the group achieves its goal but even if it isn't the images of young suicide bombers attract international attention. so they use young children who as committee. suicide bombings of all died in the frontlines of war and they were these photos of them and make them into little celebrities so like a young child that would worship a football there for example is young kids are worshiping other kids who have killed themselves in war and it's seen as an exciting thing that deserves to be rewarded so that's
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a very sophisticated idea of martyrdom as well. ali was 10 when he received his i asked training like thousands of other boys he was being groomed as a cover of the comfort. them he was freed by opposition fighters and reunited with his family. he now lives in turkey with his mother and sister. his from mohamed didn't make it out alive. they took his friend with them the next day he blew himself up. his body exploded there was nothing left. it was ripped into small pieces totally shredded. many joined i asked they had no idea that he made to die as martyrs they told me you can meet my hamad in paradise if you become a martyr and yes. what did you reply to i said
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no i'd like to go to paradise but not through a suicide bombing they asked if i wanted to attack a school kids. national do you know why are you as uses young children. where it's easier to brainwash them it's like they have a remote control that's how much power they have the kids go where ever they're sent i saw with my own eyes how they strap explosives on to kids and sent them on a mission or made them drive a vehicle with a car bomb. this and that's why i didn't like them it was too much for me i don't trust them anymore and if they come again for me i won't join them. as the family escaped and his father stepped on a landmine. on the end as younger sister watched him die. another horrific shock for these deeply traumatized children sticks.
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with his heart. if you can you tell me what you're drawing hundreds and i ask i joking someone's head off and a person who's been crucified had chopped off head and attacking planes. you dream about stuff like this. and yes i do we all have nightmares. the children who have undergone indoctrination and i as training camps include
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about 1500 from western european countries. almost 300 from germany and more than 500 from france. intelligence and security experts warn of the threat they pose should they return and of cool for precautionary measures should now we have a 2 fold problem we've got former extremists former terrorists and foreign fighters so we have individuals that are going to fight in countries like iraq and syria who are coming back not just as former terrorists but foreign fighters which makes it even more difficult to deal with. how do you deal with children who have undergone military training and experienced brutal violence can maybe read integrated into societies that uphold human rights freedoms and bobby knight paris houses the files of all the children who have returned to france from previously held i asked territories. about 20 come back each year most of them are
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not yet 12. on their return french authorities immediately arrest the parents and place the children and state cat. s. is just sick we don't ask these children what did you do what did you see or hear we don't ask questions we just observe them they have to learn to adjust naturally they feel somewhat lost they've been separated from their parents suddenly they're alone it's brutal to see your mom and dad handcuffed and taken away by police. we give them time to process it all then we let them tell us their story. our primary focus is finding the best conditions for their reintegration and
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protecting them as it as. every child is treated as an individual case and is given a chance even of some politicians or prosecutors quote former child soldiers a security risk and describe them as a ticking time bombs. maybe some children really are ticking time bombs but if we say they can't be saved then we are in the wrong line of work that would mean there is no point trying to protect children and juvenile delinquents. and i as a prosecutor supposed to say they cannot be saved in my opinion we need to do everything we possibly can to save them and avert the worst case scenario. here ringback.
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is that they are we help them cope with their experiences and put them into perspective and their heads everything is upside down they need to sort through their experiences put them in boxes put the banks's in cupboards and the cupboards into the cellar then they can live in the house and they know the bad things are in the server. no one knows just how many children and teenagers have returned to europe a survivors of i asked manipulation i'm terrified. of it. this will never stop i'll never forget bin laden in an interview saying i working on a 2000 year continuum if i don't do it my son will do it his son will do it his son will do it it will happen i will never see it but it will happen that's the problem with western thinking we think problem resources problem solved that's not how they
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think that's not how it works we underestimate their longevity underestimate their ability to sustain they may go away for a few years but they're never gun. the. i asked wants the west to fear its child soldiers and its new generation of the hardest and it wants us to forget that these children are above all victims not puppetry of so. many also hail from europe which makes the authorities there legally and morally obligated to take them back and matter how brainwashed they a few. should cost the political church most sects caldwell wish to kill. yourself was not even 10 when his family took him to syria in the summer of 2014 and turned him over to us as seen in
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this facebook video. is it to something. or just. an image atrocity or an explosion. there's been no sign of use of sense. perhaps he has done. or he may come back one day to france and to an uncertain future. tense in hamburg. hundreds of people gathered together to see how to use a small miracle any.
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subscribe to the documentary on you tube. this is news live from remembering the victims of the new zealand volcano disaster the prime minister and her cabinet minutes silence for the dead emergency services say they'll continue to search for the bodies of 2 of the victims still missing. and anger and disappointment after a marathon. summit on the climate ends with no new goals ahead of the u.n.
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