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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  December 18, 2019 7:45pm-8:01pm CET

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and with that welcome to arts and culture so this is pretty incredible really because it's a finale that's been 42 years in the making as diehard star wars fans will know this is the last film in the story that was originally conceived by george lucas in the 1970 s. so as it hits theaters the world over will it live up to the hype and will the dark side mean in the end let's try to find out. sounds. like. the final star wars trilogy is coming to an end but the galactic battle between good and evil jet i insist it isn't over yet joe di in training raves back to face down chi low ram the dark side son of late and han solo and now supreme leader of the evil a 1st order confronting. electricity.
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was off and. the pressure is on and not least for disney and director j.j. abrams has been brought back to the star wars franchise after the last episode by a different director of the a lot of fans disappointed. episode 9 focuses particularly on the chemistry between its central characters ray and her buddies the resistance pilot podium our own and stormtrooper femme for cast and fans it's about more than just one movie it's the end of a saga this is the last one i think it's crazy because it feels like christmas in a time machine and traveled back to when they asked us to. cover the pontiff 42 years and 8 episodes later can the rise of skywalker live up to fans' expectations or losing the fight to see if those represented be careful in the way of direct.
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j.j. abrams certainly seems to think it can. if you're a kid watching this 100 years from now 500 years from now. you see this inevitability the story concludes in a way that feels thrilling and shocking and funny and emotional and sadness for the final film reunites new cast and old after actress carrie fisher's death in 2016 abrams has even found leftover material from the last 2 thumbs to bring her back as princess wei. so how will the age old battle between jenna and 6 am and which sky will rise in the rise of sky with the release of episode 9 fans can finally find. its the music gives me this fall it's amazing and joining me in the studio is my colleague david levitz who has seen the film so you've got all the answers david this not all of them got wrong that said i
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got lots of sacrifice and swishing of light sabers can't live up to the fans' expectations. you know i think the star wars universe just has so many millions of fans like as many fans as there are stars in the cosmos that there is no one film that's going to please everybody but i do think that this movie has a really good shot at getting a lot of people on its side mostly because it really does carry off this kind of attic tale of the underdog versus the evil empire that story that really hard back to the original movies here we are the premiere in l.a. by the way and now the the 2 leads daisy ridley and adam driver they both deliver heartwarming performances both of our film actors yet vulnerable characters both struggling to understand understand their relationship to the dark side and to each other and i have to say that the the light saber battles between them in this movie are so i think that they are actually telepathic you. going to have to see the
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movie to understand what i mean ok but the real star in my personal opinion is actually composer john williams you know the guy behind the music you like the thought of them and he's back with a fresh score he's 87 years old and his music as much as any of the visual effects to make this movie what it is fresh as ever that's that's amazing on the last movie disappointed many fans partly because it left so many questions open for instance is luke skywalker still alive is ray really an orphan are we going to get some of the answers that he. did well am i going to tell you some of it as a director j.j. abrams he was brought back to the movie basically to pick up the pieces left by director ron johnson who did the last movie that so many people were disappointed in this movie is under a lot of pressure to wrap up the story and it manages to do that even if sometimes it feels like it's 2 movies squeezed into one now this question about ray and her bloodline of course is central the force is very strong with her why it was kind of
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an echo of that classic star wars your father kind of moment it turns out that ray much like her love interest turned enemy kyla ran has some family issues but we already know that it's coming out very much at the beginning of the movie one way i tells her never be afraid of who you are now as for luke skywalker the actor mark hamill is in the movie as well does that mean he's still alive you're not going to tell me really boil it but we saw in the report for instance that they've even resuscitate and incorporated old footage of the late carrie fisher princess lay and what does that work how i found her really uncanny you know they they took this footage of her but they didn't use from the 1st 2 films of this trilogy and they basically wrote the script around the footage that they had of her she's in sort of a soft focus in the movie it's almost like she's playing this role from beyond the grave especially when you think about how she had no idea that she was acting in scenes that were go. going into the final picture i found it kind of weird i do
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know why they did it because you've got her you've got mark hamill you've got harrison ford it is kind of a homecoming feeling so just quickly this is supposed to be the end of the whole sky walker saga is it really the end can it ever end well it is of course the and of george lucas is a original planned saga that he came up with in the late seventy's of course disney bought up we're going to films a few years back so you know they're going to be pressing every last dollar out of this another trilogy expected by 2026 i'm going to look forward to that for now the rise of skywalker in theaters now and thrilling fans as we speak david levitz thank you very much thank you. and speaking of final episodes it's hard to believe that this is our last episode of baking bread and just in time too because our 28 nations the united kingdom is poised to finally wrench itself from the european union on january 31st and after multiple revisions of the calendar news of the
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deadline always reads pretty much like stale bread but not when this is faking it. to get a really tasty why do you need the dough to ferment. to do this plan ahead and start by making a bubbly flour mixture no as a sponge time is very short. we have no time to lose makes 150 really litters of lukewarm water with 180 grams of plain flour and at a touch of 0.2 grams will do then cover the mixture and wait for it to bubble up all the people want to move this thing on it's been going on for a long time about 15 hours now makes 220 grams of lukewarm water with 260 grams of plain flour 160 grams of brown bread flour 12 grams of liquid baking malt 6 grams of fresh yeast 30 grams of cream and 12 grams of salt
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finally enter a sponge and mix everything well. if you're looking for a short cut suck the whole mixture into an electric wrap maker like a mature baker david cameron. it is a choice we all need to think part of a well that didn't work out so well david cameron produced an airy loaf lacking substance no wonder he was the 1st prime minister to get bugged of a practice it followed by the press of minister david davis and prime minister number 2 to resign me they're all toast and it looks like the toast production will continue wouldn't you say so prime minister i think that's a very very important question and i do think that the answer is that it will requiring of cause many more extensions so let your daughter rest for another 10
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minutes. then fold it from the edges into the middle repeat this process 4 times over. finally flip the door over and cover it for 90 minutes it's been long it's been painful it's been divisive time to split the dough into. shape both pieces and. place them into greased baking tents. if you're still hoping for a change of heart now is the time. where. you may know but if you are wrecks a tear here is some good news for you once the loaves are in the oven at 230 decrease celsius you're only 30 minutes away from orderly withdrawal move that all the action followed by a transition period the loaves will stay in the oven but leave the bread. so it
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breaks the drugs they are out still in the news until you brush them with hot water finally let both remainders and leavers cool down and whether it's full english breakfast it or half baked prime minister will always find a way of toasting the steel which is just like the sandwich another british invention from the 16th century back then british wine was so sour that people would throw in a piece of bread to suck up some of the usage of. the leftover bread quickly became a british staple and so i raise my cup to tea and toast. finally it's been called the most stolen artwork of all time a famous ghent altarpiece painted by who placed and found i have the 15th century
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flemish school it's had a turbulent history having been forged pillaged censored dismembered and very nearly destroyed by fire all 2 panels have remained missing after 934 theft but the rest of the altar is getting a fresh look and that's because for 7 years now a team of art restorers has been hard at work to restore it to its original 1432 glory. they've been carefully removing layers of dirt that have accumulated over the centuries as well as touch ups of later painters for instance half of the central panel known as the adoration of the mystic. painted in the 1950 s. now the restoration has revealed brilliant colors and many tiny details that were hidden for decades. the all to pieces do to go back on display in its original location in time for next year's celebrations honoring john fund i think and of
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course his legacy well another big event coming up in 2020 so do stay tuned that's all for now though so until next time all the best from us here in berlin the troops and the.
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conflict some missed him sebastian. china's recent celebrations for a sudden be anonymous or in one corner the public relations triumph it was supposed to be margaret's this week here in london is a return gala how does he justify china's consolmagno fumin rights abuses i'm a continuing pressure on hong kong. conflicts over. 30 minutes w. . bush hello upswings this is your balls speaking when i come to the show with a ding dong ha ha ha you concerts. with film nostrums guests.
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and then incredible location. 2 groups. on t.w. . was the speech of his life perhaps his past certainly his most difficult chancellor should not cool addresses the people of east germany shortly after the fall of the wall. hours for. journalist peter lim borg was at the scene. 30 years later looks back on the tyson. starts december 19th. w. .
8:00 pm
this is g w news why. a songbird historic day in the united states is donald trump is set to become the 3rd u.s. president in history to be impeached u.s. lawmakers are in their final debate before voting on impeachment the speaker of the health means he calls trump a threat to the united states vice president mike pence is defending his boss saying the of pietschmann vote is a disgrace we'll go live to washington also coming up paul still yet is rose.


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