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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2019 1:02am-1:31am CET

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wrapped up for christmas was the a and in parliament today you know make us put a bow around his brags that bale paving the way for britain to leave the european union next month but with the prospect of a new deal breaks it simone the table as the government really handed brits a gift they'll end up wanting i'm headed home for him by then and this is the day. you come together as a new problem to break the deadlock i'm sorry meet to get a break you don't think very carefully think very carefully as to what you're about to do this still does not bring certain say the communities full of a business or the workforce it is a gamble with all nations because it breaks the ice splits and a new way through a new 6 through to unsuspected oceans over 2 g. there's still is
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a road map for the reckless direction in which the government and the prime minister are determined to take the country because the time together as one reinvigorated day should be one you'd like each team to. also won the day red faces at nasa and boeing as they stollen a spacecraft fails to enter the correct orbit meaning it's found in one direction and that's back down to the ground it appears as though the mission elapsed time in system. an error in it and it burned a lot of a lot of prop in that in that part of the flight and when that prop got burnt looked like we were going to be able to go ahead and rendezvous with the international space station. 2 of us on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world a very warm welcome we begin the day with the next chapter. britain's protracted
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and at times painful departure from the european union also known as breck's it well today a week off to a general election which saw the conservatives claim an emphatic majority another victory this time for british prime minister boris johnson and his withdrawal bill which will see britain out of the e.u. on the 31st of january come what may while the tally backing that bill was 358 to 234 largely along party lines the government fruit should have won the election on the issue it had been unable to pass the legislation in the old house and this is the moment that the bill was passed in the house of commons with a fairly robust majority take a watch. the the right for 358 the nose to the left or 234 so the eye is having b r a's i mean there. were. well now the clock starts ticking for the prime
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minister once again because after britain leaves there will be just 11 months to hammer out a trading relationship with the e.u. and a no deal brags it is not off the table economic turmoil could follow still mr johnson spoke of rebuilding the nation. you come together as a new product to break the deadlock and finally to get pretty done. the moment is really the european union to reuse night our country and allow the room a natural affection. for all european neighbors to follow renewed expression in one great national project or building a deep special and democratic you countable partnership with those nations we are proud to call our closest friends. straight then to a correspondent with a vessel who joins us from outside the british parliament in london this evening baba does this result mean that breaks it is now done and dusted.
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it's not done and dusted but it will happen that is a difference that boris johnson really likes to gloss over is the way in the past is now cleared to true for practice it to be happening on the 31st of january of next year this form is nothing that could impede it at this point in time bought as you said that is only a not the beginning and that is the beginning of the negotiations about the next step and breaks in the new future trade relationship with your opinion and as boris johnson set out he has. a heart divorce and that doesn't really bode well for the future and also we heard today in parliament that you know when he is in this role that he just loves to perform publicly and he lets his rhetoric really rotten away he was himself say he talked about oceans of opportunities that would open a new golden era and so he makes huge problem misses that might in
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the n.p.t. turning out to be somewhat reckless well rhetoric aside begin to take a look at the nitty gritty now barbara stay with us because we're going to take a closer look at the withdrawal agreement behind this law. just lation which has been 3 and a half years in the making. the divorce deal settles the divisions of assets and liabilities it also guarantees the rights of e.u. citizens living in britain and yukie citizens in e.u. countries and finally sets out the future for the vexed irish border di lemma that proved to be the main sticking point in negotiations how to handle trade along the northern ireland border between the u.k. and each member ireland the proposed backstop arrangement was removed in favor of a solution whereby northern ireland will maintain free movement of goods across the border. avoiding a hard border with customs post was seen as essential for protecting peace in
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northern ireland under the good friday agreement but the future trading relationship between the u.k. and e.u. remains to be hammered out after britain leaves the block on january 31st 2020 it will adhere to rules during a transition period until the end of the year. that means the risk of a new deal hard bragg's it remains britain and the e.u. cannot agree on a new trade deal by the end of 2020 e.u. diplomats one that's a process that normally takes several years. of over back over to you that did mr johnson's sweeping election election victory effectively settle this debate in the u.k. . it ended the debate in a way because the opposition is in tatters they're just going through the moves of sort of opposing borash on sin and his sort of sweeping race to victory with regard
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to bracks it. and the broader protest movement within britain people who've been out to the hundreds of thousands last summer here in london they have more or less given up at this point in time because people somehow see the futility the election has more or less end of the debate whether the young generation in britain who will mostly be affected by bricks and who's going to lose their rights to work and study and live in the european union and whether they will ever forgive this government that they will sort of accept their fate that nobody knows at that moment but it is something quiet and it's a few days before christmas and as a christmas present this is politically a rather dubious one. yes indeed let's talk about brussels then because it's reacted to the very with the new e.u. council president shall michelle describing it as an important step at least income . refining london's relationship with brussels how much of
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a relief do you think all of this is for europe. it is a certain relief for europe of course because clearly europe wants to get rid of this issue it was dominating discussions it was dominating summits over and over again they had to deal with it listen to with prime ministers and theresa may for instance and boris johnson coming after her and so to readjust their own position to what was happening in london so at least that will be over but on the other hand they know of course that now comes the hard part and the hard part is figuring out how britain and the european union on the other hand are going to deal with each other in the future what ruled relationship look like and the signs for that don't really. make you feel very optimistic at the moment because boris johnson was quite hard edged he is taking out all the softer pieces out of the withdrawal agreement and he he really emphasized that he doesn't want to align was european your rules
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and regulations so it's going to be bitter it's going to be very difficult and i hate to make the prospects even worse but actually we're not just even talking about trading of course in a new relationship things such as security education medicines all of that needs to be worked out i mean how complicated is it going to be so all of that. it will be very complicated plus it can absolutely not under no circumstances ever done in 11 months that is really ridiculous boris johnson has put this artificial time constraint on the talks with brussels just in order to blackmail the e.u. to sort of say ok you've got to give me very quickly what i want otherwise i'm going to walk away and they're not going to play ball in that sense so they will have to break this up into pieces the 1st thing on the table pulled. he is sort of bare bones very basic trade agreement so that goods can't go back and forth at all
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between the continent and britain and all the other issues important very difficult issues will follow after that and every step of the way will be a fight so there is nothing easy and nothing done for the good within the next year is brecht's it coming up everybody knows that it will continue and continue and continue to give that keeps on giving in a very negative way or and it's like is going to be a busy few months for you as well and your european correspondent counterparts profit of a zone speaking to us from london thank you very much indeed. so that is the respective from london the path ahead is still fraught with pitfalls and perhaps the biggest issue remains what will happen in an island off to bragg's it will cough it could have business is here to explain why good to see you could i mean 1st off what has been the reaction in ireland today to this vote i think probably
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relief on the one hand a certain amount of bewilderment again an ongoing sadness that britain is leaving the u. because obviously it's it's for island it is a tragedy and also a major challenge and then also a certain amount of skepticism in some ways like the boy cried wolf you know they've heard so many of you know are they heard so many times this is going to happen so i think there's going to be a combination of all these different feelings when when people in art and see bob johnson was saying today in the house of commons and one of the things that he was saying in the house of commons today was the fact that this now seoul's the issue over the irish forward to arguably one of the trickiest most contentious issues in this whole debate is he right when he says well i think like a lot of things that he said in the run up to the to the election talking about the bracks issue is that i mean it's partially right in that the solution that he's come up with moves that moves the hard border to back to the seaports where. goods coming into the into northern ireland will be checked at the seaports rather than
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the hard border with the rest of art and with the south the violent but at the he also said that there will be no problem with czechs and a lot of the commentators today and also members of the government have been saying that actually there could be some problems with this and that he needs to maybe calm down and be a bit more considerate in his approach to this off of this bill is passed we're talking about you know a future trading relationship between the u.k. and the european union the world to the law its largest economies i mean why is tiny island so central in this well it's made i mean because of the historical relationship because a part of the island of ireland is is part of the united kingdom and even though i'm very small in economic terms regarding in relation to the e.u. to to the united kingdom it is a member of the e.u. the e.u. has backed arlen in the face of what's going on in the u.k. and it also has huge potential for if you look at scotland scotland is looking at what's happening in ireland in the recent election voters in northern ireland 68
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percent of them voted in favor of remain parties so they could be the northern and decides to leave. to leave britain which for would which would be a disaster for the whole bracks a project it would also spark movements in scotland so there's a lot of different issues even though on it is quite small geographically it has fights above its weight in terms of the importance that has it for the overall bracks of debate you just get the sense today that there are potentially so many more steps to come surprises pitfalls potentially but putting it into perspective for us today could could and from business thank you so much. will russia and china have used the vetoes of the un security council to block aid deliveries to civilians in syria the draft resolution would have allowed cross border from turkey and iraq for that to yes of course that aid is badly needed in syria civilians are being caught in the crossfire as government troops launch and
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you offensive and as s. strikes k. an increasing number of innocent lives. the logic of it was worse than it was told from under the rubble after i asked strikes hit home scenes all too common in the province since monday at least 30 people have been killed and dozens more injured by russian jets most if not all were civilians and many of them children residents say their town has no military importance. is that it was the cause and this is an industrial area only civilians live here is not a single soldier here russia is worse than the syrian regime we civilians have no one who can help us along. the current overall plan hit the area with missiles i left my motorcycle and ran for cover there were people on the the rubble that.
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was the conflict in northern syria escalated again earlier this year when the syrian government backed by russian at power began a large scale offensive against rebels in the region. caught in the crossfire civilians are fleeing their homes some 8000 people are said to have fled to areas near the syrian turkish border since tuesday a region and their idea home to many displaced by the war. and as long as the offensive continues it's likely more will follow. release 11 people have been killed during growing demonstrations against india's new citizenship law protesters have clashed with police in cities across the country despite large gatherings being banned in many areas where a new law office is a route to indian citizenship for migrants fleeing religious persecution in neighboring countries but crucially it excludes muslims protests to say that this
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violates india's secular constitution now there are growing fears that the law could be a step on the way to stripping indian muslims of their citizenship has more and more people are saying that. and you know the museum will be able to get into the citizenship of india over duties nor the muslim world because this is there is this is something this is a discrimination over act on the basis of religion the modern good democrat the goal of our democracy is to include everyone in a democracy and nobody's right should be harmed when our rights are threatened of course we will turn out onto the streets everyone cares about their independence let that be our year at home you know if you are united we can bring change we have selected this government we can make it through to the government is in power because of us we have given them their power without us there nothing. when he's already correspondent i'm sure gys will has been to one of the protests and sent us
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this from delhi. massive protests have broken out once again in the national capital where average on mommas just one of the biggest mosques in the country and protesters have turned out in force to speak out against the controversial citizenship amendment act but this is not the 1st time that a process happening in dandy the act was passed over a week ago in parliament and there have been 4 tests almost every day and they're also not district or to new delhi yesterday a protest broke out across 10 states the missions were not granted for many of these fought us but people have still turned out the missions were not granted for the spot us either which is wired there's also a heavy security deployment on the ground the police has been criticized over the last week for using excessive force the example of the john ham radio astronomy university in new delhi stands out where last weekend students
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a left of the police deployed excessive force beat up students and also used tear gas against students who were protesting peacefully the police have the night these allegations and this. that only the minimal amount of force was used there's also been widespread criticism of the fact that internet shutdowns have been carried out across the country in different parts of the country where protests have broken out that questions being raised if the government is using undemocratic means to clamp down on dissent these thought to ask just civil protests have largely been peaceful there have been some reports a while and but most of these protesters turning out are only coming out with both stores and slogans the critics of this act and the protestors are saying that this act is unconstitutional because it violates the secular fabric of this country's constitution they're saying that granting citizenship on the basis of religion is
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not something that india should be doing as a secular country this act basically makes it easy for non muslims from afghanistan mung edition pakistan to gain indian citizenship and protesters and critics are concerned that this combined with other policies of the indian government could harm indian muslims the government has denied that this act will impact indian muslims in any way but protesters here are telling us that they will continue with this civil unrest until the government does something that is also high hopes been staked in the indian supreme court the hope is that the indian supreme court will strike down the sacked as unconstitutional. we travel u.s. aircraft company boeing faces another setback it starliner capsule went off course and didn't reach its planned orbit but the u.s. space agency nasa says that the unmanned spacecraft is a stable position after its launch on
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a test flight to the international space station on friday and the start is meant to free nasa from its reliance on russia to travel to the i.s.a.'s now has been forced to rely on a russian soyuz rockets to transform since the space shuttle program was terminated in 20. well in a news conference nasser administrator of brighton stein said that a technical error with the onboard clock caused the collision a 2nd isn't what he had to say. that anomaly resulted in the vehicle believing that the time was different than it actually was and because that timing was a little bit off. what ended up happening is the spacecraft tried to maintain a very precise control that it normally wouldn't have tried to maintain and it burned a lot of a lot of prop in that in that part of the flight and when that prop got burnt looked like we were going to be able to go ahead and rendezvous with the international well let's bring kate cowing now a former nasa employee and now
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a credentialed nasa journalist case according to a nasa administrator the timing was a bit off is that an accurate assessment of what went wrong in your view oh yeah he explained it perfectly well the clock did not know what time it was but the spacecraft did exactly what it should have done at the time the clock find it was unfortunately the clock was wrong and here we are ok so i mean nasa was also katie seeking to reassure perhaps all those space geeks out there saying that they still aren't as all the systems are working does that have to be the case. in the spacecraft is most likely perfect condition and everything else henceforth will go according to plan except its main purpose of flying was to test the spacecraft and also go to the international space station and it will not be able to do that it's likely that it will come into wind in about 2 days otherwise again it's just a matter of the clock not knowing what time it is and everything and you know not
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going according to plan so if i go i will go ahead with these 1st test flights including astronauts next year one of them did appear at the news conference let's listen to what she had to say and then come back to. we are looking forward to flying on starliner we don't have any safety concerns that everything an asset and all the systems that would keep us safe have functioned properly on the launch and currently on the vehicle we're looking forward to all the test data i'm looking forward to landing at white sands so i guess the question is is the cell line of ready to bring astronauts safely into space and crucially back safely as well well one of you just heard an astronaut say she's ready to go and so i mean i take that with a great deal of certainty but yeah that the issue here is you know there's always a 1st time to fly something that is what has happened here and you know sometimes things go well sometimes they don't i hope we don't hear the phrase space is hard because this is something that you know the u.s.
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and russia have been doing for more than half a century and as putting people low earth orbit but that said this is an advanced spacecraft it's had the benefit of half a century of flying people into space and you know if if you're going to have a problem have a problem with the clock because again the clock was off but the spacecraft to everything perfectly well just at the right time so you know this is probably the best bad problem you could have in a flight like this is that normal day because a cutting off it seems like something that nasa should be able to get right you know what this is certainly forget the to be honest when i heard this is what the cause was this is sort of like forgetting the tie your shoes i mean it's you know normally the 1st flight you expect something much more complicated or you know it's good to go wrong but this is sort of a you know. i would like to hear the meeting where this was 1st announced to nasa that the clock was wrong i'm very brief if you don't mind i mean how important is
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this program not just for nasa but boeing as well because it has had a low point reputation of their flight. well you know it's a big company so i wouldn't connect this spacecraft in any way with the airliner problems ridden like that they're just 2 totally different groups of people to truly differ types of vehicles and so for clearly it's important boeing you have there is another company several of the companies that are doing this as well space x. will be flying their own crew spacecraft soon and there's several other companies that are looking to get involved as well and what nasa decided to do here was as they replace the space shuttle with commercial vehicles they were kind of smart and thought you know what i don't want to have just one way to get to space i want 2 or 3 such that if something like this happens you've got another type of spacecraft that can pick up the slack so you know again something went wrong it shouldn't have gone wrong but you kind of see that this the system actually is a little bit better thought out than the way that we've used to put people into space which is one big spacecraft with no backup yet it's always good to have backups there are you confident that they start line up program will be
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a success story. yes i am i am i guess this is sort of a center so of an unfortunate and slightly dumb mistake but if this is the mistake they're going to have in the 1st place well ok that's a good one to have. cowing thanks a lot for your perspective a pleasure. oh lady now but remember the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter at the news i'm there as well how to see humphrey is my handle thanks for joining me all the day and have a great rest of your spice and out. of
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