tv Eco Africa Deutsche Welle December 26, 2019 7:30pm-8:01pm CET
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because. he wants to share that there's a lot that we can be cold comfort. no longer d.w. . people. he takes it personally when with a little wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. for all true said i'll follow up a little. tough more than football on mine. hello and welcome to a new edition of africa brought to you by did germany n.t.v. in uganda and t.v. in nigeria i am sondra to know give reporting from compiler here in uganda and of
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course with me is my colleague in nigeria hello everybody. and greetings from this part of the world over the next half hour they're about we will be looking at some interesting stories on the environment from our euro and the atlantic ocean. to research the history of the water. back on land and we will take a spin on the bike made from bamboo. for switching to an electric turkey in nairobi the very 1st of its kind in the city. we start with the atlantic where a research vessel recently made a trip from the far far south to germany it was on a mission to examine the state of the ocean and the effects of climate change a group of students from around the world took part in the research let's hear their findings.
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we are hundreds of kilometers west of the moroccan coast 3 weeks ago this research vessel set sail from the falkland islands to germany the students and researchers onboard want to know just how serious is the state of the oceans how strong is the impact of climate change. studies aquatic bio science in madagascar it's her 1st time on a ship like this she's never done any deep sea sampling before. they teach us how to collect samples from the front a device but. we have no idea how to proceed like how to deploy it and actually or used it. 1st said before deploying it directly into the water so it was a bit challenging because you have no idea and at some point it will tell you all you have to tell the crew that it's
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a time to deploy where and then when. the probe is lowered to 5000 meters below the surface where it takes water samples cold water sinks to the bottom of the sea and doesn't mix with upper layers anymore the water that they retrieve from the depths was last exposed to surface weather conditions hundreds of years ago that makes the samples very valuable for determining whether climate change can already be observed far beneath the surface in the labs the students examine the samples for oxygen microorganisms and salinity all values that are influenced by higher temperatures over the past 50 years the ocean has warmed by 0.8 degrees celsius with no end in sight most of the students come from countries where the effects of climate change are already noticeable mohammed ahmed hussein studies sea and lake science in belgium in his homeland kenya it's now much too dry in many regions. of course liked it a lot of soil erosion. there's also
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a lot of well talk of sea level rise so how it will even close to the sea so 'd we need it but at the same time we look at sea surface temperatures so kenya is a tourist people come to you to see the beautiful coral climate change kind of affects us in terms of ability water looks. ok now we go. to provision. the aim is to prepare young people from developing countries for local climate research the students learn things like how to calculate climate models how to determine air pollution based on the reflection of the ocean and how to analyze micro plastics polar reese. which are paid to lehmkuhl leads the on board seminar on climate models he says industrialized western countries have a special responsibility for climate protection. and we started
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causing climate change 150 years ago and we're still doing it by a meeting c o 2 and of course we have to do something to prevent patch and that's something that only works when we do it together teaching is such a joy because the younger generation has to and wants to know more about this the most rigorous office and felony i know from madagascar i says taking part has encouraged her to spread environmental awareness in her home country she's discovered how much as possible even without big research projects. before this trip to some amazing trip i had no idea that there's open source. and free software that you can use for. a resource muttering for satellite image on the newsies and and everything so i truly want to share to my company triodes that there's a lot that we can do. friendships have formed over the 4 weeks on the ocean the
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ship has now reached its destination germany but the students plan to stay in touch with each other when they return home. mohammed amin hussein says he'll never forget the experience he hopes to come back next time as a climate researcher i'll miss the place actually a lot it has been amazing living on board for 4 weeks and now it feels like it's already home in a way that have a piece of me on the polish then a scientist hopefully with me to get as we say in my culture people to me it's only a moment instead. how much of the you know about silk worms they all recently come from china and are used to produce their use has since bred and they're known being bred in kenya they're the climate crisis is forcing farmers to find alternatives to food crops one of those options is to produce.
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cyclones they're not the leaves of trees and they're giving hope to farmers in kenya due to the extreme weather patterns of recent years you don't know we know has turned to farming. this is the 26th the day and you can see the. already spinning. they are making a point. in other words they have already reached this stage that. stage yes so as the as does the spin we have asked our quince the former senior research at the international center insecure theology and ecology started this venture and 2015 what is left for us. in form of corns we shall subject it to post how vesting processes that includes the flow shown of the book and you know removing their pupae
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inside so that we use the remaining part of it for producing the thread today you don't know we know owns our own 500000 margaret trees planted over 5 because. many of the farmers in the region are following his example. to find a profitable crop to sustain their livelihood their ditching traditional cash crops such as coffee maize or sugar cane we haven't been working. to develop technologies for this ilk. so that we can give this seeds and appropriate market under english and specific. groups. of villages where they can of a collection. for their calls and we are linking farmers markets.
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on your sink production amounts to approximately 2 metric tons of dried cochran's but the potential is far greater the amount of very trees whose leaves the warms it tyrant and resistant to the cord morcha souness's pairing of silk worms for production of frost silk or sorry culture is becoming increasingly popular as a result we have. in the country and in countries where it is huge. done isn't getting the production is in. china. japan. and in india it is. so even led kenya and continued. in 96 is also used in the manufacture of skin products contact lenses soaps and woman organic products the national sorry culture
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research center is contrary offering from a subsidy plans and mary berry cuttings are very subsidized rates and with the help of international investors they are also working to transfer money and help them identify markets. a few. 100 years ago. had to been just to see if it was poltava ended after that. we study that lot of say culture and. the su so now we hobble high technology and. take us about the we can't use it because. it's too developed and also the crime it the crime it's in the kin yet it's much better. japan to say cause and by
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adopting to the chans incremental conditions small scale sent from us like you to know we know how fond a way of sustaining their livelihoods. were staying in kenya but moving from the countryside to the capital nairobi public transport very sparse traffic is terrible and horrible it's all about the petrol diesel that's being. electric vehicles especially one poet from whom you have a sources would certainly make a difference well there i mean does that mean that they all operated by a subsidiary of a thing moves company echo right on it was been growing believe me. you don't see the difference you only hear it or rather you don't. kenyon's 1st fully electric car is almost silent. in africa
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they can only operate in cities where there's a reliable electricity supply. charging takes about 2 hours. and once fully charged it can travel up to 150 kilometers the battery can last up to 15 years. a finnish company launched its the taxi named a ride last year in nairobi you can hail it with an apple. today the company has 11 vehicles operate. in the kenyan capital. and as the drivers don't have to pay for gasoline they charge less for a ride the normal taxis do. it will take many more electric cars to make a difference to the polluted air in nairobi but it's a start. and how about you. if you are also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us
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a tweet hash tag doing your bit. we share your story. why it made a little bump not only do they look great but also eco friendly 2 young men from germany decided to bring the idea over. and so the bite in the county growing folks as we went to meet the interest we knew is in all the. kill in northern germany is a city of boats and bikes. but even here the 2 bikes ridden by maximillian shy and . stand out from the rest. their frame are made of bamboo. they were these people always ask does it hold up that many people knock on it of
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the right and then they'll knock on it to see if it really is bamboo or just painted metal those are the top to reactions when people see these bikes. the 2 men discovered bamboo in 2012 as students they launched their my boo company their idea to help produce sustainable bikes in ghana and sell them in europe. the finishing touches are made in germany they say bamboo is ideal for bicycles. bamboo is a long grained grass unlike other materials normally used for bicycles. the long grain. for a tougher exterior but low weight in very high flexibility construction scaffolding in asia for instance can be very high and flexible in the wind yet it's extremely stable and that's why it's used for scaffolding in asia and for bicycle frames that our company for found on bones. the men from keel work with a local project helping to set up a bicycle frame factory. bamboo is
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a commonly used material in the region it's ready for harvest in just 3 years. about 80 man hours go into making each frame more than 40 jobs were created the profits go to finance building a new school and live on it are idea was not to have our own production in ghana but to work with a great partner there on an equal footing they take the production into their own hands with the raw material that grows there and they know the local people culture and customs when we finish and market the product in europe you don't and you quote often mark green and freddie almost. they're not the only ones making bicycles from natural materials the tubes for this bicycles frame are made of flex fiber various manufacturers are also making bikes out of wood. to b.s. rudolph bicycles from natural products in berlin many hours of work go into each
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bike even so he doesn't see these materials as real competition for metal. as long as natural materials involve lots of manual labor they have no chance you'll never reach a price where the general public says yes i want that bicycle the bamboo bicycles by my boo cost from 15024500 euros many buyers use them as alternatives to their cars. i know that bicycles have their price but once i realized i'd be supporting a social and sustainable product the bike was worth every cent to me. before. but are bamboo bikes really eco friendly after all the frames are shipped to germany all the way from ghana. $100.00 for sustainability 3 components are essential to us there's the environmental aspect of course but just as important is the social and the economic sustainability of cardinal which aficionados kind of i thought was a it's a great compromise to say it's
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a step in the right direction it's on our social commitment is 100 percent and ecologically ours are a cut above any other bicycle. bicycles made of natural materials are both attractive and sustainable. green spaces are right in the ethiopian capital addis ababa but this. exhibition space on garden which. is a green in the middle of a tone. for more links between us and the environment the stick of. the rainy season has started and those oh my garden is read joisting this. is the newest addition to cultural spaces and the creation of mess graham and her friend us here architecture in nature are celebrated together these ecological huts turned into works of art were built using an ancient construction technique. process where
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you actually get the subsoil you have to dig about half a metre before you get the soil the only thing you add is water and straw for about a month and it lasts for hundreds and hundreds of years and so they were controlled . in so many ways and so one of the best so i think sustainable houses surrounded by a labyrinth of plants most of which are endemic a dream come true for mask room. the danger is underneath but this is what it looks like. tena dam is often dipped into coffee and this plant has strong medicinal virtues in a city where concrete highrises are growing like mushrooms the zalman museum is a space for humans to breathe and for nature to grow in the city is going fast i think. not in the right direction many of the trees are.
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dying out. of the air is polluted or even complete me poisoned we're all affected one way or another we're all connected through the environment. reconnecting humans to the environment is precisely the aim of the zouma school. one that. you shot several times a week these young children come in small groups and take care of the zouma garden and it's farm. the school is open to all. but only the most privileged can afford the fees. the students when this age they have to learn about their gardens. about their foods it's organic they can they can see and they can even paste it so they know about a problem and it's getting to the 1st. despite these multiple facets of the zouma museum has not said its last where yet more than 40 bridges are waiting for
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international artists to transform them into works of art after his recent visit prime minister ahmed asked for the garden to be extended an encouraging show of political support for the project only a couple months after its grand opening. zimbabwe's changing climate means that farmers are being forced to look for new ways to make a living some have now started to breed free range chickens why is that n.t. . well resign and move on major issues pest control they feed on insects and food waste now a national organization is encouraging more farmers to take up the chicken breeding we went to meet some farmers who are doing just that to find out why and how they are getting. there's no guarantee that scenic fields will produce enough for her to eat. here in northwestern zimbabwe
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farmers are already feeling the effects of climate change. things aren't like they were in previous years. the weather is different now. for one thing we used to get rain from october to december but now we get little. in the past there was enough rain for our crops and cattle but that's all changed. to make sure she'll have enough to eat in future scene the queue has bought some hens. she feeds them kitchen waste. because they can run about freely they can also forage for food. about an hour's drive south close to the city of. french hens are being bred commercially their meat has become trendy in restaurants in zimbabwe's towns and cities. it's said to be tastier than the meat of battery reared hands. used to be
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a vegetable farmer then she decided to take on free range as well today an expert on free range breeding has come to give her tips on getting even more out of her farm the cookbook breed is good for both eggs and meat production so it's very popular among breeders but it's important not to rely on just one breed. different breeds. that. we want to. produce that. the eggs here don't go to market there's a. a lucrative use for them there being in cuba either that just under $38.00 degrees celsius for 3 weeks is the chicks are sold for a euro apiece to farmers who want to start their own free range operations sales
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here come to about a 1000 euros a month but nonetheless energy costs are so high that maka is planning to switch to solar power electricity is based in egypt so i want these minutes because we use electricity. that is they have to go out so we saw it in that heat so that it becomes that but not with the increase is when he found out is. that any genetic 8 to 10 hours energy may be costly but waste from the fields is free it's used to feed the hands. of their droppings are used to fertilize the fields this is organic cultivation and the farm is already supplying 3 supermarkets with that. beauty spends much time traveling throughout zimbabwe her efforts are paying off some $5000.00 farmers have
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already joined the zimbabwe free range poultry association. but she wants to recruit more of them and for that she's prepared to workshop in a clear and simple way beauty g.g. shows villagers the environmental and financial benefits of raising different breeds on a large scale. a new one in the farm kids cut that price we thought up. the bits that they hadn't secondly it's an investment into price. it doesn't need complicated house seeing it doesn't need complicated breeds or 'd feet and you could use the local available materials the farmers tend to be cautious even if the hens do generate cash they want to keep the costs down. earthworms are one type of fodder that comes for free and raising them in
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a mash of kitchen waste cattle dung and moisture means they can reproduce easily. so how is a lack of awareness of these programs is why interest among my peers is low how many would rather leave to seek employment elsewhere than take part in the project i'll do my best to convince them it's worthwhile to get involved it's a chance to develop a meaningful livelihood jobs are hard to come by nowadays. then at sundown something odd happens something that never ceases to amuse the villagers their free range hens all take to the trees to settle down for their night's rest. of this has a beneficial side effect the trees in which the hen sleep are valued by the villagers and are therefore rarely cut down. thank you for watching you can always find out more and this is a media platforms good for me. from me in kampala we hope we've given
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the angel chronicles. 15 minutes d.w. . choosing their 1st job wisely. it could have an effect on your entire career. what should people starting a new profession look out for. which mistakes and pitfalls should they oh boy. my 1st day at a new job tips for a path to success. made in germany in 90 minutes on w. . l. is the world's oldest film. supposed to do even faster.
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the but . this is you know we news live from berlin outrage show on the streets of india the death toll reaches 25 in clashes between protesters and police hundreds of thousands of people continue to rally across the country i guess this is a ship lost they say discriminates against muslims also coming up to the morial services are being held across asia.
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