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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2019 11:15pm-12:01am CET

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and the turkish president richard tayyip erdogan says he plans to send troops to support the embattled u.n. back libyan government the potential deployment puts it at odds with russia and several arab states backing libya's rival government. you've been watching the news from berlin i'm a long wrong coming up next to this business with kate ferguson. cut . stand for. the money which of course is. video. any time anyone. w.b.'s.
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those who want 20. have come to my kids' hands click 1015 centimeters nafis sister typical wish day here in montreal. in japan children learn how to fly big pieces pose slaves. that money 16 heavy draft horses all the strongest good in russia that people keep fish and remains that familiar with when to head costs. are said better than drive the groom. 3 coaches street continents the same level. and. caught. up.
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alyque of the yacht at the new miscible services department 6 o'clock in the morning there's no time to lose the employees have to salt shovel and sweep before the city awakes last montreal's has a population of one point $6000000.00 and sees more than 2 metres of snow for each winter it's not quite that much today. last. year yeah live. maxine feel the need is dividing up his shift the city center needs to remain possible to vehicles half a 1000000 people and 860000 cars travel downtown every day last time in the muck arrow the bankers are here we have to
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remove the bulk of it before russia starts to get shivers get it at its idea all this snow is pushed from the left side of the road to the right side curve where we pick it up later they don't know what the thing in montreal they call this the night snow for. there's no snow at 6 in the morning and obey hero hawkeye though but it's definitely freezing cold on japan's northern most dial and at minus 16 degrees celsius. she says cio the one with the blaze is harnessed in front of the slave as an early morning exercise at gentle giant who weighs around a ton twice as much as. a regular horse. will go with
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cattle he'll come this way. this is a loaded with concrete also weighs half a ton this is a training session not on snow but on a rappel track feel. thanks thank. you. feel axis thanks in a country that's hand to hefty simmer rest as these animals are here is feeling al you should do up something like oh the poor animals but you know what they like the hard work that's hard to understand for outsiders but we live with these horses 24 hours
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a day let's get a lot more valuable if they weren't happy they wouldn't look so happy it was a day like today the last oh i thought of the one that pull you up course like that . it's the largest shared has done for the people and horses in the world 500 giants and 200 handlers work at the racing stable then i'll be here they don't live side by side just a thin one a separate spatio from his coat in my and his family in my is wife and daughter have to help out who says they say are their lives cool look at the kids all over the little blue t.o. is due to take part in the upcoming race instead. the better it was. to look. it's just. that it's a love of the. draft horses once what the fields and helped build up this settlement in the rugged north after the arrival of heavy machinery to what causes
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state and was switched to racing. we're off to russia. when on a guy lake freezes over he any way to get to kish island is by off across. it takes messes new been sets and kojo to alice to travel the 60 kilometers across the ice to reach there what place to him now. in hindsight it was impractical to build a world heritage site in such a remote location but well nobody could have known 300 years ago that this good chechen would be so famous one day. weekend. hard luck
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the van is stuck in the frozen shoreline vegetation the man will have to complete that journey on foot. the conservation here and the carpenter have been working here for years. since that when we started the whole structure was leaning and the foundations were brittle we've been able to correct that we're constantly measuring it's special to work with this wasn't in the us but it was a still she looked at least a little subtle mystery still yet it's hard to imagine how the people cut it centuries ago it was a technology we don't understand anymore and yes it's just a small. video i'd like to. and more about that so those are some of those it's almost all. wind weather and worms have all caused serious problems for this magnificent structure in care daily on the land of 66000 lakes it's
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located far beyond st petersburg and home to bears moves lynxes and foxes. it's half the size of germany it has a population of just $650000.00. visitors are welcome. it's the perfect occasion to put the oven on to bake. my biscuits with minute filling the tundras to pizza as it were. and cloning and commissioning is 84 and turning a aqim over has come for tea she's 75 the 2 remember very different kinds of winters and it used to be much colder and there was
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a lot more snow we jump off the roof into the snow and we don't look at the worship for chicago and the children had to fetch firewood we started collecting it in the spring and it was in the dusk at night that not all. be illegal we fetched it from the woods with the horses and then we chopped it up with an axe earlier that they really got really caught up where usual we had a chain saw those were good times. these 2 women have been friends for half their lives they still take 2 hour long walks together in the woods every day rain or shine because it's better to wear out than rust out. leg over in canada life in downtown montreal continues amid a heavy snow flurry such conditions typically cause severe disruptions in countries
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like germany i can see it back at me this is nothing unusual for montreal we have conditions like this for months. the most important thing is to clear the main traffic trees let me salt lake city but that's our job was. to. just play. 200 kilometers of roads need to be treated. as well as 360 kilometers of sidewalks. plus countess cause. celeb it's not tempting weather to venture out into and fortunately there's a way to avoid it the entire city center is connected underground john's hans-joachim knows his way around. that belief that here was your so welcome to
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my guided tour of hidden montréal we have a whole network of tunnels offices shops and restaurants can be accessed through the us that even temperatures of minus 35 under snowstorm are no reason to stay home some of us have said that residents who live near a subway station can reach their office or go shopping even in the worst weather. that there is a place. for. the french people the thing that would go to school in the early one city that we live the whole life is that school is a cliche thinking that we have a so bad. winter 3 year so people are just living on the ground the will of winter we go winter outside but we have this if we don't want to go outside here.
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shopping and cinema or even ott news spread out across 36 kilometers of tunnels and work it. out although this is the map of the underground city there are 2 subways in delhi green one goes to the shopping district the orange one to the business and financial district of the $63.00 we all know that they are the main station hotels and the foodland ice rink are connected to the tunnel network says young punks walk through impressively manages to complete the majority of the route walking backwards. legislate things they are not saying i thought it was to slow. down. walking backwards is a technique that we have and so i know i'm supposed to know where i'm going if i'm a professional guide so walking backwards i need to have trust of my people so they
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tell me if i'm going to hit the wall or something. but thankfully he manages to complete another tour without an accident in hand and surprisingly out to something that we make a big leap to the other side of the globe seppo on how kind o. . no other city has produced as many accomplished speech jumpers. their training using a human flight simulator. the just throw it in that's how to learn the proper body posture and they lose their fear of jumping though you might think this ski jumper wearing
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a good number 41 has no fear tiny key is believed to be invincible. but he tells us that his train is to participate in the world championships after he's won then he wants to go on to win an lympics gold the all this fighting spirit pleases the coaches and parents. at 1st i was worried about my boy but you get used to it and now i want him to win that he must. even a student competition starts with the japanese national anthem because they're not just here for fun. our you also know this is the 3rd great ski jumping legend nori arky kasai is over 40 now is about time that the young generation put in some hard work and achieve
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something that. they're here to pop some atmosphere the support oh no is team is equipped with a drum a megaphone and a whistle. and. although lots of girls now don't ski jumping the club still cord skate jump boy is. the most talented of the more here is 11 year old tyler he's won 14 consecutive competitions can anyone be 10. there's a come. petition here too and if it's true that all girls love horses then 15 year old chihiro lives in paradise. i have grown up with
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horses i want to be a jockey. but i have to lose a lot of weight for that unfortunately. she's preparing puccio for his big race. the right accessories for his mane are vital says her mother dorothy has been told that children of the he about. to get a huge state with pink rosettes reminiscent of how little kitty and cherry blossoms . we women aren't usually involved directly with the horses or the train and. we all eat together and we cook we help keep the stables clean. and of all that we try to support our men at work as best we can. or study. or stand us and act.
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in my the coach doesn't reveal whether he's happy with the grooming or not shortly before the race he has other concerns. that they're very good morning and welcome to our ice fishing competition fourteen's are taking part with 2 fisherman each day about to start watching the sporting spirit is also strong on the icy expanses of lake on a guy in california the local event agency is hosting a fishing competition there are prizes for catching the smallest the largest and the 1st fish. and today. is up for the challenge of the average though in the middle of winter is a tricky time for the highest. the water is extremely cold and the fish are very lethargic they're not in the mood to bite my bloke agree you're welcome i know more hurts but you had the best time is early in the morning and in the evening also
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yellow which in europe where you know. but not before the experts have checked that the ice will hold lately. but you want to preserve the ice is 50 centimeters thick so nothing's going to happen it only gets dodgy when the ice is 7 centimeters coming out of the ice rescue service we don't have much work in winter it was because they didn't work we get busy in spring march april may my nieces we don't know about because we've raised awareness there are now fewer accidents new used to be but always go with all of. the information fly a woman's rate is done jump or run no chance andre is going to do any of that the only passenger in a hurry here is mary after any event agency she's doing her rounds with the sniffer dog to ensure competitors don't smuggle in fish and then pretend they cool.
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the tell you that the more they want to mix but you know you cut. out what i think and today is a rule abiding participant he'd never do anything like that forgot that if he did go i do this for health reasons nothing is healthier than getting it to size out in the fresh air you use all your muscles when you're ice fishing or shoulders your back and your legs this is much better than a treadmill or a stationary bike in a gym i would endorse if you're so much. a pool so look a small perching it could be a winning fish good luck it's a show blue shades. smoke from the chimneys of the paper factory bellows into the sky calm sets in among the participants i station is 1st and foremost
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a spiritual exercise. not of the refurbishment of kerry as world heritage site the wooden transfiguration chat is way behind churchill. but the process is complicated the. full. frame of hundreds of steel structures and clamps secures the interior the old builders didn't even need nails. the feet. to move you. unload your tongue for a wood construction this is really a huge complex we have to make sure we copy the old construction technique and recreated like it was originally. and then we use the same materials that everything has to look the same. they've been dismantling its log walls
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piece by piece like a large scale version of pick up sticks to the students whom you put your sisters with we had to divide the church into 7 belts that we removed one after the other before reinstalling them once they had been restored. we're currently working on the 5th belt we've set it up here in the wall next to all the usual. bridges. ok the carpenter and conservation are ordered by the construction skills of the anonymous masters who left these talents to the world 300 years ago eat. thanks to the winds getting rougher and. in montreal it's blown the trouts
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away. in the oven canyons of the city and on the sidewalks of the suburbs it's time for the big clear up this city has to move 12000000 cubic meters of snow and sleet every season that's 200000 truck that's. machines have come to swallow up the early shift piled up on the right side cab.
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for just a few days it's hard in downtown montreal because the people just walk everywhere nobody looks where they're going as though there are delivery trucks and buses all over the place we have to maneuver between them with our equipment so yeah fine it's an impossible job but someone's got to do it did pick something in the mall you're out of there see. the snow is removed to special sites outside the city just get it out of the way. c.t.v. news we've been silly talk a harsh or. good afternoon montreal time the morning snowstorm isn't making any headlines like 92 years old it would have to be most severe for that says laurie
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graham. she's a t.v. weather presenter in a city that regularly drowns in snow. less than 15 centimeters that this is just your typical winter day here in montreal it's once we get into 2030 centimeters of snow then it becomes interesting it becomes more of a news story and montreal while 40 centimeters have been dumped on the forecast for montreal is now freezing rain followed by the way through the rest of the day today enough we saw this storm coming in about a week ago so already a week ago we were warning people that it looked like there would be some significant snow fall coming into montreal on tuesday it's not uncommon for much ryall to see snow storms with 15 centimeters it's not uncommon for us to see freezing rain we usually get about 10 episodes of freezing rain during the winter season. and every time it covers the winter forests with crystals and now is dry from the city we find the canada we see in pick 2 books.
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this turn in the sphere of the realm of the red maple leaf is also the home of maple syrup the province of quebec produces more of it than any other place and no one sells a greater variety of maple products then stiff fine food in his farm shop to the real. course we have maple syrup. glass or plastic or metal bottles here we have made all butter we have maple chocolates gold nuggets sugared covered not they will carry now they're going to continue to get here and maybe the only parts before assented show.
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here there are certainly different people. here's. the 2 unknown maple syrup bottles and the maple syrup children's books the cookbooks and on the rules in the 300 c. 10 maple syrup speciality restaurant says the french bedded face of piaf o'shea the maple syrup king and stephens father was the one who's done sing with the wolf light dog. i. heard a lot of all let's go to south in order time round. no i wouldn't i would like to water to the south of the sun because because it's the real season here is was the time to call the the fire place. kev action. pierre is 70 and already knew as
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a young man what was good for him he gave up his office job and travelled the world again he bought 50 happed as of maple forest and started farming. as a satellite he also worked in a traffic establishing a day at the office to come back in the traffic to get. a year they have no sense of accomplishment and then you're back in the traffic going to morning and this is day to day of the office and the people talking about a week and how they retirements and you're always on like in a waiting state oh you know what they can't make do n. time without office work even here because the maple sugar farm is a top tourist destination 70000 visitors heat the cool the mild every year or what they believe the while to big.
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place. the financial news the good news the east river new supplies are being delivered to the kitchen the business never sleeps accommodation company trips seminars school classes and wedding parties and stefan is busy with a new idea maple syrup popsicles all. playing and when the young man was seriously injured during an. absolutely now no now still no. now. that. the sapporo noise team is ready it's high time to.
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get. the youngsters the ones the japanese ski jumping a says the asian is pinning its hopes on flight distances measuring between 3 and 25 meters that fills parents and coaches with pride all the participants get 3 jumps and it's an exciting day because taking the favorite by far is having a bad day. at the. lake his last jump of a decisive after 14 consecutive victories the 11 year old can't even imagine anymore what it's like not to win the little. face of it.
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odia is messed up some way his rival is cheering. up in the us of a. league that he's not on the podium this time. his father used to be a ski jumper himself he knows what the problem was his landing technique hasn't been perfected. in the a celebrity bucket of you have to concentrate better on landing you have to practice your technique constantly articles and it doesn't matter how badly you jump you have to finish it cleanly. i just did that but you have to work even harder not to get in a. tight he's not in the mood to listen any more he wants to be alone leaning seems so easy losing however takes practice.
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no than japan is another region that seen a lot less snow than usual. climate change or just coincidence it's enough a pretty pictures but not for records and it's enough for the children winter fun outside the racetrack in the o.b. here though the kids are entertained so that the adults can gamble in peace and quiet. the locals love gambling casinos are banned here but sports betting is allowed.
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with the white markings on his face and the pink wears that's in his main is in good shape says. his jockey you know you. get on well with him and we never argue. but you can't just win a race with pleasantries sometimes you have to give clear orders. to. the live broadcast on the internet starts with a fanfare. is in the forecast track is all the money to fully get but then i haven't really gets going. to stop i think i'll stop. i. he even takes the lead until such canno can know and arrives. i. think i said
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conall kononenko is untracked 70 he takes the lead it looks like the chill has lost steam but he gives it his all and come the 2nd possible but up it's hard to take a big success for the gentle giant. step up to the if he doesn't have the perfect nature for a race horse is a gay when i go he's much too friendly go down with all the other horses get angry at the up but he's placid and he puts up with anything for knowledge that would end that. this town wouldn't win a beauty competition with its hotel blocks. nobody bet is not far from support of nevertheless it's a popular resort for the japanese it has hot springs a large number of chinese tourists have started coming in recent years too they
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enjoy the net and want to see snow. there are young men assembling basins down at the sulphur while red and white a festive color combinations. come up on the market of all we're setting up the lots to fill up with what you want to just splash around in a tree much. like. the spring water still has a temperature of 62 degrees but it'll cool to a pleasant 30 in time for the water fight. consume the hamada dongs a traditional outfit he's a roofer but tonight he'll be dealing with evil spirits. look all the suitable for you is a custom in japan to chase away evil was
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a big celebration in the middle of winter. we throw beans at leavell spirits which drives them away and after that we'll be safe from bad surprises all year long you know what city. that's how it comes to pass that a horde of hairy demons mr ahmed toure is here playing the flute surprises the chinese guests enjoying the book friday but. it would have been inconceivable in the past for the proud japanese demons to perform wild folk dances for vacationers from china but it would appear that nothing is as it was. the. nowadays they
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turn peanuts instead of beans even though their effect on evil spirits wasn't being properly researched. and that things are getting serious in the shadow of the paper mill on lake owning a gun. there's a i don't want to use the johns up mary like you said you're the contest inspector the show bandar. the competition is over they've got to stop fishing area around stop non-complying contestants really are far from what i've only caught one proper fish there weren't many about it but there was a lot more action up here. shut and today doesn't feel hopeful that he's won anything
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but his tiny patch turns out to be an excellent catch he wins the singles category and with his friend fallon he also wins the teen category the touch he doesn't really think much of such massive vents. but he's nevertheless a little bit proud of the feedin it's his winning fish to a good cool as much as it appears now to. the for hey. hey hey elsewhere in canada a school class is visiting the maple sugar farm to taste the been to many a in an atmosphere of gannett because in essence the whole vehicle carrying the t.v. was an entertainment and on beyond everything
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supposed to be like it was in the good old days was the issue by issue and for canada that means the days of trappers and bloggers who will who were invited to imagine looked like he was pm he's making a fire again this time he's lighting the old stove although all the cooking now takes place in the big kitchen next door where everything is tastes of sweet illusion including the peace in it's a yellow piece. of shit her head for a bit of maple syrup on a. 100 pound the flippers are a hound the feeling is homemade beams and loser my lashes and the beans. here is a meatball feels good because everybody reminds them of their own so if we were arriving here and. this is
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a this is really great now this is something that we forgot about and are also this is something that they can identify to because christian life. is a caste a pair of jeans it's very cerebral you're well to. speak stefan wears a colorful woollen cape a quad belt over his jeans while he skillfully makes music with odd looking spins both are available in the city the national offer customers to order online from the comfort of home. the all. the musicians in hawkeye don't want quite as comfortable the spectacle starts in the utmost of wintry conditions. for what looks like christmas trees are devils clubs and there's
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a whole lot of clubbing going on here it is then a stamping rice into mash. a traditional new year's day. but then finally the time arrives for the wild men and their skimpy outfits. it's not really clear what exactly is happening. just this much other group was red head band the other white and headband of the leader has to be captured and . that gives the winners luck in business in the new year. that i still miss all the others will say healthy that way everyone wins one. all the best of all i'm. somewhere out there i'm not out the roof is grappling and
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splashing but not even his wife knows where exactly the nuances to prove that good health carry off a sizeable wooden phallus i think i steer iest customs that the tourists love it. i am. mr how modest says he doesn't get cold at least not the water that's rolling around this room after that it can get quite unpleasant best to run for it i am one of the it was i the. i i i i. on the way home of the 2 antonio as i want to quickly pick up some milk from that d. ashta but quickly isn't part of the neighbors vocabulary. i
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. was that elicited the folk dance group is rehearsing today still listen for a while after that there be cake for everybody gone go upstairs. was i as long as the cultural center is being restored they dance here in the own children's bedroom they mustn't get out of practice after. the was. i the 2 and 20 last join until after all it's better to wear out than must out. i staying active and having fun that helps against the cold too because winter. it's fallen from a. live
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. be in good shape. epileptic seizures are often unpredictable. epilepsy is a chronic disease the sudden onset. if someone has a seizure to act quickly. experts and patients explained what to do. in 30 minutes on d. w. .
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2 has become one of the most controversial issues. i've never seen anything like mist . we have certainly reached new heights high feet. above. the prices remain. in something i see our reality is my friends will and i'll be. the last climb up the world ever meet because all atheists are demonstrating here in the temple. because sometimes change will keep watching. t.w. made for mine.
12:00 am
this is date of the news live from berlin outrage on the streets of india the death toll reaches 25 and clashes between protesters and the police hundreds of thousands of people continue to rally across the country against a citizens for citizenship law they say discriminates against muslims also coming up. a deadly christmas typhoon ravages the central philippines leaving a trail of death and destruction in its path typhoon fanned phone calls at least 20 people as it destroys houses downstream and forces thousands to.


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