tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle December 28, 2019 8:15pm-9:00pm CET
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the fairy tale castle that's one of germany's best known images that's coming up in doc film don't forget you get the latest news around the clock that our website w dot com for follow us on twitter at g.w. news i'm williams look up more news at the top of the hour thanks for joining us. and for. language courses. any time anywhere.
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a unique moment in one of the most visited places in the world at night alone in noisy castle in germany few people get to experience it like this. i mean here when you're alone in the consulate not the atmosphere is completely on real and magical because you never see it like that it gives you an entirely different feel for what ludwig the 2nd was trying to do and if you let stories told by the pictures work on you it's really a very magical atmosphere marker system. restorers
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tina nama bitch and mckayla are among the privileged few allowed to stay annoyed at night. they're both working on the 1st major restoration of the castle and are taking the opportunity to look around in peace. there are hundreds of animals and mythical creatures to be discovered. you know if i forgive you for different to see you can see the sheer wealth of imagination that went into the furnishings you notice it in so many details but no matter where you look there's always something to find and if you love us. and then if you see if there is stories everywhere on every wall when you can just enjoy them in peace without anyone blocking your vision without having to hurry because the group has to go to the next room that's really great.
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fun stein was not a regionally intended for the public. think this 2nd had wanted it all for himself . but it is this castle above all others that has become an icon around the world. through. this castle functions like a legend which means that its image is more powerful than what's behind you enjoy this castle without understanding what it represents and expresses. some 1500000 people visit noise feinstein every year 4 times as many as schloss have in kenya which is also in bavaria. officially there's no limit to how many visitors are allowed in. stein is too important for bavaria for that. it's 8 am one hour before the castle opens to tourists stefan craven ticha is one
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of the guides and cleaning is also part of his job cleaning companies are not allowed in the chambers the danger of something getting damaged is too great. so faith owns it up with this is how every work day starts for us we clean up the dirt left by about 6000 visitors every morning so that things are clean again for the next 6000 for the subways to do that since it stalls in. another 5 minutes then the 1st tourists arrive. during high season 20 cassel guides work in parallel every day. deferrals that was the organizational management at noyes feinstein castle cannot be compared with the management at the sister councils of teams ng and linda hope noise feinstein is a machine we're almost like assembly line workers we have no time for any interruptions every 5 minutes another 60 people get ushered in and there's really
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no room for hitches except. stefan craven teacher originally trained as a tool maker. when he was 20 he happened to come to noice crunch time as a seasonal worker and stayed. all right follow me praise. almost from back when i started an older colleague said to me every day annoyed as an adventure for you. is right here we are starting him on minutes. in the war after the close the door and your. fellow ladies are sound were fired if you're attacked someplace they. walked up to most long stone castle most also castle was built for this temple will cain want to make the 2nd of that area well that bustos how you look at in this week's twenty's
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and look big he became king off with arya and it was only 18 years old he'll tell that story 10 more times today as he's done every working day for the last 21 years because any person who tour only has it take to ask my neighbors is that fun and here we go. the castle tour has been timed out meticulously no delays are permissible otherwise there will be traffic jams and chaos so now it's been exactly 25 minutes. 16 rooms in less than half an hour. hour. at the gym the edge of so here we have the 1st bottleneck in the guided to a halt on busy days around 7000 people squeeze through this narrow staircase as you
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can see that causes mechanical wear and tear because they pump into things and where there is damage it's tempting to poke at it so the visitors always want to touch things anyway they have this need to which is what leads to the damage we can see here. more than 5000 square meters of war service are affected they'll have to be checked for damage and repaired by the restorers. it's really agates not cos it annoys me because when you are invited to someone's house you don't touch everything either there's a lack of respect and as a restorer this probably gets to you more anyway. but it is understandable having a have to experience is important but still we try to avoid it as best we can be when it's released as the from by. the castle is undergoing its 1st comprehensive restoration since it was built in $869.00. the restoration is set to last 5 years.
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and i'm a bitch is one of the project leaders. and d.m. slots what it's like the council hadn't been restored because with so much splenda you don't notice the actual damage at 1st glance and it's that this one and. the ones here for example you can see a typical place visitors often touch well we have unfortunately already lost the layer of paint. the tourists cause marks and wear and tear even in places they don't get to. directly such as on this treasure chest. it looks really creepy when it's magnified. at the thought that the fact is visitors to shedding and dropping things all the time mainly textile fibers but also skin flakes hair all kinds of things and that's why we have so much
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dust throughout the whole room in my hood to stop of comment. for decades the wood was regularly polished with oil. but that was a big mistake because it caused even more dirt to stick to the surface. as a piece that was so now i have like a sandwich several layers of oil and dirt which is really hard to remove from the base surface. and it also causes a complete optical change surfaces that were originally meant to be honey colored now look very dark lie and injects help for the duncanville. adams lothair with his castle initially well i didn't have problems exactly but i
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did think oh god so many visitors and it's only from the 19th century that there are all these forgotten pearls of the brock that nobody visits all tourists rushed to this one so it was a little skeptical at 1st but in the meantime i have really fallen in love with the castle because you truly see that the king ludwig the 2nd really created his own world here with a glance going to ignore red as awful had. all on. is a target it's a tragedy for the builder of noise fungi ludwick the 2nd i didn't watch strangers or anyone he had invited to enter or visit his castle he would have been horrified
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the. yes but the way he built it and by keeping the public out. he essentially laid the foundation for this tourism himself not just cut it out as if you couldn't log in to these and you might say that an agency couldn't have done a better job than this particular builder who actually wanted the opposite just. to. and there is more making the tale of noise feinstein so compelling. look the 2nd he spent the last days of his life in the castle until he was declared insane and arrested on june 12th 866. a day later he was dead. stefan klavan teacher also tells this part of the story every day to those visiting the castle. and. i mean it's not only if there were and it's not hard to guide the tours it's cold but every now and
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then a tour will unexpectedly become difficult after 2 years. he and his colleagues regularly take part in emergency drills although most of their work is a routine and emergency situation can occur at any time as it did a few years ago when the fire alarm went off. and then wham things got crazy the emergency system kicked in to play an automatic emergency call out of the fire brigade i announce that a fire detector had gone off and that we had to evacuate the castle and then everyone had to get out of your hometown was to leave us hundreds of people had to be evacuated. so the fire department looked into it and said it was a false alarm a small fly had flown into a fire detector and set it off so we could go back into the castle also going to earth we could be dolly and she will suffice.
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though there was only 40 years old when all the construction words ended after his death one of the members of the king's family didn't waste any time they print at the entrance take tips and opened the castle to the public just 6 weeks after his death. so fought with god then he thinks people immediately began to connect this fate of this legendary and very mystical man living the 2nd with the building. it inside there were reports in the newspapers and letters and contemporary chronicles that report that thousands gathered at the gates of nice bunch time. at the time this was regarded as mass tourism. today in the 21st century i think we'd laugh at this number.
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$18000.00 tourists visited noice feinstein in the 1st year today that many come in just 3 days. much longer noise and had a big advantage it was born as a tourist magnet at a time when a passion for the alps was emerging and when photography was just taking off and it is insanely photogenic. the last tour is over but the work doesn't stop. the north on the ultimate scene futile. after a day with 10 guided tours which are noisy and cramped you feel drained. so i go home and i jump on my bike and ride up the mountain. and then i'm pretty
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glad not to see anyone for an hour see. this is it any of you thinks that this is one of my favorite places because of the magnificent view of the whole inch fun goal castle say lake and behind the old. rule the facade of noice fun stein is truly world famous there are millions of outdoor shots but it's storied interior is rarely seen. this is how it's been for more than 100 years. to become type one our thoughts. on stein's fame is also connected to the
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appearance of the postcard as a medium for which it was constantly used to the front end if this picture both inside and out hadn't been sent around the world it certainly would not be so famous today in the 21st century i'd thought some of the cities these days of the infinite i fit for me and as i know if you compare it to the eiffel tower that isn't better than paris or the leaning tower of pisa which is imbedded among many other sites here you have a stand alone solution sure it's in the dramatic but very in landscape but it stands relatively alone and if you from the indus. iceland start it's. nice feinstein is like a monument on a pedestal it emerges from the rock and dominates the landscape like hardly any other building. and it's white and white is seen as a symbol of purity as the color of innocence. to that another crucial factor it's
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integration into the natural landscape no other castle in such a grandiose location can offer that. this is the village of hones fungo it's here where visitors start their tour up to the castle. has only $400.00 inhabitants but about $2000000.00 visitors a year. a new 4 star hotel was recently opened here with nearly 140 rooms and a spot. it's an attempt to keep the tourists in the village for longer stays. many locals live from the castle but sometimes they also suffer because of it.
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because the castle has been with me all my life. if you see the castle for 365 days a year and your private life at home as well then you just want to pull back and draw the curtain and be on your own for a while that's the business. i mean long runs a souvenir shop. it's been in his family for 3 generations. his home is full of noise fun stuff and merchandise too. he's even turned his basement into a warehouse the latest delivery of salt shakers has arrived. his family history reflects how marketing turned into a brand of sorts his grandfather took over the souvenir shop in 1934. the most important sales item was the postcard so besides that there were about 20
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to 45 other objects for sale. today i sell about 1500 different items. so at the moment. his shop is located about 100 metres below the castle. and you have your mother. his grandfather used to close the store for several months a year because there wasn't enough business i mean long now keeps it open all year round 7 days a week up to 11 hours a day 6. the best seller for a few years now it's been fridge magnets different kinds. of audio fuel and. that his shop is one of the few which still sells a lot of souvenirs that are actually made in germany. but also mention shopping for the often price on the majority of people only look at the price and
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none of the. god the king strangely enough it's chinese tourists who don't want anything made in china. or songfest they take pains to only buy german or european things especially the beer mugs they want made in germany german products i mean you know very good there is a close and they might cost more but they're all handmade from stone in contrast to products made in east asia or other european countries. under. that these are ceramic dami. this one just i mean obviously i'm just have to tell. you're from a nation there are. things ok i have a compact car the next. letter right do you think you
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buy you know. a few years ago i mean long and large to shop by half. but he hasn't actually been up to the castle for nearly 4 decades he doesn't like it there he thinks it's too dark and crowded on. supply isn't it thanks says that this motion of misrata which one was it was on this point however his coworker biotic them has a different take on the castle. for me the castle was always like a paradise it was exciting we had our own room and the people there had a master key so i looked at all the rooms. you knew everyone it was familiar and lovely when i go out there today it's over in 25 minutes. while i'm still wondering whether i'm in the dining room or the bedroom i'm probably already in the
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dining room. it's incredibly fast paced now and that's a shame. initially noise funch dining was not promoted over look big the seconds other buildings it was just one of many castles in bavaria hard to imagine today. then comes a major turning point the end of the 2nd world war in 1905 this was not some film it was very it was part of the americans occupation zone and the americans took over the castles the palaces of looting the 2nd were not reopened to the general public until the spring of 1906 when the bavarian tourism machine began to market all of the objects castles but especially nice sunshine obviously it's nice once. the media painted noise fans dying as a symbol of the revival of postwar germany. there was actually no connection at all
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but it worked all the same. more and more international visitors started coming such as japanese and especially americans. a key player in this development was walt disney. various sources say that walt disney came here with his wife and this is where he got the inspiration for cinderella's castle. these its loss and leave millions of people experience that castle in orlando at disney world disneyland or in tokyo. and disrespect the idea of this castle has been taken around the world and the. great thing is that walt disney still somehow managed to make clear where the original stands. noice fun stein reinterpreted for american tastes. the 1st cinderella castle was built in
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1955. that's what this is that if let's quite conceivable that walt disney or his studio staff got even more ideas for their work from the castle be it from the minstrels gallery or singers arbor where there is this picture of the forest. many even suspect that this illustration from the saga of the holy grail was a source of inspiration for disney's bambi. you buy that it will be how to even if the bavarian tourist board pump millions into advertising he would need they would still never have the same effect as disney does for noise fungi automatically and free of charge and. noise as an object of projection. today the castle is real history is largely hidden behind a few cliches. it's like
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a fairy tale looks amazing it was like something that's not real actually don't have anything like this it's a very very girlish. style that directly also i'm. fairly that i like that and i love. art historian going back was only 8 years old when he visited noyes feinstein for the 1st time since then he's been collecting everything to do with its history and the way it's been marketed. he's brought along the most absurd items in his huge collection like a bit of the castle roof which cost about. 80 euros. this was a really bizarre naps truce objects like this butter dish with nice fungi and depicted are from the seventy's it is. why the collection is called nice fun
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started it all is unclear to me. you know even the decoration has no relation to the castle. during the 90s friends of mine were in ireland and brought their salami back with them. this is a lobby with this head this is westphalian salami sold in ireland as german so supposedly it's good. i guess something extra was needed to underline the quality so the view of noise fungi was added. on here in the us once and that's a good. that's the if you take something people perceive as very positive that gives them a positive feeling and you connect that thing with one that's neutral often enough once you've seen that connection 5 or 6 times and then the neutral thing suddenly becomes imbued with the same emotion the same positive attitude so this advertising is actually saying much more about noise than the thing itself because it says that noise awakens a positive emotion in the consumers the recipients the port city from him what's.
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the noise and brand is highly lucrative which is why the state of the various spent years in court trying to establish it as a trademark the very one its case and can charge licensing fees as well as prohibit companies from using it in their advertising the castle is such an important advertising symbol and such a good source of revenue that it can't be closed for restoration for even one day everything has to be done during normal operations here the minstrels hall is being restored. tina nama bitch is looking for her colleague is he supposed to be here. the minstrels hall is the largest room in the castle. and the restoration work is going on 8 meters above the tourists heads.
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now you can see the details. this is water damage right exactly like up on the ceiling the water also got down here and for good very nice. this something here. and these 2. this is the 1st time we're doing this is really going over old 2 surfaces but it's necessary of course that's a big responsibility. on the ceiling alone some 2000 individual areas need to be restored. mckayla christology and 2 colleagues have been working on it for more than a year already. this is how the minstrels hall should look again. that's used to seeing us and when i was 1st in the minstrels hall to make the offer and this is the image i had with me. because it's really if you take the light alone and how it reflects off the gold or how the colors here interact with the
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sculptures. it's really fascinating case. a scene in the shifting right now the scaffolding is taking a lot of the light so the impacts the sparkle is a bit reduced in talk to us and. it's 6 pm time for i mean lung to close up shop. if you want something. up there. they had that in the stress has increased a lot in the last 30 years with more tourists more souvenirs and longer opening hours. but it'll all be over in a month i mean long is retiring. they don't know how they mind.
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for decades i've been setting up my shop in the mornings and cleaning it need. people come and want something that can hold me up that's annoying so i'll be glad when i'm done with it. and that belief will be that this will buy a house. i mean already has a successor lined up. he now intends to switch sides and to travel the world as a tourist.
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10 o'clock at night in the castle. the visitors have been gone for 4 hours but the restoration doesn't stop the hordes of tourists make it impossible to work on areas such as this doorway during the day. they come up from the stairwell going to be right in the middle and it's impossible for them to get past me lights and they're usually also looking at the murals and have the audio guide. so i think i probably get trampled underfoot. i think that would be theo but i too have been. carefully removing the layers of oil and dirt from the wooden doors is
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a tedious job. but he still has several hours of work ahead of him tonight. but his openness on that is through it's also a special feeling in the sense that perhaps no one else is experiencing something like this right now it's something unique. to get. every winter something happens behind noise walls that visitors never get to see. the huge chandelier in the throne room gets its annual spruce up at 8 in the morning. when the abuse when visitors come into this great hall the 1st thing they see is this gigantic chandelier and the word you hear most is while. the
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chandelier weighs about a ton. some of it i'm always amazed at how much dust there is on it half a centimeter of dust from all over the world and there's tiny fragments bits of shoe soles everything's in there. and it's so that it will go up almost killed 0. stefan kay been to china and 5 of his colleagues have been chosen to clean the chandelier. it's both a duty and honor. let me go to
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the model if you were to go over it with a normal cloth like you do at home it would be like fine sand paper which would remove the thin layer of gold leaf. of course this mustn't happen which is why we use soft lamb's hair brushes to avoid scratching the surface when we're cleaning it . so. they have less than an hour to finish the job. with but if you need to stay sharp because we need to finish quickly the 1st guests will be arriving at 10. share. songs only look how it shines. it looks good almost new now we can put it back up and the job's done for another year. the.
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winter used to be the low season when the staff could catch their breath but they can't do that anymore. they say stein is either busy or very busy. the combination of cold temperatures and tourists bringing lots of humidity into the castle is a major problem. restored tina nama bitch has been observing the consequences for years for example in the royal living room. this is the case this is more or less the coldest corner in the whole castle. because we have very high humidity it condenses on the called surfaces it's even been completely i stop here in winter because the walls the so incredibly cold due to the weather penetrating in from outside imagine a cold beer in a b.
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a garden with the condensation running down the outside of the glass that's how it is here in the cold weather. so these very cold surfaces of permanently wet and salt dissolves into the plaster and forms little needles that press into the painting liah leaving bare plaster underneath one porta black that if not put simply. a study by the fallen hole for institute shows just how big the moisture problem is. every year tourists bring 13 tons of water into the throne room alone the remarkable thing is most of it doesn't come into the castle through wet clothes but is created soley by the visitors breath and sweat. routines less than ideal with humidity and lots of casals but here in noise it's on a completely different scale because the impact through visit has is great to hear . but noise and also has
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a great advantage in the 19th century the big the 2nd a quipped it with the latest technology such as the central heating system. it's no longer in operation but the old heating shops can be used for a modern ventilation system today. so it's great that look at the 2nd equip the whole castle with heating systems in air shafts because now we can use the shots without having to drill new ones. this is much kinder to the castle and we are really very grateful that the whole thing has been preserved for us from the time of its construction. and that loued with the 2nd was so forward looking. where it was the only good thing is the photos of. tourists aren't aware that they're actually being blow dried in the entrance area. it's a bit until we've installed the ventilation opening up here that blows warm dry air
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out and then sucks it again at the back the idea is to use the air cycles to predriver the visit is. that they come in from outside and are often very wet so to ensure they don't bring in a lot of moisture i try to blow as much out again as possible right here in the q aisle with a visit to survive the last. 4 months later on a rainy may day. a chinese tourist group has just arrived home when she found out. when she wing is honeymooning with his wife. they booked the european tour because it takes in noise franchise. value just as i've only ever seen outdoor footage on t.v. so we're really looking forward to finally seeing it from the inside. of your car
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to the. oh you did it's a real shame it's raining like this. says that. since the turn of the millennium more and more chinese have been coming to noise feinstein paying weighing is retired and is in germany for the 1st time. you can then of that this is one of the highlights of our journey isn't that what you want a nice stein is the most beautiful castle in the world and a symbol of germany so you will play that. the chinese fascination with noise feinstein has now gone so far that there's even a replica of it in china. and the castle as a 4 star hotel in the northern chinese metropolis of dolly on. its owner went to the algo especially to see the original. the most meticulous
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copy however is in rural japan. park as a home for the elderly and disabled. since they can't travel the homes operator has built the most famous site in the world on their doorstep. but only the outer facade is a copy of noise feinstein. the interior features several floors of 3 d. art installations. the tour begins most of the chinese group have never even seen a picture of the castles interior. conflict it looks noble and luxurious like the middle ages to 30. and then it's all over.
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so 1030 minutes a day and it was wonderful but i'd love to come back when the sun is shining and the renovation is finished to see everything without the scaffolding. it went way too fast at that i thought i'd been taken to the way as a c.s. i would have liked to have had more time inside so that i could immerse myself better in the old culture that you can sing. after just an hour in and around the castle up there off again next stop that has. a so i think as these companies hold for stood looking at it now it's hard to imagine that noise fame will ever fade. but you shouldn't forget people's perception of quality is changing regardless of where they come from we germans are
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also becoming more and more quality conscious so you have to be careful that you offer visitors more than a quick guided tour through just a few rooms in the castle. and in an eye for some tourists a photo is enough as long as it works on instagram of and to be instagram of all they need the right conditions. but there are also tourists who want to learn something and want to be taken back to the time of the thick of it indeed site so having that experience should also be provided for because then they'll also come back until more people about it and create the legend at home the requests for how was who. were. the various intends to apply for a unesco world heritage title for a noice feinstein. many are hoping that that will finally limit the number of visitors because world heritage is something that shouldn't be marketed to death.
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this is deja vu news live from berlin somalia's capital mogadishu was rocked by a massive car bomb blast took place during morning rush hour at a busy checkpoint authorities say at least 70 people were killed and many more injured. also coming up to a mass exodus from northwestern syria after 2 weeks of them barred from syrian and russian forces.
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