tv Kick off Deutsche Welle December 29, 2019 8:30am-9:00am CET
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every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word published in the. rico is in germany to learn german why not with him it's simple online on your mobile and free. learning course nikos fake german made easy. so i'm a totally normal guy i'm not normal one maybe if you want news. this is the normal one you're going to clone. a completely normal person and that's what i want to say the odds are teco. but how normal can someone really be who can
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lift up an endangered dormant. titles in a road. or bit more a little bit more about. some other people now normal can someone be who is given the once world beating club liverpool a new lease of life. in his room think. they. know. how normal can someone be who can lead to different teams to the champions league final and can compete for the premier league title and can be more well liked in england than any german ever before. his perfect little we asked him what he has to say our exclusive interview with you going to club now with kick off life. my old friend and fellow german i haven't met him in years. but he hasn't changed
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and i can speak like a waterfall if you speak english prose thanks for. being a. top 6. i 1st interviewed him 20 years ago in mind. then again and he became a legend in germany and now. when we 1st met in mind. knowing something here and talking english what's the main difference from then to know. him as least. completely. i was in in mind. in the very beginning was sponsored before absolutely everything wrong the football team we had 50 percent highland sporting director and it was
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a neighbor of the club pretty much to decide oh the mystery of the best way to love the job and if you have to do everything you nobody's really watching it because my know it was interesting minds as i had to learn it to help when i learned the hard way and off what i did that time alone i have now i would say nearly 20 assists in full so i know really the mantle of will be coaching stuff and. i can't do that because i know what they all are doing because i did it by myself so that made me to. the time when i left cried up to see a lot on the stage that i said all i am and all but i became. that you had to and them that's exactly like it is so i learned everything there and could use that for the rest of my life i just. i just was.
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so i use the using the same 2 it's used. here i still use my interest of full people so i was always very interesting people so i didn't change the problems of the boys changed a lot because of social media and stuff like that much more pressure but more money is involved the pressure increase incredibly so and that's all there very young. but the. shots every day it's like acting constantly in the glasshouse constantly for their was c.c. whatever you do each mistake each failure it's a good thing it's a bad thing the world all this if you are good you outstanding if you are not good you are the worst in the world so it's nothing there's not there's only black white is no good. color. disappeared somehow. i was always a pretty calm person that's probably nobody can really imagine that because i don't
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quite differently have been a bunch of bull but we have a ball for a football game it's true. that in normal things of life i'm completely calm and now meanwhile i'm much more experienced than i was that time but. i said probably we spoke about that i'm not sure if years ago because i was a very young father i had to learn it pretty early to take care for young people. and that's what i was doing the boy somehow younger than my son so so i so like it's a lot so that's it and that job now. only players with world class potential not all of them will be world class but the world class potential and my job is to help them to become. us and that's the job to do and that's not did they know already 80 percent about football but the last 20 percent can be really decisive and that's my job. and dump money he did the same he picked
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young players and built a family a very successful one. i always asked my son how does he choose his players. how do you do it. do you do it by instinct more by instinct i know my brain or is there something in between like bulk of the chest and. it depends. you know it's too important that when he can speak my belly that's too important other things it's too expensive let me say it's too expensive the people trust me a lot and and so i cannot spend millions but i think it. could work if you sign a player you have to know as much as possible it's easy to find a good football player to know him as a person. or learning about him as a person it's not that easy to the needs of his experience and i try that as players are very often surprised when i meet them 1st time that we don't talk at
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all about football because the thing is already done for me because if you want to sit here because a very good footballer otherwise it would be a waste of time i'm sure there me to. a lot good football agree on this and then asking about our club or whatever so. what are you talking with someone life my friend terry. called and the good world. thought it was possible that it's possible not not really likely to be honest. everybody knows what i mean about that i'm really christian but it's. not. i don't know because you know i'm not that i don't i'm not a christian whatever that said it's all just so people who live in the free world and we cannot. it's not my mission. talking of belief most people who live a point see the tide german as the messiah. they're probably hasn't been any german
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before him that english people adore this much. you can call who is perfect for the bible we're cops are doing a good job in. the what. the experience absolutely pulling it's. and this season might make dreams come true liverpool that type in the race for the league title and or in the champions league semifinal what would be impossible for liverpool winning the premier league winning the champions league very famous question actually. on friday night it's winning the premier league. and then on wednesday when the germans league then on sunday said today when you go from a leak i think i'm going to use the healing to the terms league and then settle the after that or sunday i think probably so. because i make that decision we have to play our best football in each game but if you are so people that's. very. obvious on so from the people it would be winning the league really having their major
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waiting for the long yeah but is that the kind of question people around us i just need to ask people around the stadium if you the prize for winning the league this year would be that you never ever can watch a liverpool game anymore in the stadium what would you say is my ticket. like 40 years going each home game and field role what's a game that shows how much it means so easy easy answer and. but what can we do and i'll be on the terms of semifinal i think we should still try. last year you were very close to winning the tempest. do you think. this game have. already forgotten or is it motivation both though of course his head does a lot to the right for last year because it was difficult and robust as always to because you go to germany fine so i'm already blessed that it was or a device they had it's unbelievable most of my colleagues have to be
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a whole life with all they have a really good coaches don't have the teams i had and i don't have the experience to to face by a meeting or i'm afraid which i was the final it's a really interesting experience where i was losing it is a very interesting experience as well not something you need but it's like a very very strong medicine which you actually won. but if you take it it still can help and that's actually how we took it. you know if you try it again if it's possible of course but it's like this the world out there is like this if i mean well i'm probably. lost the last 6 finals i was in. that didn't make me a broken person or whatever so for me life is tried and tried again and tried again if only if only to when i was allowed to survive then we all have to go so i really think it's not about winning as i'll try but if that's if that's the the god who ever thought i need to show that somebody can do 6 miles in
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a row and still goes to the 7th and i'm the perfect person for that that's all it is. i don't know who decided it but. i was a funny guy. even having lost some find it everybody's darling in england improving germany its image abroad he's now been nominated to become the german football ambassador. of people surprised when i met you and learned that you. i think you heard you hear immediately that i'm from germany to be never get rid of all drama next and they said the day they tell us that we have the german is a really hard language and for us it's like the thing which is being slang and so so often i can and never will will be able to speak like that that just not possible sort of i'm not surprised that i'm so because i hear it immediately but of course it's you you realize that it's actually a time where people when they think about don't have a lot of good experiences they met some germans here in their madame in the mad
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american france where would i met them as all good people so it's a good time actually for your it doesn't look like with all the breaks and things around but it's actually the time we had in the european union helped obviously that we all came closer to each other and i'd be so i'm not sure how many foreign people live in london to be honest it's pretty much like berlin you if you're speaking english and you and berlin by the language just being in berlin that german so and i love that to be honest in london kids english of course as well but it's the same from all over the world they come together and that's what what i really love. don't like this barrier of thinking and that while there were other loft most about you would that be cool to travel wherever we wanted and needed a passport but actually didn't have to show it i know that it's not always that easy when other percent but still off the idea i'll play as we go abroad but what advice will be open just be open and being beamed to learn language as quick as
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possible it helps a lot so the nice thing with english people is that the they no way they don't speak pretty much any foreign language because they don't have to the whole world is speaking as a way to learn a foreign language for us to be always be doing lish but they are not a lot of drama but what they are able to really nice is if you speak 3 birds english english person makes a sentence of it so they want to understand you. oh yeah i know what you mean and then they help you so but still helps a lot if you learn the language has always been as we socializing and coming together so it's brilliant but on top of that just be open and really learn and learn as maybe for young people especially sounds like a negative birth because it means they are reading a book or whatever but it's learning it's actually learning from from life how they are why they are like this so it's for me it's really true. since everything that.
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you know how to go and stop drinking coffee. and i mean it would be if you would have asked me. 2 years ago if you want to teach you know sorry i don't need it so it's just it's about it's a nice addition it's a different sort of money to make good and it's all it's all a little bit of the coffee machine and i still can't understand why people think oh i had no confidence one half years so for different reasons but that's only one little thing so i understand it bye bye bye people are doing it to you to have tea time they call. they call it for tea so this makes no sense but it's just it what if you're 14 and 17 nothing with on t.v. but it's so they call it also little things what you only understand really when you live there because you don't find it in any books so you're quite good integrated with the 100 percent yes yes yes yes yes so it's like this is a bit of a full english breakfast you could have offered me in germany 3 times we're going to said 5 times i don't want it so i don't want that and then you are now here under the if you get it in germany bit think one egg a day or you die of
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a heart attack if you die of a heart attack after one egg a day then all england collapsed tomorrow because i have 5 eggs in the morning already. i miss seeing them especially one. that's hoses in moving you introduced to save a child see unlike i don't want to describe myself the only thing i could see they were asking does anybody in this room think. that i do want to know so let me work i mean totally normal guy came from black forest. and my mother maybe sit in front of the television and watch this press conference and said no word on film. but he's very proud she's very proud so i'm a totally normal guy i'm not normally one maybe if you want this. when you came here you introduced a set of us of a normal one and we were sitting in germany and laughing because we knew you and oh
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you. i am 100 percent but if you don't know me i want to be honest i don't know i don't know but what do you look for as well and i know that's how this. life is very often this kind of marketing you have to be on marketing business like you have to sell yourself stuff like that that means you have to prepared for things like a press conference or whatever i wasn't. the only thing i know about myself is read and i can react pretty spontaneous so because my whole life is my preparation for what they feel as long as i talk about football i'm always prepared because i think so much about it it's strange. and the press conference my only worry was that i did them the main dish would be good enough so because of because i have no real english skills apart from i'm not the generation grown up of ok we could have heard a lot of music and learning english by that like my son's that actually but it was not the music guy so my english was kind of another press conference and we all
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know famous press conference was a lot of my peers and stuff like those of us i'm a new york and he don't want to be famous for that problem says the language my niece is a lady look my german is better and i haven't the least i can list. understandable english. i'm also a little bit lucky and can even if you know the american look at them then i said what i said that was not true and wasn't true ben i said normal and that's how i see myself that's not. i don't know how to say it in english but it's not that i did i want people think he things he says is annoying but he knows he's a special know what i would have said like this i'm completely because i think about myself as a completely normal person i have so many questions still much more than answers means how can it could i be special how could i be exceptional so i am an old bit more a little bit more about football than. some other people that's true that doesn't make me a special person it was in me only luck because 500 years ago with that i could
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have slept in the street so with that knowledge and i really lucky person that my best skill is needed somehow all that and that's what i appreciate every. single day i know hockey coaches day work i wrote a lot about 5 times more than i do and 4 percent of what i earn so i'm not a happy person i would be really crazy but i'm smart enough not to overestimate it not to think them all as i think because it's strange it's just football so. my how i see me i have a completely normal person and that's what i want to say that day and now it's on a teacup. but notice at any time that you may be a little more normal or less normal than the others because you are different from the others i think what am i so different from others now i have another skill and
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it's again pure luck i can't. see it so i can speak like a waterfall. and don't i'm not worrying about what people think that's true that's true thank you so i'm not absolutely pure gift i know that so is a red light camera i'm not going to help us. so that keeps me completely calm in a situation where 90 percent all day i get nervous that makes me different it's a pure coincidence and a pure skill i have nothing i didn't teach myself in that i didn't try to get a target it will be like this completely not it's a potential how could i be proud on a tell it so but in the world out there where the outside view on you is really important it's an important skill obviously an important skill but again pure coincidence 500 years ago i would have could have dance in front of the king
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probably. and all the rest. going to sleep together history so i know you're a lucky guy 100 percent i've said a couple of times but it's really like that. the director sort of the head of my school when i went out and i did a level and i want a sports price for my best friends one science prize and. language prize and i got a spot for as funny so and then he said in front of all these other guys who got the other night with a mike in his hand i hope it works all the football because if not i'm really worried about you so i had you know and i thought i think the same but i do have to say that now in this everybody can hear it so i knew i was lucky. people miss him in germany. the good old days spent documents surprised europe and german football was top of the heap. and what happened to german
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football since you went away. that's the explanation no but those it's imo the way they said would i like that. story i know it's the it's of course nothing really you went to the place you could put it like that. yeah it's my decision and you know. nothing really it's just after a long long spell of contesting results big success there's a little dip. in the development that can happen but i saw i know a german team playing against holland after. your bit of many food on the hard decisions we honest but it was full of skills full of talent full of you with full of joy and all that stuff was really really good team and. i thought if that's if these are problems then no problems really i'm so out of it's always it's should be life like this why should always the same country win everything why should always
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the same team we know everything so there are moments when you have high and moments when you have rather low if you learn of it then everything is fine and there's no real problem in germany and with international football like european the. mostly. this discussion we have already for a couple of years in germany always when the teams are not that successful it's the same. we have to admit just a name that has more money around that's the truth because of t.v. money so it's a different system it's own a system it's not like it's not a club although a station like to have it in germany and that makes. life easier that be have just the top 6 in england would be top 6 yes to get a dog and buying in germany as well would be in italy and spain you know there would be in that because it's just so good just really good football teams here here know there's not much you weigh can go you could be like the king of germany
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and coach someday in the national team or you could go to pay our clubs like that do you have a picture of yourself in the future no you don't do that no not at all nothing interesting about about maybe. if i think about my future as a future when i stop working oh yeah i mean especially when it's that because that should be a moment when i still have. enough energy to do. things i have never time for so it should not be that i should be you know not happy that i sit on the bench when i'm 70 or something like that for everyone to really discover ok. of a lot of things i do look at the 1st part of my life was only a really good life but the 1st part of my life was i had no money and no time and then i had a bit more money at immediate no time anymore and i have the money but absolutely no time so it means i didn't see anything of the road if i see a city and i see the stadium and the hotel and the. street we drive the bus
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that's it so that's the most precious yeah i'm pretty. pretty famous rather than whole face so i cannot go through a lot of places without signing thousands of autographs what makes this will probably be a problem for me because i have a most of the time tie up if i'm not working so but it's like that's what i hope for today when i'm long enough out of the business people don't recognize me the streets anymore and then i go and see the world that's the plan actually together with the song of the boys and ranch i want to try as they're going to have no problem but that's it. thank you very much but. did you know kick off is now on you tube with the world of football. squad north of mexico. to read we travel the world and really feel how high things are running i'm
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going to say no to start me never people here cause i just got football i am pretty serious it. is a football kick off on you tube. it's not so important what people think when you come in it's much more important what people think when you leave don't worry he's not going anywhere yet but we'll leave you with some of our favorite memories from his long and successful career so far. thanks for watching and remember not to slack off in english class it's not which
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you know that 77 percent. are younger than 6 o'clock. that's me and me. and you. think you know what it's time all voice is part. of the 77 percent of people because. this is where it comes. to 90 minutes one w. . coach a video and. you a link to this from africa and the world story link to exceptional stories and discussions from the news of easy i want website deputed comes to africa join us on facebook. africa.
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i'm knocked me out. and call me primitive. they could. never confronted me back i have. the power of africa. have the counter drug market for good. or for good how to live a better version of. a middle of the morons. in the public perception africa is now assuming the position through which it was always untitled so most lives there because of it is a. few months starting january 1st.
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this is do w. news live from berlin firefighters in australia under relentless strain for nearly 4 months now among those working to put out the flames are many volunteers they've taken leave from their paid jobs in some cases risking their minds now the australian government has announced plans to compensate them and honor their efforts also coming up families are on edge.
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