tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle December 30, 2019 6:15am-7:01am CET
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you are watching. news long from berlin coming up next part 2 of our doc film series 970 on the big bang that created today's world i'm next by surf more news at the top of the hour it's watch. it is time to take one step further and face the consul. in time to search the home no fun for the troops to. talk to over come down troops and conduct the war it's time for t.w. . coming up ahead of us.
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in the late 1970 s. the world was one term around never before had so many people taken to the streets millions of demonstrators demanded more democracy grace of freedom higher wages and world peace. times across the globe women were calling for equal rights. to all these hopes seem to take a back seat to gold shekel to the ongoing confrontation between the united states and the soviet union. there appeared to be little alternative to the 2 political blocs the cold war has the world firmly in its grip.
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the place was still feeling the after effects of the oil crisis of the ne $970.00 s. economic growth had slowed and unemployment was steadily rising. the post will do that because when it was. hot. out loud down chopin's trip to the united states clearly marked the beginning of the chinese a balance with the west in between the 2 communist powers of china and the soviet union was now definite. the extensive deployments of something to troops along china's border is we're no longer a source of concern for done shopping his focus was no to help his country become the new workshop of the world. with you. mr president we all have the same feeling that we are carrying out
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a historical mission he shot sino american relations are at a new starting point so the state of the world is also experiencing a new turning point. both china and the united states are great nations chinese and the americans are great people. so mean that friendly cooperation between our 2 peoples undoubtedly have a positive and far reaching influence on the development of world events. thanks this it was very carefully orchestrated from a substantive point of view and that's really what i was involved in writing briefing papers talking points but you know the trip itself.
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was mainly symbolic i don't shop think didn't need to go to the white house to discuss with president carter we could have found another way to do that the main emphasis was on the pageantry vice premier done shopping and president carter will sign 2 agreements one on science and technology and one on cultural relations. done shopping was blunt he was earthy. he spat a lot into. a bowl on his side. he smoked. he cursed. he had a way of saying very simply what needed to be said in a way that was the struck home he was famous for his saying he didn't care whether a cat was black or white as long as it could catch rats this was his attitude
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whatever works so he was. a moderniser of jhana. but an eclectic moderniser it would borrow from anywhere whatever worked was enough for him. but the objective was always to restore chinese wealth power prestige and dignity when he was in washington he was talking about global issues about us china relations about the issues that needed to be smoothed out in order to make normalization happen as he wandered around the country is he went to the lancet and then houston in seattle he was meeting with other kinds of people other categories of people he was talking about trade he was talking about investment so he was pushing those kinds of issues and then when he was with the american people he was trying to convince them that it's or make them understand that all
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communists are not doing that it's. i saw television coverage i was delighted. it helped we were negotiating with the u.s. congress. don't sharping putting on a time gallon hat at a rodeo made him seem like an ordinary guy the american public already had 6 years of at least some knowledge of getting to see on television read the newspapers read in time magazine and by the way i think done shopping was on the cover of time at least twice which is highly unusual for anyone
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to be on the cover more than once let alone a communist leader. it wasn't just when he was here that americans were so easily able to say oh yes these are wonderful warm fun people just like us but the chinese press was of course controlled by dr ping and it was extolling the virtues of the normalization arrangement with the us which is not uncontroversial in china made by the communist party propaganda that's always portrayed the americans as our enemy and now don't shopping have become a friend of the us so they would help. maybe the personal status both within the party but in among the chinese people was elevated as a result. the major from done shopping had made the decision that it was ok to show that america was. a very advanced country.
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so in fact this was a very clever policy by don and to show the people this is what you can have if we change our ways casual dress 1st i thought when people started to express themselves that it was good all i needed to do was be a bystander but later on people said they would he don't jumping is called to stop speaking out and that was when i thought maybe this is the time to step up and maybe i'll lose my head. no i was working primarily at the beijing zoo but we had to cover a range of parks so we were also in charge of tiananmen square. so when i saw the big letter dodgeball posters on the democracy was quite early on british journalist school not nigel wade of the telegraph rang me up and said roger i've been given
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a tip that something interesting. to be seen. on a wall in the center of town i don't read chinese you do will you come with me and i hadn't yet started to make big character posters that i was writing on pages like this smaller in size like a normal magazine size page after i finished writing them i would take them to the democracy wall around the early in the morning of the internet. there we found a group of young men and women have a overcoats crowding around a wall with posters with big character posters looking put up. you know where they were already around over one or 200 people crowded around trying to read them those at the back were yelling to those at the front to read them out i was very excited when i saw them and happy. so and there was a communist party propose the 4 modernizations my article was called the 5th
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modernization democracy if there was no democracy these 4 previous modernizations would not come to fruition and secondly they would do nothing for the people because. he put up a post denouncing dunk shopping as a swindle. and a fraud nobody has defied. a communist leader like that. and called for a change of political system like that. in the 30 year history of the people's republic of china the articles i publish change the mood of the democracy while the discussion of democracy in criticism of the party became mainstream issues in the people's opinions on i became increasingly radicalized. after don had made his visit to the united states and come back to try to hear the rest of the party started to clamp down on the what was then the democracy movement
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number on march 29th wagered. arrested. britain had faced 3 years of austerity dictated by the international monetary fund how conscious was the country's conservative policy that their proposals were the $979.00 election campaign promises that would be difficult to fulfill between 174978 the average french worker saw his wages in terms of what they would buy go up by 60 percent in germany the average worker saw his real wages go up by over 92 percent the average of talent worker saw his real wages go up by over 47 percent meanwhile in britain the average industrial worker has seen his real wages in terms
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of what they will buy only go up by 16 per cent so you vote labor because you think the other party for the working man well that's just a slogan but the point is that millions of your fellow workers are already voting conservative and that's not disloyalty that's commonsense don't just hope for a better life. vote for one morrison charles archer had an agency a very brilliant agency and they were employed by the conservative party to help with the campaign wherever it was we 1st saw such an chattery labor isn't working slogan we would rather disapprove doing 1st thing to do rather dirty trick when really it was gentleman english gentleman you'll be with us all the way we've always had a sense of humor and heaven knows we've needed it lately we've other characteristics to a gift for invention initiative and for hard work under labor these talents are going
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to waste because the government takes too much away in techs how often do you hear people say look how much they have taken from my pay packet so naturally they ask for a bigger pay rises to make up the difference and it's not long before that pushes up prices ask any housewife she'll tell you particular because she was a grocer's daughter. she was very good at talking about all that and she had a sort of authority about that and she could remember the price of everything and she was very good photo opportunities when she was walking down a street with a shopping bag and arguing with people in the market. where you're shopping look you always talk about the price is often about tax and they usually say something like you know it's worth any need to seeking to attract votes is going to build on a. strength they have and to be able to show that you are one of us if you come from humble backgrounds have you been able to combine your political life with
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looking after a family running a. well i mean you do the catering here i like cooking and i do the shopping and always a big batch of cooking at the weekend and of course on the parliamentary recess it's which coincide with the school holidays so i can see quite a good bit of the children and take them out and at half time they come up to the house apartment and tantrums and she tried to push to get it lowered of the register and carry more and she also changed her teeth and i have style and simplified her clothes and so on let me give you my vision some where the head lies the greatness for our country again this i know in my heart look at britain today and you may think that an impossible dream she used her sex very much to do this because she understood that. in a great see it suits the woman stands out but this is the 1st time in our history
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that a woman called after thursday they hold in the highest political office in our national life. it's never happened before and i know that despite all the changes in our society those who still feel a little bit uncertain about. lincoln dawn one during the campaign look here's a woman who lost a year to year before where it would all over for lay but we weren't quite sure of it we didn't know it we suspected it and i say i really hoped we might put it round but in fact we lost the general election of 970 and in 77 or 78.
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i must say only day that we absolve polman. but 6 of those days ago surely were me although earlier 40 years met together and said it doesn't matter we will be back in 4 years time this woman mr thatcher calm possibly last should be out in 4 years we'll see when our mid forty's we was no 50 in your cabinet so it's spreading out in front of us i but i think i would foolishly optimistic i don't hear any very regular people wear the same respect. meanwhile in iran ayatollah khamenei uses the islamic clergy and their network of mosques to consolidate his grip on the country. the referendum on the establishment of the islamic republic was essentially a plebiscite and there was no secret ballots anyone voting against would
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immediately be labeled as an enemy of the revolution. a lot of people voted because they stamped your identity card and they would they were worried about the fact that if they didn't vote they would lose their jobs so 98 percent of the population involved. people deliberately don't islami the public yes or not we don't we go telling us that what is the republican. khamenei was a very skilled strategist cantelupe that when he came to power he talked about the muslim people. so in his speeches the concept of the people evolved into an idea of simply them ah the muslim people that turner placed the people the fascist scheme was initiated and that was a little by little the majority little by little except that the poller all go as the individual they didn't believe on them they were
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court people off the party of god has folded up at the beginning people who at tackler with meant they were on nobody's payroll and they were not on. that no 10 on they were paid and some of them were also. to make out they said of committees and all neighborhoods committees of revolutionaries for islamic revolution islamist committees and schools and high schools not only universities factories workplaces there was a lot of resistance. and that insistence was pro single women stood up to their original question up there woman who went out we doubted they on this street the woman who wore
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a piece of lipstick the woman who pulled her she was fighting single handed. i had no problem before with my grandmothers they are. more but it was getting so oppressive that i thought to myself i have to resist. and since i am rebellious by nature i didn't wear it over report that it happened that a woman was showing it because her hair they would pull the scarf down with a safety pin here put it on have 44 have to learn to observe for afraid proper. rule then one day a young man stops me on the street with a kalashnikov so the he was maybe 16 a 16 year old boy and he looked at me with such hatred toward god he said where's your veil i told him that it was none of his business laugh and he said oh yes it is and he pointed his gun at me and i thought what the hell is going on here and it was the hatred not the weapon that really struck me that we ryssdal in a time where guns were commonplace because of the ongoing revolution but the hatred
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in his eyes that's what did it and i said we are screwed in this country. and if we're to them so be the executions are started 1st or immediately off that they came to power with executing the shah's general motors and his supporters and all of that and they right now today to his shame. did not protest. until it came to terms of each and every. opposition person. and khomeini put everybody that has already a small critic on him and his politics they put all of them down. in this room while there were days when they killed a 100 people or 200 we were in hiding and in the evening we would read the names
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and try to find out who we knew or maybe they were people who did not give their names and who were anonymous and were killed for one simple comment with the truth . i personally felt that something like a stinking wet black blanket like a cloud is spreading over my head are a long night. prayer all over their membership cards though or night because yet they feel after. the time that they decided to close the organization that created that are going on a train to my place which they did later on and they are going on get access to the information of the members like walk to the opposition groups had
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to make fake documents we changed our identities long i fled from city to city from one neighborhood to the next we were living in the underground level reclined the seat when i came back. to my apartment it was something around noon and all of the sudden i heard someone knocked my door and was one of my beloved neighbor and she told me to come out come out they were here and just know they left here you should you should leave you should leave and in one minute actually came out and only id a member or anything i did choose my shoes. and then i try to put another cloth and. another dress and i went out and i never been back to the my apartment i went to court and dressed as
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a kurdish. woman because that was the only time i walked away i had to cross the border illegally a minute the people that this. was actually unexpected some of them unbelievable helpful and some of them they did everything to save those although they were the drug dealer i was given and. as everybody had to be over it was a small machine gun it's called the u.c. from then on we lived in tents i was there for one year and kenyans.
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began to realize that the plans made at the conference of the beginning of the year when those having the desired effect elderly cleric there allowed to take the place of the shah had neither re stabilized iran nor preserved western interests. ayatollah khomeini became the west. and a fear of islamic fundamentalism would soon begin to spread its message and what many would see as a clash of civilizations and then a fear of islam itself which became the new evil. 'd following the 1st oil crisis and 1973. she emerged as an invaluable and inexhaustible alternative to counter fluctuating prices on the global oil market. french television at the time broadcast promotional films featuring the background of. nuclear energy was acclaimed as the product of human effort and intelligence
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and the perfect child for mankind. it was a dream that would become a nightmare on march 28th 1979. the partial meltdown of the 3 mile island reactor led to what is still the most serious nuclear accident in american history . fearing the release of radioactive gases the authorities evacuated pregnant women and children within a radius of 8 kilometers around the plant 200000 people fled the region. ultimately the reactance 3rd layer of protection held firm and the meltdown was contained although president carter did not want to abandon the nuclear program the new disaster did much to erode american faith in atomic energy. in west germany the accident brought together a mixture of anti-nuclear activists pacifists feminists as well as protestant and
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catholic members of the peace movement they united their hopes and utopian ideas in a political pro environment movement. when we became aware of the accident in harrisburg pennsylvania it was just 2 weeks after the german green party had been founded so what happened during the european parliament election campaign you could say that the party's campaign was a political response to the events in harrisburg and. it was 2 women had to go on the task of creating the new green party in the background theologian cliff stop in the spotlight. a political scientist and activist with international experience. he had wished actually encouraged me and said if you have to found the green party with me i don't want to do it on my own women can't go it alone we have to learn to work in a team i'll be the top party candidate you will be next in line who was visiting next as i once was into i guess we functioned in tandem we were 2 very different
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people i was much more rooted in the west german and he nuclear left and feminist movements and pater had a lot of perspective from the us. through her i became better acquainted with the civil rights and women's movements in the us doesn't women taking part in the election campaigns was something she had experience with but it was new for me. the european parliament elections of $2979.00 would be the 1st opportunity for the young party to become actively involved in democratic institutions they entered the battle with limited resources. you know that election campaign with the early green party was an incredible time we had no press team we didn't have the internet or cell phones no computers not even electric typewriters and within 3 months we went from 0 to 3.7 percent without any money for advertising without
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a single newspaper article. titled. we said nothing and then a difficult time began that's when the 1st struggles emerged between the radical left the traditional left and the green party conflicts that continue to this day and many party systems just finished an important day for me was december 12th 1979 the nato double tracked decisions which was important not just for the 2 germany's green party demanded the withdrawal of all nuclear weapons while a large part of the unions and the left only demanded the removal of american nuclear weapons. after achieving their 1st electoral success the greens promoted their political project as an alternative to the old bipolar world of the cold war. as fate would
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have it they struck a chord with the president of the world's leading nuclear power. i want to talk to you right now about a fundamental threat to american democracy the threat is nearly. invisible in ordinary way. it is a crisis. of confidence for the 1st time in the history of our country a majority of our people believe that the next 5 years will be worse than the past 5 years this is not a message of happiness or reassurance but it is the truth and it is a warning. still to be after jimmy carter would face humiliation by the takeover of the u.s. embassy in tehran marking the final blow to his presidency but in his address to the nation he began to use words that have since become an established post of
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political vocabulary he reassured americans by calling upon past greatness traditional valleys and of course god's help. we are at a turning point in our history all the traditions of our past all the lessons of our heritage all the promises of our future point to another path the path of common purpose and the rest of the ration of american values that path leads to true freedom for our nation and ourselves we can take the 1st steps down that path to develop america's own alternative sources of fuel from coal from oil shale from plant products for gas a home from unconventional gas from the sun but we can succeed only if we tap our greatest resources america's people america's values and america's confidence with god's
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help. and for the nation. of jordan. in america. suddenly hussein had taken over the reigns of iraq on july 16th 979 he saw himself as the secular leader of a country that was also the most important western ally in the middle east alongside saudi arabia. he likewise called upon god as he challenged khamenei in neighboring iran. saddam called for a war against what he saw as the expansionism of the iranian revolution aiming to dominate the region himself he exploited the ancient sectarian antagonism between iranian shiites and iraqi sunnis. from 10 to 22nd 980 the iraqi army entered iran where ayatollah khomeini was still struggling to
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establish his authority for him the iraqi aggression offered the chance to finally and permanently consolidate his legitimacy. forcing all the radiance to night behind a nationalist call for a holy war against iraq khamenei ultimately stabilized his islamic revolution. iranian war propaganda even used women clad in black veils as the new heroines of a nation where everyone had to be prepared for armed combat and ready for the ultimate sacrifice against a mortal enemy. the war that saddam and his saudi arabian allies had hoped to end within a few days would last for 18 days and cost more than a $1000000.00 lives. and it established ayatollah khamenei as the ruler of iran and the supreme leader of shia islam. it's
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now almost a year since a conservative party was returned to power and i became prime minister. the times come i think if you only need to ask ourselves one of 2 important questions we didn't promise you instant sunshine. we pointed out over and over again that a nation come to accelerate down little for years and then jam the brakes on i'm afraid some things will get worse before they get better one year after their election such as radical reforms we're not yet producing the expected results of their political futures seemed uncertain. by the end of 981 she faced a fresh challenge from the new leader of the argentinian military regime diverting his people's attention from the country's economic hardships in april 982 part of tearing reclaim the falkland islands by fools as part of argentina's national
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territory yeah yeah but the nationalistic enterprise in turn up at thatcher the perfect opportunity to govern eyes her people and is a president just and patriotic fight. it mattered little that only a few months area her government had passed a law effectively demoting felten this and the residents of other colonies to 2nd class british citizens now the falklands which remained british through and through . the spirit of the south of land it was just spirit of britain that have best.
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didn't mean at least the prize the well. the british citizen was really just covered in those 3 day. interest in libya. people must. be willing to tell people the truth. and other people will be on john. the union jack flying again of the government house and put stanley was on the front page of the british and world media and didn't show at the reelection of the i and lady. finally margaret thatcher could impart on her medical program of economic and social reforms.
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christmas 970 dying was a surprise certainly to president carter. is that ministration the for the invasion of afghanistan by the soviet union led to a meeting on the morning of christmas day. the the office of secretary of state grants i was present to discuss what should be done to punish the serbian union and there were a great number of ideas put out some of which i thought were very bad one of them was on the olympic boycott one other one was that we wrap up the relationship with china. so on january 5th 1980 in other words about 12 days later secretary of defense harold brown went to beijing and he agreed with the
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chinese on several points one was that we would work in parallel to oust the soviets from afghanistan this led to the purchase of weapons from the chinese for the majority in which peaked in $197630000000.00 of weaponry a year also. as the 1980 s. went on we began to buy weapons from the chinese to train our own forces against soviet equipment so that made 20 once made in time to be picked up at the military airport in beijing in giant american planes and flown to nevada where american pilots train but it's on his to fly soviet style exercise against american pilots and american aircraft. also in january 980 after this meeting in beijing i don't understand how this did not get noticed how brown went to sin john
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in the far west of china and toured an unknown unidentified p.-l. a people's liberation army unit and then he went to the awning and toured another army unit there what was the significance of this well the since it is next to the main soviet test ranges for missiles plasma weapons space weaponry yarning watches over a lot of all thorpe which is the bit was the main soviet fleet for the pacific. this began a process of establishing joint intelligence listening post. by the end of this program there were 32 such stations in china. this is exactly why president reagan when he came into office having pledged to undo normalization instantly reversed himself he had not known nobody knew about the
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extent of the cooperation that we had to embark upon with the chinese and it's also the reason why george bush in 1989 after the 10 on mine incident was so reluctant. to break off relations with and cooperation with china. so china was an active participant in the eighty's with the united states in the effort to contain soviet expansion and counter it where it occurred and this cooperation which the soviets threw well aware of. had
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a good deal to do with why their system finally. 40 years after the conference that hosted the full news of the main west and how it's been quite a loop in january $979.00 fits into a box volcano still hasn't about to unsettle respects the world seems to have cooled and calms down. but settled to protect innocent $979.00 have been looking critically at the events they were involved in in an attempt to understand today's long term. trend of the day is the most interest for granted totalitarians us all to move the world going to see. if you'll just have to lose the house you'll make a google doodle for because you're still to fall. into a framework believe it or political left they became quite harsh
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a global concern was to preserve the show to the public because they're within the quality of the benefit program because you're going to. believe we're able to give more the social rights to society yes they expected that we didn't do it because we always could just come to say if you did we could destroy our way to the. wall publish just one without a book and showed me throughout history more coherent more easily identifiable by the father and the immigrant the fewer for roughly. when you turn capitalists don't have democratic ideals such as freedom chinese politicians don't have communist ideals either it's a money that unites these 2 parties and to me. jewish and 10 percent of the world's population owns more wealth than the other 90 percent this is the. of capitalism.
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that correction in iran has never been as total as it is today poverty has never been so rampant the differences in social class were not as obvious as today and state oppression is at a peak if that's your moral order for you. but i know what. any part of my soul it's pretty difficult towards it's overshadowed by what has been done to the planet. almost no one remembers that in july 9791 of the earliest records on global warming was presented to president jimmy carter to a group of 44 international scientists school cost that c o 2 emissions with double by 2030 and that the earth's surface temperature would increase by 3 degrees. and the social economic impact they added could be significant despite countless other records published since the end of their projections have remained unchanged since $979.00.
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made in germany your business magazine d w. this is the w. news live from berlin a possible step towards resolving the conflict in eastern ukraine there was a hero's welcome in the capital yeah or 76 men and women released by russian backed separatists in the east of the country in return ukrainian government releasing all of its presence we'll go live to kiev for the very latest also coming up. a gunman
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