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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2020 8:00am-8:31am CET

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this is. the burial of the assassinated general. a huge funeral is taking place in his home city with tens of thousands of people. also on the program confusion over the future of u.s. troops stationed in. the u.s.
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government says its soldiers will stay. but general suggests they will. find a. place. first harvey weinstein's accusers finally get their day in court before trial begins in new york with me 2 movements 1st case to put before a criminal. and the role of charities rescuing under the spotlight. and the appeal case of a sea captain who had say in the mediterranean. good to have you with us he read thousands of more. errors are gathering for the burial
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of the iranian general custom so lemony who was killed by a u.s. air strike in baghdad on friday the general's body has been returned to his hometown of cowman many saul soloman the 2nd only to iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali how many his killing has provoked an outcry against america in the middle east with promises of revenge and retribution. meanwhile germany has announced that it's withdrawing part of its contingent of soldiers from iraq due to rising tensions in the middle east around $130.00 german military personnel have been stationed there to train iraqi soldiers the announcement comes amid confusion over whether the u.s. intends to pull its troops out of iraq the u.s. defense department has denied reports that it's planning to withdraw its $5000.00 soldiers after a letter by u.s. general suggested withdrawal would happen what is sure is that the u.s. is sending troops to other countries in the middle east region in response to
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threats from iran that it will seek revenge for the assassination of general soleimani. paratroopers from the u.s. 82nd airborne division packing mid bags for the middle east. they're part of the $3000.00 additional american troops being sent to the region reinforcements as the u.s. braces for iran's promised retaliation. in iran the u.s. killing of kasam saleh money the country's top military commander has triggered a massive outpouring of public grief and anger. on the streets of tehran the general's death has united regime critics and hardliners on the need for revenge i give his blood has given us life and strength . than we demand revenge in must be military revenge against the americans alone we
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will avenge the general in exactly the same degree yet on good data had doubts of us in fact i don't have those. us president donald trump has warned that revenge will be met with its own harsh response he's drawn condemnation for threatening to target iran's cultural sites a war crime under international law the pentagon is now contradicting the president defense secretary mark s. both saying the military would quote follow the laws of armed conflict in washington the pressure is mounting for the trumpet ministration to justify the assassination. we can and we should learn more about the intelligence and thinking that led to this operation and the plan to defend american interests and the wake of it president trump had promised to keep the united states out of endless wars in the middle east. the president's actions however have seemingly increased the risk
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that we could be dragged into exactly such a war. tensions are also across the border in iraq where the u.s. military presence is being called into question. there was confusion after a leaked letter from the u.s. defense department appeared to suggest an imminent withdrawal of american troops it bore the name of u.s. marine general william seeley but wasn't signed. the pentagon has since clarified saying the letter was a draft and a mistake and there was no decision whatsoever to pull out of iraq. i'm joined now here in the studio by iraqi journalist. in our parliamentary studios by a political correspondent thomas sparrow 1st who would benefit from a u.s. troop withdrawal from iraq. iran worked a lot and hard the last decade tool force united states to withdraw from iraq of course iran and particularly the man who worked hard for that even
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organized attacking of american troops back to 2008 and 7 i think iranian officials will be happy to see. the troops withdraw from iraq but there is also some folks in iraq in the shia iraqis would like to see. the cost to proxy to iran they would like also see iraq without the americans what are you hearing from iraq itself what do people there make of all this while the opinion was split into saw it's the most of the shia politicians like to force the government to ask americans to take the troops outside of the country but we are talking about the courts they do not like because they think that americans give them back up and also the sunnis and that's why i think this it looks like different not with its or
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all but 3 position some troops in iraq ok. the german government has decided to withdraw most of its troops from iraq why. well one probable onset of that is security the security of german soldiers similar to what for example nato already did as well and another probable reason is that germany is awaiting the final decision by the iraqi government on foreign forces in iraq the german government has indicated that it is willing to talk to iraqi counterparts to discuss precisely the future of this on t.i.s. coalition and some that the german government also clearly stated terry is that this is a temporary move this is not a permanent move of german soldiers elsewhere in the region this is simply a temporary move until it knows more what exactly is happening in the region what exactly is going to happen to the on d.i.'s coalition now the u.s.
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has not made a decision it seems about taking its troops out for sure what do germany's nato allies make of its unilateral decision to pull troops from iraq while nato already as i said made a similar decision with some of its troops in iraq and again the reason that according to nato was the security of the forces in iraq so i do believe that at the moment not only germany but nato in general sort of waiting to see what exactly is going to happen what decision is going to come from the iraqi government and what the future of the. coalition will look like not only in iraq but also for the international forces that are stationed there ok so we know that at least some troops western troops are coming out of iraq and we know that the parliament in iraq has wants those troops american troops with those troops withdrawing from iraq what is going to happen i think iran will gain more and more influence in baghdad
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to that iran will dominate the political arena in iraq through that. we should not forget the threat of. islamic states we should. think about the sleep cells in iraq and also in syria and iraq is not capable to learn how to control all history to the special they also be this is a country i think the situation will go in the rajah co away and the radicals will gain more and more influence in back that so you see a pop potential resurgence of us in iraq exactly because the. coalition is still operating in iraq and also is he the and we still getting some reports of all targeting some new some fighters in the dozen between seat on iraq i think is still iraqi military need to back up and need to also that's training i mean thank you
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very much journalist amir and d.-w. clinical correspondent thomas sparrow thank you both. the trial of former film producer harvey weinstein has started in new york weinstein is facing charges of rape and sexual assault brought by 2 women at the same time he faces new charges in los angeles the district attorney there has charged him with raping one woman and sexually assaulting another on consecutive nights in 2013 weinstein has denied the new york charges he says any sexual encounters were consensual. the disgraced former hollywood mogul harvey weinstein arriving at the new york supreme court the 67 year old continues to use a walking frame as a result of the noticed car accident for which the police report details no injuries the film producer will face 5 charges brought by 2 women including one of rape the woman who accuses weinstein on that most serious charge remains anonymous
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the other is form a production assistant who alleges the pope fiction produce a forcibly performed all real 6 on both of my clients in this case. have been very very very courageous because they're willing to testify under oath to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them god 6 women in total to testify if found guilty on all charges one sting could spend the rest of his life in jail and we're going to continue to press on and remind everyone that in this great country you are innocent until proven guilty hours later on the other side of the country the los angeles county district attorney announced yet more criminal charges relating to a different matter good morning i'm here today to announce that my office has charged harvey weinstein with sexually assaulting 2 women in los angeles county once the defendant's case is completed in new york we expect him to appear in a courtroom in los angeles county to face these charges the 67 year old sick and
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die with justice will come after proceedings in new york a finished process that could take up to 2 months. now let's catch up on some of the other stories making headlines around the world today 16 people including 2 german tourists have died in a bus crash in southern peru local police said the bus polite it with 8 other vehicles and then overturned at least 40 people or injured but. a bomb blast in nigeria has killed at least 9 people and left dozens seriously injure the explosion took place in a market on the border with neighboring cameroon among. the reported victims are children who had been selling vegetables a jihadist group operates on both sides of the border. and forces under libyan strong. say they have taken the city of sirte the coastal city is located midway between the capital tripoli and which already controls taking search marks
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a significant gain and a half hours offensive against the u.n. backed government in tripoli. milder weather in australia is allowing firefighters there to reinforce containment lines against wildfires have been ravaging parts of the country for months but the respite from the searing heat is only temporary as temperatures are expected to soar again later this week the fall in temperatures has allowed some australians to help the cost of the fire fire of the wildfires so far. returning to the rubble a break in the weather is giving some bush 5 victims a chance to reflect on what they have lost. everything is just gone we've got nothing memories. might be part of. something in the shade something that's a battle lead but we do have animals and. we've just got to be thankful for that.
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videos are still emerging from the recent days of devastation this one from an air force plane trying to deliver supplies to trapped residents it was forced to turn back. here what was once a skiing resort in the snowy mountains is now achad wasteland similar scenes abound across the strait these fire ravaged southeast and while cooler temperatures and some light showers are providing sprinkles of relief worn was maybe should come. we can't be complacent. until at least the end of march and even with the conditions could even be on that time the fires are still burning the fire is still burning and they'll be burning for months to come off the facing heavy criticism the government now says it will commit billions of dollars to the relief efforts but
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more helping hands are still needed animal rescue shelters caring for injured wildlife seeking donations. this rich country is now fighting to save its natural treasures. he helped save migrants in the mediterranean sea now he's facing 810000 euro fine for helping to for failing to properly register his ship today a court in malta is set to hand out a long awaited ruling in the case of klaus paid to vice captain of the charity migrant rescue ship lifeline in june 28 teen lifeline rescued over $230.00 migrants off the libyan coast but the ship was stuck at sea for days as several countries refused to allow it and. malta finally gave her permission to dock after a number of countries promised to take in some of the migrants crossing the mediterranean remains incredibly risky last year almost 1300 people are known to
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have died while attempting to cross the mediterranean. in june 28th seen more than $230.00 refugees drifted in a rubber boat off the coast of libya before the lifeline found them the captain wanted to save lives but felt that everywhere he looked obstacles were in his path italy and malta refused to allow his ship to die for days. the way people are treated around here makes me want to cry people talk about trump and mexico and his wall but i have the impression that europe is no better. only after several other e.u. states announced that they would take in migrants did malta open a harbor. the refugees were finally safe but the lifeline was confiscated and a new odyssey began for captain. he had to stand trial charged with not properly registering the lifeline which sailed under the dutch flank. right sense that's
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absurd. and you can clearly read your. own quote from saddam. and not all good dutch authorities deny this. and this is in my opinion. impossible. in maine 2019 the court imposed a fine of 10000 euros rice launched an appeal the case has been repeatedly postponed. regardless of the outcome isn't willing to give up last september he sound the eleonora under the german flag and brought more than 100 people to italy separate proceedings are underway there. oh no. well joining me now in studio is ruben noid about a spokesperson of the german charity c. watch a different rescue migrant rescue organization thanks for being with us this morning
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so some rescue charities see legal cases like this one that we're looking at now as is deliberately designed to make the work harder of rescuing refugees in the mediterranean what do you make of this particular case against klaus peta it's absolutely obvious that this case is chest made up to criminalize sea rescue and in the mediterranean sea. the case is about the record straight off the ship but the ship has sailed into montana out of malta with the very same erectus trace and for more than a year before so that they now make up this case it's obviously a chest meant to criminalize the sea rescue and we're talking about the state where the government is and tangled in the murder off the china list so the kurds should rather do a proper work there instead of criminalizing sea rescue workers that just safe human life at sea critics say that organizations like yours yours actually
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encourage my. to risk their lives on board small unsafe craft in the mediterranean because they think you'll pick them up what do you say that this so-called proof fucked up theory we can just say pull shit is actually proven wrong in several studies and it's also against any logic when we started with the sea watch one which was the 1st rescue vessel from germany when we started from hamburg i wasn't bored and on the very same week in the very same week we had more than 1000 people that drone on the mediterranean sea so it's just against any logic we have reaction to a problem so if we are the reaction to a problem we cannot be dishonest of the problems with it's pretty clear also with the same logic you could abolish the mountain rescue for example because they you also have a lot of people that bring themselves into danger pretty voluntarily so if we would abolish the mountain rescue we should have. less people with accidents in the
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mountains if this logic would work so what do you think that the e.u. should be doing so that organizations like yours don't have to go out and rescue people it's a pretty simple decision we have the human rights which are in the constitutions of any of the european states but the european constitution it's worth nothing if we have the human rights only for the european citizens human rights have to be for everyone or they are worth nothing so what the european union needs to do is to really stick to decent basic principles and to ensure that they are flabby one and that means to come up with safe and legal routes to europe for those that are in need and that are escaping from water in libya and that means to have a proper rescue mission at sea instead of hindering sea rescue ruben know about a spokesperson for the german charity c. watch thank you very much for being with us this morning thanks
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a lot. now we're going to take a look at the tell of morale we in the philippines which is struggling to recover from an offensive against islamist militants by government forces almost 400000 people had to abandon murali because of the fighting the offensive marked a huge change in the lives of children from the conflict zone almost one 3rd of more always 70 schools have been destroyed or damaged but efforts are underway to get this place kids back to school. how is this on their way to class she's one of the lucky ones most of her pay is able to go to school. nearly 3 years after bloody fighting between islamic militants and government troops east parts of morocco we still visibility ghost town. power power and her family lived through the worst of the violence now not
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a couple items of bullets were flying inside the house so much except we used to lie on the floor as they were hitting all over the place i was afraid. the 13 year old and her family eventually fled they still live in temporary shelter 10 of them in a tiny hut very good so i ate because i am minus 2 all right but going back to school has given power power chance to move on. i found out about 5 capturing the conflict i was afraid that i might never go back to school because many schools got hit at school not only up on the question the school gives me an opportunity to learn and improve myself and my god i didn't more like i was. almost half of paul power as classmates have been displaced like her with the help of aid organization save the children they can now attend classes at a local elementary school. we are providing them probably learning space
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in 5 schools basically the best classroom requirement for the students so that they will be able to immediately kick start their classes despite there is. a conflict happening. for power power and over 500 other children displaced by the conflict who are now able to get an education here it's a safe haven that might help heal the wounds of the recent conflict. the 4 hills ski jumping tournament has ended on the slopes a bishops' often in austria daveed cup backi of poland went into the final day of the overall as the overall leader even though he hadn't won all any of the 1st 3 hills and he dominated the final proceedings to come away with the tournaments. on the men's large helium bishop's home karl geiger of germany jumping 2nd to last
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took the lead in the day's events with a jump of 136 meters that was after going $140.00 on his 1st effort. then the man who started the day with the 4 hills lead david could backi sword 140.5 meters after a jump of 143 earlier in the day and that sealed the 4 hills title for the 29 year old pole. ski took home the coveted golden eagle for the very 1st time he was flanked on the podium by 4 hills runner up modernist lynn vic of norway and guy guy who finished 2nd on the day and 3rd overall. well you're about to meet nigeria's next big goal for 13 year old. is the number one junior golfer in her
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country with the trophies piling up in her bedroom her dream of becoming a professional golfer is becoming very real she picked up her 1st golf club at the age of 5 i am asean is the number one junior golf in nigeria it was love at 1st sight. well the voice playing i wanted to take his clothes when my dad said no. to play in his. new clubs she's come a long way she has represented nigeria 11 times across 3 continents and boasts a total of 17 medals she's only 13 these are the shit i was there at my age here come here they go but the teenager admits it's not always easy it's very difficult . going to school and practice in football clothes at school have a lot of formal to do and surveys for tests but in golf i also have to practice
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a lot and get ready for tournaments the teenage sensation is already showing signs of keeping up with the best. she was the only teenage golfer to participate at last year's nigerian ladies golf open championship she came 10th out of $177.00 goal for us. for growth and i think as i said the right age of 15 may she will be ripe you know to. buy stock she wants to do what no nigerian has done before capture the country's 1st gold medal in golf at the 2022 youth and then picks. millions of orthodox christians around the world have been observing christmas eve they use the julian calendar meaning this is christmas week for the orthodox christian faith the date also marks the holiday of a pinney which is celebrated in some western christian churches as 3 kings day.
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you're watching news from berlin coming up next. with it's mid season review and don't forget you can get all the latest news and information or our website that city w dot com i'm terry martin thanks for being with us. cox
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come looking back on her passing. what is like as a premise exciting in years. gone were the big surprises. and the big disappointment. in plans and goals losers and winners.
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