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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2020 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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the trumpet ministrations still saying that last week's drone attack which killed a top iranian general has made the us a safer place and what about the rest of the world tonight across the middle east all u.s. forces are on high alert in iraq all nato training missions are suspended some of germany's soldiers are leaving and the u.s. military yesterday it was moving out of iraq today it's staying put i'm bring golf in berlin this is the day. this or any history that would indicate that it was remotely possible that this kind gentleman this diplomat of great order cost him so the money and travel to baghdad for the idea of conducting a peace mission further conflict because it's no one's interest the only
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beneficiaries would be the terrorist extremists. all those involved in his crime or with the pentagon and the u.s. military counted as terrorists terrorists all possible shot at the thought of my husband being on a plane. a war zone by the end of the day it's shocking. also coming up spain's socialist prime minister wins a confidence vote in parliament by 2 votes his power to lead a minority government will be anything but garonne day. you have achieved a vote and more favor from a simple majority of the members of the chamber yes the confidence is just out on the candidate mr peter sanchez has cast a hold on the bedrock sanctity but if that's the point. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world well we begin the day another day
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with unanswered questions about why the u.s. president gave the order to kill a top iranian general today u.s. secretary of state mike pompei of offered no new information about u.s. intelligence that trump claims warned of an imminent attack by iran inside iran another tragedy time to the death of general hossam so women and today more than 50 people were killed in a stampede as crowds gathered along the funeral procession in the general's hometown. they were here to say goodbye to a military command they called their own instead they lost their own lives caught up in a stampede as hundreds of thousands of mourners descended on common. this is the hometown of kassam still in miami the general killed by a u.s. military drone last friday. after
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a 3 day state funeral procession he's jenny has come to an end. but for iranians their anger over the killing of the national hero lives on. the shouting death to america iranian lawmaker has have been quick to pass a law declaring those involved insulin my niece death as terrorists. all men on wall not only. in this crime who are with the pentagon and the us military are counted as terrorists however in washington there was no backing down in the event the ready to make another bad choice that president respond in a way that if he did last week which was decisive serious and message iran about the constraints that we are going to place on that regime so that it doesn't continue to put american lives at risk more u.s.
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troops already on their way to the middle east but tensions with iran have also thrown the u.s. military presence in iraq into question there was confusion after a leaked letter from the u.s. defense department appear to suggest an imminent withdrawal of american troops from iraq the pentagon says the unsigned letter was a draft and a mistake and there was no decision to leave the country the white house says that in life my knee was considered a danger to america in death many and now wondering whether he has become an even greater threat. or for more i'm joined tonight by nygaard. diplomatic correspondent with the u.k. newspaper the independent she joins me from washington guards good to have you on the program you know the u.s. president continues to say that the drone strike was ordered to prevent war that's the narrative that we've been receiving since friday what condition would
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you say that the trump narrative is in tonight. well that narrative has not been commenced strong on critics here democratic leaders are calling for clear evidence from the administration even hogs in the democratic. circles people who have been known for having very hostile positions when it comes to iran even been pushed to the nuclear deal like senator schumer senator menendez have called the president for explaining clearly what evidence that was that in and had was the reason behind this and basically calling this the president this has been a move that would bring the us to the brink of a war of choice that we are calling it it just doesn't seem like that narrative really plays out and it leaves assuming that this would make the region safer for
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u.s. forces we're seeing the opposite of that already happening that this somehow was going to benefit their army and people we don't see any evidence of that we see them or militia. again. coming into power and protest within iran taking a backseat also in neighboring iraq as well today the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei have offered no new information about the intelligence that is supposed to support the claim that an imminent attack by iran was going to take place i mean reporters they ask questions and they were given basically the message come on who do you really believe the iranians or us what does that say to you covering you know foreign policy looking at things from both sides of the atlantic what it says say to you about the the state of u.s. foreign policy. well we're at
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a situation that nobody can we either side they're whiny and already americans and covering them foreign policy looking at this administration and also with thinks ariens of 7 the 2003 and they don't have iraq we don't have we can't forget that and also the fact that this president himself and some of his advisors have been critics of how that in the iran played out in no had a public when this informed even the media was pulled in so i see more pushback from reporters and not so much evidence from the administration and frankly in the past few months up to a year they have been other incidents where the administration promised or talked about bringing out evidence and yet to hear from them former white house national security adviser john bolton has promised some evidence on attacks in the persian gulf and now we see this assassination basically the democrats haven't really been convinced that this was a good decision that the president yeah i mean it's easy to just see that the level
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of cynicism in washington is very high last night as we reported that the u.s. military was preparing to leave iraq today the u.s. secretary of defense said that is not true they said that the report was based on a letter that should not have been sent to me what does that signal in terms of cohesion and communication between the white house and the pentagon i mean that that that communication is important we're talking about a superpower. well it's sign the lack of cohesion in talks they're very aspart today at some point even mentioned to his knowledge to my knowledge there is no order that he's the top person or uni us armed forces in charge of pentagon but even you don't hear that type of certainty from him and what's interesting is from the reports we're hearing also from the comments it seems like it's not the defense secretary. who is basically you need
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a this entire policy or operation against iran seems like a secretary of state or pompei always known to be a very staunch hog on it went on iran issues basically pushing for regime change when he was in the congress there actually called for bombing iran it seems like all of his policies and visions for the administration's. position on iran seem to get playing out right now nygaard the diplomatic correspondent with the british newspaper the independent guy we appreciate your insights tonight thank you as worries mount that tensions between iran and the u.s. will spill over into neighboring iraq nato is suspending training in the country and taking military personnel out germany has begun moving its troops from iraq as well the german military presence numbers about 150 troops they have
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a new combat mission in iraq but rather they d. are there to train iraqi soldiers and those stationed in and around the capital baghdad they have been moved into neighboring jordan and kuwait $117.00 soldiers will remain in the kurdish city of erbil in northern iraq. or european leaders are scrambling to formulate a plan on how to deal with a fall welts of the arabian general's killing the iran nuclear deal could be a casualty as well as the stability and unity of iraq itself the foreign ministers will hold an emergency meeting on friday warnings and head of that meeting today coming from the german foreign minister heiko moss. we are concerned that if the international troops leave iraq very quickly and c.i.s. fight will be over come the i.s. will probably research and it will lead to great instability in iraq nobody can
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want that but of course we will accept every decision made in baghdad to them is that after we still believe that this is an important agreements that will prevent iran from coming into possession of a nuclear bomb or that we will not be able to take note of announcements with a shrug of our shoulders the commitments in tehran blue no longer be met. so it can't just be. all right that was the german foreign minister speaking earlier today let's take the story and our chief political correspondent linda crane she's here in berlin where this going to be to you melinda i mean germany has a lot on its plate here doesn't it is worried about the iran nuclear deal it's also worried about stability in iraq but it does not play a military role in iraq and yet that topic is a political hot potato here why is that. well as we just heard there are german forces in iraq who have been training iraqi soldiers to essentially
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be prepared to repel attacks by the islamic state and that is part of an overall german push for a stronger and more active role in military especially joint military actions abroad one reason for that push of course is the remitting pressure from president donald trump who has been saying that the germans don't do enough within nato also there is very real concern here in germany and throughout europe where many countries countries have experienced terrorist attacks about a resurgence of islamic state and as you know the u.s. intelligence services have reported that there are as many as 14218000 jihadists in iraq and syria ready to scale back up their efforts so all of that makes the spending of this mission in iraq to train iraqi soldiers to combat this very problematic on the other hand support for that stronger role that i mentioned
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is thin amongst the german public in general and also among many members of the social democratic party which is the junior partner in the governing coalition were german german soldiers in iraq to sustain injuries to become the target of an attack that support would evaporate altogether so that's why we're seeing the germans take this move of suspending the operation and there's also the iranian nuclear deal that is part of the worries here in berlin how do you read the fact that the german foreign minister heiko mas. that iran must abide by the nuclear deal and its obligations what tools the does germany have really. influence or even coerce so you're on to stick with the deal. well one tool that's being discussed apparently also between germany the u.k. and france is use of the agreements dispute resolution provisions that would allow
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the agreement to remain in force and that would stave off the need to go back to the un declare iran in breach and then impose wider sanctions so that would be one procedural measure that could be used and we may well see those 3 countries initiated beyond that though we know what iran wants as iran began to breach some of the agreements provisions the middle of last year its reasoning was very clear it said we have not received the economic benefits that were promised to us under the agreement that was because the u.s. withdrew and imposed sanctions now again germany u.k. and france tried for the last few months but in a half hearted way to set up precise payments procedures whereby companies that invest in iran could bypass u.s. payment systems nonetheless we haven't seen any european companies taking advantage of this for the simple reason they're afraid of losing the u.s. market so basically it's pretty clear what the stakes are and pretty hard to think
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of what kind of answer from europe could meet iran's demands yeah and you know no one is talking about a u.s. european alliance at the moment. are you surprised melinda helm you did europe's response was initially when the iranian general was killed. yes as the eurasia group has said i'm quoting the most important fact about the statement made by america's 3 most important allies france u.k. and germany is what it didn't include no formal affirmation of support for the u.s. action now the fact is these 3 countries definitely disapprove of this unilateral escalating course but they are very concerned that if they show that this disapproval too clearly if there's a u.s. retaliation and they are called upon to condemn it that they will alienate this crucial nato partner upon whom they rely on
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a major dilemma faced by germany and its other european allies indeed it is our chief political correspondent linda grade of the storyboards here in berlin tonight linda thank you. earlier today my colleague political correspondents i mean young spoke with the german opposition parliamentarian all manure poor about calls to remove all german troops from iraq there was a clear message given by the parliament of iraq which is. that we are not welcome anymore this is why i think we should get out of the whole mission there is no security there for our soldiers there is no political will for terrorists for the real security sector reform in iraq which is needed badly needed but i think this moment it's for for now it's over and so do you think the troops who remain in iraq will be safe i don't think that there is security situation there is
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good enough for our. boys to state iraq they should be withdrawn and a political message of the iraqi parliament is absolutely key here you have to go. if the europeans and the americans pull back their troops from iraq that will leave the country completely in the hands of the iranians is that a good idea the country already is in the entire hand of to iranians this is very sad but true and what happened on last friday even had the iranians we see that all of those people all of the religious leaders who are trying to push back iranian influence they're now signing up saying now it's time for giving to us for sugar assistance against the americans this is a moment when the iranians have won the last iraq to the iranians for now this is not the right moment to go with 22 soldiers this is a question for politics to find a way to come back but this is not about our soldiers to sit there without any any possibility to to fulfill their mission you've also called for more diplomacy now
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chancellor merkel is going to moscow at the weekend what do you think she can achieve mr putin was one of the 1st ones showing his sending his condolences to the 2 year to iran after soleimani was killed it means that they are. sticking together and that means that he he thinks he has some influence or he should show it now and try to push the iranians not to overreact and not to go for 4 way in which would be the next step of an escalation in the whole middle east and finally do you see any life left at all in the iran nuclear deal. the nuclear deal is dead when we give it up there is no other obstacles for iran to to get to the bomb in a fast way so you have to do whatever we can what we miss for the last 18 months to do was are europeans to try to save the deal if the. situation in the middle
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east is nuclearized everything got to get worse i mean north of thank you very much you. because it may be the total vote 350 votes in favor of the candidate 167 votes against the candidate 165 abstentions 18 i'm sitting here on this show you have achieved a vote and more favor from a simple majority of the members of the chamber yes the confidence is stowed on the candidate mr pedro sanchez has cast a hold on don't bet on sanctions better that's the point. now they may be applauding there but they know it is not easy to win an election in spain socialist party leader as will remain prime minister after surviving a confidence vote in parliament he survived by a to vote margin and he will now try to assemble a minority coalition government with the left wing for day most party the vote ends
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a long political stalemate that included 2 inconclusive elections last year. i can do that though don't bet on sanctions better that's the part chance of victory socialist paper sanchez one and narrow vote in the spanish commons he was reelected by a 2 got. together with the left wing alliance put demos sanchez can now form spain's 1st coalition government since the end of the franco dictatorship this is only possible because the catalan separatist e.c. party abstained sanchez just to find the co-operation. the only option is all that this progressive coalition all the continued political blockade in spain. right when demonstrators protested outside parliament they accused sanchez of betraying spanish unity the tone is just as aggressive inside parliament the opposition accuses sanchez of a lying because he had ruled out an alliance with today most and cooperation with
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separatists before the vote if sanchez fulfills the demands of these anti establishment parties he risks threatening spanish wanted a fight if he doesn't want to lose their support. spain's new coalition government hopes to push through a decidedly left wing policy increasing the minimum wage and taxes for higher earners but given its lack of a clear majority it's likely to face intense political pressure by right wing opponents. furthermore i'm joined by the journalist guy hedgecoe he is in madrid good even see you this is a tiny tiny majority right to vote and how stable can we expect a sanchez minority government to be. what he really is going to be working a line over the next 4 years is if he can make the legislature last as long as that is not going to be easy in total he received the support of 10 different policies
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and today's vote if you include abstentions then some of those are very small regional parties also. party to his left with whom he's going to be governing coalition so there's a broad range there are going to be a tremendous amounts of pressures from all of those parties in different directions on different issues it's not going to be easy on for him however he's a very wily operator he has managed in difficult circumstances in the past so it's not going to be impossible for him but it will be a big challenge them to see out this i guess it's and i think and he knows that everyone in europe particularly in the u.k. will be watching to see how successful he will be especially in dealing with the separatist movement the kettle on separatist movement and do you think that what he does with spain moving forward is that going to be somewhat of
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a guide if you will for other places in the european union of course i'm thinking about you know scotland in a possible independence referendum there. well certainly scotland and catalonia has been watching each other very closely over the last few years the catalan independence movement was watching the scottish independence votes just a few years back because the catalan of the pendants would like to have something similar in spain now the spanish government says that the comparison should stop there because you know they cannot be a referendum on independence in catalonia that's not allowed for in the constitution so you can't compare it to scotland but i think it is it is logical that other countries are going to watch this closely whether it's the u.k. and scotland or other countries across europe because you know this is a country which is under tremendous pressure politically there's a huge amount of instability in spain and catalonia it is probably the get the
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cause of much of that instability so you know inevitably you're the rest of europe is going to be watching this very closely petro sanchez is going to make the issue of catalonia an absolute priority for his administration he's made that clear already but we don't know how successful he's going to be and terms of finding a solution would be as you look into your crystal ball how likely is the one independent now compared to 48 hours ago with this minority governments now in the making. well i think pedro sanchez would argue that it's no more likely now than it was 48 hours ago. however his critics the political right would say it's much more likely that this this government is going to encourage. the likelihood of of catalonia breaking away they claim that pedro sanchez has made backroom deals with with catalan independence parties in order to
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get the support of the abstention certainly one pro independence catalan party the catalan republican left which agreed to abstain today that was a really key abstention basically allowing him to form this government what pedro sanchez has said to that party is that he will enter into a calendar of negotiations to try and find a solution to the cattle man crisis which has been going on for at least 2 years but he has said that he has ruled out the possibility of holding a referendum on catalan independence he says that will not happen. joe is going to be drawing his delight from madrid guy we appreciate your analysis thank you. thanks very much for. well the day is almost done the conversation continues online to find us on twitter you've heard u.w. news you can follow me up brant golf t.v. in the future use the hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then. is another day we'll see you then if.
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