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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2020 4:30pm-5:00pm CET

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thank you. producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food your body but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases and home by applying the 5 keys to say for food use them you also have a role to play here. this is news asia coming up standoff at sea. chinese an indonesian vessels face off near the south china sea into the show accuses china of violating its sovereignty around an island with china says it's done no such thing what is behind these tensions plus china causes tensions in taiwan as well ahead of the presidential elections over the weekend visit the island where chinese influence is not after seen.
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by british prime as you welcome to news asia it's good to have you with us indonesia is deploying additional water near the south china sea as a territorial draw with china strains diplomatic ties between the 2 emissions was shipped and fighter jets have been sent in response to the presence of chinese fishing vessels and coast guard ships around the islands of the islands are part of indonesia and i just south of the south china sea the chinese vessels are in the fishing grounds around these islands not to not lies just south of the so-called 9 dashed line as well which encompasses unilateral chinese claims in the south china sea china also claims the waters that are not as traditional fishing grounds indonesia doesn't agree and that difference of opinion is playing out between the 2
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countries. there is a dramatic close encounter of the south china sea kind a chinese coast guard vessel accused of entering indonesian waters offering protection to trawlers fishing illegally. china close got close to our 532 this is interesting because quoting you over. there. yes i do not mean to say you are in. one of. the exchange in december but released no comes amid weeks of escalating tensions in the region. for the one. under. what. 6 appears to show chinese fishing
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boats in indonesia's economic zone. so leave them and go away leave them and go away and highlights china's ongoing efforts to lay claim to the vital shipping lanes and fishing waters. terry if these tiny party i order you to leave these territories. in big joining the foreign ministry played down the diplomatic row who you knew china and indonesia have a strategic partnership in which friendship and cooperation is the mainstream and the difference is just a small part. since the mid ninety's china has stepped up its operations in the south china sea. building on reefs even going as far as to plant a flag in the seabed neighboring countries view it as a land grab accusing them of muscling in on their territory attempting to expand
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the chinese fear of influence and control. joining me now is all the time political scientists richard had and richard is an expert on china's claims in the south china sea and the disproofs it has with countries in the region richard thanks for making the time it's one point to note that indonesia has no claims in the south china sea yet chinese vessels are and waters are on the not too not islands which lie outside of the 9 dash line why. well the fundamental problem here is that china never clarified the outer limits of its so-called 9 dash lined tongue shaped clean the clovers up to 85 percent of the south china sea effectively the way china has been behaving over the past they cater so true deployment of these fisherman and partly that their forces is that people talking that my national and tong actually just into the waters off this off the net to an island and then to
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night lives are we 'd being a new nation waters is part of territory and that's absolutely very fisheries and here each area and more troubling troubling me for indonesia in the past few years you we see china and most recently actually this one china saying that they have traditional rights in that area fishing rights in that area defending expanding presence of part of military military and fisherman come militia forces in that area that's white effectively knowing tunisia has a territory maritime because that's what china we do respect that is outside of the 9 just like claims so do you think china's entry testing the limits of indonesian patience and trying to see how far you can reach out. i think china is this new patients to me so everyone's right by pushing the limits of what it's doing in the region since 2013 we have seen a significant recommission up the east in the area logical engineering on steroids effectively making complete big islands are out of thin air and over the past 2
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years more troublingly we see deployment of surface to air missiles and complete military zation of these artificial lines and knowledge in more trouble and we see china using militia for resist militias ation of the disputes to push the boundaries of its claims and harass and intimidate other countries so one by one congress and the region are responding to philippines was i think the 1st one together with vietnam in the earlier years part there with philip treacy in a war but indonesia malaysia are also beginning to speak out right now let's look at the economic side of this not china is indonesia's biggest trading partner china also has close business ties with malaysia for intervene in vietnam and other so how much leverage and then do these countries in the region have rich on the south china sea dispute given this economic dependency that appears to be building up well this is a very interesting point i mean i think the chinese idea is that they can
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essentially bike undersea loyalty and good real true economic investments assuming in these investments go well as we saw in the case of malaysia there was a concern about that drop so there is also some negative. sentiment around chinese investments in the area now the thing here is that if you look at indonesia and many countries increasingly they're also becoming emotional and nationalistic about this issue so this is not just about economics and we clearly saw that in the elections in indonesia last year were by it was not infrastructure did not mix but and china which were the top topics so is identity politics regard to relevant to the region the more they're going to be assertive enders it's a source trying to say konami's is not everything right for you but there was that i mean richard had at him thank you so much for your time. and trying as attempts to extend its influence don't end with the south china sea on the island of taiwan there are real concerns of the chinese interference in the upcoming presidential
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elections on saturday it's something the island's veda citing one brought up last year when she said china was interfering court every day in the election the allegations are hard to ignore for an island that beijing claims as part of its started $3.00 and $1.00 would have norms log in daily political life. it's graduation for these young students at taipei university but while their thoughts may be on their careers their hearts are with fellow students in hong kong . a quick glance around the cafeteria makes it clear where their sympathies lie and who their common enemy is china. that it's easy to like in the past china's interference was not so noticeable but now it is if we allow this to continue it would be like the frog in the slowly boiling water it doesn't it's just the heat until it dies. in the current political mood in taiwan is really
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unpleasant. tensions are growing red paint attacks on activists critical of china hooliganism and vandalism and solidarity demonstrations for hong kong. foreign journalists have been verbally abused by pro china advocates like mrs john here member of the china patriots association. felt that much. of. the group's headquarters are here in taiwan's capital taipei a chinese flag flies over the building. inside of portrait of taiwan's former president chiang kai shek hangs alongside current chinese president xi jinping china born mrs john is busy painting patriotic slogans this one reads for unification with china against taiwan's independence. that's a quite homes as a chinese in taiwan is sons and daughters of the chinese nation we're taking on the
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responsibility of pushing for the unification of our country says it sounds. then they plaster their campaign bus in slogans they want to give taiwan's liberal pro independence president a piece of their mind taiwan's authorities strongly suspect that the c.p.a. gets resources from china through back channels. but taiwan has a powerful opponent china groups and media organizations often financed by wealthy businessmen and women are the most obvious means of chinese influence. but more subtle mischievous methods are employed using social media the politically independent taiwan fact check center in taipei has been monitoring the sharp increase in fake news. these include repeated claims often using manipulated content but taiwan has been behind the protests in hong kong.
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now then soon as this is how i want since local elections at the end of 2018 weeks to come aware in taiwan that we have become victims of an information war that china has been waging against us in order to manipulate time when the society and elections. the household shifts. those local elections saw the meteoric rise of a man that previously no one had heard of how will you from the opposition pro-choice i don't know why men dung party now a presidential candidate a populist propelled by a well oiled political machine who's especially gaining ground in social media. and where did this sudden momentum come from han it claims china has nothing to do with it. but jiang and her patriotic
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chinese association waged their fight for independence out in the open at taiwan's presidential palace they proudly hand over their petition you don't want people to know what my just in the petition quit calling for the president to recognize that there is only one china and for a peaceful unification with the mainland you know. they hope that in the not too distant future china's flag will eventually fly over taipei. from that's it for today every leader now with images of the presidential election campaigning anti bombed out and go to the polls on saturday thank you for watching with your next time about.
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good. luck. i'm not laughing out of the gym i just sometimes i am but i still laughing when production mr jermyn thinks you consider german culture looking at the stereotypes aquatics put in here think this news of the country that i don't. need it's a ridiculous drama day i'm telling you it's all about ok bob look i'm rachel join me from the germans on the w. post to the futurist. do it yourself order. for your next
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you tube channel. don't miss out. here i am going to get. sick closest place to hey you used to be a more ignorant you. nicias and you think. i want their own story. because a. mosque. is a response january 27th on d w. this
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is good abuse live from berlin and iran launches a missile attack on u.s. bases in iraq it says the strikes are in their tally action for the assassination of a top iranian general last week now iran claims that 80 americans were killed in the missile attacks but president trump tweets that all is well. also coming up more
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than 170 people are dead after your premium passenger plane crashes here to run the airport all passengers and crew were brought aboard the plane were killed when it went out shortly after takeoff it was ukraine international airlines 1st a fatal accident in its 28 year history. and as we heard all is well the words of u.s. president donald trump tweeting following iran's missile strike what these are live pictures right now from washington d.c. trump is expected to make his 1st statement in public on the attack in a few moments and we'll go live to the u.s. capitol as soon as it begins. i'm sure we saw misconduct thank you for joining us here us president trump is expected to make a statement at about 15 minutes time reacting to iran's missile attack on u.s. bases in iraq iran claims that us killed more than 80 americans. but the pentagon
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says and mischel assessment have indicated there were no u.s. casualties now the missiles reportedly hit the assad air base in western iraq and another near the city of irbil iran's revolutionary guard says the attack was in retaliation for the u.s. assassination of general custom salah money in baghdad last week. it's all about the. reigning in state television claiming at least 15 misdiagnose fired by iranian forces have hit the. base in iraq killing 18 u.s. soldiers the numbers cannot yet be verified and so far there have been no reports of casualties from the united states or other coalition forces. this promised active revenge was for the killing of top military commander general
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salim ani the move has been widely welcomed across iran. crowds chanting death to america as a run supreme leader ayatollah ali how monday tells them their message has been delivered in court oh you. slept for last night. but what is important is that the seditious presence of the american. in the region should be and it fits better and easier on record that they want to even. the country's foreign minister has also spoken out. that we've said very clearly that if the united states takes any that action iran viewed respond accordingly and we would respond in a very harsh way but proportionately. u.s.
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president donald trump visited the. base in iraq in december 28th seen his response so far into the strikes has been measured tweeting all is well assessment of casualties and damage is taking place now so far so good. meanwhile security forces have been inspecting a sites near bill the capital of iraq self-governing kurdish region where at least one iranian missile landed american forces are also based in the area. well as we heard iran is saying that 80 americans were killed in the missile strikes u.s. and iraqi officials are said there were no american casualties earlier i spoke to tehran correspondent reza haas there and asked him what more we know let's get the very latest on the story now we can speak to journalist on the line from tehran reza 1st of all we've heard vastly different accounts of what has taken place here
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iranian state media saying that 80 americans have been killed in these strikes u.s. and iraqi officials have said so far they're assessing the situation but there have been no u.s. casualties what do we actually know about what's happened. well the casualties reported by the i.r.s. gc's there remains that 80 but even this state t.v. i heard that is not really insisting on the casualties on the number of casualties and it seems that it has the mess the number of casualties as far as we know the attack has been somehow to warn the us. limited attack in order to avoid the escalation with the us and it was really. aimed at tending a message to the us that they can hear few we can kill people but we don't and this
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is what everyone is now realizing out of the attack whereas at the same time the supreme leader saying that this is a flap in the face to the u.s. even though as you said there are messages that iran is seeking to deescalate the situation so what what exactly is the message that's being sent here oh well you all want to say that the real revenge is to keep us out of the region and if not a military response that the leader the president and the foreign minister all of that that there will be no military response if the u.s. oil responding to the last night attacks we are going to have. reports no chance you will see that even by iran we've seen that. tromped really was really calling been here reacted to the iranian attacks in
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a in the to you that said everything's fine and now we should wait to see the number of casualties the official number of casualties. let's get some more analysis on this story now with the managing director of plan for risk that's a security and risk management consulting company based here in berlin multitrack you very much for joining us here i want to ask you 1st of all about this missile attack iran saying it's fired more than a dozen missiles what do we know about what was used here and what does that tell us well what iran has used. the route revolutionary guard corps has been a range of shoulder range ballistic missiles so the attack on the u.s. base in arbil for example has largely been seeing the impact of $110.00 missiles which is a missile that has a range of up to 300 kilometers roughly. whereas the attack on the base which is more deep inside iraq
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a territory more further away actually from the iranian border has been seeing a different type of. range missiles the ones that have a range of about 500 kilometers can actually reach targets within 500 kilometers could be zulfikar missiles could become one missiles those would be the types that are most likely being used against these targets and what about the targets themselves these bases how significant are they to u.s. interests in the region well i mean the u.s. has a number of bases across the region not just these 2 in iraq obviously the bases in arbil on near abio actually is important for the operations in northern iraq the u.s. have special forces presence there also project military operations into syria from there but it's a largely political value because as a target basically for the iranians right now it is to demonstrate that even there where the u.s. might have to go back to when iraq basically asked the u.s.
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to do the country or reduce the footprint arbil would be the place where the. troops would be regrouped and the other baby. bays is deep in the middle of the iraqi desert more or less east of west of ramadi actually and it's an important logistical hub and this is also where a lot of the operations by the u.s. forces also against the shiite militias of course support and sides are being coordinated but these are not not the most important bases in the region ok so let's put those 2 pieces together that the type of missiles used here and also the targets chosen there's been a lot of speculation about the message that iran is trying to send with this strike what do you think that is well i think what is clear right now is that iran has chosen so isn't a response that emphasizes message over damage that has i think pretty clear could have been much worse some of the damage that has been caused is more or less random
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in the end because the target accuracy cannot always be guaranteed so there could have been an accidental hit on for example a valuable targets that iran maybe has not intended but overall the impression is that iran has more or less replied in a manner that it can sell domestically and on the other hand has caused a great deal of suffering of damage and of course of loss of life so this this opens up right now a potential deescalation within this short term dynamic longer term we don't know but it all depends of course on what u.s. president tom says in a few minutes ok message over damage but we do know the supreme leader has said very clearly the intent is to get u.s. troops out of iraq out of the region u.s. influence out of the region how likely do you think that is well it's likely that certainly the iranian strategic intent and has always been over the last years and this is what iran or the rouge guards have been working for definitely that's part
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of the of the foreign policy that iran has been using so this will go on all the iranian efforts to to. the u.s. to make life harder for them to make presents harder for them will continue despite these kind of attacks but it's probably on a different level and with other means. managing director of plan for risk that's a security and risk management company here in berlin thank you for joining us thank you all right let's check in now on what's happening at the moment in washington d.c. these pictures you see here here on your screen that is where president trump is due to give a statement very soon this will be trump's 1st comments in public following these are rainy and missile strikes on u.s. targets in iraq earlier trump tweeted a message saying that all is well for when the strikes we will go live to washington as soon as the president begins giving his statement. for
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now let's move on to our other a big story of the day and more than 170 people have died after ukrainian passenger jet crashed in iran it's not yet clear what caused the plane to go down the ukraine international airlines jet was on its way from iran's capital tehran to kiev ukraine's president followed a missile and ski has broken off a foreign visit to return to kiev because of the crash and the president says ukraine will be sending a search and rescue team to iran tonight. a field of burning debris lights up the night sky near the iranian capital the apparent remnants of the ukraine international airlines flight that crashed shortly after takeoff from tehran soon about a little rainy and t.v. stations where the 1st to broadcast images of the crash including this mobile phone video which appears to show the plane going down.
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but it's daybreak that reveals the extent of the destruction and the human toll the plane was carrying $176.00 passengers and crew from several different countries mainly from iran and canada was talking about 0 doubt i could have that much nobody survived all the passengers are dead. at the international airport in kiev the arrivals board lists the flight that never arrived. people destroyers. this man thinks his son was on the plane on the boat which yes most of. it will be my son is a senior flight attendant at. the iranian and ukrainian officials have both blamed mechanical problems for the crash but the airline says it's still trying to determine the cause. a statement by ukraine international airlines said the plane was one of the best in its fleet and that the aircraft had passed
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a safety check just 2 days earlier. as a rainy and small one another tragedy ukraine's president and others have warned against speculating about a potential link to the current flare up in iran u.s. tensions but current events of very much on people's minds off when you go to the i was watching the news of the reunions hitting us pieces with missiles after 10 minutes i heard a must have explosion and all the hoses started to shake there was fire everywhere at 1st i thought the americans have fired missiles and i went into the basement to take shelter so did i think there's any one of them. a few hours after the crash the ukrainian embassy in iran released a statement saying the crash wasn't a result of terrorism that statement was later redacted. as investigators searched on says a number of airlines have suspended flights and iranian airspace. and on the ground
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emergency workers are getting on with the grim task of recovering the dead. right let's return to our top story now the iranian missile attack on the base is that how as u.s. troops in iraq we have tyson parker from the aspen institute with us here in our studio and we're also waiting waiting for the u.s. president to give a statement on what has happened these are live pictures right now from the white house president trump is expected to comment at any moment now we'll we'll be listening in to that statement as soon as we see the president get up and ready to speak there tyson all we have to go on right now is the tweet that we saw all that that essentially was sent out after the iranian missile attacks where we saw the president say all is well that there is an assessment of casualties taking place so far so good what did.


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