tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle January 10, 2020 2:15am-3:00am CET
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lines plane that crashed on wednesday trudeau says all intelligence sources suggest he brought down the plane possibly by mistake. coming up next are going to film africa rising and looks at african culture in the meantime all the latest news and information as always available on our website that's w dot com i can ask all of back shortly with more news right here. it's all happening good job it coming. your link to news from africa the world your link to exceptional stories and discussions to no one will come to their views after doing programs night from for a new journey from the news of easy to our website deputed coop's much africa joined us on facebook and w africa. a
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new golden age of african culture has done even in hollywood black panther was the highest grossing film in the u.s. in 2018 and offered a challenge to western notions of africa and its history. class cantor was nominated for 7 oscars and won 3 an extraordinary achievement for a superhero film that also features a black majority cast. doubt. that the black panther was immensely popular with audiences around the world had launched a series of new cultural trends. blockbuster the movie there were viral videos of people don't seem to destruction borstal started to come songs in america and in europe. why. what i mean it's
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a revolution and after all revolution there is a generation that suddenly claiming its identity and identity that has always been there that they could not express in the past but it's. a renaissance of african pop culture is underway musicians from the continent and the african diaspora are working together more closely than ever and storming the music charts. for example pop star beyonce travel to south africa to learn traditional choreography. the world feels like they need to know more about asking how. those other issues are being highlighted up out of africa and people don't see the light time to fun site of last week out.
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oh they seized. with the good ol you maybe should read a little bit of false. seek to prove what was said but. suddenly show them. that you set me down not sure what we've the basic message about loose that i've been. seeing the. way. african culture is an important part of everyday life in the french capital paris in the early 19 eighties ibrahima salon a student from senegal started producing records there he founded his own label can see a laugh or 2 of the book his daughter has been to now heads the company she says salon has a lot in common with a legendary us label motown but i must stop because your. town
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has such a rich history so i like to compare us with them. let's enlarge it has a rich history as well as we've been around for nearly 40 years. well it all started with eve and the artists he produced. now so yes i think you can draw a comparison between the 2 labels because they both have a very strong identity we. don't think so big they are not god with the soul 22 with this. these are records from the 1970 s. and eighty's the cover art for african albums has always been incredibly beautiful . the graphics for instance were amazingly creative i'm going. through. these album covers are part of our cultural heritage. but one today's younger generation needs to learn about that. because all of the graphic designers. for africans. who say they don't have histories after. a long time.
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to get a lot of people a message i'm going to he must feel are they the foundations for the success of world music by producing records made by african artists before anyone had heard the term world music for lift out. he was the only serious producer of african music at that time who could prevail alongside labels like peter gabriel's real world record labels the real world from peter gabriel. thank you 3 theories thank. you saul thank you theo. thank.
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you so enjoy i started his 1st band to 979 and his music soon became popular throughout africa. back then his records were produced by people he must love. feel. sick if i mess around facts he really missed the law was part of the generation that reinvented the law in that sense era of traditional senegalese music so he choose to or senegalese drummers. this music was originally played by people in rural areas i mean this was. the real question this screw the fact. in the 1970 s.
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various musicians reintroduced the traditional monk and rock. i think along. the british musician and producer peter gabriel introduced you soon dora and many other african stars to western audiences this was the beginning of a genre that became known as world music. the only world music is actually an artificial concept and a commercial concept it dates back to the 1980 s. when peter gabriel founded his real world label and opened the door to a number of musicians from africa and india. gabriel wanted to break down geographical and ethnic barriers and present this urban electric music to a wider audience the click of the back but i think it. will
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be at about the same time my music from north africa also became popular in western europe. a week be they might be their. music. is the music of algeria it's also found in eastern morocco a new turn on the border with algeria and. traditional algerian music that talks about the everyday problems of ordinary people. screw. as riot became more commercially successful it moved with the times. yeah larry i'm one of us suddenly there were no more violins guitars and pianos and i started using synthesizers and arab drums and that's how the rice style evolved is that i studied this exhibit a good bit of it. here. to
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. deliver to you by me it seems i got into writing music early on people like great italian ian ashame collett then i tried rock for a while but i found that i enjoyed singing more on the show you know. who to finance our culture is shaped by our own heritage but i grew up between 2 worlds of course. it's the german moroccan singer and actor you any represents a multicultural trend in contemporary society. interaction between the. various cultures and musical genres is common today but 30 years ago chef khaled was criticized for adapting his music to western tastes.
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since to get to so cheap to do lounge i. guess we're. all more long for one of us all to come july she took your. trip to belgium in the ballot. as conservative islam gained influence in algeria ran musicians were threatened some were even murdered shot khaled moved to france in 1906 and found a new audience there for his music. you don't comply i mean the people like khalid or ship mommy shaped and influenced my music they taught me to see things differently my music. was volatiles if you. get.
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a job. there is a large magreb community in france most of them are all jarius european. though so when share credit or share my meal gave a concert in france the place was sold out. of this sub song plan but little by little more and more westerners discovered this music and many adored it something that the music is an other as it was. born in morocco is a star of the world music scene is a multi instrumentalist whose works with many different musicians including westerners take us is best known for his mastery of the traditional song of north african spiritual music called nala. ministry lives you can a lawsuit music club the blues has the same mr is going now in music it was
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originally the music of slaves. when i heard john lee hooker for the 1st time i said he's a going to our to you now a master of where you're a mythical. if you mix our music with western harmonies it creates something new and rich is the music and produces. an airborne to. us and the munich jazz granny weatherwax a prime example of intercultural cooperation. played a. good. cooperation of a different kind was the 985 effort to raise money to help famine victims in africa a group of western superstars recorded
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go to new levels and i think that some of those involved in these efforts have a mistaken view of africa and i just did a feature. i promise you can do with a lot of media around the world just combat africa's bad face the wars the psalmist the problems so that it's become the face of africa is that it lives after i. go to the police concert certainly saved a lot of lives that it was quite an achievement. on both sides but africa was itself a passive recipient and was not represented on stage you have to be you know. there are a lot of these i believe 11th of. the release of nelson
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mandela from prison and the collapse of south african apartheid was a historic turning point and not just for africa. i. i. don't. think i. know susan by directing our eyes to mandela's contribution was to provide guidance on how to overcome the racist system of colonialism and apartheid was essentially an offshoot of the colonial system this is called in the eye and he said the people should learn to interact with each other and forgive each other that's in the month again in the amount of a number to keep. as south africa began to deal with its apartheid heritage a new musical genre they called it starting new york was spreading around the world hip hop. it was a phenomenon that expanded beyond music to include other forms of artistic
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expression if you could to reach what you'd like to see out of it. the cup was especially popular in africa. but with it there because of the if. there was a sugar hill. grandmaster flash no. dollop of you but then to do some of it or break dancing during the smartest with the dogs at school i'd organize dance performances. all over said videotapes from europe or america people from senegal like to travel. if you can something starts in new york or to say that it will turn up in dakar the same week that. we were swept along by this wave and we're still writing it today and the rest of. the. legendary acts like you know whether it's run d.m.c.
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and the way. they went to a farm where they will fight in the christian system in this space so there was this christmas list. old go in for a little chris is space to to be 3. goals in a city boy. when rap arrived in senegal it made sense to us it was already in our d.n.a. . self-expression through vocals backed by rhythm many africans could identify with that. hip hop became so popular in senegal because our traditional music is just like rap. but with different percussion and rhythm. claiming while following the rhythm sequence the same technique is routed. senegal was initially the center of african hip hop the bad positive black soul had
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a massive influence. i can sort of black or p.b.s. for sure it was founded in 1989 by did and. they were among senegal's 1st hip hop stars their music included political and social activist messages. that. rap gained an import it's because the people of senegal have the right to freedom of expression so young people started talking about what was going on at home and on the street journalists or musicians wouldn't talk about these things but rap did we simply. live.
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in senegal face youth movement made a big contribution to the change of government in 2000 young people have made the country more aware of social and political problems so he put it on the spot and they've done it through a very powerful media. musicians. and especially hip hop music. in 2020 they played an even bigger roles that the president wanted a 3rd term which is forbidden by the constitution. first to trying to change the electoral law groups including m 23 and organized public protests against that proposal in a kind of insurrection so the president withdrew it i. guess.
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i. think senegal is the only country in the world where hip hop helped change the government. thanks in large part to the influence of hip hop thus it's now much more acceptable for people to criticize government officials. to discuss you in many african countries but not all there are now more opportunities for public discussion. so now the ideas of the independence era and demands for more independence from the west are being seen in a new light. gets tough the. hip hop has helped to awaken the spirit of democracy in senegal people are much more willing to speak out against political leaders and the legacy of the post-colonial
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it's impressive. when you tour africa you meet people everywhere who have exactly the same cultural codes it's a universal culture and it's huge in loam. another key figure in the african rap movement is made thinking he was born in congo but his parents moved to paris when he was an infant he was part of an influential french hip hop collective called sex . ship if you're going to be. ok if you're just. gonna come on the market there because you see. it with. a little bit want. to be felt. by the sea. monkeys and it was it.
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the interesting thing about this group is that almost all of them are young people of african descent. from congo guinea or senegal. and mitra games was their musical visionary. that would at the music that'll. teach. you about. each of those be. has often been compared with the. we all come from paris and was a major influence on us. made thinking this is one of the few french speaking rappers who's worked with the english language artists for example sting and weighing. his last 2 albums rose quickly to number one on the french charts together his story leads from kinshasa to paris to the heights of international pop
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. i thought it would be interesting to highlight the exchanges that continue between african artists and africans in the diaspora. i wanted to do something coherent that would show the connection between these 2 groups. but i especially wanted to have a dialogue about rap and about a complex african identity it was told in africa. one of the featured artists on the label is french rapper m.h.d. . he's developed a genre called afro track which incorporates elements of west african music and languages. goes in. contemporary african
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art has become quite popular in western europe over the past few years. a recent exhibition at the phone. in paris focused on artworks from congo. paintings that depict scenes of the everyday life known as plan to work popular the track did a lot of attention. to the axis put to death most of the artists have gone to europe a clear were. in advertising and their paintings became well known through an exhibition that was held in kinshasa in 1978 and these works were inspired by the lives of average people particularly city residents could. then you. have to. go and take. on the tech there works often integrate commentary texts that address issues of congolese society or politics.
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and make that seem easy. at the time the term parent or a properly or didn't really exist these works were simply called naïve for pictures for the un educated. in. african art has since conquered the global art market previously mostly founded ethnological museums the works began to reach a wider public in contemporary galleries including tend to have popular these paintings often address social themes of congolese urban life and politics. painting with mandela is called dignity for africa and it shows mandela with obama . with obama suggesting that mandela is a good role model for african presidents a lot of our leaders are still in power even though their mandates have expired.
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but mandela did the opposite the gauntlet is. since the end of apartheid in the early 1990 s. south africa has played a key role in the development of african pop culture this includes the rise of electronic dance music. deejays played a lot of house music for some reason so what they used to do is to take the house records and slow them down when they took. the wood songful those house at a local. yeah and the jews their own beats them in the border quite. the 1st make quite a hit was arthur muffle carter's kaffir from 995 the song protesting the use of racist slurs captured the imagination of the post apartheid generation. so thin so that it is just how did the connection with house research that's going back a long time and that's why you seem to just like black coffee rising out from house
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music. black coffee as one of south africa's most popular d.j.'s his concerts always draw huge crowds black coffee specializes in tribal vocalist beats and played a key role in the development of african house music and 2012 his d.v.d. and triple cd called africa rising when double platinum in just one month i. mean.
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black coffee do their fair goals and we do offer different people go out into the world it plants new seeds of information to make that a mom like black coffee spoke my tombo has stayed outside the musical mainstream he specializes in a ditch. plus route sounds that he calls township tech. and he hardly performs and so that's good but it will form at the glass the very end of the form at huge festivals in europe. disturbing images designed to shake dealers out of their complacency spoof my tombo
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creates musical and visual landscapes that depict life as he sees it. we come from a pretty. hard caress the. violent history of cultural imperialism oh sure i use my work i'm artistic practice as a constant form of discovering culture and recreating and rewriting and stop the culture that so for me i express my culture and my lack of culture it means that. south africa like much of the continent faces a number of serious problems including crime corruption and poverty. it's disgusting for some people talk too much for some people to have nothing and they just need a level of balance from someone and it's not. it's possible to slot
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a black and white figure about that house and i'll see. the gap between rich and poor in south africa has led to social isolation. we are bound by one in group reinjured after wealthy people lock themselves up in their gated communities but building walls isn't the solution. people have to ask themselves whether this is the sort of society that they really want the recent good news on possible in the. the equitable distribution of wealth and natural resources is a problem that countries all around the world will have to deal with more and more . there was also the question of justice in regard to art. a number of african states have demanded the return of indigenous african artworks looted by the colonial powers many of these works are now on display in museums. spiritual and it is you rob people of their spirituality.
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it goes way beyond just stealing an object it's spirituality a cult is the soul the very essence of their humanity has been stolen and exhibited vulgarly in a museum. this theme even comes up in the hollywood blockbuster black panther good morning. how can i help here on the 2nd of these artifacts they're beautiful. or is this one for the bobo ashanti tribe present day gonna 1000 sensory or. what about this one. the ones from the edo people if they need 16th century. now tell me about this one. also from the name 7th century through
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the tribe i believe. don't trip on the take it off your hands for you. these are things are for sale i don't think you got the eggs you think they paid a fair price and they take it like they took everything else. in 2018 french president emanuel mark karr commissioned art historian benedict savoir and economists tell me inside to study options for the return of african artworks they recommended unconditional restitution of all lives it works. actually more for what it is essential for the african community to recover objects that are part of their cultural heritage support said that they can relate that heritage that of the problems that they face today. africans need to restore this connection to their creative spiritual cultural and historical power and control the story.
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out of this is where we have to come to terms with this historical situation and put an end to it because about haps and i would hope you can help us to redefine our relationships which involve the plundering of this cultural heritage but we have to create new conditions in which these artworks and the cultural heritage that they represent can help to redefine the relations between the different groups of people that you put in one so that this new book sure a few less shortly. this is i moved to the symbolic importance of this situation cannot be overstated europe will be forced to confront its colonial heritage in a new way 1000 under that. this is the museum island in
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central berlin germany. it's also dealing with the heritage of colonialism a number of german museums house collections of african art works and experts must now determine where they came from and decide whether to return them. berlin's new home poles for a museum set to display several 100 african works known as pinning bronzes they were seized in 897 by british troops in an attack on the kingdom of benny in modern day nigeria german middlemen sold some of them to museums around the world. for. me to my suggested that we return these items immediately and then borrow $200.00 art objects from nigeria and pay them a rental fee was so they could use the money to improve their museum facilities it wouldn't be a good we'd simply pay them what we owe them on. the african guitar and i mean us and if nigeria generously agrees to this we could display these works even
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though we stole them and change the name of the home board forum to the been in form. and then we have those who voted for the new vision for the important. part when it comes to european history we only talk about half the global stories successful developments like the enlightenment improvement of human rights in post-war economic prosperity as if we achieved it all ourselves. from what we don't talk about colonial exploitation which helped to create enormous wealth in europe and. also. this in turn created the conditions in which philosophers like manuel khan to could develop their ideas groomed i think really count your concept into concrete. here in berlin the history of german colonialism is still visible in some street signs. that not baghdad. bed in
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billings doesn't actually increase or substantial reminders of the colonial past. and people are still discussing how we're supposed to deal with this legacy. institution question they might win. because of the question is why are we still honoring those who played a role in germany's violent past getting tired of fighting for life or shifted. some of africa's top stars are playing here in central park. this is for the 70 from tanzania. to something. that is nothing. that's something. real spirit of africans in berlin tonight. yeah you feel. really
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nice to be here let's do this. i want you to keep the body you know exactly what i'm thinking when it comes. to see her like the now look. what you get i was going to go on and tell me take it down see you then think. we'll see bonanza m.d.c. is the reigning queen of bongo flavor tanzania's version of hip hop she sings fluently in 3 languages english french and her native swahili. these days a lot of african bands are marketed as international pop instead of world music and they're hoping to change the way people in the west think about africa. that's the case not only about the things that the world know poverty and all of that but they can actually make good music. as one half of
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a legendary south african vocal duo called muffy keys oh no they started out in not to 96 and over the years their style has moved away from point 0 toward afro pop. but. i got yeah yeah yeah. i've heard his music stars are breaking down international barriers and playing their songs to an ever widening audience. if you were to think back to his kids 1st big single. there was a song that was very much about the nigerian story of coming from a tough place and making it through the space race you. no the lyrics and the context and the slang was very local nigerian for. them to play it's all.
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but that. wasn't trying to do a song for an english wouldn't for the english put us on the stand but then you go to a club in london and when the song comes on everybody in the club whether they're nigerian david scott says whatever they sing along to the words of the song. and we have the right songs and the right parts to deliver the songs then there's no reason why as much as kids you have kids in germany was singing dispersed seatle there's no reason why they might not be singing this way he feels we finally found the right concoction of talent. production and. elements that made us pop stars enough to appeal to a foreign market. africa faces a number of serious problems but there are good reasons to be optimistic about the
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future western countries would do well to reexamine their relationship with africa and develop new narratives that find common ground and create new opportunities for cooperation. the tremendous human race is still developing and one of antacids may be to take humanity to another level i think africa could serve as a laboratory for reinventing politics society culture and economics it could be kelly when it's all caught up with. the new africa a continent of seemingly boundless imagination and right now there is every indication that africa will have a much larger role in determining its own future. while if you we can regain what is rightfully ours we can use our culture to colonize the rest of the world so to speak with our music dance on our drums and other
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instruments we are now taking back what is ours africa is the future i think if we can. but the question remains with the rest of the world follow africa's lead. so i would be able yes for a reevaluation of africa's place in the world is already underway and not just in terms of economic output we are making contributions in music culture and social interaction things that are fundamental for our purpose in life what is sort of economy and ecology are the conditions of our existence but other things are important apps we need to reverse our perspective and place of being over having set up a method that our love for. in
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essence they call him the king of the homeless. kristos other countries. he provides jobs 1st treat people in his own café to. be help them start their own newspaper. but best of all he's helped to restore their sense of dignity was. no yagni. in 30 minutes on t.w. . marcos the songs are food we live in a world that's filled with plastic. and plastic garbage. the consequences for nature and the environment are catastrophic what can politicians small
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businesses what can we do to fix this problem the world is drowning in plastic are . made in germany in the 90 minutes on w. d 2 you know that 77 percent. are younger than 6 o'clock. that's me and me and you. think you know what it's time all voices 100. 77 percent to talk about the issue stuff my top front porch flashes from housing boom boom town this is where. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend on g
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w. this is news and these are our top stories canadian prime minister justin trudeau says there is evidence that an iranian missile shot down a ukrainian passenger jet on wednesday the plane came down shortly after taking off from tehran 176 people many of them canadians were killed trudeau called for a complete and credible investigation. hundreds of thousands of people have hit the streets of france and yet another day of strikes and protests against president emanuel.
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