tv The Day Deutsche Welle January 10, 2020 9:30pm-10:01pm CET
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and thanks to the camp that all trains came in. we were offering you. nice cheese and keeping them on the unfortunately my. mom. and i listed all story. because i'm bored. must. starts january 27th on d w. the ongoing conflict between the united states and iran took another twist today western intelligence agencies suggested that the ukrainian passenger jet that crashed near the iranian capital had been shot down perhaps accidentally by an iranian missile iran says that is definitely not true but let's wait for the investigation so who can we believe i'm phil graham in berlin and this is the day.
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you know the thing that is clear to us and that we can say with certainty is that this plane was not hit by a missile. seriously the evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an arena surface to air missile the reigning state would never kill it some people this may well have been unintentional we do believe that it's likely that the plane was shot down by a rainy and something very terrible happened very devastating and when we get the results of that investigation i hope it will we and the world will take appropriate actions it was. also coming up australians demand that action on climate change as the country braces for more mega blazes brought about by high temperatures and strong winds this form was ferocious just standing up in
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a hero and you could just hear the rumbling the roar of. the sound that never forget its horrible. welcome to viewers on p.b.s. in united states and indeed around the world iran has denied western allegations that one of its missiles and shot down a ukrainian passenger jet that crashed outside killing everyone on board ukraine the ukrainian international airlines. flight was on its way from the iranian capital tehran to the ukrainian capital kiev the plane went down shortly after takeoff it was carrying 176 people most of them in training and canadian happened just hours after iran launched an attack against u.s. targets in neighboring iraq western intelligence agencies believe an iranian surface to air missile hit the airliner we do believe that it's likely that that
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plane was shot down by iranian missile we're we're going to let the investigation play out before we make a final determination it's important that we get to the bottom of it but we've seen we've seen video we've seen film of bulldozers and during the after you make a judgment you want to radian state t.v. we've seen bulldozers clearing the area that doesn't normally happen after a plane that's. take the accidents plane accidents or very technical issue i cannot judge you cannot judge the porters underground cannot judge nobody can judge says one obligation aviation authority cannot speculate we have to be certain of the things we say the causes we aren't sure of yet but as i said what we can say for certain is that a missile did not strike the plane. well let's get more on this from aviation analyst to julian bray he joins us from cambridge in the united kingdom welcome to d.w. so we have now an investigation and 3 pack conflicting theories iran's going with
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mechanical failure or pilot error while an increasing number of western intelligence agencies are pointing at an accidental iranian missile strike what are you thinking at this early stage. well the stories moved on quite a bit today and the the thinking is study it was a proximity missile basically this means at the misao is fire does not he touch the aircraft but soon see it comes within a few yards of it it will explode so that will then release lot so shrapnel and column 5 ish odds and literally it just lacerate see aircraft so that business is what the evidence seems me pointing to but we just heard from iran civil aviation had chief say that it definitely wasn't a missile strike what you think makes them so show well with the gray she's a respect to the a rainy an all thora sees they're not exactly
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a following procedure in investigating accidents they cleared the site they started clearing the site today and they've had diggers out sort of moving everything a way getting rid of all the day every there's been no mapping over the site has be no photography of of the site they removed all the parties yesterday they have remove possessions and they've let the local population war all over water is a crime scene so obviously they go just say that nothing is happening nothing is wrong and you can't judge but the point is then also allowing their proper investigation to take place and it's old down to the black boxes now and we're hoping they're not going to mess those up because the the big it if face was a missile strike then presumably will hear somebody say oh my goodness what's that oh a war worse that affect yes there are 2 data recorders on this take
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rare craft captures all the sound of the flight the conversations between the pilot and the traffic control. his copilot and you should be able to judge from that what state the pilots it was excited. hole or whatever was happening there and all the other side you have. set out to record every electrical impulse every switch that's changed every drop in voltage all that sort of thing and that both on timelines and you meld the 2 together and you get a complete picture of what's been happening all that aircraft for about one or 2 hours before the actual incident and that's what we're off to now the iranians have these they have phones is this saying already that one is damaged and they're not to say how they got to go about it. there is no delete the requirement for the iranians to hand the boxes over to boeing also the engine manufacturers the way it
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usually the boxes all say to. an independent the barfly that sets out to decode these and this is what we hope they do that we really don't want to raney and opening these boxes up and poking around inside to see whether they can get something off if it really needs to be expertly decoded ok so as you said there is an investigation but let's speculate let's say that it was one of these proximity missiles for whatever reason how people are going to be asking how presumably a multi-million dollar system accidentally hit system villian passenger plane how does that happen. well they could have been firing at something else and perhaps they are aiming mechanism wasn't quite right remember this is heat seeking its proximity it doesn't actually have to go towards the aircraft it just detects a heat source and grows straight for it so this is being charitable we could say
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that this was a mistake they were aiming for something else but the point is this missile did actually coals cause this plane to crash so way this is this is a new plane it's not even 4 years old yet and so if again continuing a speculation if this was an accidental shooting by iranian misao one of the repercussions of that dog what happens to his health responsibility and what does that look like. well the west is the west the the countries involved are already saying they're suggesting this was a mistake it's unintentional they didn't mean it to happen so they've given the iranians a way out say to go along with this and we will counter that arrangement over it now the words will be no ongoing hostilities because of this particular incident
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accidents do happen hopefully not too many times. the firing this asshole and what they're saying is that they're going to carry out their investigation they're inviting everybody in and you've got to realize of course that boeing is american and the engine engine manufacturer is american so they're not too predisposed to go. at the moment so what they might have to do get a proxy team in because they've got associations with other firms around the world and do it that way but the most important thing is that we really really like to see these 2 policies going to somewhere like that be a paris who are set up for it and they can do all the proper tests and they can then give the independent report back to iran for them to distribute as they so choose that's very clear thank you for joining us aviation analyst julian bright.
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of the u.s. government has unveiled new sanctions against iran's steel industry and senior regime officials secretary of state mike pompei o 7 sanctions are a response to iran's missile attack on u.s. bases in iraq which followed the u.s. assassination last week of iran's top military command general cassim solomonic secretary pompei o defended president trump's decision to kill the general saying that in rain an attack against u.s. interests was imminent the goal of our campaign. is to deny the regime the resources to conduct its destructive foreign policy we want iran to simply behave like a normal nation we believe the sanctions that we imposed today further that strategic objective we had specific emanation information on an imminent threat and those threats trim included attacks on us embassies period full stop i don't know exactly which minute we don't know exactly which day it would have been executed but it was
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very clear customs of the mahdi himself was plotting a broad large scale attack against american interests and those attacks were imminent against american facilities including american embassies military bases american facilities throughout the region this is i think. straight to washington that when he joined correspondent propofol they welcome. the u.s. is ultimately goal is to follow what they say it's ultimately goal is to force iran to renegotiate a new weapons deal but it's hard to see why iran would negotiate with a country that has demonstrated such bad faith in the past and walked away from previous agreements so this fall we've seen lots of stick is there any carrots. well yeah certainly a pretty fair statement to say that but of course the goal of the united states is to put so much pressure on iran by introducing these new sanctions adding to
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already a significant level of sanctions on iran that are already in place that eventually what will happen is iran will just not be able to cope and will have to. sit down and renegotiate a new deal with the united states which is what president trump has wanted since taking office and he has very much believed in this maximum pressure we're seeing it now with these new sanctions on you know so many sectors in iran finances construction manufacturing textile mining sectors also against aid to rein in officials who are said to be involved in destabilizing activities and actually phyllis want to bring in something that's happened in the past few minutes which is that it's being revealed here in the united states in that one of the big networks here fox news have been showing a snippet of an interview with president trump in which president trump once again justifies the reasons why they went after and custom still in money and then he said in this interview we'll tell you probably. see the money was going to be there
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going to target the embassy in baghdad he says that he can reveal that it was going to be as well for embassies so this gives once again more just a vacation in the eyes of president trump for introducing this these new fresh round of sanctions against iran. present trumbo lot of last week's killing without congressional approval so the house of representatives has now passed a non-binding vote in to limit the president's ability to engage in military conflict against iran this code become binding if it gets support the house voted almost completely along party lines to pass this resolution. today to honor our duty to keep the american people safe that is our 1st responsibility to protect and defend we must keep the american people safe the house will pass a war powers resolution to limit the president's military actions regarding iran
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i'd actually like to hear a democrat speak to the 600 gold star families the somani killed i'd like to hear them to finn that the resolution resolution before the house today is a step towards reasserting our constitutional duty to reign in a president who is unilateral actions have isolated us from our allies increased the risk of a nuclear armed iran and made us less safe don't try to pass some figley fig leaf resolution that is only intended to try to undermine the president in the middle of a conflict with the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism iran just about to publish this in washington pablo so talk us through what this resolution actually means well this is essentially you mentioned it before it was you know mostly along party lines of course to majority is held in the lower house by
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the democrats but this is really a show of force and power by the legislature here in the u.s. to say you know president trump you need to remember that we're here and that in order for the president to for example go into a war in the case of iran if he were to want to do that at some point that he needs to get approval from congress and that's something that they want to basically reiterate and show once again that he cannot just do essentially what he wants so it was also very telling that they also knew that if it does pass onto the senate you know it probably will not get approval because that's not forget that the senate is controlled by a majority of the majority there is by republicans. above all the alice in washington thank you meanwhile european union foreign ministers have been holding emergency meetings in brussels to discuss the crisis in iraq following nuff foreign policy chief a job
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a call for deescalation from both sides and reaffirms the box commitment to the iranian nuclear deal the region cannot afford another war it really is going not afford another wall and we call for an urgent discoloration and maqsood restraint to every part we are also committed to preserving the joint comprehensive plan of action. without the g c p o a 2 day iran would be a nuclear power we have to avoid the spider all over by the lence and create the situation in iraq that can be very dangerous for all of us and destroy is of work and efforts on the rebuilding of this country and you foreign policy chief joseph burrell straight to brussels where we join
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brussels correspondent to teri schultz welcome terry so where does the bureau. speaking very statesman like but one wonders does anyone besides the e.u. care that the e.u. still backs iran nuclear deal but there have been recent events rendered it it relevant. well truly it isn't helped by mr burrell's rather uninspired. pronouncement that the deal is not dead but you know it's not true that nobody cares about the iran deal anymore that everybody believes it's irrelevant because besides the european union you know who else cares iran cares and that's evidenced by the fact that although it has now breached all obligations under the iran nuclear deal quite openly and flagrantly it did not kick out and specters and that truly would have been the death of the deal because the e.u. relies entirely on the assessments of these international inspectors to determine
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what it does next so the others the other parties that care about the iran nuclear deal are china and russia don't forget that they are also signatories to this deal and neither of them have suggested they want to either quit it or to take this step of re imposing sanctions on iran for breaching the deal so the other 5 parties other than the united states still want to keep it alive even if it is by this very very very thin thread ok so it looks increasingly like a fight between the united states to run won't influence the e.u. bring to bad. policy. it is true that the e.u. is largely sidelined here as the u.s. and tehran battle it out and the question then comes up if it's not dead is is it really alive and that remains to be seen but you do hear in you governments sounding increasingly realistic which could also be pessimistic in saying that
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without the united states and without the united states removing these sanctions that are just crippling the iranian economy and and basically hamstringing the e.u. to do anything about it you really don't have much of a chance of reinvigorating this deal listen to what the in prime minister edgar's drink of it's told my colleague max under today at the emergency ministerial we need to reach out today and i think states understand it's also not going to be an easy dialogue and then try to push everyone of the table or at least to push everyone to try to find their ways how we can actually proceed however let's face it result in ited states it is almost impossible to divide the whole let's say deal as it stands maybe we need to look at the broader issues maybe need to one of them and ballistic missiles program and also activities appeared on in the region because those were also 2 key elements the threat not covered by the deal 2015 we
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now say that actually does the issues aren't important. so that's a really interesting statement from the latvian foreign minister because he is saying that the 2 issues which the u.s. used to justify its abandonment of the nuclear deal that is iran's ballistic missile program and its support for destabilizing activities in the region were not covered in the deal and think of as you saying perhaps we do need to open it up further something the e.u. has not been willing to do up to this point which is basically stalemated discussions with the the united states over a launching a new deal now there's no sign that iran is willing to discuss those issues but we are certainly hearing perhaps more realistic rhetoric coming from the european union ok today's meeting of e.u. foreign ministers was also attended by you the nato secretary general what is nato its position on this unilateral military action taken by its biggest member nation against iraq well you sort of answered the question yourself phil the u.s.
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is the biggest military power not only in the united states but of course in nato as well and you're never going to hear the alliance as a whole speak out against any actions of the united states including this one and well some european governments have been quite open about the fact that they were uncomfortable with the targeted killing of customs the money nobody supported him but they don't like this idea that the u.s. wants as air strikes unilaterally without telling them without asking them and they are never that's never going to be a line coming out of nato headquarters traditional some brussels very clear thank you. not to australia but tens of thousands of people have rallied in major cities to protest against the government's handling of the bushfire crisis and to demand action on climate change the protests carry the country braced for more high temperatures and strong winds which are likely to set off even more blazes at least $26.00 people
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have died in the fives and more than 2000 homes being destroyed. burned out pickup trucks and fires that still smoldering on the side of the road in the village of khobar go was an infernal a couple of days ago. kyle moser shows us the chicken coop in his yard he was in such a hurry to escape that he forgot to open the door his parents had no chance the storm was ferocious just we were standing up in the hero and you could just hear the rumbling the roller of it was it would have been it's a sound that never forget it's horrible kyle and his partner david assessed the charred heap of rubble that was once their home they say they feel numb but david is also outraged he feels things should never have come to this point. in a stray we weren't equipped we didn't have the full i thought a year trough we should have had we should be spending money you know on that she piece thoughts we should be. because he says. they knew they needed it
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even the building right next door to the local fire department burned down after months the government has now set aside extra funds for firefighting many say it's too late but the fire chief appeals for calm in the middle of the fire season everyone here is a volunteer. at the moment all arkansas is we have a lot of top people we have a lot of tomato. and when i just get through at this stage i get through the fords that we have and that we have to have taking on more from kyle and david took refuge in the local post office which they also run power still comes from a generator. kyle has adopted 3 kangaroo babies alys mother succumb to the flames well he washes out milk bottles tells us that many villagers here are angry with the australian prime minister and his crisis management he's not still not thinking
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about us he came through our town and only broadly is he is my decayed that he didn't bring any help he didn't bring food to and i. would have even offered books people water it was just his i need to wing it to cover him so. many australians have donated necessities clothing and pillows are piled up in the local community hall sarah callan and her 4 daughters are looking for new shoes. their house burnt to a cinder i mean they had just moved in. filmdom our family lost their highnesses well so on and the whole community as a whole as well some think so it's good say everybody working together and as a community will do it will. band together and everyone will help each other and we will move forward as a community. some do not even have insurance but the people of cobar go are trying
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to make. do with what they have laughed meanwhile the blaze has burned on in other parts of australia. so here's a reminder of our top story iran's a civil aviation that she 1st denied that the ukrainian the plane of it to crash military was hit by a missile because of this prime minister says multiple intelligence sources indicate any rain in that missile mistakenly hit. your secretary of state mike pompei with treasury secretary stephen nugent of unveiled a new sanctions against iran steel industry and the own senior officials of obviously republican solutions the result of iran's missile attack on bases housing u.s. troops in iraq. of yet you can always get the news on the go just download the out from google play only up stalled out if you access to the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications funny breaking news
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down find out on to the point. to the point the 290 minutes on the dubliner slap in the face. with him how to be done to go suckers with the highest how you know if i had known that the boat would be that small i never would have gone on the trip would be if i would not support myself and my parents from a danger to the bottom of the theme of the that i feel asleep would. love one something because that one little bit to give them i have serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives i'm going to. i want to know their story and for my grits turf i get comfortable information for more grits. and gemini if. at any time i've come to any place using news medium as they have i don't like the kind. to sing along to
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see this to come from super. for. interactive exercises. everything is online metafile an interactive gem unfit for 50 w. . it's time to take stock. and face. time you're on just such the up. and fun for the troops. to over come down try and connect. it's time for. indeed obvious coming up ahead. minds. take food personally. with a little wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. for all true
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for. the northern football longline. there's a d.w.i. is live from both of us unveils new sanctions against iran treasury secretary steven chu and secretary of state mike palm pilot say they're targeting iranian industry and 8 senior individuals who they say were involved in the missile strike against u.s. troops in iraq also on the program run civil aviation chief denies western claims of the ukrainian.
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