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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2020 10:15pm-10:30pm CET

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months of demonstrations against alleged government corruption and incompetence. you're watching the news coming up it's shifts in a look at the digital side of the fashion industry in the meantime all the latest headlines available 247 on our website that's d w dot com i'm called as one thanks all for watching. in the light of climate change. conference to smooth over. what's in store for. morning news to help for the future. e.w. dot com for the major cities to the multi-media insight could enter. an exclusive interview with dean ron kahn. stands prime minister speaks with editor in chief in a school. that's khan's perspective on the kashmir crisis and what does he hope
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results from the peace negotiations in afghanistan. why has he remained silent about the plight of the week or so in china and what our interview with iran khan on january 20th starts at 730 u.t.c. on t.w. . where do you go for new altered ideas to instagram right social networks are having a shoot impact on fashion these days influences are as important as fashion critics and supermodels how is this changing in the industry that's all a topic on shift today. and on. as to o.t. the my outfit of the day instagram and fashion pretty much a perfect match after all instagram is all about visuals and making things look
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good many people with a neck for self presentation have already become rich through instagram some influence has even known worldwide fashion brands rely on instagram they use the platform to define the image and to set new trends and some are working at a higher pace than ever before until recently fast fashion brands like h. and m. a prime i had the quickest turnover they need to just 4 weeks to get a new look into their stores this is now much too slow for fashion brands they rely on algorithms to design exactly the clothes 1000000000 euros want. these days it doesn't take long before he left training on instagram gets picked up by retail his speed is of the highest importance for ultra fast fashion brands like who own misguided from the u.k. . fast question on ultra fast fashion brands are very good at copying the latest looks from celebrities and influencers and can get
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a design produced and ready for purchase in just one to 2 weeks i'm with bible fish markets with awesome fast fashion brands can you please wait until i wear this in real life before you were knock it off in kadesh and post last year under this photo ultra fast fashion brand misguided chose not to you've only got a few days before this drops online they oncet and tact kim kadesh and she didn't think that was funny so at the comedy and one more than 2400000 euros in damages was that bad news for the brand or good advertising of fast fashion is pretty smart here's how they bring an online trend to your closet in 2 weeks. retailers were quick to adopt i deficient intelligence for trend monitoring they've used image recognition algorithms to analyze the clothes people post i. signs up to $150.00 attributes per m.h. . what the algorithm does is very similar to what i'm doing right now i'm
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scrolling through the feed and looking at pictures the difference is that the algorithm is much faster. and i can categorize and assign many more actual beats to the pictures to then sort the clothes into clear trends. trends. let's say flower just as heartrending then a small test collection is produced and the tresses are shown in several variations based on the orders and their on line shops retailers can quickly learn what sells . so these days the clothes are mostly made in europe thanks to digitalize supply chain and short distances there's no need to store large companies can now produce on short notice. and with. one factor is that having things produced in asia has gotten more expensive and another out of it is that if you want to play the ultra fast fashion game you'd have to have items flown in by plane. taken together these aspects mean that it's become less
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expensive to produce in the u.k. . in what we're talking. ultra fast fashion doesn't have physical stores and shopping malls long lines at the cash register or huge mountains of clothes in the warehouse they only produce what is ordered online in small batches as needed some ultra fast fashion brands can offer up to $100.00 new items of clothing online per day. be enough. there's definitely a demand for constantly evolving collections especially among the groups of buyers these websites are targeting this is a very young customer group who are active on social media and there it's very important to constantly show new looks. but come on buying new things every. 3 day there's no way that's environmentally sustainable. fashion trends are necessarily transients but consumers constantly buying new items damages the
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environment according to a recent survey 33 percent of women in the u.k. consider an item of clothing wearing it twice almost practically new pieces get thrown away and to a nation containing overflowing. the retail industry is responsible for more carbon emissions all international flights and maritime shipping combined the more clothes are produced the more resources are used from water to energy to chemicals. a clear reason to dislike brands fueling this trend. but on the other hand some british fashion companies manufacture domestically instead of thousands of kilometers away because they need short quick supply chains that's an advantage. as is the fact that a culture of fast fashion is often only produced on demand so there's little stock that has to be disposed of when it isn't. it's not always clear exactly
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why something becomes a social media trend take the amazon cold this winter cold for sale on amazon or stopped in 2019 it was so popular that he got his own instagram account people made little models of it out of play dough and pie crusts a huge triumph for the label brands to find their image on social networks and attract customers attention including my i barely even notice old school advertising like billboards anymore no surprise right. traditional advertising has become less important for fashion companies online marketing already accounts for more than half of their media budget and the proportion is said to increase more than martin fashion brands have to present themselves on social media with stories with influences the have to be relatable and create experiences that generates added value for other. fashion brands become quasi lifestyle consultants and retain customers through beauty to torrijos and other
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topics. or they create a hash tag community where customers show how they wear the brand. some fashion companies even have their own moderators who regularly meet stars to talk to them about this and that fashion becomes a minor matter here. is that over then i think that. traditional luxury brands initially struggled with this type of customer loyalty. vos in the past part of luxury brands like prada. level was that they wanted to be very exclusive they've opened up now. look at gucci it's sharing its brand and brand identity and this is led to highest sales and also to a high level of enthusiasm especially among younger target groups. gucci has even had mean competitions to promote
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a watch to big advantage of social media is of the brands are independent from advertising networks or t.v. stations and can communicate directly with their customers. treating the customer like a friend is a lot of work for marketing teams friendships need to be maintained and large fashion brands influencers for this millions of people follow them is what. influencers their choices shape trends which is why many get paid by brands to promote products and mixed of commercials in. hunters aim to come across as giving tips to friends. kylie jenner and kim cardassian are masters at the skill each has more than $150000000.00 instagram followers. i reach that huge is attractive for companies but that's not the only reason why influencer marketing is booming. friend community brand communities like the brand or labels in
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influences share their experiences both good and bad and that creates a sense of emotional proximity trust and credibility how. it an influencer fair and hamburg companies here are looking for new ways to reach customers by triggering emotions through social media. their influence if you sort of follow an influencer through their day they may have similar challenges and beautiful moments to you especially for teens younger influencers go to school just like other people do maybe they have their 1st boyfriend or girlfriend at the same as everyone knows that creates a bond that isn't as present with a salesman it's 1 o'clock on a surprise. almost like a real friend but there are also refreshing lee different instruments like the high peace grandpa there are lawyers are from his grandson janet diefenbaker dresses him in luxury street fair and post pictures on instagram with over 700000 followers on its influence or grandpa also get sponsors. but even non real people can
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become influencers and then look is an avatar created by the u.s. startup brugge with over 1000000 instagram followers her feed looks uncannily similar to other teen girls profiles avatar mccullough well known labels like calvin klein and ambush and never s'posed the perfect promoter. an integral part of the scene michael influences they don't have millions of followers like carly kim campbell and go by. they are important for companies because the mix of brands in everyday life on their streams makes them more relatable to their followers to keep users on the platform longer instagram now also offers shopping directly through the app. being able to shop without having to leave the app that's the idea behind instagram check out. the users can buy clothes handbags and shoes they
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see on instagram directly in the app payment is by credit card pay pal data such as your sibling address can be saved for future purchases and the platform keeps you updated regarding the status of. instagram checkout has been available in the u.s. since march 29th the base of it isn't included gren such as burberry and prada it does a nike as well as and. to date instagram shopping is available in $77.00 countries products with a price tag if the user clicks to buy a product and browse that opens which closes up to the purchase is completed so that the user is back on the stream. for instagram the goal is clear the more time user spend on the platform the more detail they use the profiles meaning personalized ads can be sold at a higher price for users is mainly about the convenience of browsing and shopping
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online without having to change platform but fashion conscious people can be pressured by instagram and if you're buying a new local every 2 weeks you're not only hurting your wallet but also the environment some brands are offering green options the norwegian label collings launched an entirely virtual collection which means customers can get a picture of themselves in a perfectly tailored outfit without the outfit having to be made. and saves resources what you spend. money on a virtual jacket and what do you think about fast fashion let us know that's all for me for today c.n.n. time by. the.
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ico africa. story drought in southern africa. millions of people are facing starvation cape town is finding to prevent the so-called daisy run we do believe that it is necessary and critical for the city's agenda isn't my business of life is that i am listening to the southern africa crisis eco africa next on d w. guaranteed change an entire country. and saddam no longer talked about startups until march truly turned. down the budding entrepreneurs are bringing scenes to the desert and making some serious out of the plight of projects like these could help the country's economy slowed down the t.v. show for startups and. 30 minutes on t.w. . and on demand.
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casts language courses. video and audio. anytime anywhere. w. media center. a very warm welcome to eco africa your environment mugsy future new paltz from africa and europe i am sonder to novia from uganda now one of our topics today is the.


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