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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2020 3:30pm-3:46pm CET

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27. coming up. nearly 300 people. and how high. plus. making. life.
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well. it could. not be transmitted between humans is now doing exactly that as authorities of announced that a new strain of virus from the family of says can be transmitted. it causes a lung infection and so far 300 cases have been reported in china at least 6 people are known to have died the large majority of cases have been reported in the central city of. way it is believed the outbreak began in the seafood market have also been reported in south korea japan thailand fears about the spread of the virus. traveling across china and the region.
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social media where people are sharing information and what he's. on way before instance a popular social media platform in china people have already begun posting information on what precautions to take the words face mask has become one of the hottest topics on the way ball some have applauded guides on which type of mosques to choose others demonstrate to the correct way to wear mosques. oh. many users have also complained that nearby drug stores have either run out of mosques or that the prices have shot up the news that 15 medical workers were infected by the virus in rwanda as a front to some to question the government this year was a rights why was the situation of the epidemic every demick story made public why one day an effective controlling measures right at the beginning the epidemic is not scary what's scary is that government officials book covering it up in order
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not to lose their jobs another user says i'm curious if mosques can prevent the virus from spreading why did 15 medical workers get infected i'm scared. many others probably share the same feeling especially after the video event wattle on social media it was of renowned scientist john not shawn speaking to state media outlets c.c.t.v. confirming what many had suspected. we considered human to human transmission a risk before but now evidence has confirmed that it is definitely contagious among humans we have such evidence collected and will hunt to patients from the city guangdong had not been to hunt but they caught the virus after their family members came back from. the double science correspondent jessica williams has been on the story since the 1st cases were reported derrick welcome does it look like people have enough information on what precautions to take well they w.h.o.
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has posted an extensive list of things that people can do to protect themselves interestingly the consensus is still very much out on the masks whether or not they actually do protect you but the come these commonsense measures include things like for example avoid close contact with anybody who's suffering from acute respiratory infections or wash your hands frequently particularly if you had contact with someone who's been sick avoid unprotected contact with farm animals if you can if you possibly can practice cough etiquette a very very important thing when you're in public and you have to call make sure that you catch that cough in a handkerchief or a tissue of some kind so they're not yet issuing any really strict rules for travelers but they're saying if you are traveling abroad and if you've been in one of these affected areas and begin to feel ill please contact the people health authorities as quickly as possible commonsense measures as you mentioned but it's also possibly the worst time to try and handle an outbreak like this book with the
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lunar new year around the corner and the travel rush already beginning all the new protocols in place as to how to handle infectious diseases in the middle of a travel rush that instance i really couldn't have come i think at a at a worse time and the question of. to what extent it might make this problem worse or make this outbreak spread more quickly i think it's probably going to to a certain extent that said on the other hand the chinese authorities have been quite good so far and they've they've come out for praise from from international authorities like the w.h.o. for having been transparent or we believe that they're being transparent about the situation and they're also instituting particular measures at places like airports and train stations checking people's temperatures as they come in so i think that the response so far has been appropriate it remains to be seen whether or not within this huge environment of travel millions tens of millions of people traveling in china what what things are going to look like afterwards would you say also that transparency is the key difference this time around if you look at ronald
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responds to this cone of august compared to the response that china had in 2000 to 2003 to the sawyers of virus epidemic which killed nearly 800 people worldwide well that back in the stars epidemic it was exactly the opposite in china came in for a great deal of criticism for trying to really bury that particular outbreak because that's that's not going to work in the modern world people travel too far too quickly that to be able to touch something like that and i think china has learned their lesson from that because we're just moving even faster and farther than we did back in 2000 to 2003 i think that they've learned a lesson and they've moved forward and the best way to address these kinds of issues as with transparency transparency transparency that translates into containment containment containment at the moment the cases seem to be in the 100 so far derek but increasingly appear to be voices that suggest that the cases could be in fact in the thousands i just like to play a sound bite from
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a scientist in hong kong let's just listen in to what he had to say and then we continue on the search. based. yes in terms of the most which is the most likely number is somewhere in the region of $1300.00 plus. and if you take the average the arithmetic average which is the mean and because the distribution of the probability density function is skewed to the right with the right tail therefore it's a slightly bigger number and it's roughly just under 7800 you're looking at a figure of between 1300 to 700 what's going on here that it is china under aborting or these cases just haven't been discovered as well i don't forget i mean there's i don't think that there's some kind of a disconnect or some kind of a cover up going on here there's this is a mathematical model that he was talking about now that's a prince that's a projection if you're a health authority you don't want to over report because obviously you're not
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interested in fueling the panic even more so what you want it's and identifying a virus particularly a new virus is a complicated high tech process it's not an easy simple thing to do and so i think that they're erring on the side of caution they're saying these are the people we know have had it so far and and they're probably it's that number is probably going to increase but these are the people that we can firmly say have had it it's different than a researcher saying we project that this many people have it 2 things apples and pears philip williams thanks so much for breaking that down for us. back in june last year hong kong residents came out onto the streets to propose to protest a proposed extradition bill 7 months later the bill has been withdrawn but demands for greater freedoms and democracy remain in that time a number of protesters to have become more involved in the movement in june profiled 17 year old student activist zach whole he's come
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a long way since his initial involvement in the protests on motives but ago as this report. basketball used to be an important part of the ackles life he played for a local club and dreamed about making it into international competition last year he even tried out for the hong kong basketball team he made it into the training school. but since the protests started jacko rarely even visits his neighborhood sports grounds i were on the tube that this whole days. as i just he calls on the street i have no fear itself my cell mate last generation. i for more than 7 months on from as i have been protesting against their government sack has been active in many marches the often takes over all the musician or talks. little
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i have my bible of the but very barrel was 0000000000000000 i remember i think i was i. think 555 i will be was i. so when the march gets cut short protesters and police have clashed a few 100 meters ahead. my please leave the via the side streets if you don't want to get into trouble let the front miners pass ahead on the road all the elderly and people with kids use the side streets to escape and get back be careful i was there. everybody is prepared the radical protesters move on to
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confront the police to the applause of those who stayed behind. this has become a routine because. we 1st met zakk in june i had of one of the big marches against the planned bill that would have allowed extraditions to china sack was a high school student a few days earlier clashes had occurred for the 1st time as i was no. that will allow that. for us we have just come. back and his friends had organized a block of middle school students to march together in case of violent confrontations they would be able to leave together quickly that march turned out to be the biggest protest hong kong has ever seen hundreds of thousands took part the organizers even put the number on 2000000. 5 i think you know i feel having i mean i do. have
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i'm in harbor mode i mean i haven't moved out of the march was 1 of the last big peaceful protests hong kong has still very cold and very i believe. since then most protests have ended in clashes zach is not a frontline not that he refuses to distance himself from the radicals. father was a lot we walled. in june but then we are forced to use follows to fight for. wide apart was. sent to us at the beginning the original extradition bill was finally withdrawn after 3 months but disillusionment in hong kong system how stuck with this generation to zoc last years of dreams and now a distant memory. that's
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a part of their will even now with images of the festival. in northwest province these festivities just days ahead of the spring festival celebrations over the weekend. about. this you know i mean in your minutes i'm going. to tell what i'm going to miss you know what i'm what why didn't work and as you know i'm not going to set them. here so yes it can only say if i caught it on what they're being funded. i'll go to the girl next you to check. out good line of story.
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with exclusive. the must see concerning part. of. the should be curious minds. do it yourself networkers. so subscribe and don't miss out on. the phone. could this be the sars epidemic all over again stock markets are heading south as new cases of a deadly virus in china sparked fears of economic consequences. meanwhile u.s. president donald trump addressed the world's elite at the world economic forum in davos where he promoted his own view on the relationship between big business and climate change. business asia i'm going to johns of berlin good to have you with us well stock markets from asia to europe have tumbled to on concern over the outbreak
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of coronavirus in china markets in shanghai hong kong tokyo and sydney all retreating on tuesday and germany's dax fell by half a percent on the slide followed confirmation from health officials in china that the virus can be spread person to person 6 deaths have now been confirmed shares in chinese airlines and 2 companies have taken a hit just as millions of chinese prepare to travel for the lunar new year there have been almost $300.00 cases of coronavirus so far mainly centered around the city of. attorney 2 doubles now where u.s. president on edge trump has told the 50th gathering of the world economic forum that america's economy is booming trump arrived in the swiss alps as the impeachment trial against him was due to convene in washington he point.


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