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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  January 22, 2020 8:30am-9:01am CET

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nicias and he didn't want to marry. mom. i want to follow story. because i'm bored. must. starts january 27th on d. w. . illiam. relations between india and pakistan are a somewhat in tangled affair rather like at 1st glance the turban gone by sikh men . a monday singh is curious to know what happens when an indian sikh like himself travels to pakistan. he's decided to embark on a pilgrimage and for the 1st time in his life crossed the border to be the new 4 top 4 corridor. i have taken i love on say. the visiting my good place it is like god's
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a muslim it is the things i back up. for a monday the journey is also a sentimental one visiting the homeland of his ancestors and to the other half of his culture split in 2 by the partition of india pakistan in 1947. a former indian consul general the pakistan explains. god put his very very hard on stress it was very very very important to them don't forget that it is probably the sikhs who suffered the most a partition the sikhs who lost the most at partition and had the sikhs also who retaliated there was a partition. how did the tiny minority of seats become such an important political issue for the 2 powerful nation. will cut off or change anything for the seats.
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could it be a testing ground for peace between india and pakistan more than 70 years after their partition. as we travel through india and pakistan when john we come across new hopes and fears. that. the new border crossing is located just a few hours drive south of kashmir the region india and pakistan have fought 2 wars over since their foundation and where they remain on a hostile footing with each other. but here on the ground in one job at the entrance to the car talk or corridor the mood is currently a peaceful even relaxed one. the indian subcontinent is home to over one and a half 1000000000 people 20000000 of them are sikhs most of them like a monday live in the punjab
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a region that was torn apart by the partition of india and pakistan. for more than 70 years there was only one border crossing but now there's a new one the talk of. a monday makes his final preparations for a journey that he expects will change as we're. listening to. the top was of god already bringing peace into south asia a little definitely be. seeing has seen a lot of the world he spent a number of years in birmingham england and it's also traveled extensively across india and to dubai but this is his 1st trip as a politically conscious pope. but this purchase the dentist has transformed his small car into a kind of passengers. he's joined on this expedition to the unfamiliar larger neighbor by a white heat on. a monday conducts one last
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online check before setting off a video on the top or so he cargo. the car talk more corridor 4 kilometers of freshly paved road for indian seeks a new highway to a holy site that leads to qatar for saki in pakistan the world's largest sikh temple. it's where the founder of their religion spent the last years of his life in the 16th century and is now buried it's a place that every sikh wants to visit once in their life. the 1st group of pilgrims set up for 4 also known as. the november 29th. the date on which the border was inaugurated was no coincidence november 9th the anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. it was opened on the indian side by prime minister has not ended. and almost at the same time but not in the same place by his pakistani counterpart he met on friday. it had been almost
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20 years since plans for such a order reversed the host hide-n. indian premier because the hardy bunch of heights. and it's in that spirit of peace that iman deep and keyed out are now making their trip. they were both born in punjab not far from where they now live and would be on there making the trip on behalf of their respective families and are among the 1st to have been granted permission to go to qatar. i'm excited i am. living the moment i saw many video of the many big jazz many people going across but me visiting that place and it would be a good feeling basically on my end of this. one individual
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and that interesting that it didn't think that me and wyndham isn't in. their journey takes them through the indian part of the punjab the bread basket of india and the only indian state where sikhs comprise the majority population the rule even romantic region is home to 18 of the 20000000 indian seats. and as well as a month you can keep the pilgrims from within pakistan are also under way. on sikh holidays believers are required to visit a temple or. ideally one of the especially holy places like one kind of sucky birthplace of the religions founder. of the. one kind of sucky plies a good 3 hour drive away from car talk and this is where we've been to seeing lives
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of works. but. i'm going along to the 1st secretly who migrated here after 947. my grandfather and his 2 brothers were the 1st ones to come of it all. families had moved from here to india during the partition 947 which partitioned into. that time it was difficult for us with pakistanis see it with their target to live here. today pakistan has an estimated 6 population of just 20000 in a country of 220000000 muslims 28 year old put in there has strong thoughts about the country's partition over 70 years ago. i could see your indian saying brothers on the other side they would look at the great water through binoculars that was their way of paying respect and homage to the shrine for just a single glimpse of the temple these people traveled thousands of kilometers across india. we accompany singh to the pakistani to one kind of psyche where
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a sense of tradition meets a more future oriented outlook as typified by seeing the tools of his trade or laptop and camera he's a youtube video grapher with a very specific target audience. being the team behind the punch on the letter a letter journal or trying to increase their love between pakistan and india because they have so much in common. we don't understand the reasons for the hate between the 2 nations on the 70 under. the temple of one kind of sucky sings favorite filming location his videos provide an insight into the sikh religious service on feast days the ceremonial reader or get on team carries the holy book into the temple on his head an expression of respect together with the ceremonial family. sick.
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sick sick mean someone who learns. in sikhism there is one god he is the almighty and the creator and lord over everything. he is infinite and the supreme god he is the god of. truth and he takes care of all living things got to work. women have equal rights in the sikh religion and there is no caste system as in hinduism the belief in one god and one book of faith is a concept also familiar to muslims while hindus recognise the notion of guru 76 retreats. good or not adopted a range of ideas from the great religions he was surrounded by but also added his own notably the 3 basic principles praying and thinking of god earning a living by honest means and sharing the fruits of one's labor with others. that's why sikh temples all offer free food and drink to visitors regardless of
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their religious affiliation those who work hard or eager to share tend to make friends this is perhaps another reason for the growing social presence of sikhs in pakistan. over the last 20 years we sikhs gradually started to become more prominent in society as you can see in my own family. some of us are in the army some are professors doctors engineers. and one of our boys is in the rangers range of images i don't want to have so this created a sense of pride amongst us and now you can see sikhs represented in every field here even though we're a modest smallest minorities in the country. that. the temple next door has been draped in a special show of lights to celebrate good or not birthday. here we meet one of the biggest relatives was also enjoyed professional success. by hendon policy saying.
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he's a proud member of the provincial assembly one job. i started i met government i had to but i am the sole sikh parliamentarian in pakistan. there's nothing better than being born in. same place where sikhism was born and already legend began oddly beginning. religion just said was i'm so proud of that. he said to. them. for my hand at the cut for corridor is the fruit of joint efforts at a political and religious level. pool and. qatar poor car door is not a recent idea. it's the result of many decades of prayers by a sikhs. in the islamic republic of pakistan well it just tolerance is far from a given. my hender looks to the good example set by his fellow believers he pointed
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to the artistic known sikhs from all over the world are kind of ambassadors for pakistan to me and when they see the love and respect they receive from us god they will then know that we are a loving and peaceful nation. like all sikh temples this one is funded primarily via donations. the money increasingly comes from the us canada and britain where the majority of sikhs outside the indian subcontinent live. but it's the stance of indian sikhs that is decisive for the region. one that is to do them when our indian visitors go back they will take away the message enough violence or fighting resolves nothing we have to sit together and talk and for that reason the car drop or corridor will become the country for peace corridor. in new delhi veteran foreign policy expert
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money shankar aiyar attributes this primarily to the sikhs in pakistan this is a symbol of the importance. to reconcile this community with them. and don't forget that it is probably the sikhs who suffered the most a partition the sikhs who lost the most at partition and the sikhs also who retaliated the was at partition. the history of the sikhs is one of glory and misery triumphs and defeats of suffering and inflicting pain and nowhere is this legacy more visible or tangible than in. the cradle of sea culture and indian point. among deep in his wife stepped up to visit his brother who lives nearby and now have their nice with them to visit the 1st and only partition museum
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on the indian subcontinent. the museum was opened in 2017 a town hall of them gets up to mark the 70th anniversary of partition most of the collection comprises photos and memorabilia of people directly affected by the partition ruins and life size replicas bear witness to the victims and give visitors a very physical and emotional impression of a suffering. 40 percent of the population you know awful good completely from where the side. people lost their lives there are names. used it's been 70 years then moved up not to be. in june 1907 the british had agreed to separate muslim pakistan from the predominantly hindu india and grant the 2 nations independence barely 3 months later. british wanted to rule here so it was their policy to do why do why does it is one
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of the you know blackest step in the colonial rule. you know you know we meet people with the white bed and you know. even expecting the apology from british parliament up until the very last minute the british left open exactly where the border with him. the ratcliffe line named after the british chairman of the boundary committee was drawn in an arbitrary manner with dramatic consequences being dependent at that time was like a disease in punjab it was like a like a plague immediately we started losing people. that the said government when it would independence day i pleased to be. you know i cannot relate myself to the fairly brief and because i cannot ignore this i cannot ignore does nothing. to enforce the population transfers in the provinces of punjab and vanguard for unprecedented with up to 20000000 displaced persons and 1000000 dead. there are no
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exact figures only bitter memories of the past and fears for the future. visiting this museum bringing feel it in my i'm and i'm comparing that 947 moment of it today and same thing is happening today as a we should try to do something so that not think that it will happen again. with a month deep is referring to is the other element in the pakistani division. the region has a predominantly muslim population with a large hindu minority and both countries continue to press claims to the entire territory. of visits to museums provides an alternative perspective of the present what they would have already gone into they really want done that it is on the history from their point of view i read the history but everything but ben i'm coming to a museum in this age i'm watching many new things and that's that ever
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a generation should be told about the mistakes. at the earliest stage. in the partition museum the thorny tree representing relations between india and pakistan has leaves very unfriendly wishes. but cuba has also experienced a less promising state of affairs. but history is being changed i am a teacher and each year courses and the syllabus is being changed especially history books by replacing chapters in them. just a 10 minute walk away from the sobering partition museum is a truly resplendent site and one intimately connected to the history of the sikhs the golden temple of under their holiest site and indian soil it dates from the 16th and 17th centuries. i i in modern
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times it was the site of a traumatic event but spent etched into the memory it seeks. only thought that all through david 984 there was a massacre on genocide a killing of an entire generation of sikhs in delhi after that even to this day we were advised not to talk about to move forward to move on. in 19846 wanted to create their own state of college star independent of india with him but it started as its capital. fearing further independence movements the then indian prime minister indira gandhi ordered the army to storm the temple to dislodge sikh extremists who had been using it as a refuge around 500 sikhs died in the ensuing gunfire. a few weeks later indeed a gandhi was murdered by to seek bodyguards and broke out and hundreds of innocent civilians were killed those responsible were eventually satins over 30 years after
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the crime. little did we used to look at the ruins left by the massacre and think did this actually happen in an independent and free india or we're not part of india why did it have to come to that later on we gradually try to take a more information but we did not find any answers. for sikhs the golden temple in america will always be associated with mixed feelings and bitter memories of the storming by the indian army. it was certainly the most dog steam in the bin in india and on the congress party and on your gun the government programs despite apologies that have been demanded subsequent it will be difficult for the historian to see this steve has been wiped out. after taking some valuable history lessons on board for the journey to
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potentially brighter future a monday now heads for qatar and finds time to. never comes easy it never does not better how much effort you board how much time do you know you can demand it but in the best political scenario but given these donations it on account of a very bold step. and. thanks to him that it is happening and we believe it is going to be a wonderful step between board the nation and then far better agent. this part of the indian punjab has benefited from recent developments the equivalent of several 1000000 euros were invested in building a few kilometers of new roads across the sandy plain in the approach to car talk on the road was years in the planning but even after the opening it's still resembles a building site as does the futuristic looking visitor center. barely visible in the hands of the much awaited destination. now just 2 passports checkpoints away.
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i'm a deep and keyed out have almost reached that final goal visitor numbers are limited to 5000 a day now a few weeks after the opening the initial rush has subsided. and filming is not officially permitted the on the gates but the indian authorities have provided an online computer animation of its passenger terminal. their passport checks like an airport but no visa requirements and. it's hard to describe how i feel i'm on the pakistani side of the punjab. face to face i've just gone through immigration from the indian side and then i'll do the same on the pakistani side you can see the past behind it i'm about to get on it and i'll go to the top or psyche of a lot of mixed emotions right now ok. thanks.
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yeah it would you know generation has prayed to make it very easy for us to be here today is the all we had to do was put out a form at the border and officials from both countries welcome don. and now i would like to thank all of those who made this possible for us on what you know me it's our d.n.a. it's the bubble but i know. that this wasn't the end result he the other side of the duty. step here shortly in sync with the state the us. might be. there. and finally the pogroms dream becomes reality. followed by you well but those of you. unfortunately film cameras are not allowed
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inside the complex but you that's photos and i'm a personal account do give us an impression of how. well preserved the historical interiors and of the other many visitors they met people of all ages and social classes. the visitors are not only sikhs they also include people from all religions and regions of the subcontinent curious to see the site. you know i appreciate how people have showered us with love we spent a 1st quarter of an hour just hugging and meeting everyone else and i see you will be treated for all but everyone here is really passionate and full of life like you're getting. strangers come up to say hello did you land on video they tell us about their own village and they ask us about ours. encounters with an impact lasting longer than the one day visit. we all have to be stakeholders in as we have
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to put more effort into this initiative this project needs to provide alan we need more initiatives to be taken for the digital age. cutoff for seche is open to visitors for just 8 hours a day indian citizens are not allowed to visit other temples in pakistani soil so the scenes are now at the end of the pilgrimage. back to india for how many expand their waiting in their village for a full report on this journey back. let me give. you the good it is one thing i cannot say that no one there was trying to take the credit or saying they want to hide the initiative all of them said are saying they think that the ice is growing on our. banks it is your right to come here and right as on everyone i can no one who said otherwise. i'm excited and looking forward to
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telling everyone about my experience and encouraging them to go to i know what there are some. well where you're going to hear going to but i will have to read them to go and experience it. up until now the car thought for corridor is only open to indians traveling to pakistan but not vice versa. among deep would like to see pakistani sixpenny fitting to throw that we need to reciprocate this we are trying to do on that very site at the top or there already immigration counters on each side so extending the opening in both directions is possible that there are also a lot of places in india that are important. as the friendship has to be from both sides your friend you know responds positively to our initiative we will give them an even better response than. money a friend got a yacht from the opposition congress party in india does not share his optimism especially when it comes to a commitment from the prime minister. i think he is. i think he's
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against this kind of the thing it doesn't suit his politics and it doesn't suit his it for the support. of things between the 2 countries involved to wants peace then he has one of the candidates for the nobel peace prize as well but what is true is that. they run khan that looks so obvious thought he did this i would say. most in the media's has an eye on the nobel peace prize which would be the automatic prize that would be given. if it did reconciliation between the 2 countries. as a sikh among deep is definitely eager to promote reconciliation between the 2 nation it's only through dialogue that is both interrupted and goes up to boot that we would be able to there's a new form of these issues including because. it's clear is that the cutoff point
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corridor does make books for a more harmonious future in both parts of. this was a lifetime opportunity for me and i'd really happy i made the decision to have it be because that i live. with. more of. those who love deep sea. fish calendar of course. overfishing breeding seasons diversity. with people and with. how damaging ecosystems. know your fish the
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1st seafood is the stain ability died in the. first. 30 minutes on d w. earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. google ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas that protect the climate boost clean energy solutions and reforestation. losing interactive content to inspire people to take action global audience the series of global 3000 on t.w. and online. how to cover more than just one reality. where i come
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from we have a transatlantic way of looking at things that's because my father is from germany my mother is from the united states of america and so i realized fairly early that it makes sense to explain different realities. and now here at the heart of the european union in brussels we have 28 different realities and so i think people are really looking for any journalist they can trust for them to make sense of this. it is not often i work at the w. this
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is news coming to you live from the trial opens in the u.s. with democrats republicans battling over the hugely important. one party that doesn't fear a fair trial and one party that is terrified of a fair trial. early morning by would solve the republican set the tone for the trial knode new witness a lot. coming up takes a step forward as the prime minister unveils a new cabinet.


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