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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2020 7:45pm-8:00pm CET

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while the german president frank steinmeyer joined other world leaders in jerusalem to remember the victims of the holocaust. there are also many other events marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps and $945.00 the last surviving jews in europe back then with a hung garion jews as germany only occupied the country in 198414 year old shiny air and buys was deported to auschwitz but kept a diary that story is now revealed in berlin's german historical museum. kept a diary to herself the 1st 75 years now it's going on show for the 1st time she was just 14 when she started to write it on the day the germans occupied hungary march 19944. diary she recorded soberly we are lost gary and jews knew what awaited them in the extermination camps this is
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a negotiated this is a story of one happens around to the people. what happens in her village to have family and who is deported to is not so they can this is the story of life closing in of the spaces in which they can move getting narrower the conditions getting harder and of the fear growing. this unique document of fear and of every day life is now on display at the german historical museum in berlin. aaron valve's handwritten diary captures it all life in the ghetto deportation the horrors of auschwitz it's now the subject of a documentary film alumni and. says it. christine knocked.
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on. into a smile and. this new. chinese diary ends in auschwitz she describes the 1st hours then falls into silence but she hung on to her notes. china is now 90 years old she has traveled from jerusalem for the opening of the exhibition he's speaking german the language of the perpetrators for the 1st time in many decades. the dance of our whole family are 12 children my mother my father to brant mother and grandfather none of them came
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back. to. shiny air involved lost her entire family in the gas chambers she alone survived as a forced labor slave in an arms factory she saved her diary at great risk to her life the president of the german stock praises her immense courage our group. to keep a diary when life is about 1000 survival and under the constant danger of death where did you as a 14 year old girl get the strength and courage to do this as one of the do among the do and. in 149 shiny air involved began a new life in israel she kept a diary with. the mention fag east. and. amazing woman. is
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a rather unassuming forester who manages a bitch ward in germany in 2015 he published a book called the hidden life tree what they feel how they communicate it originally had a modest print run of 2000 $500.00 books made while it's become an international bestseller and now there's a documentary film featuring the man himself. 'd 'd a sensation of. life of trees has been translated into. now. the big screen. to get back to our roots but one with nature is not unique to germany. some of the german relationship to the forest is not so special which have a country look at iceland. countries without
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a lot of forest but even here they have a strong connection to trees it's human and that's great because it shows we are naturally close to nature it's genetic. gripped by scenes showing reproduction in the pine forest. presents the forest as an emotional experience. this is the point that explains the book success peter describes trees in a way that allows us to identify with them trees have children that they look after this is an idea that everyone can relate. pollen drift in the air a nightmare for those with allergies but actually part of a giant acts of love. trees communicate with each other some every 2nd here how they synchronize
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remains a mystery. trees have memories and characters 3 folks laban's hometown when winter comes they have to decide to continue soaking up the sun or not take the risk of being damaged by frost. and chided us he ducked it by boys nearly the 3 trees make different decisions 2 of the outs are a bit more courageous the 3rd is a little cowardly or in positive terms more sensible trey's with human traits some say this is going too far the timber trite say they've been relies too much on feelings and not enough on facts. because of course the forester's think it's a terrible place just as if i talked about intensive livestock farming instead pigs have feelings and feel pain when they're castrated the forester's are just as
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annoyed when i say the forest is a social network because this is disturbing timber production. so. the labor is now using his celebrity to campaign for the preservation of endangered forests around the world he's advanced from simple forest to an international media . humans since $982.00 sounds like an ad for a logical research group but it is actually the artist's. song. their name is made up of the year they were both born and the fact it didn't bother typically artistic title the jew or like to explore how our world works for technology and design together in an often humorous why. what is the essence of a waterfall can motion be captured like an object by continuously repeating it.
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that's the question posed by collection of motion it was created by stockholm based artist pair emmanuel sen and bastion be sure. for example collection of motion pieces we basically show was something ephemeral as an object and try also to point to work towards this. almost ridiculous attempt to. make something that is. not static but try to collect it. the ephemeral is also a theme of their series titled a 1000000 times and it features analog clocks displaying the time in digital form. the 2 artists call themselves humans since 1902 they spend years in close collaboration with an international team of designers engineers and programmers to
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turn their animations into real objects their biggest installation a kinetic sculpture of 504 clocks hangs in singapore cheney airport. where setting the clock and free from their. role of being a fish. measurement to make them into the center. and i can also relate to that to my self a little bit like you know this is this stress of constantly like optimizing our lives or. always trying. becomes offering instead of just being and this is like also internal struggle and i think it kind of reflects into our work as well 'd. time surveillance in modern technologies have preoccupied emmanuel sin and be sure forget it again since they founded their studio in 2009. 'd thinking on this we're working in
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a moment on projects where we draw lines of fragments of drones which we cast in like material similar to what you would find. in nature like because the insect that is contained in the block. behind is we would like to show that all the technology to leave traces and when to take note she leaves our lives there will be something that remains and we showed that in the political. chaos and order changed in permanence humans since 1902 bring attention to these concepts nothing is forever except time itself it's days even if it keeps passing. now it's just been announced that the. music prize one of the most important in the
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classical music field indeed it's sometimes called the nobel prize for music has been awarded this year to the german viola player. she joins an illustrious list of prize winners but include benjamin britten yehuda men u.n. and help for. the prize giving ceremony will be in may but we'll have a portrait of the man on arts and culture tomorrow. that's just about it for this edition but i leave you with pictures from paris of john paul good years very last fashion show the fabulous all voluntary book of high fashion is bearing out. after a career that started 50 years ago a comic designer will be sadly missed and the world of fashion is losing its most colorful shimmers design until next time.
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for the point shaun opinion clear positions international perspectives. can germany succeed where others have failed in brokering political solution to the long running conflict in libya chancellor merkel said last sunday's conference here in berlin was my 1st step to speech have a chance find out onto the. 2 point. 030 s w pretty skeptical. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language but the 1st word. nico is in germany. why not learn with him. it's simple line on your mobile and free. t.w.
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zeal and in course. german made easy. i was issued when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. it was hard i was fair. i haven't got white hair it's the. language. this gets me and they go but you need to instruct the lives of say you want to know their story. and reliable information for margaret.
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this is g w news law from berlin remembering the holocaust the world pauses to pay tribute to those who were murdered and those who survived the show.


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