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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2020 5:02am-5:31am CET

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camp 75 years ago they described passing through this gate as walking from earth into hell into the holocaust as the world begins commemorating the somber anniversary the politics of memory are getting in the way tonight we ask if those before us experienced a shared past why can't we agree on the past we remember i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. the symbol of the industrial minus the murder of 6000000 jews the worst crime in the history of humanity it is certainly that it was committed. by my countrymen what we remember here today can never happen
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again hatred and intolerance still live in the human column and i wish. i could say that we germans have learned from history one person for all to see the anti semitism is reappearing here not violent. brutal it is hate but it cannot say that. when hatred is spreading. also coming up tonight the paris climate agreement is a blueprint for a world serious about preventing a climate change catastrophe it was of that world that the german chancellor addressed today. the question of achieving the goals of the paris agreement could be a question of survival for the whole planet which is why we need to act. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day remembering
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when one of humanity's most inhumane chapters began to end it was 75 years ago when soldiers of the soviet red army arrived at the ritz concentration camp in nazi occupied poland now those soldiers arrived thinking that the camp would be the next point of conquest as they battle their way towards berlin but once they entered the front gates at auschwitz they became liberators at a crime scene the whites of which humanity had never seen or today the world began commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz with an event today in israel another next monday in poland today speeches were solemn and sober but also politically charged national agendas did not yield that today as the souls of more than 6000000 murdered people were remember who. knew the holocaust survivor sings the kaddish the mourners prayer.
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the ceremony was dedicated to jews and other victims of the holocaust leaders spoke of the need to fight today's anti semitism. that current politics a clear and present. i'm concerned. that we have yet to see a unified and resolute stance against the most and you submitted crew shimon the planets. i call on all governments to join the vital effort of confronting iran. the u.s. vice president agree we must also stand strong. against the leading state purveyor of anti semitism. against the one government in the world that
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denies the holocaust as a matter of state policy and threatens to wipe israel off the map the world must stand strong against the islamic republic of iran. russian president vladimir putin delivered an offer to world governments to talk about peace. we suggest a meeting of the heads of state and government of p. 5 russia china the us france and britain. it could take place in any country anywhere in the world or counterparts find it convenient. russia is willing to engage in a serious conversation because. you don't get your. gemini's president spoke of responsibility all right just a different dates. the words are not the same. the perpetrators are not the same. but it is the same even.
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this responsibility or words of ovan into the very fabric of the federal republic of germany from day one. but it tests us here and now this germany will only live up to itself if it lives up to its historic responsibility the solemn poses the toolkits inclusion and peace these promises would also not be forgotten said council chairman we appreciate it very much he will promise to fight and they semitism in the region . this is a promise this is an obligation this is a duty of men k. did all. and this really will never forget what you have said here today leaders to do it the words you have. and you hands you know one through
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a long sentence one signature you can decide the pollutants of people so decide to love and friendship and peace thank you. this was a clear pale that these promises be kept. for more tonight i'm joined here at the big table by stefan lane state he's a professor of holocaust studies in jewish studies at torah college here in berlin for us it's good to have you on the show i want to start by just getting your thoughts your opinion on what we call today we're at ya bush in israel and we've got representatives from the allied powers as well as germany speaking. is was that the right way to begin a commemoration of auschwitz 75 years later i think that's that's fair to say because well i mean it's 75 years after the liberation and germany is no longer
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what it was in 1905 and it was changed and is really really engaging in to history and. it shows reconsideration and that's what what what happens it happens from the israeli side and i think what jimmy das is really is really recognized as a sincere effort but he would you think that was a main message today when the german president spoke and the message he had to i mean the message was about reflection it was about learning the lessons of history reconciliation we seeing there in real time the arc of history the successful ability to deal with a dark past and to come to terms with the perpetrator. peter that is in your own history. well i mean. it's always
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a question of comparison so if you ask me whether germany has done enough to come to terms with its past i would say no but if you are ask me whether this is this is the right way and whether it's more than others do then maybe you could say yes and the question is what can you do i mean in the end germany is a working democracy and i think it's part of chrissy is that we dealt with our pos we did it in a very genuine way that's that's true but the thing is. it is a german pos and we have to find a national way and i think we did find a pos you can criticize it and i actually i do criticize it for for for many things but it's not i wouldn't ban it or say that that's not a sincere without that there was one part of the german president's message today which struck us as we were listening i want you to take a listen to what he the president said and i wish i could say that we
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germans have learned from history ones and for all. but i cannot say that when hatred is spreading. i mean that struck us as being very honest but it also reminded me of every visible holocaust survivor who has who has said that it is impossible to represent the holocaust because it was singular and unique in its evil that you can't represent i mean that seems so absolute and when i heard the german president today saying that we haven't learned the lessons of history that also sounded absolute because it's not true for everyone everywhere is it well i mean he to history can teach us a lot. i doubt that we all i mean we were ever able to to learn all the lessons and actually we have to find every generation or every and actually every
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individual has to find its own way to learn from history so what we actually can do is provide knowledge and we can do that it's cool's we can do that at memorial sites it's obviously what the historians do. and whether you get the right lessons out of this this is i mean it's almost impossible to say but the lesson you learn today is right lesson for in 5 years. it speaks to the importance also of teaching children history absolutely perhaps it is. leaders valid today to fight harder against modern day anti-semitism and there was a lot of talk about the the new threat to jews here in europe i want you to listen to what was said about the situation for jews in russia because. russia. where we find maybe the lowest ratings of want to see me do some due to their very
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uncompromising learn to pull the city 2 words on to me to them and i'm just imaging incidence treated with mark simone severity therefore practically eliminating under-estimate isn't in the public arena. i. there we heard practically eliminating entice images of from the public arena arena in russia is that true is russia a safer place for jews than western europe i doubt that i mean this to mean they sounds a bit like if putin had set set that i wouldn't have been surprised what we can say it sounded like a putin message yeah. right i mean you you might argue if you're a bit cynical well russia is not a free state so obviously if you're not allowed to try to to to publicly say
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anti-semitic things then then they don't exist but i think the idea that anti-semitism no longer exists in russia is absurd i was shocked when i heard that but as you say with russia we there's not transparency we don't even know if the statistics that we received we don't know if we can verify them so we don't know if they're true. the toll it takes of memory. and the holocaust talk to me about why why do you think there are 2 main events here we've got the wind today that was a judge a shim and we have one on monday in poland at the site of shits. do we need to why well i think it's fair to have to because well for once we have israel which is where. most of the holocaust survivors need and which is the jewish state and then we have the place of the crime itself so yeah that makes sense the question is who is in white it and who is not invited and i find it very strange that for instance
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the polish president was not allowed to give the speech. and then you know why you know why he said that he's going to boycott he said because the russian president gets to speak and he says that putin is pushing revisionist history about the war absolutely no that's that's politics of history and accuse someone of anti-semitism is probably the the strongest case you can make to to to out cost someone and to say well you are if you're a bad country you're either rogue states or to speak and that's what putin does with russia does it with ukraine and its foreign policy but at the same point it's a at the russians because they themselves can claim themselves as as as victims so that they have victimizing themselves because the others are so bad and so mean it
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will be interesting to see what happens on monday the polish president will be there the russian president will not be there on monday professor fun with torah college for your insights and helping us put this into context thank you. well now a message from a woman who survived the holocaust her name is due to kraus she was a teenager when she was deported from prague and said. she is 91 years old now and she told the w news why she never wants to see our streets in any form on any occasion ever again. and says my. little sister cheered and spoke and yes it was the books. this is me. in the black stockings. my number is 73305 which i had to
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shout twice daily. counting still a pill. you had to shout over a number then septic 1000 that i 100 from the air was full of like snow from the from the smoke from the chimneys. and the spear the answers from some that came up korea and here i. just had to. understand that this is what happens there when they train arrived there were prisoners who saw to it luggage to major mountains of clothes of shoes. proved of bread. and if they put found
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a book somehow managed to bring it to the chair and broke. there were some $2414.00 books on the bow so frayed invented this is very b. library and you are in charge people being killed in gas chambers. and. then in claremont. and they think they're in the air they cover their ass and then all the federal meetings we knew that. come in june we had 6 months grace to live between you we knew we knew we are going to die and you and everybody knew that i won't ever go back. there it that the hundreds and thousands of people go and that they're on the. issue or over
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all over the. i think this is their steps in knowing the dead people don't enjoy that they. are from the past in the politics of memory to the future and the politics of climate change today german chancellor angela merkel one of europe's longest serving and oldest leaders spoke in defense of young people at the world economic forum in switzerland she told the global business elite to listen to what young climate activists say she warned of a growing rift between the u.c. were developing their own future and an older generation ignoring the threats of global warming they will soon leave behind. doggy doors were not going to stop until america from delivering today's warning to divorce this is the 12th time the german chancellor has spoken at the forum but never have the stakes been higher
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merkel appealed to the world to arjun li make good on the paris climate accords. the question of achieving the goals of the paris agreement could be a question of survival for the whole planet being uncertain is why we need to act on this the serb is known for her. it's also why environmental themes have played bigger than ever this year with activism royalty meeting actually well to the future king welcomed gray to turn back the us president is not a fan the german chancellor try to mediate. but that's a good side time is of the s.n.c. when the older ones have to be careful. i am 65 years old all the impatience of our young people is something we are to tap as a potential investor we are to understand that they obviously look at
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a far different horizon well beyond 2056 in the us. the talk of intergenerational divisions jarred somewhat with the calm outside. perhaps why merkel saved her last with a call to arms for the business elite to work together to avoid a climate disaster. they called us for a cohesive and sustainable world doesn't it take alders for a sustainable world because i would argue where all this talk allocations are this you are this hour we are we trying to take this seriously there are whole host of opportunities open to us but we cannot get inward looking and going it alone that would be the completely wrong lesson to take all these years after the 2nd world war in that the sweat and the. no what matters is whether the class was paying attention. my colleague he was paying attention he joins us tonight
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from davos switzerland good evening to you climate policy is of course topic number one where you are i'm wondering did merkel and her speech did differ from the e.u. commission president hu talented the e.u.'s green deal yesterday well bred there was a big difference and maybe it is the enthusiasm with which the policies were presented in underlined speech as you mentioned she touted this as a bold move by the european union that will convert the block and it will give it a 1st mover advantage that suggested that this was the class type of action that everyone here was expecting whereas anglo american was far more cautious and she decided to simply stress out how difficult a process this is that it is a transition that it will take time and whilst she did recognize as we saw the importance of understanding the urge of the younger generations while she realizes that this is not an easy path that the world is trying to take therefore
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a simply sticking to the pragmatism she's already known for its religious also talked about china it's today take a listen. what makes things complicated is that at the moment the european union does not have a unified policy toward china you know over the years everyone saw china as an interesting trading partner in the central and eastern european nations then got together eventually and said well france and germany and the other big names are always meeting with china and doing business now we want to get together and meet with china all the time too. so what is germany then proposing to do do achieve a unified policy towards john. well brant the most important thing is for the european union to finally realize that china is not an isolated country that is trying to play in the world stage anymore it is a world power angle merkel even spoke of a multi-polar world where there are several powers working sometimes together but sometimes not and that in means that the european union must for example work
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towards a unified policy when it comes to investor protection making sure that investors from the european union are meeting fair conditions in china it is also about climate change working together with china in a unified policy with the european union for example would cover a vast majority of the world's emissions and it is also about the relationship between china and 3rd parties mainly african countries where china is a very big player and where europe is lagging behind and the merkel recognizes therefore the importance for all the european countries to work together to face the challenge that china as a world power now means for the block and she wants to see europe becoming a geo political force in the world not only the bloc that we know it for merkel also mentioned breaks it today and we know in just 8 days. the biggins help president has briggs been there in davos this year. well i would say britain was present we saw some well known names like the reason may and even
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prince charles but bracks it wasn't really a big topic this year in davos especially if you compared to last year where it was seen as one of the big global threats to the world economy this year it seems like the world has come to terms with the fact that this is what britain wants and that this is going to happen and since we are all expecting an orderly breck's it well it is not that much of an alarm here in davos anymore rights my colleagues agree this in a davos switzerland thank you. but tonight's top stories are about humanity's past the holocaust and humanity's future climate change and they are inextricably forever linked we were reminded to that today when the german president posed the question have we learned the lessons from our history his answer no and that was echoed today as scientists reset the doomsday clock to just 100 seconds before midnight now that means metaphorically
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that humanity has never been so close as it is now to its own total annihilation when scientists 1st set the doomsday clock back in 1947 nuclear weapons were the biggest threat now those weapons have company climate change scientists say years of abusing the planet and ignoring the consequences have resulted in climate change being just as lethal a threat as nuclear weapons former california governor jerry brown unveiled the clock's new unsettling setting today moment series tell me how else can we tell people where where we're at how else can we wake up the democrats the republicans the independents the millionaires the billionaires the media owners who carry on their life as though it's that they're on the chair of rigid iceberg and they're not very. it was jerry brown there was a warning about what the doomsday clock means and that time is ticking the day is
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almost done the conversation it continues online you'll find us on twitter either the news or you can follow me i bring t.v. don't forget used to hash tag of the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day before we see another day that we want to leave you now with pictures from paris of john paul very last fashion show the fabulous all. of high fashion is bellowing out after a career that started 50 years ago. strong
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opinions clear positions from international perspectives. can germany succeed where others have failed and broker solution to the long running conflict in libya chancellor merkel says last sunday's conference here in berlin was a 1st step to speech have a chance find out on to the point. to point. cut those necks trying to look up from the cold. it was once
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a paradise. it's a toxic. to shit to momentum to instant filthiest measure and the more. the main commuter the international fashion industry i. can assure i'm still the same the most common. 45 minutes on d w. slick . carefully. don't. need to do good.
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just come home. subscribe to the documentary truth. can germany succeed where others have failed and broker a political solution to the long running conflict in libya chancellor merkel says last sunday's conference here in berlin was a 1st step the chancellor did in fact succeed in getting the main players in this proxy war just sit down at one table including the russian and turkish presidents until now on opposing sides and they and other foreign backers have been channeling weapons and money to rebel general khalifa popstar on the one hand sand or the un backed government of prime minister also raja.


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