tv Tomorrow Today Deutsche Welle January 25, 2020 7:30pm-8:00pm CET
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earth a home for saving global oil deals tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas to protect the climate and boost green energy solutions by global ideas being born series of global 3000 on t.w. and online. future into tomorrow today the science show on d w this time we look at the early stages of life. primitive babies often struggle to survive researchers are trying to raise their chances but it all starts with conception how men can improve their sperm quality. and where all animals what our doctors can learn from other mammals.
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a pregnant woman usually carries her baby in her womb for 9 months by the time it's born the child has developed enough to be ready for the outside world. but more than 10 percent of births worldwide are too early according to the world health organization that's around 15000000 pre-term babies who often struggle with life threatening complications. studies show that a simple method can help funding them. a potentially life saving touch. depending on their stage of development primitive babies can stop breathing up to 15 times an hour when these episodes of respiratory arrest are known as apnea and any of them can prove fatal dr ornish told me heads the neonatal department at like 6 university hospital in eastern germany every year
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he helps dozens of premature babies get a start in life that's as normal as possible. premature babies should still be inside their mothers tummies they would normally strengthen their respiratory muscles there and take breaks now and then all the premature babies on the ward are doing the same they breathe when they feel like it and when they don't they stop. out but out of the womb without a placenta those pauses mean the entrance is no longer getting a steady supply of oxygen the shower monitoring devices the alert the nurse goes to the baby and strokes him or her and make sure they start breathing again this process can happen several times an hour so for them. when the alarm sounds a nurse enters the room thoroughly disinfect her hands and opens the incubator.
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time is of the essence because the longer the process takes the longer the baby has to go without oxygen. the neonatal department unlike say he employs around a 100. says he performed this intimate life saving work around the clock. to improve the care these babies receive in the future all ridged told me and his colleague martin violet have launched a joint research project they hope to develop a mechanical method of stimulating the premature babies when they stop breathing. we want to improve the response times so that when apnea occurs the gap is a short as possible. we can prevent it entirely but we hope it will
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minimize the developmental disorders and cognitive impairments that can occur during the premature babies growth phase despite all the procedures in place these are still life threatening circumstances. engineers and martin is lending his support to the project he's developed a device that can be used to measure the intensity of a touch. as to poop or if this is our doll she has a pressure sensitive cushion filled with water in her foot so it can capture and compare the different kinds of stimulation like a simple touch us or whether she's been pressed or stroked to get into different kinds of stimulation and different levels of pressure and it's very likely that they have different success rates and we want to find out what's most successful
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what sort of calm target how firm is that and if it's a rub how fast. and that's what this experiment is for the middle of. the project has revealed how difficult it is even with the latest technology to simulate the human touch with a machine. if we can't do it in a manual way because of a lack of staff then technology needs to take over i'm a strong advocate of the real stimulation and the real world but in this case we have to look for other options and compromises. of. technology will never be able to replace nurses and certainly not parents but if the project is successful the machine could be a helpful tool in the medicine. and the bidding on food if we can improve the
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conditions for premature babies in incubators and then the whole of society will benefit we won't have as many children and teenagers with delayed development and it's important to remember early childhood in an incubator isn't an ideal childhood the infant survive but they're growing in sub optimal conditions. there's still a long way to go this is brand new territory not only for research is but also long make it so it could take years before the technology is implemented. nowadays babies born after the 28th week of gestation are quite likely to survive at that point it has its eyes open in the womb a month earlier it will have already developed hearing and has fine hair on its head. in the 18th week it'll have started sucking its thumb i think grip and swallow. and in the 4th week when it's still an embryo its heart starts beating.
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now it's come back to the very beginning. crowded in here i want out. now time after ejaculation sperm face a real marriage. don at their size the 20 centimeters they have to travel are the equivalent of a 500 kilometer journey on foot. what's going on in. many sperm die in the vagina because the environment there is quite acidic and the female immune system doesn't only attack microorganisms like bacteria and east but also sperm. good finger 7 of fluid is so thick and slimy and that there are so many of us getting either everybody. if. one of the sperm fight to survive the egg makes it stately way down the fallopian
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tube towards the womb i am going to find you just you wait. during a woman's orgasm and the vagina uterus and cervix begin to contract rhythmically that helps draw the sperm deeper into the womb. we pick up speed oh mom too bad the rights over fortunately i have an outboard motor of my own. to give jackyl it becomes less viscous the sperm grow increasingly agile. you have to admire my true both 3 d. propeller ed my sophisticated wiggle wacko. the walls of the uterus help with orientation. and teamwork increases speed. what now right or left. we still don't quite know how
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a fellow peon tube signals that an egg is on the way right left right. the walls of the fallopian tube are covered in hair like filaments that push the egg along creating a kind of current that flows down towards the spar. to keep swimming upstream. many more sperm are lost in the fall. of the fallopian tubes for those that keep to the path however the eye provides a little help it releases compounds called prostate gland turns and the sperm follow the chemical trail i can see it better activate my penetration enzyme. the eggs thick outer layer is made up of glycoprotein the sperm dock with an. almost earth and then with a final twist the 1st sperm pours through into the egg casting off its tail and instantly the xcel seals its outer hall try as they might all the others are stuck
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outside. of garnett. and. 'd the w.h.o. classifies an ejaculation as normal if it contains at least $40000000.00 sperm there when as a shallow it it's reference value some years ago because men are producing less and less especially in industrialized nations. but what about the idea that men are always ready for action not so when it comes to spurn so what can a man do to improve his sperm quality. you're a healthy male and so you think your sperm must also be in chipped up shape your is fertile as can be right wrong you're fooling yourself. the quality of a man's sperm changes regularly and not just as he ages. most men
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continue to produce sperm well into ripe old age but the number of highly moved that is properly moving sperm gradually drops experts say by around point 7 percent per year. but this season can also influence sperm production men tend to produce the most sperm in spring and the least in summer a phenomenon that scientists have also. observed in many animals however the seasonal swings aren't too extreme suburban counts in many examined during studies never fell so low that they would be considered infertile. you've probably guessed by now that a balanced diet plays an important role in sperm quality. zinc selenium vitamins e n c e folic acid and omega 3 fatty acids all help increase sperm motility. there are also antioxidants that means they help lower inflammatory processes in the tube
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connecting the testicles to the fast deference that's where movement in sperm 1st appears. the best foods for sperm quality are salt water fish whole grain products fruits and vegetables exercise is also good for the quality of a man's sperm because it raises testosterone levels which increases sperm production only up to a certain point though in the long run extreme athletes actually have reduced sperm production illegal substances used in the bodybuilding scene like anabolic steroids have a dramatic negative effect on sperm quality when it comes to temperature sperm cells like it a little cool if the testicles were sperms produced fart located outside the body where it's a few degrees below body temperature so should men worry that heated car seats electronic devices on their laps hot baths or saunas could harm their sperm production probably not there is no indication that sauna loving people like the
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fins are going extinct. could mobile phones and pants pockets damage her so far that hasn't been proven. but what's definitely good for sperm is sex whether alone or with a partner regular ejaculations improved. and after a day or 2 without. sex sperm quality declines. so exercise is the key for men to make. and so is a good diet. and also regular sex that's a good argument for more love including self-love if you were in gambia sent in a question about that. science say about masturbation. today societies are talking more and more openly about sex but masturbation is
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still something over to blue. surveys suggest that 93 percent of men and 89 percent of women in the united states pleasure themselves on a regular basis germany has similar numbers. masturbation is considered a sinful act by many of the world's religions and cultures false claims are propagated in their name for example that people who masturbate will get smallpox. hairy hands and even tuberculosis or they'll go blind deaf or insane. over the years science has managed to refute all of these allegations. the latest studies have shown the opposite that masturbation is actually healthy it activates the release of so-called happy hormones which reduce stress it helps to keep the body fit by raising the heart rate and burning calories and it can help us
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to sleep better masturbation can also relieve headaches and menstrual cramps it could prevent cystitis and even prostate cancer. some people say jackie letting 2 or 3 times a week could help improve men's sperm quality by replenishing that's. stocks with fresh sperm. masturbation can also benefit sex with a partner both men and women can learn more about what they like and how to help each other climax. however masturbation can become a problem if it becomes addictive starts to govern every day life and is no longer a source of relaxation. accidents with objects like vacuum cleaners and strangulation aids can even proof fatal but overall modern research gives
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masturbation a big farms up science even says that total abstinence might do us no good at all. if problem is right why are they born maybe if you hate it. do you have a science question that you've always wanted answered it we're happy to help out you send it to us as a video text ovoid smell if we answer it on the show we'll send you a little surprise as a thank you can i just ask. do you find us online on twitter and on facebook. whether alone in a twosome all howsoever. sexual arousal causes the body to release a firework of chemical messages substances especially oxytocin and.
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these hormones and neurochemicals stimulate us in many ways and regulate our bodily functions and our feelings. but sometimes they allow our emotions to get out of hand. and paul are on their way home paul is angry he's had problems or worse than a feels awakened relaxed. her parasympathetic nervous system is activated this warms to relax the body aided by various hormones and chemical messengers that flood her system for example noradrenaline which is formed in their dream. and the happiness hormone sarah tone and it plays a key role in the central nervous system as well as other parts of the body suddenly a large s.u.v. cuts in front of their car and quickly steers them to safety pulse reaction is also swift because he's so wound up his sympathetic nervous system already activated
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goes into overdrive 1st of all where the body's fear response originates sends out a distress signal. the hypothalamus communicates with the pituitary and adrenal glands telling them to release adrenalin and cortisol. signals to the heart and lungs increase the muscles oxygen supply within milliseconds paul is ready for action suddenly an old man walks across the street and anna has to break sharply paul is so worked up that he cries out he's in a biochemical vicious circle the more the i make villa's stimulated the more stress hormones like cortisol are pumped into his circulation and this makes paul see red . normally the hippocampus and the mc below would settle down again but that process is completely blocked by the escalating fight or flight reaction the production of serotonin is also suppressed. cold system is out of control.
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although both of them have experienced exactly the same thing and no quickly gets back to normal the degree to which you lose your cool can depend on how often your reactions have been triggered the more your inner alarm is activated by stress or. anger the more likely it is to go off again. and that has learned how to quickly regain equilibrium by deep breathing that encourages the calming parasympathetic system to kick in looking into the distance also helps as paul doesn't have to concentrate on driving today he can start right away. people aren't the only ones with feelings other animals also release homans that influence their emotions elephants apparently experience grief and mourning.
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may miss their own is. even flies may have feelings we shouldn't think we're so special. now doctors want to use knowledge from veterinary medicine to improve our understanding of human health. ringback many animals have developed amazing characteristics that we humans don't possess some species for example appear to be amusing to certain kinds of cancer heart disease or kidney failure at the skansen zoo in stockholm some of the world's leading physicians and veterinarians have come to admire the wildlife among them veterinarian yohan a pioneer from vienna and cardiologist barbara not recent horowitz from boston they're great fans of bayer's as his kidney specialist peter steyn from stockholm their mothers managed to give birth and breastfeed their young while hibernating bears don't excrete any waste for 6 months during the snoozy season that should
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cause kidney disease but it doesn't that this mean this laugh during hibernation they have amazing abilities their muscles don't atrophy and they don't produce any urine their bone density increases rather than decreases and their kidneys don't suffer any damage to your pseudocode. how do they manage it. for a kidney doctor about this yes amazing. they don't get any of the complications that we see in patients with kid this is they are no science or stripper oses bone loss it's only a minor reduction in. no science of artist grosses and these are all features that is extremely common in humans and we have patients with chronic kidney disease. in cats on the other hand both large and small kidney failure is a leading cause of death. a study of big cats in german's use found that
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87 percent had kidney disease professionals in human and animal medicine could learn a lot from each other professor barbara not us and horowitz has long been saying they should collaborate more many thought it a ridiculous suggestion especially doctors it's this human exceptionalism that is a blindfold and sometimes when there are commonalities that our species has with others we don't we can't even recognize it even when it's right in front of us. never seen horowitz is a consultant to the los angeles in 2005 she was called in to look at a little monkey that had heart failure she looked at it closely and tell one of the vets mentioned she should avoid staring it directly in the eye because that could trigger what's called capture my apathy muscle damage due to stress she could literally scared to death. this happened the thing right has been in the veterinary
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literature the wildlife biology literature for decades. it was a new diagnosis in like the late 1990 s. 2000 on the human side so there's decades of experience and insight and loss to our to physicians why. because we don't see ourselves as an walls because we do value animals in the natural world in fact even dragonflies can suffer from blood sugar levels that are too high and among mammals laboratories have the same genetic mutation associated with obesity that some humans do while pigs can turn anorexic under stress. that they will this is possible animals can't have body dysmorphic disorder but then catherine and i started to adjust and we said well wait a minute are there animals that. restrict food. for some reason for social
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reasons and in fact there are there are actually fish who are who if they get bigger and as a consequence of getting larger they challenge the dominant larger fish they will be attacked by the dominant fish it can be very dangerous so they actually sell for strict food so they stay smaller. she's not the only scientist who would like to see more communication between the fields of animal and human medicine dr steyn drinking and veterinarian parno are working together on kidney disease. they've studied the kidneys and a lot of there is from zoos and from the wild what they found is that the wild players have a different diet and are generally healthier than their relatives in captivity overall though both groups had good kidney values diet seems to play a big role in the phenomenon all the animals they examined had flourishing gut flora appears diet is 80 percent plant based they eat a lot of crassus and berries. bears are eating machine spurt so they eat everything
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but they are especially fond of beta berries. and i think with an enormous amount of berries they ingest in august and september disc would have meant that wallachia effects we know from. this that the berries have beneficial effects on the bone on the basket short and may improve cardiovascular health. in the summertime a bear can consume tens of thousands of berries in a single day the researchers think that the red or blue pigments in the berries known as science are responsible for the wild bears healthy kidneys the pigments are also thought to help prevent cardiovascular problems in humans. but among the free living bearers there were 2 whose values were poor they live near humans and may have gotten used to eating from dumpsters like us they'd likely be better off a thing avoided that fast food ate less meat and snacked on berries instead.
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master is a plastic waste german consumers carefully gather separate unsafe plastics and there is still the biggest producers of plastic waste to enjoy a rather than recycling it they export it why can't they give it out. looking for clues and waste. germany's problem with plaster. in 15000000 small d w. 5
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is the w. news live from beijing of course the corona virus outbreak a gray situation chinese president xi jinping convenes an emergency meeting where he warns that the spreads all the deadly virus is exaggerating more new cases are detected within china and in other countries also coming up a powerful earthquake strikes east of time killing at least 22 people and injuring hundreds more emergency services all searching for survivors.
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