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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2020 6:30pm-6:45pm CET

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morals are to a . there as you know he was with the head of hezbollah i don't think they were up to anything good. i don't think so he ran an organization called jerusalem liberation forces and use does hatred total severe hatred of israel as a rallying cry to divert attention from the incompetence and shortcomings of his government he falsely promoted the sinister notion that a free jerusalem we must really be at war with israel so to have it free we
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have to be at war with israel and he said it very very powerfully in fact it's been in this false war that. israel really the enemies of peace have used it they just used it as an excuse to divide and totally oppress the middle east in truth jerusalem is liberated to a jerusalem is a safe open democratic city that welcomes people of all faiths and all places it is time for the muslim world to fix the mistake it made in 1948 when it chose to attack instead of recognize the new state of israel its time to a
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since then the amount of needless bloodshed and all squandered opportunities so many squandered opportunities in the name of senseless causes is beyond measure the palestinians have been the primary pawn in this regional adventurism and it's time for this said chapter in history to end end quickly end now. it's never too late for courageous leaders to set a new course to pursue what is right to change the future only for the better america is prepared to work with all parties on our vision so many other countries are willing ready and able to work with us i've spoken to many of them i cannot
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believe the amount of support. this morning has i cannot believe it i have been called by leaders boris call so many called and they're all saying whatever we can do to help they all want to see it happen. time but america cannot care more about peace than the stakeholders in the region there are many muslims too never visited al aksa and many christians and jews who never visited the holy sites in the west bank describe so vividly in the bible my vision will change the army just a biblical heritage will be able to live breathe and flourish in modern times all humanity should be able to enjoy the glories of the holy land this part of the world is forever connected to the human soul in the human spare these ancient lend
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should not be symbols of conflict but eternal symbols of peace thank you again for all of the work you've all done and all of these incredible honored guests for being here and in particular i want to thank prime minister netanyahu. i also want to thank oman bahrain and the united arab emirates for the incredible work they've done helping us with so much and sending their ambassadors to be with us today thank you for thank you for thank you very much please carry gertz
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america's partnerships in the region of never been greater and our alliance with the state of israel has never ever been stronger than it is today or together we can bring about a new dawn in the middle east and i would now again just like to thank everybody and a very special group of people an incredible group of people so many have been with us on this journey right from the beginning and we're getting there. they say it's the toughest deal ever to make in business one i have a tough deal people would say this is tougher than the israelis and the palestinians they use that as an excuse meaning that was always the standard actually there's nothing tougher than this one but we have to get it and we have an obligation to humanity to get it
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or so i would now like to introduce the prime minister of israel who's worked so hard on this benjamin netanyahu thank you for. in the middle east we drank water. before long voyage. so. this is an extraordinary voyage. a present from donald. i'm honored to
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be here today. along with my wife's our. ministry of living and bassett or ron dermer ron thank you for everything you've been doing for. nasa all security advisor advisor mir bench about thank you to mayor. and our entire delegation. we're honored to be here with you mr president with secretary of state mike from palo. we applaud you my. secretary of the treasury steve minutiae national security adviser robert o'brien america's u.n. ambassador kelly craft. the job would push and evolve good to see you both.
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it's good to see the unfailingly energetic and all to mr ambassador david friedman jason greene by. bobby berkowitz. ron paul. and the rest of you are. exceptional peace plan mr president it's good to be here with the other distinguished ladies and gentlemen of your administration with senators and members of congress who are israel's greatest friends on capitol hill thank you.
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thank you. with the embassadors. of the united arab emirates bus train and oman what a pleasure to see you here and what a song that portends. i was going to say of the future what a song different sounds of the president. to all of you into the many distinguished other distinguished guests who are here today. this is a historic day and it recalls another historic day we remember may 14th 1908 because on that day president truman became the 1st world leader to recognize the state
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of israel after our 1st prime minister david ben-gurion declared our independence that day charted a brilliant future mr president i believe that down the decades. and perhaps down the centuries we will also remember january 28th 2020 because on this day you became the 1st world leader to recognize israel solvent to over areas in judea and samaria that are vital to our security and central to our heritage. and on this day you to have charted a brilliant future
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a brilliant future for israelis palestinians and the region by presenting a realistic path to a durable peace. since the moment of its birth israel is you're in for peace with our palestinian neighbors and peace with the broader arab world for decades that peace has proved elusive despite so many well intentioned plans one after the other they failed why did they fail they failed because they did not strike the right balance between israel's vital security and national interests and the palestinians aspirations for self-determination too many plans tried to pressure israel to withdraw from vital territory like the jordan valley but you mr president you recognize that israel must have sovereignty in the jordan valley
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and the other. in other strategic areas of judea and some area rather than pay. easy lip service to israel's security and simply shut your eyes hope for the best you recognize that israel must have sovereignty in places that an able israel to defend itself by itself. for too long far too long the very heart of the land of israel where our patriarchs prayed our prophets preached and our kings ruled has been outrageously branded as illegally occupied territory well today mr
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president you are puncturing this big lie. ah. you are recognizing israel's sovereignty over all the jewish communities in judea and samaria large and small alike. these as the distinguished pastors who are here know very well these are places inscribed in the pages of the bible these are places carved into the bedrock of our common civilization the sacred tune in for the bone where the fathers and mothers of the jewish people are buried better where jacob dreamed of a ladder ascending to the heavens should know where the ark of the covenant that held the 10 commandments for 10 century for 10 centuries for
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a story for centuries that's what happened in chino. thanks to you mr president these areas and so many others that for millenia have been searched in the soul of the jewish people and in far the imaginations of millions of people around the world and across the world these areas will now be recognized by the united states as a permanent part of the jewish state law . mr president because of this historic recognition and because i believe your peace plan strikes the right balance where other plans a failed i've agreed to negotiate peace with the palestinians on the basis of your
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peace plan or why it's a great plan for israel it's a great plan for peace frankly mr president given all that you've already done for israel i'm not surprised you have been the greatest friend that israel as ever had in the white house. or has.


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