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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2020 9:00am-9:31am CET

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this is deja vu news live from berlin a mideast peace plan without the palestinians the u.s. president has unveiled the plan alongside the israeli prime minister in washington it would hand israel control of more disputed territory one reason the palestinians have rejected it out of hand also coming up. countries begin evacuating their
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nationals from the chinese city at the heart of the corona virus outbreak that is the number of cases here in germany rises to 4. and rising sea levels have started displacing millions of people in coastal areas and look at what's already happening in the philippines. i'm brian thomas a very warm welcome to our show today u.s. president donald trump has unveiled his long awaited peace plan for the middle east at the white house israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu welcoming the proposal as quote the deal of the century but palestinian president mahmoud abbas swiftly denounced the plan it calls for a palestinian state with a capital in jerusalem east jerusalem but it grants israel control of disputed
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lands. president trump and prime minister netanyahu pushing their international peace plan but they've both got troubles at home impeachment hearings against trump continuing in the senate and on tuesday ness and you know he was formally charged with bribery and fraud but there was no mention of either of those scandals at the white house. under this vision jerusalem will remain israel's undivided very important undivided capital. but that's no big deal because i've already done that for you right. we've already done that but that's ok for too long far too long the very heart of the land of israel where our patriarchs prayed our prophets preached and our kings ruled has been outrageously branded as illegally occupied
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territory well today mr president you are puncturing this big log. you are recognizing israel sovereignty over all the jewish communities in judea and samaria large and small alike. this is what donald trump says a future palestinian state could look like the map he tweeted shows palestinian areas in talk green but the west bank and gaza connected by a tunnel he said east jerusalem would be the capital of the state of palestine the palestinians have already made it clear this isn't a plan they're prepared to back or even a hold of it i would like to say to trump and the who wanted to know that jerusalem is not for sale. court and all our rights are not for sale. by not bargaining. your conspiracy.
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if this new plan will need to move quickly israeli officials saying netanyahu plans to ask the cabinet approval on sunday to make the proposed new quotas a reality. let's get more now with our correspondents tanya kramer in jerusalem and all of her salary in washington good morning to both of you oliver middle east peace is often called the holy grail of american politics is there a sense in washington that this plan can succeed where many others have failed. it's been many many presidents have tried their luck with very complicated field and there's therefore lot of skepticism right now in particular from democrats one democratic senator said that this plan if put into practice would diminish the prospects for
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a peaceful coexistence all israelis and palestinians in the region and we're now essentially talking about a 2 state solution brian with only one state that was represented at the negotiating table and that of course was israel the palestinians were not included in the talks they were not invited to the presentation in the white house and in contras president talking about a win win all fortunately today and about a historic breakthrough which of course is anything but clear at this point in time tania as we heard there from all over the palestinians were not on hand they've rejected this plan completely is there any chance that it's some point they might get on board with it. well i think it would be very difficult for the palestinian leadership to back this plan because it follows the israeli narrative is really need for the security it doesn't really back posting in quest for
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self-determination for having a sovereign independent state it actually allows israel to keep most if not all of jerusalem except for a few neighborhoods it also allows israel to start next seeing hearts of the west bank the settlements and the jordan valley so it falls short of an independent sovereign state is actually talking about lives limited so friend and this is certainly not something the palestinians would back ok the palestinians looking at this very skeptically to say the least what about the israeli public do they back this plan especially its call for an as an exciting parts of palestinian lands in the west bank. well there are many different opinions about that and there's also a lot of skepticism i mean from the more left leaning israelis you would you need a negotiated process which is based on the principle of 2 states 2 realistic
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states for 2 people now among the right wing especially the settler settlers of course that's an absolute yes for an extension that's what they have been waiting for but no a big no to any notion of a palestinian state they have been some surveys about you know whether people would back an extension and there's a focus on the notion of unilaterally so nearly half of the public would not say if you knew that the next ation of some of the territories having said that the jordan valley there is a consensus among israelis that this should stay with israel but it could have serious repercussions also with because with relationship to it with jordan ok and the jordan valley is a very large corridor let's remind our viewers about that all over this announcement coming as a surprise can you tell us about the timing. rival president trump is under
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enormous pressure with the ongoing impeachment trial here in the capital that is going to continue later today and of course what he's been doing here is to influence the media agenda covering the trial extensively right now so he's been very busy talked to anti-abortionists a presidential 1st at a big rally here in washington he traveled to the world economic forum in switzerland and now the middle east peace plan which of course in and of itself is a very important. point on a presidential agenda also it's not forget we're in the middle of the election campaign with the iowa caucuses just one week away and then president trump is obviously really trying to cater to his voter base here in particular targeting evangelical christians that are very supportive of israel and that he needs for his reelection so he's really trying to paint that picture that he was the one getting things done and living up to his promise it's all result for us in washington tanya
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kramer in jerusalem thanks very much to both of use. let's get your brief now on some of the other stories in the news president trump's legal team has concluded its opening arguments in his impeachment trial was an appeal for trump to be swiftly acquitted his lawyers also tried to marginalize the former national security adviser john bolton whose testimony should the senate allow it to be incriminating for the president brazilian media say floods and landslides in the southeast of the country have now killed at least 59 people some 30000 people have been displaced a state of emergency has been declared in over 100 cities and towns including the state capital below horizontal. a powerful earthquake has struck in the western caribbean between cuba and jamaica shock waves sending people staggering into the streets the 7.7 magnitude quake was felt as far away as florida and mexico . where hundreds of foreign nationals are being evacuated from the chinese city
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of han the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak as more deaths and worth cases are being confirmed now japan has already started repatriating some of its citizens living in the worst affected area meanwhile the number of deaths from the virus it has risen to 132 in china the number of confirmed affections infections has hit 6000 that according to the chinese national health commission an expert from the n.a.c. saying it could take 10 more days for the outbreak to peak. ok let's take a closer look now at the countries evacuating were planning to evacuate their citizens from the epicenter 11000000 people live in the city and germany says it will begin evacuating 900 of its citizens france efforts to repatriate its nationals beginning today now charter flights will be bringing home south korean
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citizens this week and some 650 japanese nationals while they're already being repatriated the united states has also started evacuations back home diplomats and their families among the 240 americans who have already flown out of the city well several other nations are also discussing exit plans with beijing. meanwhile hong kong is taking a different approach as authorities are confirming more and more cases of the virus in mainland china hong kong's leader kerry lamb has announced plans to suspend all ferry and high speed rail links to the territory flights in china are being cut in half and personal travel permits for mainland chinese to the city are set to be suspended. so how is this affecting a city already torn by months and months of protesting w.'s correspondent charlotte
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she joins us now from hong kong good morning to you charlotte hong kong is imposed travel restrictions with china what does that mean for the city what's it looking like where you are right now. we know that just across the border thousands of confirmed cases so far in mainland china many more suspected cases tensions here of really starting to build the memories of the son of epidemic back in 2003 still very fresh very painful the people here hong kong which is very densely populated was one of the worst hit areas by that epidemic nearly 300 people were killed so the people who we've spoken to now are trying to take as many precautions as possible to keep themselves as safe and to stop the spread of this virus now authorities here have to clad this crisis possible at this crisis an emergency that's the highest possible level as such
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a lot of public spaces have been players events counseled we know that schools are going to be suspended at least until mid february a lot of people opting to stay off the streets we saw huge queues this morning outside pharmacies before they've even opened with people trying to stock up on face off hand sanitizers mostly walking away empty handed because those shops and now in very short supply all of those face masks and hand sanitizers because the concern here is so great ok show it to the people you've been talking to have a say in these measures do they have faith in a government that they've been losing trust and over the past months. a lot of the people that we have spoken to particularly since these new. travel restrictions wire announced yesterday have said that they are not feeling reassured
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by these new restrictions which would you say come into place tomorrow yes very very it will be suspended high speed rail networks will be suspended the flights we hope that people say that that doesn't go far enough where at a bus station at the moment buses will still be running from mainland china from tomorrow when those measures kick into action ok go for us in on kong thanks very much for the update show or german authorities are confirming more cases of the coronavirus in the country doctors in the southern city of bavaria saying there are now a total of 4 people infected all 4 work at the same company they apparently contracted the virus from a visiting chinese colleague it's believed to be the 1st human to human transmission in europe a man in his thirty's has tested positive for the corona virus in germany he's currently receiving treatment at this hospital in munich. the
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patient is doing very well has no fever currently has no more press pretorius symptoms. when i visited him he was awake he could talk and i can therefore say that his life is not in danger. health officials say the now isolated man contracted the virus from a chinese colleague at a company training event here in this building inched on back near munich he began showing symptoms at the weekend. his chinese colleague had traveled to germany from shanghai where she reportedly had contact with people from the wool hungry. the woman is now back in china where she tested positive for the virus has self. in 4 months we received this information yesterday and immediately informed the relevant authorities such as the public health department at the time from you and we also notified our employees and we made the information public extend. health
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officials and various said they were testing at least 40 people the 2 patients had had contact with the nieces left people in the area consent. this is said you get scared by this when something like this comes into our country. but germany's federal health minister says there is no reason for fia or panic yet. we are well prepared we will continue to be well prepared we take the virus very seriously but we must not become hysterical. there's no reason for sense of worry is that as a precaution the minister said he would order airline pilots to pass on information about the health of all passengers coming from china and to keep a record of their contacts in germany. ok let's talk about this more with hans broader political correspond joining us here in the city go on to good morning
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to you what more do we know about these cases here in germany but what's important at the moment is that all 4 of these confirmed cases are people that had contact with a colleague from china who had been at this company last week for an internal training session and they were all in such a session with this person. they were all directly infected by somebody from china we can also say that all of them are doing pretty well they are not all being isolated in hospital but none of them seriously sick the 1st person that was confirmed in fact has no fever has no symptoms at all but is still being kept in isolation so at the moment it's a matter of observation rather than a critical situation ok what about the evacuation plans for germany and european nationals in woo on that is moving forward what's happening on that front well i think the 1st thing you need to say is that all of these potential evacuees are volunteers that people that have os to be evacuated and they are asymptomatic they are not sick they are not allowed to be sick obviously nobody's going to be
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evacuated if they have symptoms of any of these illnesses germany is reckoning on taking ought to be people who have been negotiations going on about what kind of airplane kind of becket them germany would like to use military planes the chinese would prefer that not to be the case and france is about to evacuate about 250 of its citizens probably today the plan is likely to leave today to go to china so they will arrive here tomorrow thursday the french of said that they will in fact isolate all of these 250 people once they arrive. at least some media report the report that that will be the case and the european union as well has said it will be sending planes for other european union citizens who want to be evacuated from but we don't know the details of when exactly and how many. ok no german authorities say there is no reason for alarm why are they sound so confident
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one reason i think is that they are not enough effect infected people at the moment and the ones that have been confirmed that are infected isolated that there's not much chance at the moment of this virus spreading very quickly the other is that the infectiousness and the seriousness of this disease seems to be. not as severe as previous similar sorts of cases such as the saw as a virus some years ago in fact there german authorities are saying what's much more dangerous is the common flu that is obviously also in european winter making the rounds at the moment and from that alone and normally in a normal season thousands of people die. at the moment the german authorities and others are saying just regular hygiene measures such as washing your hands regularly are enough to counter this virus so a positive note on all of us least here in germany hans thanks so much for that.
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still to come on this program did you go to the philippines where climate change is forcing people to leave their homes out of parts of the country saying i need to say. but 1st israeli president ruben rivlin will be living a speech in the german parliament later today in hebrew it's part of events to mark 75 years since the liberation of the auschwitz concentration camp and to honor the victims of the holocaust revlon has met with the german chancellor as he began a 3 day visit to germany's trip comes years grow over rising anti semitism across europe. now rivlin warned of that threat of anti semitism during a visit to a jewish high school here in berlin yesterday the german capital's jewish community is growing but the specter of a new anti-semitism looms large as we hear in this report. the most unique piece wall stands at the entrance to
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a jewish cemetery in central berlin it was designed by my own young man an israeli artist who's been living in berlin for 7 years. since i came here i realized. that i'm jewish because in these when i lie i didn't need to think about it and here all of a sudden it was a. thing. she says she left israel because she couldn't bear the fear of territory that fear has stayed with her but she does feel safer in berlin. i always carry a fear was me that is not connected to place because i've been through. all kinds of not easy things in israel and. i have a kind of. exhibit in me that is always there you know and i'm going to.
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i'm looking for the. brooklyn born sean is the publisher of viva an online lifestyle magazine for jewish women the attack on the synagogue in the german city of hillah shocked her but she won't be intimidated by it. i feel a mix of fear and defiance we don't want to hide we want to remain visible jewish life in berlin is made up of many different cultural component i don't want to just stay home and sit at my desk and say i won't go to certain events because i'm scared. adler's magazine focuses on culture politics and jewish life from a woman's perspective on this day she's come to hear about my young man's work unlike adler the artist hasn't experienced anti-semitism in her daily life here but living in the german capital means confronting traces of the holocaust everywhere
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and that's a challenge for young money. brought here. honestly i try to ignore it because i feel that if i go. too much in it i'm not sure i can stay here and i would like to stay here for a while. but the really done just i mean it's such a this thing are so. cruel and so horrible that i think. to really really really understand it. it's too much. and young men say they don't want to change their way of life even if it means confronting anti-semitism they prefer to continue their work as part of a thriving diverse jewish community in berlin. well experts are predicting that up to $1000000000.00 people on our planet could become climate refugees this
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century what might that look like rising sea levels could render low lying areas completely uninhabitable most of this will be taking place in asia and the philippines climate change there is not an abstract concept for people living on islands including some near the capital manila d.w. visited one of those islands. is a risky boat captain in been one gun and island district in the bay of manila. he helps people in distress but he's powerless against the greatest danger facing his community the island is sinking every year up to 6 centimeters deep into the sea. residents are now rebuilding their houses on the rooftops of their old sunken homes. and. what scares me the most about the steady sea water rise is that someday we went to even
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see the roofs anymore and this. entire powerlessness will vanish. and at the same time will keep trying to build up the ground through the land reclamation. the moon will know by. the rising water has made his house unlivable so he's been sleeping at his workplace. that hard target everything here is submerged. we had to study things in high places to keep them safe. if the water reached the bed and we had to wait for it to subside before we could sleep. a little. george doesn't come here much anymore after the water began to destroy his home his
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wife took his son and lift. yes but i mean. this was a happy home. we usually had visitors friends and relatives . be together inside this house chatting sharing meals sometimes drinking and now it makes me sad to think about this house abandons . many families have been torn apart the young people move away to seek work. in 2018 alone an estimated 3800000 people in the philippines fled from storms and natural disasters. judgers neighbor melody is also fighting a losing battle against the water. who knows that how are things that it is usual. that only you me how much of you raised your house already. you know. you know i've
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used around 306 of the oyster sheds and. if sea levels keep rising the entire arlen district of being one gun could be submerged. how long that might take nobody knows. this is d.w.i. up next eco india i'm brian thomas for all of us here thanks for joining us.
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eco india. fighting climate change by empowering women. and initiatives in india knows how. they aim to reduce high energy consumption in private households by educating women. a win win for everybody.
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next bomb d w. before this. great . steps. united states was built by immigrants. but did the european settlers find the american dream that they were searching for hoping for a better life just. free of europeans and america in 45 minutes w. . is for me. is for you. beethoven as for hell. beethoven. to be told
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is for the. beethoven is for. beethoven is for. beethoven 202250th anniversary year long do you know. constantly buying food clothes garters plane tickets you name it the internet has only boiled stored this trend human consumption is at its highest ever but what we
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often forget is that this indiscriminate consumption has a huge impact on the environment we live in is it a possibility to strike a balance i'm a consumption see.


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