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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2020 11:45am-12:01pm CET

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sound off to peter king 5 news collecting the sounds of you or. the sundance film festival in the american state of utah has been a platform and springboard for independent filmmakers for over 40 years now and this despite efforts from the big hollywood studios in the past trying to muscle in on it all film expert scott ross from will be here in a minutes to talk about 3 documentaries premiered that 1st a look at them starting with one about hillary clinton. i provoke strong opinions. she's one of the most divisive figures in american politics brought adored and hated in equal measure this new documentary series zips through the political and personal life of hillary rodham clinton. are women's rights and women's rights are human right now presenting the film at sundance with
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director nanette bernstein clinton said she hoped the movie would make a difference. we've got to do more to get people to understand what's going on in our country and the world and if this can contribute to that i'll be very happy. politics are everywhere at the 2020 sundance film festival a new documentary premiering here explores the murder of washing post journalist jamal khashoggi. called the dissident the film investigates in intimate and often gory detail what happened to 2 years ago after he entered the saudi arabian consulate in istanbul. more importantly the film points the finger at the saudi kingdom for the film claims planning and carrying out the murder. of another political dissident in park city this year is the chinese artist and director by way way. he's brought his new documentary which explores the disappearance of 43
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mexican students in 2014. focuses on the families left behind families who continue to demand answers from the mexican government. the film offers no answers its political message is simply to bear witness. the. joins me now you said. hillary's hillary clinton very divisive person in american politics i mean does do we get a nod to the documentary explain why it deftly shows why because it shows a lot of hillary clinton sort of a series of 4 hours. of this documentary so you get to see if a lot of hillary clinton throughout the years and it really does go
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a long way to explain why she's. been within the american politics. it's interesting before this documentary came out it creates its own sort of news cycle around it because hillary clinton it attacked bernie sanders who were her one time political opponent for the presidential nomination a few years back and of course one of the leading. candidates to be the next presidential candidate for the democrats in the documentary. bernie know that nobody likes bernie and that he's never done anything succeeded in anything politically and of course that angered bernie supporters what i think really comes through in this documentary is that hillary clinton is incredibly intelligent incredibly competent person and politician but that she doesn't mince words that she tells it as as she sees it and isn't afraid to push back and of course a lot of people don't like that you're mentioning in some news came out also in the
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. documentary that was breaking news just overweight was and yeah exactly just before the film was released in the film they revealed what everyone knows now that jeff bezos c.e.o. of amazon who which owns the washington post that he had his phone hacked apparently by the saudis and apparently the film alleges in retaliation to prevent him from trying to intimidate him to stop the washington post reporting on the killing. and really truly shocking now i way way made a documentary why did he choose this subject i mean why is the chinese aust is making a document about mexico i thought he might make one about china yeah exactly i had a chance to interview i way before before the film premiered in sundance and he said he came across the story itself almost by accident but that he was really fascinated by the parallels that he saw between mexican society and chinese society
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and he was saying that for example the struggle of these families to find justice is not that dissimilar in his mind to the struggles of say hong kong students against the chinese government what i also thought really interesting thing he said that he talked about politics and he said that he thinks that to be an artist today to be relevant today you have to be political you have to take a political stance otherwise you're not reflecting the reality of the world around you is that the place for him because it's said to be known to be very political politically correct yes yes i'm with the critics who say too politically correct but definitely very very political what i thought was funny even this year there was no plea opening film was a documentary on netflix documentary about the pop star taylor swift you would think that's very political and the film itself is well maybe what you expect it's almost a sort of p.r. exercise for taylor swift fans but the way the film was sold or presented was it that it was a political story it was about taylor swift political awakening because a couple of years back after many years of silence she finally came out as
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a supporter of gay rights so it shows that even a film that is pretty much a straight commercial enterprise when it goes to sundance they have to present at least as being a big political statement a lot going on as. always thank you very much. now a simple chair has seat a back rest normally 4 legs although that has changed with modern materials there is however a real science an art to designing a chair that's practical comfortable and of course looks great an exhibition in munich traces 200 years of chair design by the firm torn it who made their name with the classic chair. chan designed in 1836 and another 28. munich could take more then a museum is dedicating. to the last 200 years design.
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the show is untitled and design. from 859 sold over 50000000 times entirely new at the time was the use of bent toward. i believe this is an iconic piece of design this so-called coffee house chair also simply known as number 14 is characterized by the unity of technology and design it's a simple piece of furniture and consists of just 6 parts on 10 screws and 2 nuts that's all. that is. the exhibition shows how furniture design radically changed in the 1920 s. through the introduction of new materials like steel major designers such as marshall broiler the bauhaus school developed a radical new look. in the 1950. underwent
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another change with curvaceous forms and bright colors designers like burn a plant on denmark brought into people's homes. then a plant on kick started a new design era that turned away from the perpendicular functionalist aesthetic. in the form of the new era was about a more emotional approach and lots of knowledge and within that. even today just so i know such as norman foster are finding innovative approaches to the . through new materials and production methods. many people see the jack as just a place to sit down 200 years of child zine prove it can be much more.
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we are today surrounded by sounds and if you live in a city more or more manmade sounds the german composer and sound off his piece a key for gathers noises for his sound installations from literally everywhere we joined him on the move with his trusty boob microphone. down to sell out noise is noise it's just the sound that i don't want to hear right now if i don't want to hear beethoven beethoven is also noise but the exciting thing is that i can reinterpreting sounds i can say oh that's terrible or i can listen carefully and try to analyze the sounds the different layers the different highs and lows then suddenly it becomes an exciting landscape or soundscape keep her is on the trail of these soundscapes today in minds only those prepared to
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prick up their ears and listen carefully can fully grasp the complex sounds of a city in the sense of hearing is the finest of our 5 senses we can identify up to $400000.00 sounds and the direction from which they come. the are you leads us into the world the ear leads the world within us that means hearing is connected with taking a certain amount of time with contemplation time we rarely take but we say in the fire whatsapp fast here's another picture. i'm convinced that the 21st century will be a century of listening you'll notice who wants a book. hearing as cultural technology the ear cannot be switched off 24 hours a day it's in the use giving us orientation warning us of danger consecutive turns his field research into sound arts.
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what does europe sound like peter key for travel to the edges of the continent a new chord the sound of the sea for his sound installation and liquid borders. that's not it with thinking about how us defines itself and europe defines itself of course along by what happens within europe doesn't but also about what happens outside what makes up the border is it the water the stones the fences and that's when the idea of capturing the water the sound of the sea at the outer reaches of the continent of bros. liquid borders europe sounds like this too big to keep has helped us to open our ears but what does it do to us when we really listen. me with different sounds of
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cities faces people if you really listen it means you really want to explore the other so listening is actually the basis of a communication of this understanding and for being tolerant of each other for standing in contrast in common with even all people. so let's just listen. and date and if you want to hear more about the sundance film festival august stories just go to the website d.w. dot com slash culture console. market. world. news magazine
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made in germany. 30 minutes w. . africa. special club with a special purpose. organising. she in mozambique empowers girls by educating them about biodiversity and conservation in their local national congress. it's a big step towards a bright future. for. the of watching a positive train all in the water the poorest of the poor in poor countries started
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reading education they are demanding good quality education for their children because what it wanted also to realize that if they have to have good quality programs and good quality consumers they need to work quality skilled workforce i'm very confident that include calls on 50 north child or not i going to build a man illiterate that is the fun moment to leave i think that is the divine guard which the nature of the god has given to us and goes on a sledge in the way that i love goes was trudging over the right to freedom dead against nature that against dog.
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place. this is g.w. news life for let a welcome for israel's president and a warning for the future israel's ruben bricklin addresses the bundestag to commemorate the victims of the holocaust and call for vigilance against resurgent anti-semitism. also coming up the countries begin evacuating their nationals from the chinese city at the heart of the coronavirus.


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