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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2020 8:30pm-9:01pm CET

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collectors of our culture and cancer saw my. today researchers are searching for the missing parts of our. process for just such beauty heart. starts feb 10th on t.w. . i think there's been a lot of. misrepresentation when it comes to feel depressed we don't live very well you rank 100 and 20th out of a 180 countries some of glorious recordings that when the stuff that's in is a lot of ignorance and a lot off by the chief of the assumption has to be that you're covering up down the chain of evidence presented it doesn't appear to interest been taken care of despite promises to respect the rule of law nigeria's government stands accused by the international community of serious human rights abuses my guest this week here
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in london live mohammed the country's information minister how does he defend against the country's many critics when the evidence of wrongdoing is so compelling . like mohammed welcomes concepts of thank you for the human rights record of your administration has been widely condemned by the un western countries your own lawyers international human rights bodies for brutality and the stunning lack of accountability why do you say this go on in the region why didn't you get a grip on this i think there's been a lot of. mysteries and tension. by all these groups absolutely really working concert well or you know they're working constant and they're
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working you know a lot but i know for a fact that's essential in particular. as being very sensitive to the issue of human rights most sometimes. terrorists politicians actively. confused with human rights tell you put it all down to confusion i would do that because i do not know as a fact and i've been minister for almost 5 years that this any policy of my mistress. that deliberately targeted at infringing on anybody's rights missed the last september the un special rapporteur on extrajudicial summary
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or arbitrary executions agnus kalama she launched a damning report on nigeria i'm sorry and the human rights abuses of your security forces she said that she spoke of countrywide patterns of abuses include the police military's excessive use of lethal lethal force in violation of the political international standards i'm sure you read the report and she is not a person who makes these accusations lightly indeed i did but i would have been much more impressed if example was. given now you must not forget that then you has been locked in in a war of attrition with a book for almost a decade and the kind of. war we're fighting is a war amongst people. and. even then the military has been very
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careful to ensure that as much as possible rights are not valid now i've also read about reports of people who claim that there isn't balloted simply because they have been arrested by any of the security agencies and they've been asked to go through or due process but i know their support is in this government does not volatile but is right if it's not a matter of policy why have there been so few investigations the un investigators spoke about the absence of meaning effective investigations the absence of meaningful prosecution all of which are compounded she said by the lack of transparency over the vast majority of security issues that accusation about lack of transparency and effective communication strategy goes straight to your door minister doesn't it you are the minister of information serious criticism here
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but what i do know is a fact that. several. pieces of abuse of you know rights really against soldiers have not only be investigated but people have been punished and have been made public how many how many people i don't know of had but i knew the minister of information was of course i can know everything but i knew for i know that the military or so is very jealous of his reputation and they are set up many. piles and i think that officer either had been dismissed or imprisoned. the international criminal court isn't isn't impressed by a record that says in 2018 there was a reasonable basis to believe that the nigerian security forces committed the war
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crimes of murder torture cruel treatment outrages upon personal dignity and intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population but you have failed to cooperate with investigators and failed to provide information that they requested and if you take these things seriously and you cannot but take the word of the international criminal court seriously you would have provided that information why didn't you how do you know what information they are asking for a lawyer provided by another would incorporate in with a brief aegis history when it comes to they say they weren't they weren't getting help from you they weren't getting the information they nor the the i.c.c. . met with the authorities had a career and we would have no choice but to cooperate they've been waiting for years to get your cooperation and it hasn't come minister maybe you're out of the loop here what maybe you don't have information about what's going on in your own
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government and very informed or go so my government and our cell adelaide are due to the trouble to ask and. i am not sure that is a good am not aware that we have we done our cooperation from the i.c.c. the un special rapporteur speaks of countless allegations of excessive use of force by your police in particular officers of the special anti robbery squad or saw as you said you wanted specific examples is a specific example they've been accused of widespread torture in some cases leading to deaths in custody and extra judicial killings so the unit is clearly out of control isn't it because the un human rights committee warned your government to ensure that this group operates in accordance with international standards because they don't trust that it's doing that at the moment why would that be i guess that i think i'm aware of that and at
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a point in time when the support came out the sas was disbanded and only to believe constituted and you know one that as forth they must. be sure that they operated within the confines of the law your own national human rights commission investigated their activities and even held public hearings but the results were never published were. not aware that the river i'm i'm not aware that i was on what are published and i took my assumption has to be that you're covering up damaging evidence doesn't it which you are afraid to have i don't think so we have. some police men were dismissed their science was disbanded and reorganized there after. minister on the question of providing information to outside investigators you failed to provide
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information to the u.n. under the international covenant on civil and political rights which nigeria has signed last august the treaty body accused you of failing to honor your reporting obligations under article 40 of the covenant and ignoring numerous reminders to do so why is that when you told me all cooperating so openly with these bodies why would they say that but the housing truth i want to know why they would say that but i know that we have never shown any internationalization we are very open as to the facts don't support whatever she was much as possible for any country who has said you know waging an internal you know the internet you know is so jesse very open and we we operate with international you know
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regulations and laws well clearly you don't go into the body is that monitor these situations well it depends upon it it depends on from which perspective they're getting the information where they're getting it from different perspectives on them we're talking about human rights organizations international human rights organizations we're talking about the u.n. we're talking about. all kinds of bodies the international criminal court they're all saying the same thing that you're not cooperating and you sit here in front in front of me a minister says about simply not true it's like saying it's dark in the south side when we can see it's very like no no no i think that knowledge is not correct i nor the daily will receive we entered it and we engage all these bodies. as a government and you're not going to move from that version despite the evidence that i have quite a level of i'm yet to see any every any evidence that tam. that is
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so very lovely and white as if israel in that app not responded to it when he talked of assassins side method that yes it will be pursued to report and we took action minister when you wrote not stonewalling on requests for information or taking radio stations of the air and having reporters arrested or beaten june last year you tried shutting down nigeria's oldest private t.v. channel as well as radio stations owned by a member of the opposition p.d.p. raymond doc pacey a federal court overturned your suspension but the nigerian guild of editors called this a barbaric crackdown on free speech why you launching a barbaric crackdown on free speech i think is a lot of ignorance and a lot of this chief geddis is going over it all in a bell read the press is station was closed down because he ordered the national read little not because of the news it was pushing out and in january last year
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soldiers raided the offices of one of your leading papers the daily trust and arrested reporters in march or journalists have been held for 2 years was rearrested you rank 100 and 20th out of 180 countries in the press freedom in the acts of reporters without borders it's not a glorious record is it minister well as i think when it comes to the level of the press. we're doing extremely very well if papers run foul of the law on the must visit consequences but when you have actually a 100 newspapers in the country and i cited the example one is we've got our squadron with here i think should be fair to us that's why we have a very robust free press amnesty international says that between january and september last year at least 19 journalists and media practitioners were attacked
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those attacks and clued verbal and physical assault and indiscriminate arrest and detention by your security forces in the impression ministers therefore that your ain seems to be to stifle freedom of expression especially critical voices you don't like criticism that's the current is it because i think many of these people don't live on that don't know the eco system of the media in injury virtually every major you know print media is owned by individuals and i can tell you that they had a list of about 12 national newspapers and trust dilip trust i thought i don't remember what the story was but you cannot take the example of one newspaper among about 20 to say that the country is stifling the media on the contrary at a point in time i thought that was the government was actually at the receiving end of the media what has also worried people enormously his decision to submit
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a bill which in its original form would have seen anyone convicted of so-called hate speech actually sentenced to death by hanging on the particular circumstances you actually wanted and you sort authorization from parliament to kill people because of something they said why would you do a thing like that extraordinary and shocking provision added what is the real. the ignorance of people there's what is cause oppression of power in the in or in the democracies this particular be talking about is it built of pretend not by designating body legislation but instead of arm of government so how can you accuse the. you submitted you submitted this we did not as is also the sort of ignorance we did not this this is a private member's bill by a senator with just the yes and you telling me you didn't want it to go through is
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that we do have a choice in which bills to go through or not the bill has been discussed this public airing what is it the government does not commit to when the bill has been passed and you didn't use any influence to get the hot or sold out or absolutely none if this bill had gone through mr journalist could have been jailed for any article deemed threatening abusive or insulting and could have been hung if their work caused any loss of life what you didn't object to this bill that you ignored as if. they were the what is called doctrine of subpoena power. the only thing you can do as president is refuse your asset such a lot the last law been passed the law what would not or did it but executive the law is still going through the senate so how is that how did i just miss the president stop it with i've been accused of no dictatorship and muslim the you
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telling me you wouldn't have signed the law with that provision in it i think this you can tell me that caylee had been speculative you can't tell me why when we went we get when we get that bridge right across it would look at what are the contents of that law in what form will it be passed but you see people rushed in order to history to get to judgment you can't if we don't have one you said we submitted that that bill we did not we know nothing other than wanted submitted knew we don't micromanage the parliament building what about the protection from internet for sword and manipulations bill also carrying draconian provisions on the journalist could be in prison and who for publishing content all the author of that bill are you against this bill will know i'm not even aware of that bill you're not i'm the protection from internet force or the manipulations bill you're not even aware of now where it so it cannot because it is causing it's causing an outcry
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internationally and you are the minister of information and i know nothing about as nor thought bill before the house there is a bill that authoritatively that it is really that is not such a bill before the house reporters without borders these bills talking about the prohibition of hate speech bill and the protection from internet falso the manipulations bill and they said these bills contain extremely harsh penalties that violate international law and are likely to be used to gag the media and you're saying you know nothing about the doctors saying with they were wrong in saying that the submitted the hate speech bill. mr let's talk about corruption because in your country it seems to begin with the government doesn't it the international center for investigative reporting said last year that among 9 countries in sub-saharan africa nigeria has the worst managed sovereign wealth fund
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based on accountability transparency and oversight why is your record so bad absolutely false. absolutely false report by the national resource institute's africa office based on data from 2017 said you had failed to regularly disclose publicly the financial interests of government officials in the extractive sector or the identities of beneficial owners of extractive companies despite making public commitments to do so the subsidy force is the 1st to do all the 1st obligation as a minister a public official is paid to make it probably declare ration of for your assets. and any minister public official who does not do so risks being prosecuted and we know many who are not been prosecuted as a result of that too is to the great of this administration that only a few months ago we passed you know we put in we know in place a policy that compels every ministry every department to make public any
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expenditure above 10000 pounds saw that the public can challenge what is being spent for is all a bit of a position that nor the government has ever succeeded in securing the condition of high profile politicians. as paid those of the move bluntly will in party we continue to fight corruption because and you for and you follow the rules do absolutely so in 2018 why in towards the close of president will his 1st wives of the auditor general himself raise serious concerns about the so-called excess crude account that you have this is an oil savings account which holds dollar reserves from crude oil that are sold above the assumed benchmark price and in july that year the auditor general warned you to bring your handling of this account into line with the more why if you tell me you follow the rules did he feel
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the need to say precisely because. he said the. curate their decision is the editor there and is an appointee of just how shocking he thinks your behavior actually is no us nor on the contrary really is sure the level of transparency in demonstration that an appointee of god plenty can't say this yet retain his job he noted there have been actions from the account which appeared to have been made illegally in other words deductions that apparently violated constitutional provisions why would that be and why would he say that if you're following the rules as you tell me you are you see everywhere in the world to live in the most with no democracies you have what it is generous you have what would it a generous yes yes and their duty is to monitor the excesses of government now defunct that is allowed to do the job and the sciri mince in office i think it's
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a testament to the fact that we're in a bit of bread in oh and station the effect if the mystical one congratulations for that always refers i want to for as good as russell got from you as as i were supposed to know not just as i'm from the auditor general who says you are not in line with the law but with that you don't think that matters are prejudice to the. the correctness or not of that you know allegation the fact that he can make that allegation some meat is built into understeer of middle daughter and i think it's that we know how to live in it and station that does not believe interest me says the audit team could find no legal authority for even the existence of this excess crude account sets a sham and a slush fund isn't it but i don't buy don't you admit it and with that yeah there's no legal basis for this for this account and i don't think it's correct to say that
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this normally would be as well because the. court could access a cult i've known about it even before it came to government. it said the audit team could find no legal authority for even the existence of this excess crude account how come you didn't order persistent warnings from the auditor general as he said year after year not just your government but the previous one going back to 2007 to bring this in line with the law again you tell me you follow the rules but it's not backed up by the auditor general we follow the rules and like even that allegation even that arthur is correct the all idea of an auditor general is to point out to you what do i do wrong unfortunately to write i don't see any go beyond the war that is all we always follow the law will do everything correctly but asiri get the fund that that original recommend report and nothing has happened
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is still an office yes and what you continue to make illegal deductions from the account what it depends what you may get illegal the illegal doctrine deductions that violated constitutional provisions it's not easy if if it does member list concessional provision it is the little duty of the parliament to take appropriate action but i don't believe that we can sponsibility the government if it cares about the people's money to mend its ways and oh of course and will but that's if you had me that you have it will die a little at the loss but i want some sense that yes they are truly out of alfonso my lama is the all essence of a degenerate anywhere in the ward that it will be checks and balances and ali as does what will put it out here is that the asshole regularities and then the appropriate you know i am of god mental who did it for so what are you going to do in future about this i'm sure it has been and if what are you going to do it doesn't look as a true and has been taken care of but hasn't been in these been reporting and
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complaining about the government's attitude to the subject since 2007 well just as the un has been complaining that you haven't been giving information about. and excesses of violence used by your security forces as the international criminal court has been complaining all these complaints are piling up minister what are you going to do in the future when we stonewall we look at every calm place we look at our country there and we take action like i've told you there have been several yes many military officers are been jailed some have been dismissed and is now interests global witness says despite a 50 year all boom which transform the jury's economy into the largest in africa 80 percent of your people live on less than $2.00 a day they say that an estimated $400000000000.00 has gone missing from state coffers are you going to tell the people of nigeria where that money is gone.
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and our watch between 20152090 nobody can subsist suffered in such allegation and i can only speak for when i became minister and i can see a girl that's between 1015 and 20 nobody can talk about all the money missing. my mama thanks very much for being accomplished so thank you very much.
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8:57 pm
but you are no one on. exposing and justice global news that matters to me from heinz. and gemini. at any time i've known any place the names to the
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m.l.s. yeah i don't like the crap so much to sing along to you just a combo from super funds. for. interactive exercises and. everything is online and interactive then german to frame 50 w. . in the army of climate change. personal service. most are still people. what ideas do they have the future of. g.w. dot com africa their city the multimedia. could enter. some people don't care about me. because they don't see night beauty.
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some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to give. but 2000000000 people do. too then i am everything. the a food. their life you hood. but. i disagree. and so does everything. 2000000000 people care about. me. and now.
9:00 pm
this is g.w. news why but from berlin for foreigners are the epicenter of china's role of virus outbreak it's a get out while you can evacuations are underway out of the city of will haunt charter planes with japanese and u.s. citizens are departing and other countries are doing the same meanwhile the number of confirmed cases jumps to almost 6000 also coming up israel's president addresses the german parliament to commemorate the victims of the color call.


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