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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  February 1, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm CET

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our. house acknowledges he made it impossible. to borrow today. in 60 minutes. i'm not proud of him i will not succeed in dividing us about oh not succeed in taking the people off the streets because we're tired of his dictatorship. taking the stand global news that matters. made for minds. welcome to the health show on t w here's your host dr costin lake hello and welcome to a good ship. never guess where i am in the cold on. why many people with no howard berkes. navy wondering how i got here.
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it's a model and it stands in berlin in the backstabber center for molecule or bad a set and in today's show you will learn everything you will need for healthy digestion i'm going back into the column and i'm a little bit afraid that it will be boring so i invited some competent support. this time i'm in good shape we need doctor i'm bulik appealing liquor store in toronto just hates the internal medicine department at elizabeth cremated in berlin she'll tell us all we need to know about healthy intestine this is just a model but read about this constantly in motion. and this is called peristalsis. up to 30 tons of food passed through the colon in a person's lifetime this is as much as a big truck load. which of these enters the body
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and what is extreme it again is determined by the color it has many millions of nerve cells. our so-called thumb in the brain that only organizes our gesture it also has a big influence on our psyche and. if our colon was smooth on the inside its surface would only be one square meter big the approximately $10000000.00 thing of villa increase the surface area. our digestion is partly done by the intestinal flora which is composed of billions of funding and intestinal bacteria together they wake up to 2 kilograms the intestinal bacteria are also there to build up the defensibility of new immune cells that the intestines produce every day over 70 percent of the immune systems different cells are located in the intestine and
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that's a great thing. because many toxins and pathogens enter the body through food and we need to get rid of the. i meeting doctor and beer here in the bowl this is a very special place to meet not for you because you're a guest and all it is so this is your daily life isn't it here it was quite if you sit here right so what can you see here if you doing a close copy you can see all those things we can see even the models so we'll get our 1st thing right next to me over here is the penguins color and testament codes are. good plots quite healthy. ok so this is a lot which obviously this is not about the mass have much more on their worst because it's just carry on and that's a pretty true ssion from just my cousin a few a marvel week after bar and it's just been leaked and most of the patients who have
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to particular they don't have never sometimes ok so this is a lie we don't have to worry about this but what about this year it seems limited they are both rather scary as there is a strong inflammation close to the divots you can love. inside that if that's cause. of why it turn around it's bacteria infect you have to treat it of antibiotics so so this is infections so what you can see here this was a lot of the fiction this is something coming off the wall here that's why i live there perforation of the macos are they are small and usually they have been nicknamed. the bigger they are the risk is increasing to cancer ok so even if it is still behind it can grow to a cancer yeah ok so what about this year this is apollo guess where. many many
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many are poli close together. they have a disease called police posers there's always a genetic background. suffering from hundreds to thousands whole lives whole that's quite wrong so those problems come in different shapes and colors so this is more looking like what is it a mushroom or are we here in the still of one. of the stockpiled here you know why they can't grow flat on cows are like a plaster. rely. because you can't have it out there is a chance to cut it away or release those or you're just going to last because you're just kind of here and all those things which worry you about them so this is what you see here yeah it's already there you ok so if you don't cut it you're very
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brave to grow into it for cancer local like this here here and that's cousin that's a co-director carcinoma. well it's quite often and germany is saying 6 per cent of people. became a common cancer in germany during the lifetime you can really tell the difference that it has no one looks differently to all those nice normal colon the cosell and you won't have any symptoms like legends if you're from those macos are called treats are nice and you have to teach are called a nice as well. no matter how we eat whether we relish each mouthful. well wolf things down greedily. whether we're concerned about the taste of our food i'm focused on what we're eating. or just shoveling it in without
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a 2nd thought. far in test in class to process it all high time to consider what might make it happier so 1st of all we should perhaps avoid what i got really doesn't like being fed practically nonstop for example we made breakfast then have a piece of fruit an hour later followed by a cross on in the late morning. and then some candy in between times if we do that the gut never gets it's much needed breaks. so the number one tip for a healthy intestine is a balanced daily routine if you eat breakfast at 8 am then it's best to wait until around 1 pm to have lunch turn the gut likes to have an afternoon nap before dinner at 6 pm as well as meals at regular intervals the gut also appreciates routine in
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terms of getting regular exercise periods of relaxation unsufficient fling our gut loves dependability and doesn't like surprises. tip number 2 are intestinal likes to be warm it likes to be woken gently in the morning for example with a glass of warm water or herbal tea or any milder alternative to coffee which is a stern taskmaster and really crack the whip. if you want to give your gut a break just simple hot meals for a day the same rice for example is easily died. i'm relieved that the gut. equally you could choose to eat boiled potatoes. porridge. all steamed vegetables. to number
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3 a little tender loving care. if your guts gives you grief be patient maybe your body can no longer digest certain types of food that for years with no problem experiment leave out any food you think might be causing the problem just for a while then try it again and see if your hunch was correct. so be kind to your gut after all you are a team. so we heard a lot of what you can do good for your colon so is there anything interesting doesn't like yet you shop for. me to. be. exercise less than 3 hours per week. something back there. also. smoke. or eat. a lot of my patients complain about stomach grumbling bloating and fletcher
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so to what degree is. well if they have some q. or some time there's no problem. if this for. sheer quite often only use of the quality of life of the patients there are some turn. patients should contact their pay their doctors many of my patients say that they're intolerant against nuts of concern kind of food so is this a problem for them and how to diagnose and that's not a problem if you. don't hurry for. mots you can live without. that so you just skip a meal right so what kinds of symptoms are there when i should definitely see a doctor but you have to go to the uk to if you have signs of pleading if you have been on this in the studio you have to get to the doctor immediately you can sign
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that's just have to have to look after it even if you know that you've got him yeah definitely yeah we have a reason for. saying you should go to the doctor if you're right. changing your difficult haitian habits for example i used to have constipation now your theory are you should contact your doctor because there could be some truth behind this like a colon cancer you know to leave in many cases is just irritable bowel syndrome which is behind those kind of complaints but this can take the joy way of life. pain and cramping bloating gas and constipation words opposite diarrhea the symptoms of your writable bowel syndrome more. often start out slowly and increase in frequency and since other diseases can cause similar symptoms diagnosis can be
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difficult many people with i.b.s. have undergone numerous medical examinations including blood tests stomach and ask a p. and common are skippy and ultrasound exams to rule out other conditions when no other cars can be found i.b.s. is the likely diagnosis but even then the search for causes and treatment is usually just beginning happy month for me i'll have someone in my office who has symptoms and is looking for help if the diagnosis ends up being i.b.s. then we can begin looking for a treatment but it can involve quite a bit of detective work. we try to figure out what is causing issues perhaps look for food that aren't being well tolerated for a time food intolerances often play a role in triggering symptoms figuring that out requires keeping a food diary patients need to write down exactly what they eat how much and when and what food additives were involved and they should also record what symptoms
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occur afterwards. is also with us and give often patients can tolerate a small amount of specific foods but then be unable to tolerate larger amounts of it and that's when it can be useful to consult a nutritionist someone with experience if you can help you navigate the process and help you figure out how to have as varied a diet as possible. if you do good looks then cut drastically and perhaps unnecessarily limiting your diet isn't a good option since that can lead to nutritional deficiencies one solution is on women having a specific category of food to see if that helps stress and emotional factors can also play a role. first endless bendish plus of course when someone with i.b.s. is experiencing stress or pressure or even when they're suffering from an infection or other kind of physical stress they're much more likely to experience symptoms
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any physical or mental strain can play a role here. to help counteract that i.b.s. patients are advised to get enough rest plenty of exercise and fresh air. i walks in the fresh air the only thing you can do when you suffer from i.b.s. . but a lot in there are perfect because you exercising and the fresh air in the shining it's quite good. there are marked up a strategy you can follow you can change. and you can think about your sleeping so let you know and you can think about paying. good for you so the new symptoms are quote individual but is there some general advice you would like to give to patients with i.b.s. . patients there. and there we are living in a digital camera just tracked is not a machine and it's not perfectly every day. at thing you
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cannot have takes have some discomfort. if the discomfort is too often and then you should contact the drug dealer or if the quality of life is reduced by the symptoms so try to relax or bowl were next to their full. so let's talk about colon cancer which is kind of a common disease which mainly affects older patients but sometimes even younger patients as well so why is there. are there some. cancer is our cost by genetics changes their family. for example. the high incidence of co-director of cancer so keep an eye on your family. there are colon cancer or breast cancer or very rare cancer or curing and if it's like that you should contact your doctor asked him for. screen
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economists computer combinations now we talk with professor stein about colon cancer in her research at brains marks to improve center for molecular medicine she discovered a gene that increases the likelihood of a tremor in the colon metastasize are. we talking about colon cancer like this year it looks like this year the model and you discovered genes a very specific gene which will breaking news what. basically you have to understand the importance of this discovery we have to know what metastases on the test this is is basically the most used to be with of cancer so they are decisive for patients survival they are 2 sizes for the success of therapy so if you could fight metastasis all even or even if you could put gnostic 8 in the tests this would be
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a big step right and the genius actually doing so and then 10 years ago we had this just idea we might we might identify another gene and this noble gene should have the ability to act as a cancer gene which can put nasty kate the test this is left over and which maybe by itself might lead police and a target for target so meaning that if a patient has a tumor and industry were is this a special kind of gene there's a high prevalence of metastases absolutely we have now follow ups of 17 years and i will put most occasions percentage just so the probability that the patient is high makes you believe that later on in the tests this is about 80 to 89 percent which is quite high and this gene is right here in this tumor sort of in that this might have been the gene is basically expressed at the tomb. ok meaning in these
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areas you will find those with. very more tires that can my weight which can invade the 4 into steels and they're the mix yes ok but if i examined the tumor i'm not too sure if i'd take some example from inside the tumor he said in the middle so they're not so many genes so what is a diagnostic test i can use as a clinician in addition to the 2 month based s.a.v. also developed a blood based essay and this blood based essay you clearly see that you have a significantly longer survival if you have low amounts of makes you and your blood perfect so it's more like a simple or not so simple blood test and it can tell you a lot but what about therapies out there some fear puti could protarchus targeting this kind of gene yes identify it molecule woodstock's which are twins corruption
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and inhibitors and lucky leave these trucks are already approved by the f.d.a. for other purposes and now you're telling me purchasing this is already. approved. easy clinical so we know that those drugs are effective and other kind of diseases they're kind of safe to attend all ages is known so that there will be drugs in the near future we don't have to wait for them say for 20 years no no no if you have the position the pope has struck then the pipeline is much much faster so that is very good news thanks so much for this very interesting talk cancer is treatable in many cases but we should still keep in mind that early diagnosis is very important. in good physical shape. for a while though things were a bit scary the 60 year old had never bothered to be screened for bowel cancer and
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when he finally got around to it the results were worrying. and. i kept putting it off but we caught it just in time. i guess i have a guardian angel. only made an appointment for a colonoscopy because his doctor kept insisting. he was feeling fine and he thought the common diagnostic procedure wouldn't reveal anything. in this moment of clinical slick cause i was shocked right after the examination when the doctor told me there was a 5 centimeter hole up in my colon. and that he had removed 3 smaller ones straight away. that i fly new like. he couldn't deal with a big one immediately because of the risk of bleeding. and no blood to move.
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polyps can grow on the inner lining of the colon there are various types many are harmless but some can eventually turn cancerous. the polyp then begins to grow deeper into the wall of the colon and beyond. once the cancer breaks out of the intestine it can spread easily via the lymph system throughout the body. type in a worst case scenario it's already metastasized when it's diagnosed and is no longer curable of course that pains us as doctors you think if only the patient had been screened sooner. or had to have the large polyps removed as an inpatient in the hospital. christiane pox is a gastroenterologist and oncologist he decided on the exact approach to take. well. it was pretty intense.
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it's or he wasn't sure at 1st whether he would have to remove a section of the colon as well. so i was very nervous. ultimately dr pocs was able to completely excise the offending polyps without removing a stretch of colon he accessed the spot using colonoscopy. it was still precancerous of what's called stage 0 after 2 or 3 more years it would very probably have turned cancerous. there's a. screening can prevent many cases of bowel cancer the trouble is that even where the service is easily accessible like in germany many people just don't go then. to determine cases of colon cancer and identify precancerous growths a colonoscopy is really the key diagnostic tool. for the patient
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the unpleasant part is the preparation laxatives and liters of fluid ensure the colon is empty and clean. the colonoscopy itself generally only takes about 20 minutes patients receive a sedative so they don't feel a thing a flexible tube is inserted into the patient's rectum and guided through the call on a high resolution video camera at its tips and images to an external monitor. this is the quality of the images is so good that we can see anything problematic even if it's just a few millimeters in size a kid. studies show that the age of diagnosis tends to be lower for men and women in germany gastroenterologists say men should start getting screened at the age of 50 in some countries the recommendation is 50 for both sexes. 13 the point is the
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earlier we find polyps the better. but screening only works if people actually do it i'm going to. do to his medical history over harbors we'll have to have regular checkups from now on he's living proof that prevention is better than cure. so does the colonoscope you hurt and is it anything to be afraid of but no you don't have to be scared nowadays we prefer a mask appearance today so that the patients can't sleep during the whole examination and they would not even remember it came but it's still a little bit embarrassing isn't it because before you go to sleep with this invasion you have to pull your trousers off yeah i understand that complaint that we can have other people off her. special trouser pelvis and the skin. patients can choose their gender if the doctors say that's
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easier for the patient to have asked me this very comfortable especially here in germany because we've got a wide range of gastroenterologist working here but in different countries there are not so many gastroenterologist so who should definitely go for a cold. and if colorectal cancer cure your family should go to scream economy and if you have a bleeding rectal bleeding if you have pains in the ballet change a few occasions it's things so much of this very interesting talk and i can totally understand if you want to have a kind of last complete now and if you want to make an appointment go to your computer and look for gastroenterologist and if your computer for as many of you. are. in good shape your weekly health show one g.w. covers many aspects of health care we look at what's new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and beauty we discuss these topics in depth with specialists and
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offer you. opportunities to close your own question so get in touch. i know we didn't have the time to answer all questions about the cola but the good news is there are still many of us it's of in good shape coming up next the result next week see you then.
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today. 30 minutes d.w. . they missed their health for just a few dollars blood plasma donors from mexico with. u.s. clinics near the border they donate their plasma up to $100.00 times a year. it's a business on the edge of legality with tremendous health hazards blood trails. in 75. w. . students and the people who've rolled over the information provided. the means to want to express g.w.
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on facebook and twitter and up to date in touch. follow us. the power of words. where i come from and i never saw the sun where it needs to. have been going up in brazil my son was always a man since the point of his words 1st son is masculine when i move to germany as a 10 year old i want to come to him on t.v. and that would change how i see the world because into a monkey the son was feminine. the same in now but the side of a good listener so i read the part to take it instead of a deep voice extroverted guy seemed absolutely incredible. i realized how language shapes and thinking how definitions are not only mental in maine just put out a whole person have taken off the rolls. is inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became a journalist i'm a storyteller and i use my words to help with intercultural understanding my name
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in the intimate way you and i work and to. this is deja news live from berlin today is day one of britain's future outside the european union after midnight celebrations by those who voted to leave the u.k. now faces a new reality and a new realization that the hardest part of france that may be yet to come and as the world scrambles to stop the spread of the new coronavirus.


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