tv Business Deutsche Welle February 5, 2020 3:45pm-4:00pm CET
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threatening its chilly harvest the country is one of the world's biggest producers of the asian staple. and then fizzle and they start business the death toll is around 500 the coronavirus is impacted tens of thousands of people worldwide countries continue to take quarantine measures companies located in and around china have been throttling back production and there are concerns about global growth i think pacific has asked its global workforce to take unpaid leave as it tries to deal with the fallout from the coronavirus hong kong based airline is encouraging 27000 employees to take 3 weeks off in the 1st half of the year the carrier has cut 90 percent of its services to the mainland china bosses blame the outbreak and a significant drop in demand foxconn says it won't be able to return to full production in china until the end of the month because of the coronavirus it hopes of partly restart production next week the taiwanese company makes smartphones for global brands including apple and says the disruptions will hit profits. german
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sportswear added this is closing a considerable number of shops in china as the corona virus continues to spread it's still assessing how big an influence it will have on business experts fear the virus would have a major impact on the chinese and by extension global economy. and chinese are not welcome in india's auto expose because of coronavirus contagion fears chinese automakers say the stands are being staffed by indian employees china is an important player in the exhibition chinese companies around 20 percent of the space . let's bring in analyst steve sung to talk about this and these developments 1st of all with that statement from the european central banks christine the god speaking of a new layer of uncertainty for the world economy can you give us an idea of just how thick this layer of uncertainty could be. is a lady that is getting sicker and sicker finally today. much is not yet clear
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because we do not at this point know how long the lockdowns or various cities in china will be and whether the chinese government will change their policy and the law factories to operate like a normal key issue here is to global supply chain be disrupted if factories in china cannot get their parts and components they would not be able to operate like should they be allowed to operate as normal what's your opinion there well i think we have reach a goal instead the lockdown phase alone would no longer need to make sense if iris is all but a country much more useful is true and gauge with the population and make sure to put in place to enable people to get help if they suspect they are infected with
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the virus but at the moment the restrictions on travel is not the most effective way to deal with the scale 'd and to spread of the virus the chinese authorities were quite slow in acting against this virus at the very beginning that fault in your opinion here because i read that 5000000 chinese left before officials were able to announce lock down those officials could not independently they were waiting for orders from above. well that is both correct and i think somewhat slightly misleading because the problem really started that we knew the problem was sprung the early stage of the sample so when the wire was 1st transmitted from animals to schumann and in one hand a runs the. stock market that was to a point where the chinese government should have acted and the government in
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washington will have to all 42 have close down the market. count all the livestock to incinerate them and pay compensation they did not need permission from beijing to of done so that didn't happened because there wasn't a right political system and incentive to get the government to act subsequently i think there are also acting more for dramatic effect and looting effectiveness in combating the nature of the spread of the virus if some thank you very much for talking us here on our business age of sars. you know what the man's chief executives are case faced environmental protests inside and outside the group's annual shareholder meeting today demonstrators are outraged about zemin supplying signalling equipment for a rail line in australia it will connect one of the world's biggest open cost coal
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mines to the coast to be shipped off abroad activists demand the company keep away from fossil fuels as coal and oil is seen as drivers of climate change. as demonstrators joined hands outside the munich venue to protest siemens environmental record shareholders in europe's biggest engineering company were keen to learn the financial details orders and earnings were lower in the 1st quarter. but before c.e.o. joe kayser could address siemens results he have to deal with the environmental issues he told media it was grotesque the project in australia had made siemens a target of environmental protests but that doesn't change the fact that the signal equipment we delivered ensure a safe rail transport and is relevant to the overall operating of the controversial mine is qasr is in its last year at the helm and is attempting a major restructuring of siemens which makes everything from trains to wind turbines siemens reported study profits despite
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a drop in orders in the october to december period way down by weaker performances in the also in energy sectors sluggish results for its when business could hinder siemens bid to launch a new energy company with plans for siemens energy to go public later in the year the company also saw a weaker than expected 1st quarter profits in its flagship digital industries business. let's go over now to stephen beardsley he's a siemens headquarters it munich see if it doesn't sound like those protesters are getting french. not so much been that australian contract at the center of these protests is really a done deal and that's a message that was loud and clear here clear here in munich though there is a lot of controversy surrounding it still and much of that controversy surrounds kayser himself and how he handled the whole situation of course scarce a case or saying in summer that he would reconsider the deal the $18000000.00 euro deal that saw the participation in this coal mine project. people here frankly
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a lot of shareholders here didn't like that they didn't like the doubt that he injected into that contract they said what would that mean for clients in the future would seem to be trustworthy and of course on the other side those who believe that siemens should have never participate in that contract in the 1st place calling it a black eye so kayser in particular has come under fire for the way he's handled this but he's also said that he's conflicted or that he sees the issue as not black and white and he even muse out loud during the proceedings here but what if we were to build a headquarters for rio tinto for example the world's largest mining corporation and what if that were to be a sustainable energy efficient building because the client is a dirty you could say clients in the sense that they contribute to emissions what does that mean overall for us should we be prohibited from serving them so is the questions aren't as simple as they're made out to be. tell me it is very complicated and i understand where both the c.e.o. and his company a coming from i just found it very interesting to read the disease plans to become
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climate neutral at some stage how's it going to achieve something like that when it back such projects. well simmons says it's already halfway to its goal of climate neutrality actually the original goal was 2030 it says it can achieve it by 2025 and here's the key ben it's not going to count emissions from its projects or from its clients at least it considers the emissions from the adani coal mine which are significant as we heard that report those emissions belong to the client and not to siemens it also points of course to its growing renewables business and that is some. thing the shareholders also support they say look the future is indeed going to have to be a lot more climate friendly and siemens should lead the way there but really that's not something a lot of protesters here want to hear this is really 2 crosscurrents meeting here those who say the urgency is such that action must happen now must drop some of these projects and that a lot of shareholders that you talk to frankly say that may be true but you don't just do that all the sudden we have
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a responsibility not only to the environment but to our employees and to our investors and those the 2 crosscurrents that are really meeting here and i think you're going to see that flash point more and more across germany as it tries to reckon with its industrial might on the one hand and its environmental concerns on the other state and they say thank you very much for the update for climate change is threatening to destroy one of the world's hubs for chile production the southern province of sindh in pakistan is home to the country's biggest chili bazaar in the town of canary a heat wave and very little rain so production by 40 percent last year. you don't have to look far to find the withered leaves of dying chilli plants in. scorching temperatures killed of many of the peppers before workers could harvest them from the vines. ballard used 125000 tons of red chili crops in 2018 last year we were down 70 to 80000
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tons unfortunately. yield is at its lowest in 4 decades but chiles are crucial not only to me but also to pakistan in general chile's make up 1.5 percent of the country's g.d.p. for many workers here there is no backup plan if the chile business can't provide. a lot of men on has been working here since my childhood i work as a laborer in the red chile market it's the only work i know any in that field of knowledge but damaging heat waves could become an ever more regular feature of the weather year pakistan has risen to the 5th most vulnerable nation to climate change globally says the country's metrological department. or what is going to be allowed any this means is going from bad to worse in 2019 we experienced an extensive monsoon rains worldwide. one in 2018 there was
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dying slowly dying the combustion engine. only served for more than a 100 years. now and dismay. but much will follow. question on somalia for the german auto industry. made in germany. including song d w. actually christmas just shows the numbers but red shows. the. law. the smart way to get where you're going.
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global auto and mobility show every week w. . i'm not laughing at. because sometimes i am but most are laughing with me but i have been thinking deep into the german culture of. new jersey we think it is grandma day on the east coast it's all about who they know i'm rachel join me to meet the gem of the funky double holes in southern napalm 250 blind people are bound to see again lassie is one of them who put them up to an improvised clinic is being set up in the tunnel complex plane and to the next day mum can you see plane you see anything coming down a reporter on the move with him in police on the mall just off to rue it seeing the light starts temporary any on t w. load
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plane . this is the w.'s life for no love lost double trouble there's no verse his 3rd state of the union address before a deeply partisan and polarized congress the us president refuses a hand shake from a democratic leader nancy pelosi before defending his record in the white house speaker pelosi makes clear what she thinks of his.
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