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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2020 11:30am-11:46am CET

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the sunshine songs like that don't go away they stay with us for all time. to see freedom. starts feb 7th t.w. . the coronavirus global tesla adi does and many other companies are feeling the impact of the virus and not just in china as contagious disease is affecting business in many other parts. as german chancellor visits south africa can german companies help drag the country's slowing economy out of the cold. and electric autonomy a small village near the german coast goes fully electric and makes all the power
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it needs in the local wind power. this is your business as in berlin welcome the coronavirus has paralyzed china's economy many international companies are suffering too german spalls which has temporarily closed a considerable number of shops yota supply lines are badly affected to a barely a global household brand name that doesn't rely on chinese production facilities the latest to feel the impact tesla. the new test to in shanghai but right now it's making nothing the production lines here are expected to start rolling again on february 10th. they extended holidays across china have delayed deliveries of the more $23.00 and sent the share price plummeting by more than 17 percent votes right in chinese factories are also at a standstill and production here not shed due to start until next week. but no
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other german firms are as closely linked to china as carmakers under-supply us companies are taking each day as it comes given the ever increasing spread of the coronavirus german mechanical engineering is also closely intertwined with china the foreign manufacturers. operate 3 plants here all of which are currently closed at the behest of the government in beijing foxconn the chinese computer manufacturer for apple is also affected here to what should start on monday at the in shanghai there are very few companies where production is busy but this is one factory that's been working overtime they produce breathing masks and protective suits the rest of the city however isn't very lively know that the year is that the any tippity will spread farther afield. correspond to delay me from frankfurt chelsea how months damage is this virus of doing it can
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only. it's going to have a severe economic impact especially in this 1st quarter most economists had been expecting the chinese economy to grow about 6 percent in the 1st quarter they're now expecting something closer to 4 percent a lot of people right now and do expect that this the spread of this virus will peak in the next couple of weeks and then factories will really start to ramp up again and that could really moderate the impact there at the full year so hopefully by the end of the year the chinese economy will be growing at a rate of about 5.5 percent so the delay in frankfurt thank you. german chancellor angela merkel joined by a dozen business leaders kicks off a 3 day tour of southern africa today in an effort to deepen business ties machall will hold talks with south african presidents or roma poso he is under pressure to deliver an economic down turn around following almost
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a decade of slow growth foreign investment is seen as key to the. w.'s aber increased reports on one of the 600 german firms who are open for business in south africa. that legal mossad is in her element and they say operators making this small piece of metal it's an essential part for the k. is b. firm's best seller a pound for irrigation systems. for saudi started here 4 years ago and was happy to have found work after finishing a training at a technical college putting you see. going from 1910 and in contouring and i don't knows 19 eventually i came to kids. they gave me a job. pays b. is growing the company employs $450.00 workers in south africa and produces various problems and fell for us last year it's turnover was $1000000000.00 runs around
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$60000000.00 euros a record in case these 60 years history in south africa yes we are doing very well and this is done using that we are doing so well but i think we have a very engaged team as well we have a very bright product range which can help us to fit in a lot of markets and we have a very good export business we are supporting with our products so. it's a quality comes in africa south africa remains germany's most important trading partner on the continent 2 thirds of all german investments and the while businesses still going well for many german companies overall the south african economy is in a serious crisis the population is growing faster than the economy and the unemployment rates currently stands at almost 30 percent. across the country day laborers gather in front of building supply stores looking for work like many eric
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moralize frustrated he hasn't had any luck for a week and now he doesn't know how he's going to support his 3 children with a business this big. set of what's in. pity about this country like to make. empty promises for youth. and be doing this for a long time and it is about 250 think about it the government doesn't give us what unity when president cyril ramaphosa took office 2 years ago he promised change to take a corruption in the government and within his own party which has ruled the country for 26 years he also said he'd get the economy into shape but so far there's been little improvement any state owned companies are close to call ups. manufacturer a k s b hasn't come away unscathed the company has had to buy expensive generators because of frequent power outages that legal mossad he and the team say they're still
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optimistic but the south african government obviously needs to invest in infrastructure. we're now joined from frankfurt by jeremy gans he's a business consultant for african countries germany how do african companies see this german engagement in africa i think they welcome it but what they're looking for really co-investors not so they don't want to just be buyers of german products they wish to see german companies come in and partner with them in the key areas of the future of the african continent power generation and mobility and the german government is doing a lot to help at the moment as symbolized by chancellor merkel's visit but german in africa is still very very small compared with other countries and african companies are looking for germany tough it's ok. in the past if we look at the
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relationship between africa and germany the economic recession the focus was very much on development aid did that actually help the economy. development aid always helps the economy if it strengthens infrastructure strengthens human resources and german development aid is focused on that there's a shift now moving with programs like developed p.p. to encouraging smaller companies to invest in africa and invest in sectors that would traditionally part of development aid be it water treatment be it off grid systems and i think they're building on what development aid originally did i think the days of development aid coming to an end and that will focus purely on major infrastructure major health projects education projects whereas the private sector with government support will be looking to engage in the other sectors of economic development what are the biggest stumbling blocks you're seeing at the moment in
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trade relations between south africa or even southern africa and germany i mean there's the old contentious is the ease of doing business and of corruption but i think the greatest issue at the moment is a lack of knowledge on both sides as to what both sides can offer. i think many african companies don't know their german potential counterparts there's a lot of room for much making and there's a lot of room for upping the cultural understanding jeremy gaines thank you very much for this insight. to a german me now in this small northern village of sprocket bill both the country's highest density of electric cars and its producing most of the energy in a local wind farm the success of the electric vehicles a little cautious model in that village seems to contradict the notion that caution
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and electric mobility only was in big cities. and i deal with little village in the far north of germany should cockapoo near the danish border is bucolic but far from a sleepy place when it comes to new mobility concepts. we probably have the highest density of electric cars of anywhere in germany more than 20 electric cars for $250.00 residents that's quite special with all those in fact that's an e-card to people ratio that's 25 times higher than in the rest of germany there are 2 reasons for this 1st they don't need much charging infrastructure here no one lives in high rises and people all charge the cars up at their front doors reason number 2 is the nearby citizen owned wind farm for 2 decades the park abou the residents not the utility companies have profited from the wind power generated here in fact there is usually so much wind that the community can't feed all the electricity they produce
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into the grid so instead they use it to power their cars the wind farm revenues help finance the leasing of the cars the bills the cars have gained added acceptance here thanks to car sharing anyone can rent the drops mobile for 2 years 50 an hour that's helped overcome prejudice against electra mobility drives us scepters already and i was very skeptical i thought it couldn't work but it works very well and people like it i use it pretty often myself looking for a few friends at the scepter i was a bit reluctant to start with because i'm not a fan of electric cars but that's changed now this one can get up to a good pace i've been caught speeding. you underestimate how fast it's going. many families have given up their 2nd car and older people take advantage of the system they can call low tar york who administer is it on a voluntary basis if they have trouble booking a car on line karl he should listen the mayor can't understand why electra mobility
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doesn't work all over germany the way it does here it's been a moment i have to say that at the moment i'm very disappointed in the government it's far too hesitant to give a lot more needs to be done also in terms of limiting c o 2 emissions as the target is 2050 i think it could go a lot faster if they really dared to tackle the issue. had to be doing it on support and daring sometimes pays out in politics mayor nissen has been regularly reelected for the past 25 years. a massive oil business stage 2 now hossam culture .
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secrets lie behind. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. w world heritage 360 get the map now. to use crime fighters a car back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on. prevention and sustainable production. all of the
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sos are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters to mindanao. hello and welcome to arts and culture a new exhibition of legendary photographer peter limburg opens and does a little also coming up. lots of controversy about roman polanski's latest film under spike that also nominations for film awards. latest exhibition and zurich highlights the fragility of all planets but there's always hope for the future through. we
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begin though with an exhibition and just pulled off of pisa limburg photography which he himself put together just before his death last september. was one of the most influential photographic of his generation working almost exclusively in black and white he's perhaps best known of a.z. models like campbell and cindy crawford to supermodel status but as the exhibition shows he was so much more than just a fashion photographer. untold story was painted in its family and retrospective of his work he spent 10 years lacking on that gem in photography his friends and colleagues came to descend off to celebrate his legacy it's the 1st exhibition of curated himself and tragically.


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