tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle February 11, 2020 2:15am-3:01am CET
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oh. i thought it would be awesome to get the award. and we actually won it. in the lead so i'm wondering if i am in heaven. i think i was born to receive the oscars award. a dream already achieved at the age of 10 the sky for all this cost incurred is now the limits. and the documentary is coming up next you're watching the news. it's all happening going to fit. your link to news from africa the world your link to exceptional stories and discussions in one word comes to debut suffocating program tonight from funny jimmy it's easy to know why i would say deputed much africa joined us on facebook j
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w africa. we were in hanover at the dome a tick's trade fair which features state of the york flooring concepts the exhibitors at the proof of 1000000000 offer top quality products and claim that they meet strict environmental standards. one stand belongs to the bows of each company the wood for bows of each his products comes from the primeval forests of the amazon region. the company assures consumers who are concerned about the environment that they can buy its products with confidence. thank. those of which has earned a seal of approval from the forest stewardship council or if a see a nonprofit organization that promotes responsible management of the world's forests. but can logging in rain forests ever really be environmentally sustainable
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. frank mole is a german government expert on the sourcing and purchasing. of tropical timber. mimesis the most inflated eyes of all when german consumers buy tropical wood products that are certified by the f a c they are making a contribution to the preservation of the rain forests and by supporting sound timber management policies mr sufficient of the set us up close yes. but can buying products that have the f.s.e. seal it really stop the excessive exploitation of primeval forest. the bows of each company harvest wood in the forests of peru to make flooring
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products. this is the author wrong go forest a pristine paradise in the amazon basin. we want to find out where bows of itch and f.o.c. certified company harvest timber for its wood floors are priced and this local manager says the f.s.e. has imposed strict guidelines on harvesting. in an area the size of a football field only one tree may be removed in 20 years. this process is called selective cutting. this is the tree they're going to cut down today. they're both the tree over there back there the one in the middle the white one. just about. 20 meters high. maybe in big. bold looming and it's about 60 years old and has been producing seeds for 50 years
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and for trunk is particularly straightforward so we get a lot of orders of. selective cutting is considered a sustainable procedure the f.s.e. has given its seal of approval to the bows of each company for several years now. thank. those of each believes it's taking a responsible approach and the german government claims that the f. a c. is helping to preserve the rain forest fire. but is that really true to find out more we travel to vancouver canada for an f. a c. conference. the organization's motto is forests for all for ever.
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be if the sea has invited 1st nations peoples who live in the rain forests of southwestern british columbia to perform as conserving forests is also about the estimated 100000000 people worldwide who call these areas home. workers from all sorts of conflicts kim carstensen is director general of the f.s.a. . and i'm so thrilled to be here with you. it's a conferences like this one that the future of the world's forests is largely determined the f.s.e. has members in 85 countries. those who live in the forests members of the w w f and greenpeace and industry representatives all share responsibility for preserving our forests but while some want to protect nature others here want to cut down trees and f.s.e. promotional video there is a tree. before easter where the tree grows. and the
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warming who cares for land. there is the man who listens to the parents to make sure a difference to sales because. we ask him carstensen what his organization stands for. f. a c. is about responsible forest management that means that this is a forest management that ensures that the forces that now but there would also be the next year and the year after and for the next generation so if a tree is very much about maintaining forest carbon maintaining forest quality and to make sure that the forest is that also for the next generations. to ensure this forest management policies are regularly reviewed f.s.e. conferences 3 groups are allowed to vote. for us dwellers. environmentalists and the timber industry green. as usual in politics much of the
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policy work is done out in the lobby. indigenous forest inhabitants fight to preserve their habitat environmentalists aim to save primeval forest and industry wants to cut down as many trees as it can well keeping the f.s.e. seal of approval. image matters to multinational companies and f s c approval helps them look good. when it comes to forest certification f.o.c. is the most rigorous and accepted system on the market right now. so. in theory all 3 groups have equal voting rights. but greenpeace international a founding member of the f.s.e. claims that environmentalists are being pushed around by the timber industry. and as we'll see later during this film shoot greenpeace took drastic action. at
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a conference in vancouver the f.s.e. claimed that under its leadership the world's forests are in good hands what is the german government say about that. there couldn't be consumers alone should not have to bear all the responsibility for preserving the forests it's good for us we have to make sure that the companies that make wood and wood base products don't source wood from primeval forest in a non sustainable way that could destroy these and they will vote with up on the snow high to go to school and foster trust and. we've come to london to meet one of the sharpest critics of the f.s.e. simon council was a co-founder of the organization but soon quit over policy disputes. he believes that the f.s.e. gives the timber companies too much power the timber industry itself was brought in as one of the key stakeholders of this body and and part of the decision making process which we felt was strongly felt was flawed because the whole system was to be there to inspect and in
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a sense regulate the tender industry so it shouldn't really have been involved. council says the timber industry influence prevents the f.s.e. from making truly independent analyses we want to find out whether that's true. we return to timber land license or concession to the bows of each company in peru . how do they make sure that f.n.c. guidelines are followed. it does that for you would offer a proof of origin. we use these markings to keep track of. this one from block 4. 933. number 20. these markings are on every tree that ends up in the sawmill. wood from f.s.e. approved selective cutting is marked in red the f.s.e. calls this controlled wood. lumber from other suppliers that don't have the f. a c.
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seal is marked in blue. in theory the red and blue stacks should stay separated as they are here but sometimes they get mixed together by mistake. control board is one of the big controversies inside it for some it's always been a big controversy the good news i think is that we have to strengthen the control board standard and i think everybody agrees now that there is a level of control. but what exactly does level of control mean. we travel to the peruvian capital lima to meet an expert on the country's timber industry. works for the environmental investigation agency or an advocacy group she's just finished a report that indicates that many timber companies falsified documents on the origins of trees as shown by government investigations. well there in this report i
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don't see these are there or at least before they show the largest numbers of illegal. that's also because they're the largest it for years right so that's that's not a surprise but the growth here is that the consistently keep showing large numbers of you know. and then from there now 401000 pieces of the used that where some folks here at least 62 are you know documented by official i mean by the government when it by people from a kid i think the problem and that's what we do. because we think we want to think that we're doing something and so i actually feel very frustrated a lot. being able to believe or do the rufford's not in my country. the wood from the peruvian forests is transported to the river ports of call kulpa . the tree trunks are tied together there are hundreds and
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probably thousands of logs here waiting to be shipped to lima for processing. a local boat captain has some disturbing news. i think. all these logs have been cut down illegally. everyone around here knows that. but is known as the hub of the illegal timber trade in peru is from here that illegally sourced logs gets shipped to timber companies. and the e.i.a. says many will go to both of its. local insiders tell us where in the forest illegal logging is currently taking place. we planned to fly over those areas to capture aerial footage. we had toward the 1st location. after about an hour we see
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a recently logged area it's been clear cut. a blue tint stands in the corner of the bald patch in the middle of the jungle. a little while later we spot something that looks like a transport dock. tree trunks line the water's edge they were probably brought here from the forest. it doesn't seem as if the f.e.c. has managed to stop illegal logging here in peru. regarding both of it which we are aware of the. reports we are aware of on phones for both the us will throw to look into some of these cases to our knowledge none of that material were sufficient short of fried rice received to our knowledge there may be a some issues with it but it's not officially certified therefore we're still interested in the company because if the company is involved in the going to choose one way or the other then that's of course an issue for us. back in lima we've come
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to blows of bitches love processing complex this is where the wood is prepared for export. company's c.e.o. drug shows us prime lumber that's 100 percent efficiency certified. although he also says logs do come in from none f.s.e. suppliers. so that means you never had problems with your legal. problems we see a problem getting to where we just tried yet and for me to keep. having to traverse. it. where it has to be certified. comes out it's also. got to be able to prove it right no one wants to see from this you know that
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charity anywhere. so the f.s.e. checks on the origin of the word but seems to ignore the fact that both of each has traded in timber that may have forged origin documents. so how credible is the f s c seal of approval we asked simon council in london so one would think if you're buying a product with an f.s.a. label that would be a quite simple message to the the wood inside this product. from an acceptable source that has been actually inspected by the audit is and guaranteed to be from an acceptable source f.s.e. 100 percent in which the label product contains only f s e certified timber is actually just a very small part of the picture and the others are from what i call euphemistically controlled wood and controlled wood is that which
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hasn't actually been controlled so instead of order it is on behalf of f.s.a. going into the forest to inspect the logging operations it's basically done from a desk somewhere else in born or in london ok so we have some examples of f. a c. said if i products here let's have a look at these labels. this paper. they 1st see paper from responsible sources but importantly you see this word mix on here this particular product itself may have no fs the certified material in it so in that sense this label is misleading to the consumer in living is believe that it is from responsible sources it may not be at all. so you can hear this product f.s.e. mix toilet paper. interesting here a box of matches. the mix again some of the are some of these are
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1st the certified from acceptable sources and some of them not impossible to know from the fs the label yeah so what does the f.a. sees director general have to say about the organization certification system there's no other system that works better than the system of certification there's no other system that is able to get together stakeholders and from an organization and social groups trade unions and the companies who are managing the forest to agree what do we mean by responsible forest management what are the standards that we want to set for how we define this no other system does that we in addition have quality control as we have ordered set happen of the companies such as for. and if the sea certification team is meeting at this hotel in boston part of their work today will involve checking to see whether timber companies active in the world's great forests are complying with the organisation's guidelines. we want to find out
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how the certification process works and file requests to accompany 10 different verifications. but the f.s.e. turns down our requests so we continue with our research. in the congo basin forest european timber companies have permits that allow them to cut down trees in given areas with f s c certification. in the capital brazzaville we're meeting a man who's been approving those permits for years. we've agreed to protect his identity. and we're not going to specifically name the companies that he's going to talk about. i want to withdraw the certificate from a certain company but when i met with the boss of that company he got so angry i left the hotel immediately that night i feared for my life when i told my boss about the meeting he also got angry and said i was no longer to inspect that forest
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concession the timber companies pay money to keep their certification which records are independent in theory but not really. because in practice we go to a site do a check and afterward nothing changes the companies go back to cutting down many more trees than they're allowed to. in such a situation he's been slow to see and says really just. i think we've seen a situation where it's absolutely possible to take action related to the certified operations from the complication one example would be that we disassociate it from interim across 4 years ago and then now back in again because they improve their performance and all of that and this is sort of in the past but we could disassociate and it didn't create problems of that nature at all. we've come to the northern jungles of the republic of congo to meet some of the local residents. they
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belong to a group of semi-nomadic hunter gatherers called the bug. in this area or cell and some of her friends grow manioc another crops from which they are in a living the congo based company a subsidiary of the swiss company interpol co has purchased a permit to cut down trees here. the backup people say it is making their lives difficult because companies security guards have imposed strict controls on the amount of crops they can grow within each of those concession. the forest concession covers an area of about 11000 square kilometers massive logs get transported out by trucks the company says it takes a selective approach to cutting down the trees. the post says this selective cutting complies with f. a c. guidelines. and the f a c. says the logging roads don't harm the local environment. matthew hansen
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is a geographer at the university of maryland in the us he uses nasa satellite maps to keep track of how logging affects various regions around the world. well zoom in to. the republic of congo and all of a sudden you do see the logging road so we've seen these before. and so we can zoom into a sort of f.s.e. certified concession as evil concession the logging roads are beautifully maintained. gorgeous you can see the the extractions of the trees themselves off the side of the logging road so this is very. very clear that we're getting actually logging signal in parts of these concessions not everywhere the different colors represent the different years of the cut so this was early in the 2000 this is a couple years ago this was 2016 it is amazing because you're bringing this human
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footprint and when we're there we see the forest elephants you see the chimpanzees in the gorillas it's like you've opened up this. primeval forest and all of a sudden you can drive you know a 100 kilometers an hour straight down here to where nobody took you a few weeks to walk i think that there's a cascade of effects here that are changing what was a natural forest eco system with and with low population levels of subsistence farmers and fisher people. and so now you have something pretty irreversible. developed the people tell us they're not even allowed to hunt anymore because the company has to protect the animals so it won't lose its f.s.e. label. denies these claims. the bug i used to kill monkeys in gazelles for food but now they say they often don't have enough to eat. today there
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again preparing a meal from crushed because of the leaves. no word that this woman is upset about the situation she says people can't hunt and there are no jobs. there aren't any schools for the children and their prospects for the future are blue. she says the timber companies should leave the area. the bulk of people say if or won't let them earn a living we asked the company about this and it denied the accusations. the f.s.e. continues to defend the logging practices of the 2 largest timber companies now operating in congo if the interpol co subsidiary and c.i. b. . i have been through both see through into oracle i've seen the way that interchange peoples are given separate school credit because they're not going to be part of the ordinary schools by the other into the other
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groups of the population so i've seen all of these things and i certainly know that indigenous peoples on being respected and that they are given access to modern facilities that they never ever had before. this is part of the land covered by cods permit near pokhara in northern congo. there do seem to be modern facilities here but these are mainly benefiting c.r.b. employees and less so the bulk of people who live in the huge forest concession where this buck a woman carries her child as she walks through the streets asking for money as others in her situation she seems in the period the bucha have lived in harmony with nature for several 1000 years and now their lives have been disrupted by timber companies that have been approved by the f.s.e. and the forests to see what they might become we travel to brazil where large tracts of ancient forest have been replaced by eucalyptus plantations. these
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students are studying whether such monocultures meet the criteria for sustainable forest management. there professor clemens lesseps k. teaches political ecology at the university of ministry rice. this plantation was one of the 1st monocultures in brazil to receive the f. a c. seal of approval. he says that eucalyptus crops are popular because they're inexpensive to maintain and can be harvested in just 10 years he says with the help. but the monoculture crops also dry out the soil and don't provide a habitat for wildlife. so how did this plantation qualify for f.s.e. approval. because when concepcion this sort of land use was once classified as non-sustainable by environmentalists we even said it's extremely harmful. pretty much the only thing worse than this type of monoculture would be to pave over the
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whole land. we asked matthew hansen to describe the spread of monocultures in brazil. so we zoom in to the area around you know up all this in the coast of this eco system that's called the boche atlantica you can see dramatic expansion when we see these blues these are new plantations and when we see the pinks those are all the plantations that were cleared and regroup and f.s.e. certified monocultures i mean it's a contradiction in terms right if it literally was founded to combat an old record monoculture is no monocultures are certified this is this is a. it's a logical fallacy doesn't make sense. so but that i don't agree with that i do agree that you got you have to have your. your pole paper timber land uses somewhere because we all use these products and and. i don't think it's
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a hard argument to make that they that at this this time in our history they shouldn't be replacing natural force. this is atlantic forest on the east coast of brazil the level of biodiversity here used to be even higher than that of the amazon region today more than 90 percent of the atlantic rainforest has been destroyed. only the precious hillsides remain largely untouched. just a small proportion of this rain forest is actually under protection and even here illegal logging goes on. the pulp mill varicella was convicted of illegal deforestation in 2008 today it has f.s.e. certification. but in the village of parities a local residents have been arguing with varicella about its land use policy. the land used to belong to the catholic church which then gave it to the people.
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but then there are cells started replacing the villagers being crops with eucalyptus plants. here you can see the new crops growing right behind their residence houses. the eucalyptus plants suck up a lot of water leaving little for local people's crops. there are so has made a lot of these people angry they gather to tell us of their experience. this man shows us some of various cells promotional materials which claim that the company pays close attention to the rights of the rural population. but that doesn't appear to be the case here. more more local not awful lot of people have priorities or see that varicella has driven them off their land. and their frustration is apparent i think but is that ever from one level of the movie that over the years some residents claimed that the local police even showed up and
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force them to leave their homes. i mean i think you know where they came over at about 8 in the evening the police have close ties to bars so they didn't have a court order to fictionalise my wife and our one year old child were asleep at the time. i you know you got to know these were kroto they used machetes to hack our home to pieces the children you had a lot to eat 1st we were just talk to get out we were made to flee as if we were criminals that. the group has now gone to court to try to get their land back until there's a conviction varicella will keep it safe to see seal. land rights in brazil is a very very complicated issue there's a court case ongoing as long as the corkage ongoing and various other sort of legally holding the land there's no problem with their certificate obviously once the court case has been decided and it depending on what the outcome will be then
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of course we expect rowsell to follow the outcome of the caucus. professor struggles with this decision by the f.s.e. . he says this case says varicella occupying local farmers land in part of the self . a says i but it's just incredible that the people here have to fight for land and food against a company that makes toilet paper for europe. it's i just can't get my head around that no matter how big picture i think this makes me really sad. perhaps parties 0 is an exception we drive through the large plantation toward the coast where another village has been affected by various cells land use policy. professor leisure scheme has heard there is a dispute in that indigenous reserve to. as foreigners we have written
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permission to enter the reserve. when we arrive the residents are headed for a meeting to talk about varicella. we wait outside until the meeting has finished. and the tribal leaders then greet us they say there are so has taken their land and is now using it to grow eucalyptus plants. he tries to find out what sort of agreement the villagers worked out with carousel lord according to f.s.e. guidelines companies have to negotiate with local residents before they take action and i've know some b. and no did that happen here. you know you know few days you will and there was a hearing but one of the chiefs got up and said that the cell was doing everything right. he's from an area with tourism and the company paid him to say that if you
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get up on the phone you know. that's a serious accusation and we wanted to talk to varicella about it. the company's certification experts 1st promised us an interview but then cancelled it. here very cell is refusing to grant our additional request for a meeting. according to the f.s.a. reports this dispute has been settled but indigenous groups say they feel very cell has stolen their land. since you through they feel that the eucalyptus plantation is wiping them out it was difficult for me to hear them say that. one of the tribal leaders said that the company is ruining the local environment and wiping them out or colored just rip the old commercial. eucalyptus crops have almost completely replaced the rainforest in this region. this has changed the face of the landscape . paper products made from trees that were cut down here we'll have the f.s.e.
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seal for sustainable forest management. has created jobs here. flourish and you have to calculate how many jobs have been created perfect or. and then weigh that against the number of people who've been deprived of their livelihood and in this case the numbers are way out of balance. if we create about 2000 jobs over hundreds of thousands of hectares and at the same time 50000 families lose their farmland and that's just not right for you to leave school and blog about a situation follows verified if a company that has been checked every single you should think are certified in 2008 we have had several investigations into the claims that that came from difference they called us and the certification as far as we can see is still completely valid and there's enough good things to say. so the f.s.e. is satisfied but what about the complaints from the villagers. have been involved
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in a number of the formal complaints against questionable certificates some of the 1st c. system none of those have succeeded in fact i'm not aware that any single complaint through the efforts the system has ever worked. this drone has just taken off at a large primeval forest on the white sea in european russia. greenpeace employees villain the butt cheek and thomas henningsen want to shoot some video of clear cut logging in the devinsky forest the last remaining section of intact forest landscape here then the forest is home to plants and animals facing the threat of extinction with we're. this forest is an ecological treasure trove with a wide variety of sensitive species. in this sub arctic climate the trees grow very slowly that's why the trunks are so thin. there are
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many rare mosses lichens and insects in this ancient native forest. but here too a lot of trees have been cut down by companies that have the f a c c a little provable. you know what's not to say on the episode he was a good idea at 1st you're in russia but now it's causing a lot of damage just timber companies are hiding behind the up as the c.e.o. because there are no ecologically sustainable operations here and companies that know that are logging even more including in the primary will forest with the f.s.e. seal teams even if. the timber companies are allowed to clear up to $35.00 hectares in one go. do you feel when you see such as that you actually have got 10 years after you did you ever see how it actually grows back how you actually have forest again this is
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not bad how this area actually maybe not with exactly the same values but actually grows back into forest that is managed and found you have all for people and for nature. the cardstock that area was clear cut just 5 or 6 years ago and it's going to take centuries before it looks like a real forest again. f.s.e. certify the areas in russia taken together are larger than denmark. the trees are also being cut down to supply western consumers. the plight of. these spruce logs look there but the rings tell us that there are 60 to 70 years old. they're too small or used for wood products so they turn these logs into poultry for paper or peter goelz or most of it is used to make disposable products like toilet paper or tissues or packaging. for the population to see the forest that one studio is being
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turned into paper products and then tossed away poppier into tears or for cost with some good professional. tree. the story. of one simple action can have a profound impact look for products with the f.s.e. logo and help protect the health of our forests for all forever. our f.s.e. certified forests really in good shape this team of scientists is trying to find out. like these the research group is led by a german biologist and conservationist p.r. if you wish. right on. the scientists have determined that the environmental damage
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is not confined to the loss of trees. heavy logging equipment is also compacting the soil here. that means that water can no longer drain away making it very difficult for new trees to grow. this is the 1st scientific study to assess the impact of f.s.e. certified logging since the organization was founded in 1993. that's the researchers start by measuring trees in a non-certified area they also determine the age of the trees if a forest has a lot of old trees it's considered healthy. the team also measures the temperature on extremely hot or cold days a healthy forest will moderate the temperature beneath its tree canopy a damage forest cannot this data will then be compared with the results from f.s.e. certified areas to determine how much the organization helps forests. the f.s.e. says it's waiting for the results. we're very interested in the results of
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a study professor and we have invited him to come here and present that to us because we would like to learn as we always want to learn from from british. this is the university of our school where professor evolution is presenting the preliminary results of his team's research the study was commissioned by the w w f a founding member of the f.s.e. . a.b. says that f.s.e. guidelines don't have much impact on how the forest is used. this issues is the change in the station. or the forest you use to have these just all of us over the last. us a few the presentation unsettles the timber industry representatives present. after aebischer gave his talk one of the logging companies withdrew its permission for us
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to film on their land. some managers fear the study could damage the russian timber industry we asked matthew hansen for his opinion. proof we go over to the ark and guess region you can see very clearly the clear cuts and we have seen the landscape. the idea that. sustainable logging is represented through large scale clear cuts is difficult to understand and it's that perversion that really bothers me both as a citizen and as a scientist where. if there is a program to do sustainable logging but in fact the facts of the ground say it's actually in opposition to sustainability. it's it's has worst effects than being forthright to begin with so if you're for transparent people know what they're buying and they sign up for that but if you're lying to the
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misleading them and they think that they're doing this a stable thing with your product and in fact they're not this is of course a worse worst case i think it's true that the consuming public has been betrayed by the f a c b we've been led to believe that these labels enable us to purchase these timber products with a clear conscience but actually we now know that these products can contain wood from sustainable sources from tropical rain forest from indigenous people's lands even from forest you operations that are completely illegal. when the f.m.c. was created in 1903 the conservationists goal was to stop clear cutting and save the primeval forest that gold is not being reached. which is why in march 28th seen greenpeace announced it would not renew its membership in the sea. because it also missed sea we left because the
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f.s.e. unfortunately does not ensure that primeval forest are protected from logging. that we did for this is just. to move. towards farms if you're proposing a boycott against any chamber from the against any timber from the congo basin i think you're at the same time telling these countries that their forests should have no value or that they should have any benefit from the forest i think that's completely the wrong way. so the plantations will continue to expand and over the past 25 years the f.c.c. has failed to stop timber companies from destroying large tracts of forest land around the world. the impact of all that logging has been dramatic. i think that we're now probably at the stage where we have to revert back to that idea the regulation by governments is what we need of on feed we consume far too
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many disposable paper and wood products we have to reduce recycle and reuse and this is beautiful. it seems we need legislation to save the primeval forests they cannot be protected with a simple seal. kickoffs . devastating said. limited slip to an old against known believe can. point 0 in little teams pulling it out slowly given by a limitless enjoyed
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is for. beethoven is for. over is for. beethoven 2020 for 250th anniversary here on do you. mean. this is news and these are our top stories germany's governing christian democrats are in disarray after their party leader and now she will step down and. was a protege of angela merkel and was widely expected to run for chancellor in the next election. the turkish military says it has killed more than $100.00
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