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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  February 12, 2020 12:30pm-1:00pm CET

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as we take on the world. we are all about the stories of that matter to you and really what ever is. running. d.w. mean for mines. back in my childhood my dad would take pictures of the family holiday for example carefully choosing and framing the scene and taking no more than one picture of any given situation and then we had to wait for a couple weeks to get the finished prints back from the lab today we snap pics of anything and everything we can put ourselves in the for granted seconds later the
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world can see it on instagram or facebook the selfie has become the predominant motif on instagram culture for the let's self marketing seems to have taken over at least the generation of the under forty's it's all about me me me these days personal branding that's our topic today here on late today especially for young people it seems to be about follow up count the more people you reach the better your brand and celebrities are leading the way footballer cristiana ronaldo for example is the world leader 200000000 people follow his triumphs and travails on instagram 2nd place ariana grande day with 174000000 followers and on the 3rd blind a very rock johnson with 168000000 you and i are probably way below that but don't despair there's hope even for people like you and me. influenced therefore i am. you can earn pretty good money as an influencer.
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although an influencer i'm a leader somewhat on real existence. was what was it sometimes i can't believe i've got this far in mind i have a big ego. it can be tough work being an influencer updating the world on your every blink of an eye as of us must move this month what does bother me sometimes is having to share details about my private life i was on that but it's part of my job. i'm the kind of person who prefers not to have everyone knowing everything about family gatherings and things like that. not everyone needs to know about them . but if i don't post anything they say everything ok lou no where have you been. and that kind of bugs me but it's part of the business and i have to live with it. a new day is dawning in berlin ideal lighting conditions for. his
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photos of reflected scenes have earned him more than 700000 followers on instagram . sure sometimes i feel like i'm successful my days are cooler than many other people's. but when i get up it's usually still dark and i already have to think about where to go to feed my instagram account. like most successful influencers 18 year old luna farina has a manager to take care of commercial deals advertisers are also big fans of influencers someone like the italian german singer can give them direct access to half a 1000000 potential customers. influencing starts to be lucrative when you reach 6 figures in terms of followers. if you took on every partner you could see 6 figure earnings every month but you have to make sure the partners fit your
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image so. influencing it's also paid off for photographer thomas. although he's reluctant to say just how well his most important client is many of the small car makers his fame and followers are a prime vehicle for promoting new models but. there's a lot of pressure to say i feel uninspired and tired of everything i can't stand the sight of berlin. to be honest that happens a lot after so many years living and photographing here. but i still go and take the same picture for the 20th time in a slightly different light to get something new out of it so the pressure really comes from me. born and bred in berlin she turned hobby photography into a profession
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a decade ago. luna from reno wants to make it as a pop star with a record label music videos with high production values are a key promotional tool but hits can also attract hackers last year her you tube channel was hijacked by mutual hackers crack a you tube channel their immediate aim is to deny access to the administrators of the sequence with then they are able to do what they want to post their own videos and links to partner companies and that means the more web site visits they can't the more money they earn so they are exploiting the influencers reach that this influence is also.
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looking to the future thank you to security you get to work with more people in the same musical zone as yourself and that's a lot different. i think that would be great. now. but even influencers are aware that it will be a never ending gravy train. for you the fans and for the show. i had a lot of worries about making a living at the beginning of my career going which wasn't all that long ago but at the moment the question is always at the back of your mind like what if i go 3 or 4 months that finding a client sooner or later you'll face the problem of paying your rent or your bills and i know that you have to. and to manage things like that really took a long time for me to learn that it was a long report with you could get out of work for 30 years. from now they're both
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living the dream and can't imagine a future without their social media channels. it looks almost as if these influencers are replacing traditional advertising platforms nowadays anyone can create their own brand on the internet in fact they themselves become the trademark when did the idea of making something or someone into a brand actually start well here's a brief look at the history of branding but watch out it's not for the squeamish. there was a time when marks were burned into the skin of slaves criminals and prostitutes ancient romans marked a runaway slaves with f g v for food b t.v. in france convicts on galleys were marked with g.a.o.l. and prostitutes look at flirty lead. nowadays there's personal branding
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people do it to themselves it is small and terry and physically painless it is a business strategy a way to market yourself and he marketplace for that is the internet social media channels such as facebook twitter linked in instagram and you to hear anybody can try to do it you don't need a fancy education but it might take some skill to protect strong opinions captivating ideas a commanding presence and to network with relevant counterparts coming across as authentic is set to help. as a brand one can try to influence trends offer insights or sell things. tom peters a writer on business management coined the term personal branding in 1997 brand you has become a slogan and it appears to be trending. last year brian k.g. made $26000000.00 on you tube to become the platform's top earner he's about 8
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years old what he does in his videos is review toys. steve jobs not only helped make apple a brand to die for some say he also perfected his own personal brand though he never said as much himself an original thinker a media star and a storyteller with the trademark look jeans sneakers the turtleneck. just said marketing is really important in the new digital economy but it can be stressful the competition online is fierce. but you don't have to be an influencer to benefit from a bit of social marketing even if you're working in a regular job you can play a part in your organization success online and maybe collect a few brownie points with the boss and that's not the only way you can boost your
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career our reporter checked in with a personal branding expert for some advice. oh how do i turn myself into a brand will they could set you can tell me. about what you brought a photographer along with and yes it will go on all the social media channels what could be better than great photos showing in action is a brand consultant consulting with people so. i found all they could say here through an internet search she's one of lots of people who offer personal branding services she certainly succeeded in creating her own distinctive brand. from i'd like a website like yours what do i have to do with it over among the thumbs and who are what's your name why do you think you need to create a personal brand and what do you want to achieve and i think any ideas on. why do i have to know that. because i'm building
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a good brand starts with self reflection. and that means taking the time to think hard about yourself the thing you have 30 years of work experience if you start thinking about this in the workshop i think we'll need at least 2 days of minutes in spite i could cite that cost let's get down to brass tacks. i would sign a few $200.00 euros an hour plus tax and that time 16 hours that's what i charge that i got $3200.00 for a personal branding workshop plus tax and how exactly does a lot of money it's a lot of money. and that's just the beginning after that you have to maintain your website. has branded people in many walks of life protect therapists veterinarians. so i could hire you to help turn me into a brand. and victim when i develop a personal brand i do this
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a team with my client it doesn't just happen abracadabra it's like journalism of me have to dig a bit deeper or more. do for me what should my site say. what would visitors to your site get out of it who is your target audience how often should you blog when you develop the content and the magic word is authenticity. i have to look deep inside myself and find out what i really want. like to finish my sentence now i'm scared of. you have to have content before you can share it. in my case that's my experience as a journalist now i want to train others. says i should start on the professional networking platform linked in or not have it takes a long time to set up yes that's how i earn my money. and i even have my 1st connection on linked in only cats and she created
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a post about our interview on her page that networking works. well here is someone who's turned himself into a well kind of a brat my colleague. in today's episode the barefooted warrior for self-improvement takes a closer look at the self love that goes along with self. be. on the wall who's the fairest stuff them all. experience so i'm so special so desirable i just love myself even me. it's been the best the best of all. so hands on with me i'm not myself mind it's a great. yes
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such mandalas photos i'm so photogenic to have to post them everywhere now of course. if what i assume is social media star saumur social media beauty speed. limits everybody has to see this i will post it everywhere that. i don't get it why isn't anyone calling me someone like me should be getting calls all the time. do you want an honest answer but if you insist you are on better bleach self centered on narcissist noni and isolated.
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if you happen to meet a narcissist run away fast they are incapable of love. about a shit i'm still the 1st of the malls. now you may not. you ready for the beautiful world of the influence of social media heroes and self marketers because self love is not enough you have to be good looking well groomed clever and quirky just an all round stuff and that's a problem because most of us don't have that built in star appeal but don't to spend a little bit of self-improvement goes a long way the whole industry as sprung up around it our reports are multiple of our common has tried out some of what's on offer for self optimization. too much to do too little time that's just everyday life for most of us but apparently
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it doesn't have to be that. stress. and in less time be more productive. really just a question of using the right apps and life facts to find out my life to the max for one week. welcome to the 5 i am club exclusive circle of high achievers who are up before 6 in the morning. how do they do this. see some politicians swear by the power of a morning. while the rest of the world the still asleep they make time to focus on themselves they may read exercise one. drink a glass of lemon water and take 20 grateful breaths. but
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to be very honest at this time of day no matter what i do just feels wrong. all week. this is. anything. but there must be something out there that can help me productivity exercise classes audio books and books. programs the self-improvement industry keeps coming up with ideas on the best way to optimize. the u.s. alone it generates $10000000000.00 a year. predicted growing. discover the key idea from the world's best nonfiction books no time to read a book with a blink you can supposedly finish one in just 15 minutes well of course not the entire book but at least the condensed version of the most important passages text
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ordeal. within a week i have read 6 books all of them self-help titles which i probably wouldn't have picked up otherwise. love books i love reading and i thought this was just another way to destroy that experience and it's not something different it's a quick way to take in information it gives you a chance to get a glimpse of new ideas and if you like them you can still buy the book and. one of the books was about what's called the pommel doro technique it's simple if you focus on a specific task for 25 minutes know what sept no emails no social media and then. you get to take a 5 minute break. it works it keeps me focused it kind of puts that way i think the most important thing right now is focusing on this. but what works
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well the home doesn't necessarily work in the office some distractions you can filter out yourself and others you just have to deal with. so am i on track to reach productivity haven't how can i optimize myself even more i've decided to someone who should know beilin based productivity coach on one last . say we have a car and we want the car to be faster how we're going to do that we're going to change the wheels probably not because the 1st thing we're going to do he's upgrade the engine and it's the same with wanting to be more productive it's not about using an app or that hack about perhaps doing more sports or sleeping better at the core of it's about training the mind to enter deeper states of awareness. and. yes there's also an app for that headspace you meditate because it's helping
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the goal is to be more balanced more focused more productive it already has more than $30000000.00 uses. i think headspace brings those tools to a wider range of people but i think it's only the 1st step. if their mind get distracted with bringing back so was this the most productive week of my life well i got up at 530 every day read 6 books was more focused and meditated in the even ngs but tomorrow i'm definitely going to sleep in body gently well while mulder is still sleeping traditional branding continues apace the makers of products can't just rely on word of mouth recommendations by influencers no matter how influential they may be they still strive to find something that will
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make their product unique and immediately recognizable and one property that can do that is a very simple one color companies actually protect colors associated with their brands with a trademark and infringements can trigger lawsuits there's a lot of money at stake. navy of blue is the face of the brand. it has stood for its values since 1925 trust closeness and care this kind of mental association a certain color a particular product is of real importance to the manufacturer marketing expert on seizures says the value of a brand has everything to do with the positive attitude of consumers. but as regards navia you couldn't put a number and what it's worth you could say it's billions or millions the point is that a brand is a social phenomenon with commercial economic implications and not the other way around. the. viewer is
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a social phenomenon as is the association with a certain shade of blue and white lettering that. that's what we call an asset brand equity though it's hard to quantify how annoyed that market does in many almost of the mist. at the navia flagship store in hamburg you can acquire not only skin and hair care products but unrelated things as well. what they all have in common is that they're all the brand shade of blue and just the great thing about such brands is that they didn't simply emerge out of nothing all thanks to advertisement advertising and marketing can provide support but the key thing was the strategic decision to stick with glue. no sticking to its colors may have paid off for navia but other enterprises have chosen change to achieve telecom for example for many years it was part of the past which sports yellow alexandra
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engelhard does brand management for docherty because it was spun off when the state monopoly was privatized in 1996 the telecoms company then switched to magenta. telecom made a point of distinguishing itself from deutsche post and its characteristic yellow. aim to find a color that works for it in its own right. the company's ads feature lots of magenta the hue is now central to the brand around the world it has registered trademarks for the color with respect to certain product groups in many countries if a competitor tries to use magenta till it comes lawyers go after it. that's placed we have to defend our right to the color if we hear of any firm using it in a product for which we have registered our trademarks we tell it to stop. if it
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doesn't comply it will be a matter for the courts. and as a. competitor mobil com for example dared to use the color and lost when telecom sued trademark holders taken fraction seriously when he lifted the fifa manages to establish an association with a certain color in the mind of the public it has to do whatever it can to defend it so right to it that's what branding is about it has to do so even if the media to write it as pathetic or laughable. defending a brand isn't always very pleasant but it certainly makes sense. stories especially interest. company colors are an asset worth protecting. the more firm expands into other countries the more likely it is to encounter others with the same or similar livery like spain's banco santander there which moscow the eagle battle in germany against carson savings banks involving their hue
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of red but back to new via the company behind the brand buyers stores carried out a decade long dispute with uni lever over its blue. among the legal issues was whether a color alone can be a trademark or only in association with a logo or a name in late 2019 the german federal patent court decided in buyer stores favor the blue remains under trademark protection but the navia brand is about wellbeing so it probably doesn't want customers whether at its flagship store or around the world to be thinking about legal conflicts when they see the blue at the heart of the matter. and that's it for this edition off made in germany that's plenty more on our website and of course on social media.
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environmentally conscious living. with maximum comfort. from tanzania is helping make it possible he started with sustainable ideas in his own home. kitchen alkies inspiring others to innovate his invention school eco for. 30 minutes on d. w. .
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look closely. to see carefully. don't know who sued seem to be a good. match. to discover the i'm. going to. subscribe to documentary on you tube. where the real talent resides. i come from there lots of people in fact more than a 1000000000 it is it was not just democracy that's one reason i'm passionate about people and aspirations and they can send. such
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a mission to put this fried chicken bone in hock in the form of the funny one and i remember thinking at the time if the berlin broken for what anything can happen if people come together and unite for a cool. when i do the news i often confronted dickered situations for conflict between does the stuff i see to sponsor my job to confront floyd speeches on policies and development to put the spotlight on issues that matter most. to security the precious national night. a notch has been achieved so much more needs to be john and i feel people have to be at the hoc solutions my name is on the top and i work at a job. this
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is news coming to you live from bundy in china moves from quarantine to crackdown. you are not even scared of death you think i'm afraid of the communist party. because from china indicate that critics who shed a new interest images of the crew are now biased response to being forcibly.


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